Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

165: Reggio: Little Golden Man? Do You Dare To Gesticulate With Me?

[Mebius: Emi's team members are very good at communicating with people, and it is easy to make the atmosphere lively. Finally, everyone started to exercise...]

[Ke Lai: Considering the physical condition of Huimei’s team members, Anli didn’t expect that Huimei would also exercise! 】

[Arataki Ito: In this battle, Taishin was only responsible for the behind-the-scenes work and had no other performance, but it is very exciting... You know, although his physical strength is not good, his memory is excellent, Asgaron He knows everything about it. If he were the driver, he would probably be fine...]

[Ning Guang: Indeed, the memory of Taixin team members is like a superpower. Xi can memorize such a thick operation manual directly! 】

[Wudao: I’m looking forward to the future performance of everyone in the special team...

Just when everyone was complaining, a new picture appeared on the screen!

"We found you! Rugoset, we will definitely stop you!"

Three Ultramen stand side by side, facing a huge monster!

They are Seven 21, Naos, and Eddie.

As the scenes of several Ultraman fighting monsters flashed by, new scenes appeared.

This time, it's on a red planet.

Libut is training.

"Libut, release your latent potential!"

Through the teachings and special training of Ultraman Gray and Ultraman Parvat, Libut gradually gained some understanding!

Libut moved his hands, and energy gradually emerged: "I want to protect my companions and all lives..."

The scene changes.

Eddie looked at the two Ultraman in front of him: "You are..."

Gauss: "Hello, I am Ultraman Gauss..."

Standing next to Gauss is Ultraman Justice.

Ultraman Justice: "Follow the will of Dracion, the justice of the universe, and I will help you!"

Several Ultraman fight monsters!

The screen then came to the research room, where Sora was doing research with Hikari!

Later, Sola handed the research results to Libut: "Libut, using this antibody, we should be able to separate Gordis cells from Max's body!"

Libut took it: "Thank you, Sora!"

When Libut, Gray, and Parvat landed on the surface of the planet, Ultraman Max just happened to fall from the tentacles...

[Keli: Huh? This time it’s a new story! 】

[Kiana: I actually saw so many Ultramans at once, I felt overwhelmed! 】

[Decia: It seems like it’s a story about rescuing Max Ultraman?]

[Fa Lushan: I saw Max struggling in the tentacles in the picture. The other party may be in danger, and Libut is bringing the medicine developed by Sola to save him.

[Bronya: This seems to have something to do with the previous scene of Libut. Is it related to the invasion of the Absolut clan? 】

[Lilia: It seems so. Earlier, I saw Ultraman Zero in special training. At this time, I saw Libut in special training. There should be some connection...

The three Ultramen looked at Max at this time, and everyone knew that something was wrong with the other person!

Although Max had broken free from the tentacles, he had no intention of saying hello to the three Ultramen, and his left arm began to mutate and turned into a tentacle!

As the dark energy filled the air, Ultraman Max roared...

Ultraman Parvat: "Are we late?"

Ultraman Gray believes that Gordis cells have now spread to Max's body...

"It's not too late!" Ultraman Libut tightened the potion in his hand: "I will definitely rescue him!"

This is the research result of Sora and Hikali!

Even though it was a step too late, Libut was still willing to give it a try for the sake of his seniors!

Libut rushed forward!

[Linny: Is this Ultraman Libut after special training? 】

[Keqing: However, I am still a little impulsive! 】

[Kuki Shinobu: Perhaps it was because of his eagerness to save people that he was so impulsive. He even ignored the two teachers who trained him...

[Xiao Gong: The enemy has trapped Max. How could he just let them save Max without any defense power? 】

[Hutao: Yes, this is obviously a trap! 】

[Li Sushang: Although I didn’t see what happened in front of me, I think since Libut and others came to rescue Ultraman Max, they obviously visited the area once before and they might not know it...

[Xilin: That’s right. I have brought all the potions. It shows that I have been here before and may have fought against the enemy! 】

Ultraman Libut's speed was so fast that Ultraman Gray and Parvat couldn't stop him!

The two Ultraman had to catch up: "Wait, Sote!"


The enemy was not unprepared. When the two Ultraman rushed forward, Herberos immediately came forward...


Herberos' horns fired red thunder, hitting Ultraman Parvat directly!

at the same time!

Another enemy jumped out and fought with Wan Leo: "Don't even think about hindering us!"

