Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

037: Mockingbird: Xincheng Is My Brother In The Previous Life?

As soon as the scene changed, Dagu had returned to the victory team, and was still wearing the victory team uniform.

It's just that compared to him who was full of energy in the past, Dagu seemed to be awake at this moment, yawning constantly.

Apparently he didn't sleep well.

"What's wrong, Dagu?

Lina on the side saw this and pretended to ask casually: "You didn't wake up?"

Dagu rubbed his swollen and sore eyes and began to speak with low emotional intelligence: "I went to a concert with Mayumi yesterday...

Lina: "!"

Ye Rui: "!!"

Lina and Yerui were so shocked at the same time that they couldn't even take care of the work at hand!

Yerui stood up from his seat and looked at Dagu in shock: "You and Mayumi went on a date?!"

"Ah, hmm? Oh!"

Dagu nodded vaguely, and then realized that they might have misunderstood something, so he quickly explained: "I am a substitute, going for the Xincheng team!"

[Yinlang: Dagu’s statement is too low in emotional intelligence, isn’t it? 】

[Silver Wolf: Low EQ: Go on a date. High emotional intelligence: Go to the concert with her sister instead of Xincheng. ——This is the right thing!]

[Theresa: Maybe it’s because he didn’t rest yesterday. You see, he kept yawning, so he probably didn’t react. 】

[Himeko: Miss Lina’s expression just now can almost be said to be completely exposed. 】

[Yae Shenzi: The same goes for that kid Norui~]

[Keli: Huh? Why can’t Keli understand what you are talking about? 】

[Lisa: Xiao Keli, this is a conversation between adults~ It’s better for children not to ask too many questions~]

[Kelly: Oh, good. 】

In the picture, Ye Rui breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news and sat back in his seat.

Lina's little eyes were always looking at Dagu: "Oh~ Really? Whose concert did you go to?"

"Uh, Chris Maya..."

Dagu struggled to remember the name and looked at everyone with a smile: "You haven't heard of it, have you?"

Unexpectedly, almost all the other members of the victory team showed a look of surprise at the same time, and Horii, who was busy working at the side, even opened his eyes wide——

"What did you say?!"

He turned the notebook in his hand, and there was a signed photo of Chris Maya clearly printed on it, with the crooked words "MAYA" written underneath.

Horii's expression suddenly became angry. He walked up to Dagu and asked him aggressively: "Why don't you go with me!!"

"...Eh?" Dagu was stunned, not knowing why.

"You are so uninteresting Dagu!" Horii was very excited.

Lina on the side couldn't help laughing: "Horii is an enthusiastic Chris fan.

Dagu was shocked and looked at Horii: "Are you a Catholic?"

"What nonsense!"

Horii slapped Dagu directly on the forehead, then pointed the photo on the back of the notebook at Dagu, pointing at the beautiful woman above: "Chris!"

Even Lina next to her couldn't help but complain: "Dago, you are too out of date."

"Nowadays, Chris Maya is loved beyond the normal level. This is a unique social phenomenon!"

"——It's like a kind of religious fanaticism!"

[Alicia: Ouch~ It seems that Chris Maya is quite popular! Even the members of the victory team like her so much! 】

[Sunday: Haha, it seems that my sister is so popular no matter which world she is in. 】

[Robin: I am also honored that everyone likes my singing. 】

[Shigure Kirara: We are both idols, so I won’t admit defeat! 】

[Barbara: Come on, Barbara!]

[Liu Ying: It seems that someone has a sense of antagonism inexplicably...]

While the victory team was discussing Chris Maya, the new city still in space was still undergoing testing-

"I am Xincheng, now conducting the third test of the new Mags system."

However, when Xincheng pressed the switch, he found a strange sound coming from the headset.

He couldn't help but frown: "How did this happen? Headquarters?"

Before the headquarters could respond, Xincheng suddenly opened his eyes wide!

Because in front of him, a bright light suddenly appeared!

The light came like a tide and engulfed the new city in an instant!


Amidst Xincheng's screams, his consciousness was interrupted!

[Silver Wolf: Sure enough, let me tell you, if you set up that kind of death flag, it’s definitely not good! 】

[Kafka: The accident is quite accurate, Silver Wolf. 】

[Sakura: Could it be that this is some kind of ‘commandment’? 】

[Aponya: I don’t think so. 】

[Hu Tao: Alas, it’s a pity that the business of the Rebirth Hall cannot cross the world, otherwise I would definitely help the Xincheng team members run it smoothly! 】

[Liu Ying: Wait a minute, the Xincheng team members are not dead yet, you are thinking too far! 】

Just as Liu Ying said, the scene on the screen switched to the conference room of the Victory Team. Captain Hui strode in and asked -

"What happened~~?"

