Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

031: Thumbs Up For Otto! Funina Wants To See Diga!

[Alicia: Great! Tiga! Tiga finally woke up! ! 】

[Funina: Tiga! Stand up! 】

[Hook: Woohoo! Diga... Diga finally woke up! 】

[Clara: That’s great, Clara is relieved! 】

[Ye Lan: However, even though Tiga has woken up, with the little physical strength Tiga has left, can he really defeat the Kirialodians? 】

[Paimon: Really, do you have to say depressing words at this time? 】

[Beidou: So, don’t you think it’s strange? 】

[Beidou: It’s clear that Dijia’s timer has been flashing for a long time, how on earth did he maintain it? Obviously when we were dealing with those mechanical life forms before, the timer went out very quickly, right? 】

[March 7: Is it possible that humans gave Tiga light? 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: Maybe, this is a miracle for mankind...]

[Kiana: I always feel that if it were Tiga now, he would definitely be able to defeat that hateful Kiri Elode! ! 】

[Keli: Keli thinks so too! Ultraman Tiga, Keli will cheer for you! ! 】

[Qiqi: Tiga...come on...]

On the screen, facing the awakened Tiga, the Kirialodians returned to the battlefield again, preparing to continue to deal with Tiga.

Tiga directly switched from the aerial type back to the composite type.

Seeing this, the Kirialodians also flashed green light, and the wings behind them instantly retracted from their backs.

Immediately afterwards, he took the initiative to attack Diga!

And Diga had already seen through his attack method, and with just a dodge, he tripped the charging Kirialod to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, he kicked the Kirialodian before he could stand firm.

Although the power of the composite type is much weaker than that of the powerful type, this time Tiga's attack actually made the Kirialodians feel a strong impact!

His body arched up involuntarily!

And Diga had already held down his head and flung it away with all his strength!

The Kirialodian rolled to stabilize his body, and rushed towards Tiga again unbelievingly, but Tiga once again blocked his attack. With his agile movements and powerful strength, he first kicked him with continuous kicks. The Kirialode man couldn't beat him, and then he made another handsome roundhouse kick - the Kirielode man's huge body was kicked away hard!

This kick directly knocked the Kirialodian completely unconscious!

Seeing that Kirialodian had completely lost consciousness, Tiga stepped forward, lifted him high with both arms, and then aimed at the door to hell that was about to open - and threw it hard!

That powerful force not only threw the huge body of Kirialodian away, but also directly slammed the door of hell behind him until it closed again!

Finally, Tiga performed a compound special attack move and released Zaipelli Ao's light!

The blazing white light instantly hit Kirialod and the gate of hell behind him!

In an instant, a violent fire ignited from the sky, and then the Kirialodians and the Gate of Hell were completely destroyed by Zaperi'o's light!

After doing all this, Diga lowered his head and looked at the crowd in the distance.

The crowd burst into cheers, as if they were happy for Tiga's victory!

Diga stretched out his hand and gave a standard thumbs up—Otto thumbs up!

Immediately, he spread his arms and flew to the distant sky just like before.

[Alicia: Okay~ Tiga wins! 】

[Funina: Phew~ This time is really dangerous! 】

[Xinadia: Yes, yes, when I saw Diga being swallowed by the darkness, I was so scared that my heart almost stopped! 】

[Hook: Hoho~ Hook knows that Ultraman Tiga will never lose! 】

[Kelly: Oh! Ultraman Tiga defeated evil again! 】

[Qin: Of course Diga deserves a lot of credit, but in the end Diga gave a thumbs up to the crowd... I think he was also thanking them. 】

[Lisa: Yes, without them, Diga would be really in danger this time. 】

[Elhaysen: However, I always feel that it is a bit unscientific. 】

[Elhaysen: Logically speaking, whether it is a flashlight or a searchlight, these are just ordinary lights. Why can they have such a huge effect on Tiga? 】

[Fa Lushan: Yes, and Diga's timer has been flashing, but it has not gone out after so long. 】

[Falushan: What’s even more outrageous is that even though it’s been flashing, Diga’s combat power... seems to be much stronger than before? 】

[Doctor Truth: People always call things that cannot be explained by science called miracles. 】

[Doctor Truth: But this time, maybe it really is a great miracle. 】

[Dexia: Let me tell you, you won in the end anyway, why bother worrying so much! Isn’t it worth being happy if you win? 】

[Candice: Desiya is right, we should be happy for Tiga's victory. 】

[Charlotte: Yes, fortunately, there was no danger in the end! 】

Just as everyone in the chat group was communicating, the scene turned to daytime.

