Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

167: Dyna’S Past Life Exposed! Starlight Warrior!

[The past life of Arataki Itto has been detected! Exposure begins! 】

[Exposure to the world: Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna's world view!]

[Previous life identity revealed: Asuka Shin! Ultraman Dyna’s human body! 】

[Arataki Ito: Ha? I am actually the human body of Ultraman Dyna? 】

[Kuki Shinobu: Is there something wrong with this exposure? The boss can also be...Ultraman...?]

[Arataki Ito: Ninja! What do you mean? Can’t I be Ultraman? 】

[Kuki Shinobu:..]

In the vast universe, a monster suddenly appeared on the moon and flew towards the blue planet in the distance...

Two fighter jets quickly pursued!


The light emitted from the fighter jet hit the bone-covered monster, but had no effect.

Liang piloted the Victory Condor fighter jet, and Koda's team member in the back seat was responsible for attacking the monster: "Damn it, the rays don't work!"

However, not only were the two fighter jets unable to break through the defense, they were even unable to catch up when the monster speeded up!


What makes people feel strange is that this monster is flying far ahead and is about to reach the earth, but it suddenly circles back!

Does it want to take revenge on the Super Victory Team?


The monster spit out a huge burning fireball, and the Victory Condor was unfortunately attacked and scraped on its wing!

Just when the monster was about to crash into the Alpha where Ryo and Koda were, suddenly, a light appeared!

Liang exclaimed: "Dina!"

Dyna was in space and threw this monster onto the surface of the moon!

[Arataki Ito: Is this Ultraman Dyna! 】

[Padophilis: So Ultraman Dyna looks like this...it feels very similar to Tiga! 】

[Navilet: Indeed, although it is different from Teliga, it is indeed very similar to Tiga. 】

[Eight God Son: This scene looks a bit familiar, just like at the beginning of the Ultraman Zeta Chapter of Telega, both in the universe [Kinran has ten enemies appear...

[Mei Raiden: The monster came very unexpectedly this time, and its trajectory is a bit unclear! 】

[Theresa: This is not the key. If the other party really wanted to destroy the earth, why did they come back halfway? It always feels like they are showing off their abilities... 1

[Mensalia: Is the monster this time very smart? 】

[Yae Shenzi: It’s rare to encounter such a monster with no shortcomings. It has strong defense and is almost immune to the Mags cannon. Its attacks have no effect. At the same time, it is extremely fast.

Even if you chase you, you can’t catch up!】

[Kuki Shinobu: How can Ultraman Dyna defeat it? 】

In the vacuum, there is no sound, only the mud caused by the monster can be seen...

On the moon 410 ball, Ultraman Dyna started a close combat with this monster and quickly threw the monster away!

The monster stood up and spit out a huge fireball again!


The fireball roared past, but Dai Na turned over and dodged it!

Ultraman Dyna stood still, raised his hands, and fired a "Sorget Ray", and the monster exploded into a huge fireball...

On another fighter plane, Nakajima's team member shouted: "Nice job, seriously!"


In the midst of the huge fireball, the monster actually rushed out and hit it at super high speed!


Ultraman Dyna was knocked to the ground, and when he stood up, the timer had already started flashing!

The monster spun around and rushed over again...

Ultraman Dyna is in a fighting stance, ready to go!

Captain Xibi on the Beta clenched his fists: "Dina, attack!"


Just when Ultraman Dyna was about to emit light, a golden stream of light flashed from behind Ultraman Dyna...

The monster turned into particles and completely disappeared into the universe!

Beta number.

Captain Xibi was very surprised: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Team member Nakajima quickly said: "Captain, we found a huge object behind us and it is slowly approaching..."

Captain Xibi's eyes widened: "What did you say?"

Looking down from the high altitude of the moon, you can see the small Victory Eagle flying slowly on top of the huge crater...

At this time, a huge shadow covered the earth, and the two Victory Condors were also covered by the shadow!

Under this shadow, everyone in the Super Victory Team raised their heads and looked at the huge object flying slowly in the sky...

Liang and Koda looked up at the sky, and Yuda's team member said mockingly: "The battleship...how can it be so big!"

Liang made a new discovery and whispered: "Look!"

I saw the words "TPC" written on the huge battleship that covered the sky!

This turned out to be a TPC battleship [one of our own!

Ultraman Dyna raised his head and looked at the battleship in the sky. A shadow gradually engulfed Dyna...

[Coral Palace Xinhai: This battleship has a strong sense of oppression! 】

[Ayaka Kamisato: I saw the shadow of the huge battleship, gradually covering the Super Victory Team’s fighters, and finally covering Ultraman Dyna [I always feel that these ten battleships will be in trouble in the future!]