"An abnormality occurred in the test machine!"

While operating the computer, Lina reported: "It has escaped from the path of the computer and is drifting into outer space!"

"Where is the communication system?" Hui Jian asked calmly.

"I've been calling!"

Lina shook her head, her face full of anxiety: "But there is no answer!"

Even so, in the end, through the efforts of the victorious team, they succeeded in landing the new city that was out of the computer's path.

However, Xincheng, as the driver, fell into a coma and never woke up.

Upon seeing this, the victory team quickly arranged for him to be admitted to the infirmary for comprehensive examination and treatment.

A few days later, Dagu came to visit Xincheng, and Mayumi was taking care of her brother.

"If I stay unconscious like this..."

Mayumi looked at Shinjou's unconscious form [looking particularly depressed.

Dagu noticed that deputy captain Zongfang also walked in. He whispered to Dagu and Mayumi: "This was found in the recovered black box."

With that said, Zongfang pressed the switch of the prop in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, melodious tunes came from inside.

Dagu frowned and listened carefully. He had a guess in his mind and asked tentatively: "Is it a song?"

Zongfang didn't answer, but his eyes seemed to acquiesce.

It just so happened that at this moment, Xincheng suddenly opened his eyes!

[March 7: Look! New City member! He’s woken up! 】

[Silver Wolf: This person is so tough. He said such words like a death flag, but he can still wake up! 】

[Liu Ying: That so-called flag is actually just what others say! 】

[Wutao: Anyway, it’s a good thing to wake up! 】

[Alicia: Yes. However, what exactly happened to the Xincheng team members at that time? And why............were they suddenly unconscious for so long?]

[Natasha: So, why is there a melody recorded in the recovered black box? That is in the universe. 】

[Chiori: Maybe the Shinjo team members were attacked by aliens from space? 】

[Navia: No, it’s aliens again! Why do they run to the earth every day? Do I have no place to live? 】

[Kiana: If you attack Xincheng team members when you come up, you are probably not a good person!]

[March 7: That is to say, the victory team is probably going to be busy again! 】

After waking up, Xincheng seemed to be a different person. Not only did he often look at the sky in a daze, but his personality also changed a lot.

Dagu was keenly aware of the changes in the new city and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

One night, he came to the ward to visit Xincheng.

Sure enough, Xincheng was staring out the window in a daze again, as if he was missing something.

Seeing Dagu come in, Xincheng looked at Dagu and asked softly -

"Team Dagu, am I on a mission to protect the earth?"

...Xincheng, you are a hero of our victory team. "Da Gu said.

"Is the earth still in war now?" Xincheng asked again.


Dagu shook his head, and then changed the topic: "But the invaders have been peeking at our earth.

"Invaders?" Xincheng was a little confused.

Dagu smiled and comforted Xincheng: "I think you should not think too much about it for the time being."

"Horii asked me to give this to you."

Dagu said, and handed the CD in it to Xincheng: it was just Chris Maya's CD. '

Xincheng took the CD from Dagu and looked at it silently.

[Xiao Gong: Xincheng team members, it always feels a little strange? Is it my imagination? 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: No, I think so too. 】

[Kuki Ninja: For the injured, this should be considered a normal phenomenon. After all, many people will have drastic changes in their personalities after experiencing life and death. 】

[Kujo Sora: However, the feeling given to me by the Shinjo players...is more like their memory has been damaged. 】

[March 7: Difficult, could it be said that the Xincheng team members have lost their past memories like me?!]

[Alicia: But no matter what, as long as the Shinjo players are safe, and Team Horii really cares about the Shinjo players, he obviously likes robins so much... Oh, it's Ms. Chris Maya. , but I am still willing to give my treasured CD to the Xincheng team members to listen to!】

[Mockingbird: If my singing can bring peace to the injured, that would be a great honor. 】

[March 7: I have been a fan of Miss Mockingbird for ten years! 】


While everyone in the chat group was communicating, Ye Rui suddenly detected an unidentified flying object in the universe approaching the earth at the Victory Team headquarters.

And it has already broken through the defense of Delta Space Station!

Upon hearing the news, the Victory Team immediately set out on the Victory Feiyan to check it out!

As expected, the UFO was discovered above the earth, but no matter how the victory team called, the other side seemed to turn a deaf ear and did not reply at all.

Not only that, this UFO even launched an attack on the Victory Swallow following them!

Fortunately, Dagu managed to dodge with his superb driving skills, and then quickly adjusted his balance and launched a counterattack!

