When the soul of King Ruotu entered the puppet, the puppet had independent consciousness.

Under the gaze of Fang Xun and Zhongli, the puppet slowly stood up.

At this moment, King Ruotu was trying to adapt to his new body.

Although he has become a puppet now,

Fortunately, the puppet is made very delicately.

Whether it is the facial features or limbs, there is no difference from normal people.

Just like the puppet made by General Lei Dian,

The only difference between the two is that King Ruotu's body has a unique soul and independent consciousness.

For a moment, King Ruotu looked at his hands with an incredible expression.

Earlier, he felt that his consciousness was gradually blurred, and his body was becoming lighter and lighter.

Then a strong and irresistible sleepiness swept over.

King Ruotu knew that it was a sign of his departure from the world.

He accepted death very calmly.

However, this feeling of rising into the air did not last long. King Rhodo felt his body sinking rapidly.

Then, he suddenly woke up.

When King Rhodo opened his eyes again, he found himself turned into a puppet.

It was... quite incredible.

He did not expect that he could be resurrected again.

Does the continent of Teyvat really have such technology?

King Rhodo was not sure. After all, he had been sleeping for a thousand years.

A thousand years could turn a boy into an immortal, turn the sea into mulberry fields, and change so many things.

Maybe there really is technology beyond his imagination.

Retracting his thoughts, King Rhodo looked up at Fang Xun with gratitude.

He knew in his heart that it was Fang Xun who gave him a second life.

At the same time, King Rhodo noticed that all his power had disappeared.

He lost the unparalleled power of the Dragon King, the indestructible armor, and the dragon's might that lived as long as the mountains and seas.

Now he is just an ordinary Liyue person.

After a brief moment of surprise, King Ruota happily accepted his new identity.

It's good to be an ordinary person.

He has worked hard for thousands of years, and it's time to return to an ordinary life.

It would be even better if Morax could retire.

At that time, the two of them could drink tea and walk the birds leisurely, and go to the teahouse to listen to storytellers.

It's a good way of life.

I don't know what Morax's intention is.

I'll find a chance to see what Morax's attitude is in the future.

Retire if you can.

Today's Liyue is no longer the Liyue of the past.

Even gods should not need to keep an eye on the country they guard all the time, right?

Isn't it nice to retire and fish?

Zhongli, who was standing aside, looked at the lively King Ruota, and his golden eyes were a little turbulent.

I didn't expect that the puppet brought by Fang Xun was so magical.

It can collect the soul of King Ruota and get a new life in this way.

In this way, this stranger named Fang Xun seems even more mysterious.

Even the Rock King felt unfathomable when facing Fang Xun.

Of course, in addition to being surprised, Zhongli was more happy in his heart.

Because he had witnessed old friends leaving one after another and never coming back.

He really had very few friends left.

Now that the Dragon King Ruo Tuo had returned, it meant that he would no longer have to go through the wear and tear of losing his old friends.

At least, with old friends around, it would be easier to fight the wear and tear.

Zhongli looked at the puppet in front of him, and then slowly said: "Ruotu, how do you feel?"

Ruotu Dragon King raised his head and chuckled: "Don't worry, Morax,"

"I'm in good condition now. If there is really a problem, it may be that I'm very hungry now. It would be better if I could eat something."

"After all, the last time I ate was a thousand years ago."

Ruotu Dragon King also joked,

In theory, puppets don't need to eat to maintain a normal life,

But Ruotu Dragon King always feels that life is missing a lot of fun without eating,

After all, even Morax, as a god, also pursues food.

Fang Xun heard it and couldn't help but sigh that he is worthy of being a fat man,

Even if he was reborn, the first thing he did was to eat.

In response, Fang Xun smiled and said: "There are many more delicious dishes in Liyue now. Mr. Zhongli and I can take you to taste them together."

The Dragon King Ruota hummed and caught a message.

"Is Morax's name in the human world Zhongli? Then I should also give myself a human name."

"Zhongli, does it mean to leave eventually?"

"Then I will be called Zhongju. Even if I leave, we will meet again one day."

The Dragon King Ruota looked up at Zhongli and said with a smile:"Morax, what do you think of my name being Zhong Ju?"

Zhongli said calmly: "It's okay, it's up to you."

Then it's settled."

Looking at the reunion of the brothers, Fang Xun couldn't help but smile.

He was sincerely happy for Zhongli.

In the original plot, the Dragon King of Ruota bid farewell to Morax and fell into a deep sleep again.

Morax silently endured the wear and tear alone, feeling indescribably lonely.

When doing Zhongli's task at that time, Fang Xun was really upset.

But now it's good, and it can be regarded as making up for Zhongli's regret.

Of course, in addition to Morax and the Dragon King of Ruota,

Fang Xun also felt regretful,

Morax and Guizhong.

In the background story, Guizhong is a quirky, naughty and cute demon god.

She is interested in Morax and repeatedly shows her love for him.

I don't know if Morax's heart is as dull as a rock and she didn't notice it for a long time.

Or, Morax had no intention of falling in love at all.

He never responded to Guizhong's implication.

This also made Guizhong angry, and he often said that Morax was a wooden man who didn't understand girls' minds.

Although he was angry, Guizhong still loved Zhongli.


Guizhong specially gave Zhongli a weapon called "Lock of the World",

and claimed that the lock contained all of Guizhong's wisdom, and asked Zhongli to try to unlock it.

The little girl's mind was always so direct, trying every means to attract Zhongli's attention.


Zhongli hadn't unlocked the "Lock of the World", and Guizhong had already fallen,

The battle with the demon god took her life.

Many players felt sorry for Guizhong, and regretted that she couldn't get together with Zhongli,

and more players were curious about what was in the "Lock of the World".

Fang Xun was also very curious.

He noticed that the Earthly Chain in his backpack was resonating greatly with the wild glass lily.

The Earthly Chain flashed with dazzling light and made a crisp sound.

Fang Xun tried to put the two together.

He saw that the wild glass lily was suspended above the Earthly Chain without any external force.

The pure white petals quickly peeled off and entered the Earthly Chain.

After a moment, the pattern of the Earthly Chain was vaguely added with the pattern of the glass lily.

But even so, the Earthly Chain was still not unlocked.

After turning with a click, it stopped.

Only one step, only the last step to unlock the wisdom left by Guizhong,

But what is that last step?

At this time, Fang Xun noticed that the Earthly Chain was resonating with Zhongli.

No, to be precise, it was resonating with the Earthly Chain on Zhongli!

Fang Xun immediately realized that the earthly lock in his hand was one with the earthly lock in Zhongli's!

The wear and tear of time can wear away everything, including the earthly lock,

and the lock that Fang Xun caught may be a part of the wear and tear of time.

Fang Xun immediately took out the earthly lock from his backpack and walked towards Zhongli.

When Zhongli saw the earthly lock in Fang Xun's hand, he was obviously stunned for a moment, a little surprised,

because he had the same earthly lock that Gui Zhong gave him.

Zhongli didn't understand why Fang Xun had the same earthly lock,

he didn't ask,

because the earthly lock in Fang Xun's hand turned into light and injected into his lock.

The three people present saw that the earthly lock quickly lit up, as if it had life,

then, they heard a click,

the earthly lock was unlocked.

Then, a female voice came from the lock.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that even this lock designed by Master Guizhong couldn't defeat you,"

"I underestimated you, Morax."

"I admit now that you are better than me, but it won't change the fact that you are a piece of wood!"

This female voice is playful and cute.

It is a message from Chenshen Guizhong.

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