[Gan Yu: This is really a bad premonition, I feel like things are going to be bad for Asuka...]

[Ye Lan: It’s just that the shadow of the battleship blocks the light. Something bad may not necessarily happen, right? 】

[Prometheus: I have to say that the battleship is really big and handsome. Even Ultraman Dyna couldn't destroy the monster with one blow, and the battleship took him away...L

[Xinadiya: Since it is also a TPC battleship, why hasn’t it appeared before? 】

[Gallagher: Could it be that the Super Victory Team will use this battleship to fight monsters in the future? 】

[Sha Jin: Not sure, I have only seen one battleship like this for the time being, not to mention that these battleships seem to be very oppressive [but Zaina Special Agent also has other forms that are not shown. 】

At this moment, the words [Starlight Warrior] appeared on the screen.

Then, the scene changed.

Cremos Islands.

The Victory Eagle flew over the sea, came to the sky above the island, and slowly landed in the gradually opening hemispherical building...

In a jungle of pipes and metal, there are rows of soldiers standing, all fully armed and heavily guarded. Only some researchers who walk by from time to time add a little more serious atmosphere to the place.

The members of the Super Victory Team, led by two soldiers with guns, walked all the way...

Feiniao looked around and couldn't help complaining: "I didn't expect that the security here is so tight. It's really annoying...

When he saw a monitor, Feiniao didn't forget to run back and make a face at the camera: "Yeah! Mom, have you seen me?"

Liang quickly grabbed the flying bird's ears and dragged the dancing bird away... 013905019 Feilu 162492050]

Asuka staggered: "It hurts, it hurts!"

The elevator descended slowly.

Team member Koda looked at the scenery outside the elevator fence: "I didn't expect that there would be such a large weapons factory here!"

Ryonori remembered that former Director Sawai had held the first World Peace Conference on this island!

Obviously, what they saw in front of them made everyone in the Super Victory Team filled with emotion!

Obviously, a peace conference was held here before, but now it has such a huge arsenal!

Captain Xibi lamented: "Using peacekeeping as an excuse to continue to increase the TPC's armed forces... How ironic!"

[Wutao: The captain is right, there are really a lot of weapons here!]

[Decia: Weapons are still useful. At least they can protect themselves. Otherwise, how will they face powerful monsters? 】

[Placer Gold: It was originally a meeting place related to the peace conference, but now it has become a high-tech weapons manufacturing factory...]

[Mockingbird: Indeed, the contrast is so great!]

[Hanabi: I wonder if Director Sawai knows about this, and what will everyone from the old Victory team think after seeing this? 】

[Helia: Director Sawai is no longer in charge, and his junior is now the director. Times have changed...]

[Li Sushang: Indeed, the two victory teams are indeed different. The former loves peace because of Director Sawai, but the latter can calmly use the previously forbidden power, Mags Power! 】

[Zhongli: In fact, humans in the new realm era still have some restraint. Otherwise, with the power of Mags power, humans would have fallen into war long ago...

[Kavi: However, as a powerful battleship, it suddenly appeared without any news from the front. It was really surprising. It always felt like it was deliberately hidden from everyone in the Super Victory Team...]

[Leosli: Are you competing with the Super Victory Team?]

Outside the elevator, there are racks of tanks as far as the eye can see. The mechanical cranes above are covered with bundles of huge missiles!

Asuka complained: "Even so, there is no need to hide it from us, right?"

After all, they were originally a super victory team. In order to attack monsters, it was not as if they had not used (bjaf) powerful weapons.

However, this time, they suddenly learned that TPC had secretly created a monster-like huge battleship, and everyone discovered that TPC had been hiding this matter from them.

Feiniao said: "There is no explanation for us. No matter what you say, it is too much..."

It turned out that the group of them seemed to have come to the weapons factory because of the sudden appearance of a huge battleship!


The two soldiers led everyone from the Super Victory Team to meet the commander here.

On the nearby sign, there is a radiation symbol.

Wearing a blue uniform and holding his hands behind his back, Staff Officer Quan Teng said: "Welcome to the Island of the South. Unfortunately, I didn't prepare a welcome ceremony!"

Captain Hebby is no nonsense.

As soon as he saw Staff Gondo here, he bluntly asked the other party about the purpose of coming here to find everyone from the Super Victory Team...

It turned out that they did not come to investigate the battleship on their own initiative.

But he came to this small island because of the invitation from the staff, or the summons.

Even before that, they didn't understand the situation.

[March 7: I always feel that the atmosphere is a little weird! 】

[Falushan: Although Counselor Gondo is secretive, he doesn’t always hide information about the battleship from everyone in the Super Victory Team!]