The Victory Team, which has been attacked by monsters many times, has also greatly optimized its equipment. Today's Victory Feiyan is no longer what it used to be.

So after the Victory Feiyan's ray attack hit the UFO, it successfully shot it down and fell to the ground!

[Decia: The armed force of the Victory Feiyan seems to be getting stronger and stronger!]

[Otto: Human beings are strong creatures. Even constant failures will not weaken their strong will to survive and spirit of resistance. 】

[Otto: It is precisely because of this that humans can create miracles many times. 】

[Theresa: Grandpa, you can occasionally say some positive words. 】

[Otto: Haha, little Theresa, do you have any misunderstanding about grandpa?


【Theresa: Huh!】

[Padofilis: It seems like Dagu’s driving skills are pretty good, right? Why do he and the Shinjo team members get hit by monster attacks every time and then crash?


[Silver Wolf: What a crash duo. 】

The scene turned and the scene on the screen changed to Maya's studio. An employee of the studio was answering the phone and had been talking for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, Maya and her agent walked in, and Maya went straight to the nearby sofa, wearing a pair of large glasses and looking indifferent.

When the agent saw that the employee was still answering the phone, he walked over and asked directly: Who is calling?"

"Maybe it was a call from a fan, clamoring to see Maya."

The employee complained: "From morning to now, I have called no less than 50 times."

[Liu Ying: 50 times?! This, this is too persistent! 】

[Shigure Kirara: Well, how should I put it? Actually, I have had a similar experience.

[Barbara: Fortunately, there are no telephones in the world where I live...but I have had a similar experience...]

[Mockingbird: The perseverance of these fanatical fans... is really terrifying...]

[Shigure Kirara: Not only that! There are also those people who hate the idols they like because of their love, and don’t get what they want from their favorite idols, so they become black fans and become extreme fans! 】

【Funina: Is this, so scary?!】

[Shigure Kirara: Yes! In a certain world, I heard about idols who were stabbed to death by their extreme fans!]

[Liu Ying: Idol, is this such a dangerous profession...]

While everyone in the chat group was discussing the high-risk attributes of idols, on the other side——

"Really, I can't even handle this kind of thing!"

The agent grabbed the phone from the employee's hand, pushed him away, and then put the phone to his ear: "Hey, who's there?"

The scene changed, and Xincheng was in the infirmary while looking at Maya's album screen and said: "Please, let me see Maya.

"——-I have something very important to tell her face to face!"

"Listen to me, Maya, she is really tired."

The manager spoke emphatically: "How can she have time to talk to every fan?!"

"——This is basic common sense, I don't even understand this!"

The agent asked impatiently: "Who are you?"


Xincheng hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Her brother."


After hearing this, the agent hung up the phone on the spot.

(Nonuo Zhao) “It’s inexplicable, he actually said he was Maya’s brother?”


Maya, who had always been uninterested in the outside world, opened her eyes wide when she heard these words: "My brother...?"

She turned her head and looked at her agent with a look of disbelief on her face: "He really said that?"

"If he is really your loyal fan, he should know that you are an only child."

The agent walked away with his hands behind his back nonchalantly.

[Padofilis: Wait, wait! Did we see it wrong, or did we hear it wrong? The person who called just now must be a member of the New City team, right? 】

[Nacida: Yes, it is indeed a New City member. 】

[Yomiya: But isn’t the sister of the Shinjo team member Mayumi?! Why did she suddenly become Maya? 】

[Chiori: Could it be that Shinjou’s memory was confused and he mistook Maya for Mayumi? 】

[Yin Lang: What about meal replacement literature? The world is really colorful. 】

[Xinadiya: Could it be, is there any other reason? The New City team members seem to be in good mental condition...no big problem? 】

[Ruan Mei: The human body is very fragile, especially the brain, and memories happen to be stored in the brain. 】

[Sunday: If Miss Mayumi finds out, I’m afraid she will be very sad. 】

[Noelle: But looking at Miss Maya’s expression, it seems like she really has an older brother? 】

[Mockingbird: My brother from the previous life……………?]

[Sunday: If this is really the case, then maybe that brother is also my previous life? 】

[Kiana: But even if Miss Maya really has a brother, it can’t be a member of the New City team, right? 】

[Liu Ying: Yes, what on earth is going on? 】

[Lei Movie: In addition, the Xincheng team members haven’t been feeling right since they woke up, so I always feel like something is strange. end】

In the picture, Xincheng is still standing by the window and looking at the stars as he was in the days after waking up.

As if he was missing someone.

Maya on the other side was also looking at the starry sky, as if she was missing someone. .

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