The visitor is none other than the Slan people who control Herbelos.

On the contrary, Libut took the lead and did not encounter any obstruction from the enemy.

Libut came to Max: "Max, I'm going to take the antibodies now..."


Max waved his hand and pushed him staggering, then hit him with a blow...

Max has been invaded by Gordis!

In a state of rage, he doesn’t recognize his relatives!

However, Libut could only be beaten passively because he had scruples and could not let go of his hands and feet to fight with him!

After all, what he holds in his hand is the medicine to cure Max!

"Libut Shield!"

When the rampaging Max fired a beam of dark energy, Libut opened the shield in time!

He resisted the attack with difficulty: "It's just a Gordis cell, I won't lose!"

[Paimon: I think it should be successful!]

[Mockingbird: How could Ultraman be defeated so easily? Since I have brought the potion here, it should be able to work. Even if it doesn't work, I can still control part of it...]

[Kuki Shinobu: No doubt, it should be possible! After all, if the real thing comes a step later, Max will have completely turned into a monster. Now it’s just the alienation of the left arm [not that serious!]

[Silver Wolf: It seems that Libut’s arrival is not too late! 】

[Himeko: At least you have to believe in Sora and Hikari’s research and development capabilities. How many of their works have failed? 】

[Walter: I hope Max can wake up and solve this crisis quickly...

[Zhongli: If this time is really related to the previous scene, it is probably the story of the invasion of the Absolute clan in the kingdom. 】

[Xie Er: Will the Ultramen be scattered and defeated, or will they gather together to fight the Absolut clan in a decisive battle? 】

The scene changes.

Ultraman Eddie shouted: "Now!"

After hearing this sentence, the other Ultraman also took action.

Five Ultramans emit light at the same time, and the monster Lugoset is destroyed!

Seeing Lugset disappear in the explosion, the Ultramans all breathed a sigh of relief!

Ultraman Eddie thanked the two foreign aids, Ultraman Goss and Ultraman Justice: "Without your help, we would be in danger!"

Justis revealed his discovery: "It's nothing, but the energy we captured probably does not belong to Lugoset..."

Ultraman Gauss also added: "Also, that strange energy has not only appeared in our universe..."

Ultraman Gauss said that this energy was also discovered on the future earth where he and Zero met before!

It turns out that they are Ultras from different time and space!

Eddie pondered: "That energy has been discovered in different dimensions, which means that the person who possesses this energy is..."


At this moment, a voice suddenly interrupted everyone's discussion about this energy!

"Absolute destruction!"

A huge explosive fireball bloomed on the ground, and the five Ultraman screamed and were thrown away by the explosion!

A giant with glittering golden body came over!

Surprisingly, it is none other than the warrior of the Absolute clan, Tartarus!

It was he who used his ultimate move to sneak attack the five Ultramen while they were discussing!

[Keli: The Little Golden Man is so shameless! 】

[Gan Yu: Although he is already very powerful, he secretly attacks Ultraman...]

[Jeppard: It seems that Tartarus here has just appeared, and the other Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light are not prepared. It seems that the scene at this time should have happened before the appearance of the great god Noah. ……………]

[Gui Naifen: That’s right, it seems that the mastermind behind this time is the Abu Surushi family who appeared before! 】

[Decia: A sneak attack is the only reasonable thing! Although Tartarus was able to defeat Zero in the early stage, so much so that Ultraman Zero had to receive special training, but warriors are meant to win by any means necessary!]

[March 7: Ultraman can always create miracles. Perhaps facing these five Ultraman at the same time, Tartarus knows that he may not be his opponent...]

the other side.

Ultraman Libut is still fighting against the rampaging Ultraman Max!


Libut used the shield in his hand to block the attack and struggled with Max. When he entangled the opponent's left arm that had turned into a claw, Libut shouted [injecting the medicine into Max's timer... .....

The light blooms!

The effect of the potion gradually spreads to Ultraman Max's whole body!

In pain, Max struggled and shook off Libut who controlled him...

The potion worked!

I saw the energy transformed from the potion flowing throughout Max's body, and his timer became extremely dazzling!


Max screamed, and the light on his body flashed, shattering the sharp claws on his left arm, and returned to his normal appearance!

Treatment is over!

Max fainted, and the timer on his body flashed...

Libut quickly stepped forward and helped Max up: "Max, are you okay?"

Max gradually woke up and stood up: "Libut, I knew you would come!"