[Shikanoin Heizo: Maybe he will hide it, but with the style of Staff Gondo, if he really hides it, he will definitely hide it to the end and will not let them come to the island at all! It must be something that the Super Victory Team needs to do. Will allow them to land on the island!】

[Yun Jin: I feel like something will happen………………]

[Yura: Isn’t it possible that Staff Officer Gondo was reassigned? 】

[Shigure Kirara: Speaking of which, there always seems to be some strange stories happening in Kojima’s Ultraman stories! 】

[Misterin: Although this island has gained some fame because of Director Sawai, it is still just an island. After all, it is not the Raleye ruins...]

[Rakshasa: Counselor Quan Teng has always been a tough character. Although his starting point may be good,

But there are always some bad things happening!】

[Botio: So, regardless of whether Gondo is malicious or well-intentioned, at least after combining the two elements of Shima and Gondo, it is destined that something bad will happen next? 】

[Yin Lang: It's very possible. Isn't that what it means to be courteous for nothing? 】

[Bronya: I rarely dealt with the mild-mannered Super Victory Team in the past, but now I suddenly invite them here, which is obviously a problem...

At this time!

A woman walked over slowly: "I didn't explain it in advance. I apologize to you here!"

The woman said that this plan is very important and needs to be kept secret, so she must be cautious!

Captain Xibi looked at the woman in front of him: "I'm sorry, are you..."

Staff Officer Gondo introduced that this person was Dr. Kisaragi: "The top person in charge of this plan! The creator of the new battleship Prometheus!"

The flying bird murmured to himself: "Prometheus, could it be said...

Staff Officer Quan Teng snapped his fingers and the lights came on!

Everyone looked over and saw a huge battleship clearly visible under the dazzling lights!

On the huge screen, patterns and data about the new battleships were displayed...

Dr. Kisaragi said: "I believe you all understand the destructive power of the new Mags cannon, right? However, you can understand it this way, the battle on the surface of the moon is just a once-in-a-lifetime battle.


No one quite believed it.

Team member Mai even expressed her doubts: "How is it possible that a Japanese attack can destroy monsters!"

Staff officer Gondo, who was standing at the top, said that it was not just Niki monsters: "With full firepower, it can destroy an asteroid!"

On the podium, Dr. Kisaragi crossed his arms: "Its power has completely surpassed Ultraman Dyna!"

[Kafka: If this is true, it is indeed very powerful. 】

[Silver Wolf: In fact, Ultraman Dyna, and even other Ultraman, if the power of the light is fully activated, they can destroy asteroids. 】

[Nilu: Indeed, Ultraman’s battles on the planet are usually fought with restraint...]

[Ichito Arataki: If this battleship wants to compete with Ultraman, is it overestimating its capabilities? 】

[Gan Yu: Speaking of which, why do you want to show off to them how powerful this battleship is? Do you really want to hand over the battleship to the Super Victory Team to drive...]

[Keqing: It always feels impossible! 】

[Vilwei: If this is really the case, it will not be Staff Gondo who appears here. It is impossible for a person with his character to trust the character of others...

[Coral Palace Xinhai: Yes, with the behavior of Staff Gondo, he will only bring power under his control, but Captain Xibi and others are obviously not within the scope of his recruitment.

Inside. 】

[Zhongli: It should be for the Super Victory Team...]


After hearing that this battleship could surpass Ultraman Dyna, Asuka, who was Ultraman Dyna, was not happy!

He thought that no matter what, this was just a battleship, how could it be more powerful than Dyna...

Captain Xibi raised his hand to stop the excited Asuka players: "The most important thing now is not to compare who is stronger, but...

Dr. Kisaragi: "What is it?"

Captain Xibi asked his doubts: "But, if this battleship is controlled by humans, will it become a dangerous toy?"

Dr. Kisaragi said hehe.

She snorted and said with a smile: "The times are always progressing, and Prometheus will definitely become the next symbol of mankind!"

Neither side could convince the other.

This topic is temporarily closed!

Next, everyone followed Dr. Kisaragi and Staff Gondo in small aircraft and arrived on the main ship...

White room interior.

Everyone in the Super Victory Team looked around and were surprised. Team member Liang expressed his doubts: "By the way, there doesn't seem to be a driver's seat here?"

"Of course!"

Dr. Kisaragi pressed the button next to him: "Because it's not needed at all!"

In the middle of the room, there was a sudden light, and a glass cabin-like device rose up!

Looking at the crystal clear equipment, team member Mai exclaimed: "Wow, it's so beautiful!"

Dr. Ruyue explained that this capsule can directly read the execution data in the human brain. However, these data can then be input into the main computer of the battleship...

Dr. Kisaragi looked at everyone in the Super Victory Team: "In other words, Prometheus can accurately reproduce all the actions taken by outstanding team members in emergency battles.

And achieve absolute victory.

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