Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

159: The String Man Is Blaze? Photorejuvenation Is Ready!

[Jia Ming: Even the weapons are temporarily issued. Even Xianren, as the captain of the special mobile group, has never tried to use a new weapon once, so we have to let them go on a mission? 】

[Hutao: Yes, the task is too hasty! 】

[Navia: Although everyone knows that Ultraman can tell the truth, I always feel that the Chief of Staff and others already know that the string person is Ultraman, and they are deliberately testing...]

[Zhongli: This is not impossible. After all, in this world, unlike the Earth where Ultraman Trigga lives, humans in this world are already very experienced in dealing with monsters, and would not let a newly formed department participate in the battle. 】

[Prometheus: However, this is the first mission of the special monster team. It is only an intelligence-related mission, so there should not be too many twists and turns. 】

Just when everyone was complaining, the monster Gaidos also made new moves in the picture!

The deep seabed.

Gaidos is eating. The top of its head has a protrusion like an anglerfish's trapping organ, which can emit light to attract prey from the deep sea.

The ship that Gaidos attacked before has appeared on the bottom of the sea. The monster Gaidos took out containers one by one and poured them into his mouth...

Boom boom!

With a muffled sound, the submarine launched an attack on the monster Gaidos!

Special monster team base.

Huiming held the microphone and his eyes widened: "Sinked? Yes, I understand!......"

After hanging up the phone, Huiming began to report on the current battle situation.

The submarine force suffered heavy losses due to its attack on Gaidos. The headquarters has named the target monster "Gaidos" according to folklore.

At the same time, the headquarters also ordered the maritime forces to use all fire calendars to annihilate the monsters.

Captain Xian Ren subconsciously rubbed his temples again: "It would be great if we could just rely on brute force to solve the problem..."

Obviously, Xian Ren is not optimistic about this action!

Sure enough, not long after, his eyes widened again: "It was sunk again...

The string man who was doing push-ups stood up.

Huiming reported that the maritime troops also suffered heavy losses and even angered the monster. Gaidos was approaching the shore at a speed of 80 knots!

About an hour later, Gai Duosi arrived at the port!

The phone rang again.

Xianren stepped forward: "I'll pick you up! This is the special monster team...

The call came from the chief of staff: "Special enemy team, dispatch!"

Xianren was surprised: "What?"

[March 7: Sure enough, when you think there are no accidents, accidents often happen! 】

[Elhaysen: Earlier, I saw submarines and maritime troops having troubles one after another, so I guessed that the protagonist and his party would also be dispatched. 】

[Paimon: But, this is too exaggerated! 】

[Keqing: Yes, Xianren and his team have just arrived at the command post. Not even the people are here, and the equipment is not fully equipped. How can they be allowed to go on a mission? 】

[Bronya: Unless the chief of staff knew in advance, when the firepower of the large army could not deal with Gaidos, their newly formed special forces [had the ability to eliminate Gaidos... ..

[Vilvi: Sure enough, it’s not a secret that the String Man is Ultraman, right? 】

The chief of staff issued an order on the phone for the special monster team to go to the coast immediately to cooperate with the defensive troops: "Destroy Gados before it enters densely populated areas!"

Xianren doesn’t agree with the chief of staff’s decision!

At present, the army lacks equipment and personnel and has no training, so how can it play any role.

You know, even when assigning tasks before, Xianren only arranged intelligence-related tasks for his team members, because he knew that the battle was nothing to do with their newly formed and not yet fully equipped special monster anti-monster detachment. relation………………

But at this time, the chief of staff asked them to fight monsters?

The chief of staff hung up the phone after issuing an ultimatum: "It is your task to find a way to make a difference!"

Listening to the blind tone, Xianren put down the microphone, sighed, and rubbed his temples...

This order from the chief of staff was really embarrassing for everyone.

[Huang Quan: Sure enough, this is a test for the string captain, right? 】

[Robin: It's possible. After all, anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is impossible for a newly established unit to achieve anything, yet he just issued the order!】

[Gallagher: Moreover, the chief of staff’s attitude was very firm. After talking about the matter, he hung up the phone directly, which shows that in his heart, “Special monsters can do this to the detachment!”

[Gan Yu: This feeling is really not good! 】

[Keharu: I hope Captain Gento will not be caught on the experimental table like Himeya Jun...]

[Theresa: Everyone is too worried. In my opinion, even if the people above know that String Man is Ultraman, they would not dare to push too hard. This is not the world of other Ultraman. Human beings know that Light The giant has a good temper and can be bullied at will...

