The two of them were in a mess.

On the screen, Zenitsu opened the door and saw a little girl crying softly.

"Eh? Did you fight? Are you okay?"

Just as Zenitsu was at a loss to coax the crying little girl, the atmosphere around him suddenly became depressing.

A beautiful girl with full makeup suddenly appeared behind Zenitsu.

"What are you doing in someone else's room?"

The beauty asked coldly.

She suddenly appeared behind Zenitsu, so that Zenitsu didn't notice it at all.

Logically speaking, this is impossible.

After all, although Zenitsu looks like an ordinary girl now, that is just his disguise. His real identity is a member of the Demon Slayer Corps.

He should be much stronger than these ordinary people.

But this geisha appeared behind him, and he didn't hear any sound.

It was really weird.

Zenitsu's heart turned cold, and his face became tense.

He also trembled unconsciously.

"Is the voice behind me a ghost? It doesn't seem to be human.

I only noticed her when she was about to speak. Is this really possible?

Her voice is so scary, and it's even scarier when it's too quiet."

Thinking of this, Zenitsu had a more outrageous guess in his heart.

"Is she a ghost of the upper string?"


Seeing this scene, all the audience's pupils dilated.

"Just now I was saying that Zenitsu didn't encounter a ghost, but I didn't expect that he encountered an upper-rank ghost first."

"If the ghost Zenitsu encountered here is an upper-rank ghost, then what did Ichijou encounter before?"

"Could there be two upper-rank ghosts?"

"What virtue does a small Yukuo Street have?"

"Save your life, Zenitsu, they have poked the ghost's lair."

"Zenitsu's luck is really unmatched."

"But this ghost is really good-looking, but too fierce."

"Really? Sir, you can even praise a ghost as good-looking."


"Hey, are you deaf?"

The ghost who suddenly appeared said coldly, her voice was cold and without a trace of emotion, as if Zenitsu in front of her was already a dead person.

"Warp... Warp Princess Oiran... She just came a few days ago and doesn't know the rules..."

The two little girls following behind the Digger Oiran bravely spoke for Zenitsu.

But even if they were bold, they still trembled involuntarily, revealing a sense of fear.

Obviously, this Jueji was here and often bullied others.

Even if you didn't know her identity as a ghost, it was still very scary.

"I'm sorry, I came in without permission because the room was messy and she was crying..."

Zenitsu knew that this level of ghost was not something he could deal with at the moment.

He immediately pretended that he didn't realize that Jueji in front of him was a ghost.

But Jueji didn't intend to let him go.

"You are so ugly, you might as well die. And what's the matter with your hair color? Do you want to attract attention?"

Warp Princess said dissatisfiedly.

"The room is indeed a mess. Did I tell you to clean it up?"

Jueji took two steps.

Grabbed the crying girl's ear and pulled her ear up.

Soon the girl's ear was torn and bleeding because of the excessive force.

"Shut up, why are you screaming?"

Hearing the girl's cry of pain, Jueji scolded angrily.

At this moment, Zenitsu finally couldn't help it and pinched Jueji's wrist, which was pulling someone's ear.

"Please... let go of your hand!"

Zenitsu said.

Although he knew that his current mission was to hide and not attract Jueji's attention.

But she couldn't stand seeing a little girl get hurt in front of her.

So she pinched Jueji's wrist directly.


Teyvat Continent.

Everyone couldn't help but sweat for Zenitsu.

"Zenitsu, a real man!"

"Although he usually looks sloppy, I didn't expect that he was still very reliable at this time."

"It's amazing, Zenitsu is really responsible! Thinking about it this way, he is not unworthy of Nezuko."

"No! I think no one can match Nezuko! No matter who comes!"



In the extraordinary chat group.

Wendy couldn't help but tag Ye Yan.

[Wendy]: Brother-in-law, do you think I can do this? @叶衍

Who would have thought that Ye Yan would blast out the other two people before he even said anything.


What are you talking about! Do you know that Nezuko is my previous life!

[Prince]: You! Are! Not! Right! For! Nezuko!

[Wendy]: @Ying, I just like Nezuko, no, don't worry.

[Wendy]: @Prince, I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious yet. If you don't agree, believe it or not, I will expose your plan directly? Besides, I call Ye Yan my brother-in-law, why are you anxious?

[Ying]: Humph, if you are like your previous life Zenitsu, then maybe there is a possibility.

In this life, don't even think about it!


"Traveler, that Wendy is too hateful! Or the God of Wind! Not as reliable as Ye Yan at all!"

Paimon said angrily.

Yingmei had a cold face, and was obviously very angry now.

But it was not because of Wendy's words.

It was because of that prince.

Okay, okay, you are pretending to be ignorant when you know the truth, right?

Have a plan? Even Wendy knows the plan, but you don't tell me?

What do you think of me?

Ying said angrily:

"If you have the guts, you will never come out again!"

Then, just close the group chat.

Never read any message in the group again.


Fontaine, Momang Palace.

Funina looked at the messages in the group.

I couldn't see Ye Yan's reply at all.

"Strange... Why doesn't Ye Yan like to talk in the group at all?"

Funina really wanted to see Ye Yan say something in the group.

After all, sometimes, just seeing Ye Yan's message can make people happy.

"Then Violet, you don't have to communicate with Mond anymore. Ye Yan is no longer in Mond."

Funina said.

"Ms. Funina... How did you come to this conclusion?"

That Violet looked at Funina, quite puzzled.

Funina said confidently:

"Didn't you see that even the wind god Wendy had to send a message in the group to contact Ye Yan? This means that he must not be in Mond now."

"...Strict logical reasoning."

Navilet nodded.

Obviously, it was an angle he had never thought of.

But he was shocked.

But what he didn't tell Funina was.

After he sent a request for relevant communication to the Mond official, the Mond official has not responded.

But it was only two days ago, and Navilet was not in a hurry, so he didn't tell Funina.

Now Funina has changed her mind, which is just what he wants.

Although Funina is the water god, Navilet should not worry about her.

But he really didn't dare to let Funina out of his sight.

Alas, this is all the worry of the old father.

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