Libut said: "I promised you that I would come to save you!"


Just as the two Ultramans looked at each other, a strange sound ruined the atmosphere.

I saw the eggs of Maga Serpent gradually cracking open among the tentacles that originally trapped Max!

[Paimon: A new enemy has appeared!]

[Xinadiya: So solemnly, and before hatching, she used her tentacles to trap Ultraman Max. It seems that this final enemy will be very powerful! 】

[Raiden Meiyi: As mentioned before, it should be a combination of different monsters, and it must be an evolved monster! 】

[Theresa: Sure enough, the potion still worked, and Ultraman Max’s rampage was lifted.

[Nilu: The technology of the Kingdom of Light is still amazing! 】

[Coral Palace Xinhai: Indeed, it is said that it is a cellular antibody, but it is like energy. It can be injected through a timer to eliminate the phenomenon of monster transformation...]

[Rita: The blackened Ultraman can actually be saved. Although there is a reason that Max was invaded for a short period of time, it is indeed very powerful. 】


In the explosion, the snake's eggs exploded into pieces, and a monster appeared!

Ultraman Gray: "It was strengthened by Godis' cells!"

Ultraman Powered: "This combination is too scary!"

Even though they were fighting their respective enemies, the two Ultramen did not forget to take the time to look at the hatched Maga Snake!

It turned out that before hatching, Maga Snake had absorbed Godis' cells. At this time, the evolved Maga Snake became more powerful and had a new form!

The evil demon beast Godis Maga Snake, here comes!

Liberty stretched out his hand to protect the exhausted Max Ultraman: "Godis' cells, haven't been completely eliminated yet?"

However, Max, who was already able to win the emergency, pulled Libu's hand away...

Max He walked forward, raised his fists, and said weakly in a fighting posture: "687 must eliminate them here..."

Libut hurriedly stopped him and advised him not to push himself too hard!

Just then!

A ray of light flew over and attached to Max's right wrist, forming a bracelet!

Max was surprised: "This is Max Galaxy! Could it be..."


The Max Galaxy on the wrist lit up!

The light flowed from Max Galaxy into Max's timer...

Max Ultraman's timer turned blue, and his energy was restored!


An Ultraman fell from the sky: "Max, you can still fight!"

The one who came was Ultraman Geno!

[Kallen: Another Ultraman came to help !】

[Sugar: Are Ultramen from the Land of Light popular? How come they always happen to meet other Ultramen coming to help...]

[Yan Fei: Gao Si and Justice in front are Ultramen from other time and space, and the one here is obviously Ultraman from the Land of Light who came to rescue [and Libut Song came at the same time!]

[Fu Hua: Maybe it's a division of labor!]

[Prometheus: If that's the case, the other party would have come here a long time ago, and would not have waited until the potion was finished before coming to replenish Max's energy. I think it should be a coincidence!]

[Helia: Five against three, I hope the evolved Maga Orochi will not be too powerful!]

[Rakshasa: It's unlikely, maybe we have to wait until Gray and Powered Ultraman eliminate the opponent and then reunite. , five against one, can win!】

[Hanabi: Indeed, if it is easy to deal with Godis Maga Snake, then the enemy will not be so busy for so long………………】

Max stepped forward: "Well, that's for sure, No!"

Max Ultraman called Libu, and rushed forward with Geno...

Libu summoned his spear: "Then let's have a big fight, Spear of Sbrida!"

The spear turned a few times in his hand, Libu held the spear in one hand and the shield in the other, and stepped forward!

The three Ultramen fought with the evolved Maga Snake...

Gray and Power also began to exert their strength, and gradually gained the upper hand in the battle with the Slan Starman and Herberos!

The scene changed.

The little golden man looked at the five Ultramen who were blown to the ground in front of him and began to introduce himself: "I am the ultimate life form, a warrior of the Absolut people, Absolut Tartarus. I didn't expect that you have survived until now. It seems that you all have to disappear!" Tartarus, who attacked the five Ultramen, was not ashamed, but proud. He even decided to eliminate the five seriously injured Ultramen! Eddie heard the other party's self-introduction and struggled to get up: "It turned out to be the ultimate life form..." Tartarus had already introduced himself, so he didn't continue to talk nonsense, and began to gather energy with his hands... "Absolute destruction!" Tartarus shouted loudly, and a golden torrent of energy rushed towards the Ultramen! PS: The four Ultramen have all come out, when will Saga come out?

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