[Misterin: Yes, only good people are easily bullied, but does Blaze look like a good person? 】

[Xianyun: Rather than looking like a good person, it’s better to say he looks like a savage. 】

[Funina: Yes, with Blaze yelling and jumping around like this in the battle, he really looks like a savage. For such an unknown and huge creature, humans dare to bet that the other side has a good temper. Let them bully you?】

[Nasida: It seems that Xianren’s life will not be in danger for a while...]

Vice-captain Teru Ming, who was next to him, obviously heard the chief of staff’s order: “Captain Xianren…………

"Huimei is at the scene. I rushed over to join them immediately. Huiming, you stay to investigate the characteristics of Gaidos..."

Xianren knew that he could not refuse the outrageous mission assigned by the chief of staff, so he could only sigh and prepare to go!

Huiming nodded: "Got it!"

After bidding farewell to the vice-captain, Xianren changed his equipment and ran to the mobile command vehicle.

Minami Anri heard the footsteps and came forward: "Captain Gento, when I went to buy adjustment materials, I don't know who laid the bulletproof fiber on the car, and the relevant equipment of the command car was also installed... ………”

This is really surprising!

He looked at the interior of the vehicle. Before, it was no different from an ordinary van. At this time, the interior of the vehicle was already filled with various high-tech equipment...

In just a short period of time, the original van turned into a real mobile command vehicle!

The stringer looked at it and said, "Has the vehicle been adjusted?"

Team member Xingli said that school work has been done well...

Now that the vehicle has been prepared, Xianren's worries about receiving an outrageous task in a hurry have faded a lot: "Then, let's put it into use directly!"

Team member Xingli volunteered: "Roger that! Please let me be in charge of driving!"

"Very good, let's go!"

Xianren gave the order and the vehicle sped away...

[Charlotte: There is a conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy!]

[Laila: Yes, in this short period of time, the vehicle was modified without anyone noticing...

[Candice: Anyway, it’s quite outrageous. As a special forces unit, no one noticed that someone had quietly modified a mobile command vehicle...]

[Yae Sakura: Maybe it’s just overthinking, or maybe it was done by new team members who have never met each other? 】

[Youlandel: This is just a guess! The new team members have not shown up yet, and Hikiki is just unknown. 】

[Rosaliya: No matter what the situation is, the ability to quietly modify a vehicle without being discovered by everyone is indeed terrifying...]

sea ​​surface.

The water splashed into the sky, and the monster Gaidos finally left the bottom of the sea, roared, and walked towards the ship docked at the port...


The missile exploded with fireballs on Gaidos' body, but the monster was not hurt at all!


The Huimei team members came to the old man and the two crew members. These three people were the same people who had appeared before and saw Gaidos appear...

All four people looked at the monster, and the old man said: "Gaidos got angry and ran to the land..."

However, Huimei's team member had a different view: "No, it feels like it was attracted!"

At this moment, Huimei's earphones sounded the voice of Xianren: "Emi, I am Xianren, have you collected any information about Gados?"

When she was clearly in front, Huimei suspected that Gaydos was attracted by something.

But at this time, she reported her findings according to the old man's point of view: "I think it was attacked and it became angry and crazy and ran to the land..."

After all, no one can guarantee that Gaidos's arrival on land has nothing to do with his anger after being attacked!

Team member Emi also revealed his new discovery because Gaydos was eating fish cakes from the processing factory!

"You're so greedy!" Xianren was on the moving mobile command vehicle, trying to figure out how to use the new weapon: "I understand, you retreat first and wait for the combination!"

"Got the order!"

Team member Anli, who was driving, saw this scene in the rearview mirror: "Captain Gento, do you know how to use that gun?"

Xianren raised the instruction manual in his hand: "Well! Here is a handwritten instruction manual..."

Xingli was shocked: "Where did it come from..."

[Mebius: Who prepared this instruction manual? It’s so appropriate. It’s all ready...]

[Shigure Kirara: This ability to accomplish everything quietly without being discovered is even more amazing. In terms of technology, ordinary people don’t understand it anyway, so it’s not worth being surprised...]

[Raiden Meiyi: I thought it was arranged by the chief of staff, but now it seems that it may be the new team members who did these things! 】

[Helia: That being said, it is indeed possible. After all, if it is related to the modification of the command vehicle, it may have been arranged by the chief of staff. However, if there is even an instruction manual, it is likely that it was done by one of my own people. ....]

[Kiana: It could also be the manual that comes with the factory!]

[Hanabi: This old man and two young people encountered a monster at sea, and they survived after screaming. They are so lucky...]

[Kafka: Is there a possibility that it was just because they didn’t catch any fish at that time... After all, there was no food, and the monsters were too lazy to answer them! 】

A moment.

The mobile command vehicle of the special monster team finally arrived at the port. Emi greeted it and immediately took over the new weapon from the stringer: "Thank you!"