Dagu and Lina continued to accompany Captain Hui Jian back to Zhishu's residence, and this time, Zhishu seemed to have anticipated Hui Jian's arrival and opened the door one step ahead.

Behind him, grandma was watching all this nervously, and seemed a little reluctant to let go when she saw Zhishu.

Then he gently reached out his hand and pushed him.

Zhishu then slowly walked up to Hui Jian and stared at her silently.

Hui Jian stared at Zhishu, smiled slightly, and then said: "After investigating, Team Ye Rui discovered something very interesting."

"——The person who illegally hacked into the network that day and raised the voltage in the entire B area without authorization lives here."

"...I'm sorry, Mom."

Zhishu spoke softly, as if he was a child who had done something wrong, and apologized with choked sobs: "I'm sorry."


Hearing Zhishu call herself mother, Hui Jian was stunned for a moment, and then she could no longer control the smile on her face.

She knelt down and her eyes seemed to be filled with tears: "You... are finally willing to call me mom."

Hui Jian gently hugged Zhishu into her arms and comforted her intimately: "There is nothing to apologize for. Because of you, everyone was saved."

Seeing this touching scene, grandma couldn't help but blush.

Dagu and Lina on the side also looked at each other and smiled.

[Aponya: Great, Zhishu has reconciled with his mother. 】

[Gratius: Mom...]

[Mebius: Little Gratius... Do you want some candy...? 】

[Gratius: Thank you Aunt Mebius, I don’t want to eat it now...]

[Sakura: Seeing this scene, I can't help but think of my sister Ling. 】

[March 7: Is this family... I... don’t quite understand...]

[Xing: It doesn’t matter March, we are your family. 】

[March 7: Yes, I know~Thank you! 】


"I see, this is what Mr. Ji Qiao told me before - are there a small number of humans who hate Tiga?"

After witnessing this story, Charlotte realized something: "But, there are still some things I don't quite understand."

"——Although these people showed hostility towards Tiga because they were brainwashed by the Kirialodians, there has never been unreasonable hatred in this world."

"So, the prerequisite for the Kirialodians to show everyone's hatred for Tiga is that they really have the emotion to hate Tiga."

Charlotte looked at Ji Qiao who was drinking coffee casually, as if the touching scenes just now could not stir up the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

But that's right, after all, these are things he has already experienced.

But even so, Charlotte still asked her inner doubts——

"Mr. Ji Qiao, why...do humans hate Diga?"


Ji Qiao was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then shook her head: "Who knows."

"——The human heart is very complicated."

The same is Fengdan and Momanggong.

"Being trusted by humans...hated by humans..."

Funina stared at the dimmed big screen, the expression on her face seemed a bit dazed, as if she was deep in thought.

She thought of her own experience, playing the role of a god for 500 consecutive years, deceiving the residents of Fontaine and even Teyvat.

Even Navilette, who had managed Fontaine with her for hundreds of years, had never known this secret.

Even in this world, I am afraid that no one except her and the real water god Fukalos knows about it.

"If... if one day... my identity is exposed and everyone in Fontaine knows that I have been deceiving them... will they... also hate me..."

Funina hugged her knees, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

When she thought that the people in Fontaine would hate her, Funina felt a little cold in her body and a little... scared.

But soon, she shook her head vigorously to dispel the uneasiness and confusion in her heart!

"No, no! You can't think about this!"

She said to herself: "In order to save Fontaine, in order to break the prophecy... I must fight for more time for the real Lord Water God!"

Yes, just like Tiga!

Even if it is called a devil by humans, even if it is not trusted by people! Didn't he still stand up resolutely and choose to help mankind!

"What was Tiga thinking in his heart when he was called a devil?"

Funina began to guess Diga's mood: "Is it sad? Is it sad? Or...angry?"

"Speaking of which, the true form of Ultraman Tiga... seems to be in Teyvat too."

Funina walked to the window and looked down.

She saw a gorgeously dressed blonde lady walking on the street, a pink-haired reporter interviewing a man drinking coffee, and the busy residents of Meluxin and Fontaine.

——Slightly, I became interested in the human form of Ultraman Tiga.



PS: The second update is here, please give me flowers and review votes ORZ!

Speaking of which, I actually kind of want to write that the protagonist transforms into Tiga and goes to Liyue to fight Osel... to give the continent of Teyvat a little shock of light!

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