Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

147: Telliga Theatrical Version! A Whitewash!

[Charlotte: It’s not that exaggerated, but after seeing this, Akira’s behavior can be explained! 】

[Decia: Yes, with such a teacher who can study science and can go to the battlefield, Akito's performance in the elite victory team makes people feel very reasonable for a moment! 】

In the screen, facing Sakuma Tieshin's praise, Captain Tokioka said: "It's too much praise. Being able to defeat the monster is not my personal credit, but the result of everyone's joint efforts!"

Everyone smiled.

Yumei was smiling, but his eyes swept over the blooming Raleye next to him, and his expression suddenly became melancholy...

Alliance for Peace on Earth.

President Jingjian Guangguo turned around and looked at everyone in the Elite Victory Team: "Only a very few people know about this matter. Recently, the ruins of super-ancient civilizations around the world have been invaded frequently for unknown reasons!... .....

On the big screen at the TPU base, multiple pictures of cloaked men entering super-ancient ruins appeared.

Akira was anxious: "Captain Tokioka, do you know about this?"

"Well, I'm sorry for keeping this secret from you!" Captain Tokioka looked at the president of the Kwangtung Kingdom again: "So, who are the intruders?"

A voice suddenly said: "Next, I will be responsible for explaining!"

Everyone turned around and saw Seiya Tatsumi, wearing a black uniform, walking in with two soldiers: "Long time no see, everyone! You worked very hard too!"

Zuoma Tiexin came up to him immediately: "Captain... No, Tatsumi, you are dressed like this."

Shizuma Mitsukuni stepped forward: "I asked Tatsumi to be responsible for directing the investigation of the intruder..."

[Funina: Ah! The captain has indeed been promoted! 】

[Diluc: Compared to the job of captain of the elite victory team fighting monsters all day long, this investigation job is safer, right? 】

[Prometheus: It is also possible that the captain is just a temporary recruiter. After all, Captain Tokioka is only the acting captain now. 】

[Xinadia: As soon as Akira heard the news about the invasion of the super ancient ruins, he was so anxious. Sure enough, Akira is the one who is most worried about Kenwu...]

[Paimon: Speaking of which, who are those cloaked men? Are they really super-ancient humans who live tens of millions of years in the future?]

[Mockingbird: I don’t know, but it does look like super ancient humans. I remember, You Shalei was wearing a cloak, but it was white...]

[Aiyi: The cloak doesn’t mean anything, does it? 】

[Vilvi: Don’t worry, as long as you read the previous text, you can guess that Ultraman Zeta will come to help this time, and Jian Wu who is trapped in the ruins will be unstoppable! 】

Tatsumi Makoto, who was responsible for investigating the incident, also began to describe the results of the investigation: "We caught an intruder in a certain ruins, and the other party called himself Laila!"

Yu Ming looked confused: "Laila?"

Tatsumi Cheng also nodded and played the scene of the interrogation of Laila.

Facing the interrogation, the other party claimed: "It's the light calling me!"

As soon as he heard the word "light", Akira suddenly lost his composure: "Light? Is it Telika? Is it Sword Satoru?"

Shizama Mitsukuni stepped forward: "I'm afraid yes, they worship the super-ancient civilization and plan to use this power to transform this world into their own ideal hometown!"

The president of Guangguo said that because of Jianwu, the eternal core has been very stable, so monsters have rarely appeared in the past two years.

However, in the past few months, monsters have begun to appear frequently...

[Xianyun: When you hear the name of this Laila organization, don’t you immediately think of shit? 】

[Gan Yu: As soon as he heard the word light, Zhang Ren immediately thought of Jian Wu! 】

[Kiraragi: It turns out that the number of monsters has decreased in the past two years because of Kengo. No wonder Yumei and Akira's fighting skills still haven't made any progress...]

[Zhongli: Without Ultraman, humans would have been defeated by the monsters long ago if they faced the densely appearing monsters with the equipment and weapons of the Elite Victory Team...

[Miko Yae: Luck doesn’t last forever~]

Tatsumi Makoto also took out a device: "During that time, we captured some kind of signal, which is very similar to the signal sent by the monster guidance device we dug out from the ruins!"

For this reason, the president of Guangguo and others agreed that it was Laila and her group who were deliberately attracting monsters!

Shizama Mitsukuni said that in order to rescue Kengo, they used the system developed by Tokioka to monitor the eternal core at all times!

Looking at the picture of the Eternal Core on the monitoring screen on the wall, Captain Tokioka said: "No abnormalities have been found so far!"

Akito said: "At present, the core has stabilized, and Kenwu will probably be back soon!"

Shizama Mitsukuni said to everyone: "Everyone must remain highly vigilant!"

Everyone saluted: "Roger that!"