Xianren got out of the car and first reported the news of his arrival to the combat command post through the communication: "Combat Command Post, I am Xianren, arriving at the scene!!

·………………Please give me flowers.0

"Captain Xianren, this is the combat command post!"

In the combat command post, team member Huiming introduced the monster information he had obtained through the communication headset.

It is reported that Gaidos appeared in the middle of the Edo period. It is also recorded in some biographies that at that time, Gaidos ate all the fish in the offshore waters, ran to the land again, and ate up all the food in the city. .......

Xianren said with emotion: "After he finishes eating, this area will become ruins..."

At this time, missiles kept exploding on Gaidos' head!

Bang bang bang!

The sound of the explosion was like the sound of bunches of fireworks blooming in the sky...

At this time, people from other troops are attacking Gaidos. The special monster team and the group certainly don’t need to use their individual weapons to fight monsters...

Looking at Gaidos who was still eating non-stop, Xianren said: "My belly is so big, and I'm still eating...

"After all, I was constantly being harassed while eating!" Team member Xingli, who was observing the monster with a telescope, complained and suddenly made a new discovery: "Strange, high-temperature gas is erupting from behind Gaidos!"

Huiming replied in the combat command post: "It should be that after landing, in order to ensure the balance of body temperature, the thermal energy in the body is released..."

The answer is gradually becoming clear!

Everyone in the special team speculated that if the heat dissipation parts were attacked, the monster might collapse due to excessive body temperature...


The monster Gaidos bounced a missile and it landed on the sea near the monster team!

Huimei: "It's really dangerous!"

Xianren said calmly: "I'll solve it!"


Anli: "Captain!"

Xianren began to arrange the task: "I will destroy its heat dissipation part, and you will ask other troops to stop attacking..."

Huimei quickly dissuaded her: "How can this be done, Captain Genren? It's too dangerous!"

However, Xianren had already strode forward and started taking action.

Amid the shock caused by the explosion, Huimei was unable to stop her and retreated...

[March 7: Ah? Although Captain Xianren is as reliable as ever, why does he have to take action? 】

[Himeko: Yes, aren't the other combat units launching missiles? Directly inform them to attack the heat dissipation parts...

[Gui Naifen: Is it because the opponent’s attack accuracy is not high? 】

[Alicia: With the force that humans have always shown, how could it be impossible to accurately hit the heat dissipation part on a fighter plane? 】

[Esita: Maybe, it’s just that the string captain is used to the same behavior as before in the special mobile group. If something happens, he goes directly to...]

[Decia: Hey, string people are also warriors, right? When it comes to fighting monsters, there is also a special monster team. Is it because your teammates are attacking, can you just watch? 】

[Wutao: Yes, this is not a heroic act!]

[Yun Jin: However, people in other troops should always be informed of the monster’s weakness before taking action personally...]


The monster Gaidos roared and began to walk in the steel jungle on the seaside. Buildings collapsed because of it...

Mobile command vehicle.

Huimei found the communication device mounted on the vehicle and established contact with the headquarters: "Headquarters, this is the special monster team, please stop attacking! There are our personnel around Gaydos. Repeat, please stop attacking... ………


The tail of Gaidos swept over the containers placed on the beach. At this moment, a bullet hit the monster's back...

Bang bang!

The string man put down his gun: "Very good, one more shot...!"

He was about to get closer and attack again, but turned around and saw a person walking towards the monster!

Xianren hurriedly ran over: "Wait a minute, wait a minute...Uncle, don't make trouble...Wait...Wait...Wait..."

That man is the old captain from before!

The old captain held the harpoon in his hand: "Don't worry about me, I can't let this bastard sink my ship!"

Xian Ren advised: "No, if you just rush over like this, what can you do?"

The old man waved the harpoon in his hand, claiming that he would use this thing to open Gaidos's eyes...

Everyone was shocked, is this okay?

He quickly explained: "But how can it be possible to pierce the monster's skin with this thing!"


Gaidos crashed into a building. Seeing the building collapse, the old man twitched and fainted to the ground!

Xianren hurriedly stepped forward: "Uncle...Uncle...Uncle..."

[Paimon: This old man is very brave!]

[Jackdaw: He was so handsome for only three seconds. He was still saying harsh words, but the next second, he fainted after seeing Gaidos with his own eyes...]

[Padophilis: Earlier, didn’t the old man also see Gaydos destroying the city? Why didn’t he faint at that time, but now he fainted directly...]

[Xiavorei: Maybe monsters are more frightening only when they are at close range, right?]

[Shikanoin Heizo: This is just to protect your own property. Although you have courage, it is not as strong as the courage to protect others. It is normal to faint. force】.

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