[Keli: It seems that Jian Wu is really coming back! 】

[Gan Yu: Yes, two years have passed, and the eternal core has stabilized. It’s time to come back! 】

[Keqing: Why do these cloaked men attract monsters? 】

[Padofilis: I always feel like there is some conspiracy. If these people really believed in light and Jianwu, they wouldn’t attract monsters.

[Kiana: Is it to take advantage of Kengo's power? So he deliberately attracts monsters to destroy the city and create a sense of urgency, so humans have to rescue Ultraman! 】

[Amber: No matter what, this is a good thing. Jianwu has been trapped in the eternal core after all...]

After returning to the Nastis, looking at R'lyeh in full bloom, Yumi sighed: "The core has been stabilized, why haven't you come back yet?"

Akito: "Kengo, this guy, maybe he overslept! Yumei, how are you doing lately?"

Jie Ming raised his hand and looked at the ring on his finger: "I feel that Yu Shalei's memory has become more and more blurry recently..."

Akira guessed that it was probably because she had to complete her duties as a shrine maiden: "Kengo and Yumei, you will probably be able to return to normal life soon!"

After saying the name, he closed his eyes.

She used the power of the miko to communicate with Kenwu, but suddenly she found herself in the room, and in front of her was Kenwu struggling in pain.

Jie Ming was in a daze and subconsciously shouted: "Jian Wu!"

After coming back to his senses, Jie Ming realized that everything just now seemed to be an illusion.

At this moment, the alarm sounded on the Nastis.

Akira quickly checked the monitoring data about the eternal core on the screen: "What happened to this value?"

The scene changes.

Tatsumi Makoto also led a cloaked man escorted by soldiers towards the Nastis.

It turns out that Laila's group claims to be the descendants of a super-ancient civilization, and they have foreseen this kind of thing long ago, and "Che has a way to deal with it..."

However, these people's methods are not free.


The president of Jingjian Guangguo said to his daughter: "Ji Ming, they said they want to see Yousalei!"

[Nilu: These people really have a conspiracy! 】

[Esta: Definitely. If there was really any way to help Youshalei, why would they ask for it directly? Unless they already knew that Yousalei was here!]

[Candice: If you can really foresee the future, it wouldn’t be surprising if you could predict Yushalei’s location...

[Fa Lushan: But, in that case, wouldn’t it be better if they just came up and said they wanted to see Yousha Lei? How could they put forward this condition as a threat? 】

[Elhaysen: That makes sense. How could the super-ancient people who follow the light use the safety of the Giant of Light to threaten Yousale’s meeting? 】

Everyone was complaining, and in the picture, Tatsumi Makoto had also brought the cloaked man to the Nastis.

When the man in the cloak saw Yui's name, he slowly stepped forward, took off his cloak, took off the strange-looking mask, and knelt down: "Yousha Lei!"

Yu Ming was surprised: "I'm not Yusha Lei!"

However, the man did not discuss with Yu Ming whether she was Yusha Lei or not.

The man Leila said that the light is gradually dissipating: "If we don't care about it anymore, it will be assimilated to the eternal core, and we will lose it forever!"

Ji Ming was surprised: "Jian Wu will disappear?"

Laila said: "There is only one way to save our light, and that is to use an artifact!"

Akira guessed: "Is it an ultra-ancient divine light stick?"

Earlier when Jianwu traveled to 30 million years ago, Youshalei once told Jianwu that the ultra-ancient divine light rod was a divine weapon.

However, except in the super ancient period, when Jianwu used this artifact, until later generations, this artifact did not show any special effects.

It was based on this artifact that Akira developed the Divine Light Rod.

Laila said that this artifact can gather the light of the stars, amplify itself, and transmit the gathered light to the inner core of eternity. In this way, it can give power to Ultraman Trigga!

As a researcher who has studied the ultra-ancient divine light rod, Akito said: "That divine light rod cannot have that function!"

"You need to pass our ritual before you can activate the artifact!" Laila's voice suddenly rose, and then she stood up again and looked at Yu Ming: "If you don't hurry up, the light will return forever..."

Captain Tokioka stepped forward: "The ceremony will be held at the altar of the ruins, right?"

Akira thought of the stone slab he saw before: "By the way, there are indeed relevant records on the stone slab. The altar was used to hold some kind of ceremony. The detailed content [I haven't interpreted U* yet..."

Everyone discussed this ritual that focused light on the artifact and then transformed it into power. Zuo Ma Tiexin raised a question, how could there be such strong light?

Tokioka murmured: "The sun...is here, use the Mind, the artificial satellite Mind!"

The Mind satellite is a device used to convert sunlight into energy and send it to the ground.

Now you just need to use the artifact to further increase this energy.

Tokioka proposed that one more condition is needed: "We need to become the miko Yusale and use her power again..."

Yuki is the daughter of Mitsukuni Shizuma. As the only daughter of the president of a consortium with power across the planet, Tokioka is also somewhat cautious.

Ji Ming agreed without hesitation: "I am willing, Jian Wu must be rescued!"

[March 7: Suddenly I feel that Captain Tokioka is also a little suspicious! 】

[Zhongli: Yes, except for the method of using the artifact mentioned by Laila, the energy of the sun behind it, and the power of Yousalei, all kinds of topics were led by Captain Shifeng...

[Paimon: It is indeed a threat, deliberately creating a sense of urgency, saying that if we don’t hurry up, the light will never come back...]

[Wendy: Is this ritual really effective? Why did you never think of it after inheriting the name of Yousha Lei? 】

[Wudao: That’s right. As a super-ancient shrine maiden, doesn’t Yusha Lei speak with more authority than these super-ancient descendants? 】

[General Raiden: If Captain Tokioka is suspicious, the slate Akito studied is also a bit suspicious. After all, as Akira’s teacher, he discovered the divine light rod and other ancient artifacts89...]

[Xiao Gong: I’m not sure yet, let’s see if we can rescue Jianwu...]


Yae Sakura: It may be that Captain Tokioka's sudden appearance aroused everyone's suspicion. However, from the perspective of President Shizuma Kokoku, he is obviously a real heaven.

Talented person...]

[Theresa: Yes, as a scientist, it’s quite reasonable to draw inferences from one instance to associate with so much information!]

Super ancient ruins.

Under the escort of the soldiers led by Chen Micheng, the elite victory team and a group of cloaked men came to the altar.

Captain Tokioka took the super ancient divine light stick, looked at Yumei, nodded, and then walked towards the altar.

The moment Captain Net ascended the altar, a memory emerged in Yu Ming's mind.

Under the dim sunlight, a man in a cloak stepped onto the altar, and other cloaked men around him opened their arms...


With a crisp sound of the mechanism snapping, Captain Tokioka inserted the divine light stick on the altar!

Seeing Yumi's dazed look, Tatsumi Makoto comforted him: "If Team Manaka was here, he would definitely say, smile, smile, right?"

"That's right!" Captain Tokioka came over: "You can definitely do it, just welcome Kengo with a smile!"

He nodded: "Okay!"

[March 7: Maybe everyone is overthinking it, but this is really a qualified acting captain...

[Fischer: Does this memory of getting named imply some message? 】

[Natasha: Right now, it is indeed necessary to rescue Jian Wu. No matter what the descendants of the super ancient people do, saving Jian Wu is right! 】

[Ning Guang: Is he just like the scientist in Tiga, also trying to seize the power of light? 】

In terms of the ruins, preparations have been completed, and preparations on the Nastis have just been completed.

Nanase Hikari smiled and said: "The satellite has been successfully connected, please excuse me, Mind!"

At this moment, the system monitoring the eternal core sounded an alarm!

Malulu discovered that Jianwu's waveform began to become disordered again!

If a situation that has happened before appears again, this is obviously not a good sign!

If he doesn't take action, Jianwu may be in danger.

Captain Tokioka gave the order: "The battle begins!"

The members of the Elite Victory Team responded in unison, walked up to the altar and raised their hands!

The ring emits streams of light, and on the building of the ultra-ancient ruins, streams of light flow, and the main material of the building turns into a door frame.

A door of light appears!

Captain Tokioka and Laila looked at each other. Laila and several cloaked men stepped forward, opened the equipment on their arms, took out the runes and installed them on the stone tablets around the altar.

The runes representing different stars, combined with the patterns on the stone tablet, emit light...

The super ancient artifact on the altar lit up!

With a flash of light, Yumei appeared opposite the eternal core, looking at Jianwu inside the core...

When the satellite was in place, Akira said: "Super light energy, shine!"

The satellite will shine the concentrated solar energy towards the earth, and a red light beam will fall down...


With a crisp sound, the red solar energy hit the altar, colliding and entangled with the energy zone of the stars...

Laila stepped forward and guided all the energy to project it onto Jianwu inside the eternal core!

Yui closed her eyes and prayed......

Malulu looked at the energy data on the screen: "The waveform of the eternal core has also begun to appear chaotic!"

Akira shouted: "Come back, Kenwu!"

On board the Nastis, Ma Tiexin, President Shizama, and others were all staring at the monitor screen, hoping for Kengo's smooth return...

The light of the eternal core grew stronger and stronger, and Yu Ming shouted: "Wake up, Jian Wu! Don't sleep, open your eyes for me, sword love battle!"

Jianwu inside the eternal core opened his eyes: "Ah!"

Dazzling light blooms!

After the energy impact was over, Yu Ming, with messy hair, looked over carefully...

The smoke dissipated, and Jianwu lay on the ground groaning in pain...

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