Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

048: "Life Lasts Forever!" Zijra Appears! 》

[Liu Ying: Look, that little dog is still alive! 】

[Alicia: Yes, yes! She ran past the camera with great energy~! 】

【Funina: This is really great!】

【Keli: Puppy! Cute!】

[Sinadia: But why did the puppy come back to life again? And it looks completely fine... ah no, it looks like a fine dog! 】

[Nacida: Indeed, even the timer went off after he was obviously so seriously injured. 】

[Qingque: Judging from the situation of Diga and Dagu, even if the little dog survived in the end, it should be seriously injured, right? 】

[Fu Xuan: Indeed, even if he is still alive, he probably won’t be able to be as active as he was just now. 】

[Kiana: I know! Diga must have saved him! 】

[Navia: That’s right! Didn’t Diga leave with the puppy’s monster body? Maybe Diga used his last strength to heal the puppy’s injuries! That’s why the puppy not only survived, but also became a As lively as ever!]

[Barbara: If you put it this way, the reason why Mr. Dagu escaped being slapped by the New Town team members before was because he used his last remaining energy to help the puppies? 】

[Bronya: Maybe, that’s it. 】

[Mockingbird: Da Gu, he is really a very gentle person! 】

[Alicia: Yes! No matter how many times I still have to say it——Dagu is Tiga, it’s so great!]

Fontaine, Steam Bird Newspaper

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Ji Qiao had never experienced anything like this in his previous life!"

In the office, Charlotte defended Ultraman Tiga: "If I hadn't finally succeeded in defeating that guy with evil intentions, I'm afraid the consequences would have been disastrous!"

"Well, I'm going to add a question about that too!"

Charlotte said and began to revise the interview script.

Although for Mr. Ji Qiao, it was just his long past, Charlotte still wanted to know--when facing Masaki Jingwu, when facing the evil heart, as Tiga in the world, How does he view the body.

"Furthermore, I believe everyone would also like to know - what is the final result of Keigo Masaki, whose wisdom can be recognized by everyone in the chat group!"

Charlotte was writing quickly. Fortunately, there was still some time before her official interview with Mr. Ji Qiao, which gave her plenty of preparation time!

Otherwise, she might miss these wonderful stories again!

"However, it seems that Captain Hui Jian has realized the secret of Mr. Dagu...that is, Mr. Ji Qiao's past life. What happened next? Was Tiga's secret hidden until the end? ?”

Charlotte's thinking began to diverge, and her hand movements became faster and faster!

And just when Charlotte was immersed in work again, the communication between Gu 640 Tianqun continued-

[Alicia: By the way, speaking of which, I’ve actually wanted to ask you a question a long time ago——Do you still remember how Dagu got along with You Lian in the time machine just after he became Tiga? 】

[Funina: I remember! What’s wrong? 】

[Alicia: If I remember correctly, Dagu asked You Lian at that time——Since they have so many Ultraman, why did civilization eventually end in destruction? 】

[Xinadia: Oh yes, I remembered it too! I remember You Lian’s answer at that time was————Because Ultraman will not interfere with human beings’ choices. 】

[Jingyuan: Ultraman will not interfere with human beings’ choices?————That means [super-ancient humans chose to die on their own?]

[Liu Ying: How is this possible?! Even if one or two people really can’t think about it, it’s impossible for an entire group to think about it, right?!]

[Kiana: That’s right! This kind of thing is definitely weird! 】

[Hanabi: Even the Masked Fool who likes to have fun will not give up his life just for short-term happiness. After all, as long as you are alive, you can keep having fun, but if you die... there will be no more fun~]

[Zhongli: I'm afraid, something must have happened in the super ancient times that caused human beings to actively choose the path of destruction. 】

[Thunder Movie: But, what exactly will happen? 】

[Hutao: Ah! Look! 】

Just when everyone in the chat group was surprised as to why the super ancient era would end in destruction, Hu Tao's exclamation interrupted everyone's thoughts. They all raised their heads and found that the picture that had been plunged into darkness had once again appeared in a grand way. Light!

At the same time, a line of text also appeared——【Life lasts forever! Qijela appears!】

Immediately afterwards, there is also a self-questioning question from Dagu——

"Compared with humans 30 million years ago, there is no progress at all.

"Human desire is deeper than Qijela's roots!"

"What should I believe now?"]

The sound clips that flashed continuously suddenly made everyone in the chat group start to guess—

[Alicia: Humans 30 million years ago...? If you put it that way, the person speaking...knows what happened 30 million years ago?]

[Funina: Human desires are deeper than the roots of Zigela... So, Zigela seems to be a...plant?]

[Liuying: That last sentence should be what Mr. Dagu said, right? What should I believe? He seems to be confused again?]

[Yin Lang: We are speaking, Da Gu obviously has such powerful power, why does he always fall into confusion? 】

[Xinadia: I think it is precisely because Dagu has this powerful power that he feels confused. 】

[Nascida: After all, Mr. Dagu has a gentle heart. 】

Just as everyone in the chat group was talking about it, the picture on the screen gradually began to play!

The first thing that caught the eye was a luminous spacecraft that descended from the sky. The spacecraft stayed on a grassland on the earth, and then disappeared.

At the same time, on that flat piece of grass, a beautiful flower bloomed!

Soon, the Victory Team discovered something strange. An unknown plasma signal came from where the spacecraft stayed.

However, nothing unusual was found on the screen displayed through satellite monitoring. Captain Hui felt that something was not right, so he ordered everyone from the Victory Team to go and investigate in person!

Dagu asked if he needed to inform Commander Munakata, but Megumi said no, "Just let him rest at home."

As soon as the scene changed, everyone from the Victory Team drove the Victory Feiyan to this grassland and began to conduct search operations.

During the detection process, Lina suddenly found a flower blooming on the grass that she had never seen before, and couldn't help but squat down and observe it carefully.

When Dagu and Xincheng saw this, they couldn't help but get closer.

The moment he saw those wonderful flowers, the ancient memory sleeping in the DNA of Dagu's body was awakened - scenes of sea of ​​fire, dilapidated towering buildings, and the towering buildings standing on the earth. Huge flowers!

At that moment, Dagu realized that the demise of super-ancient civilization was related to this flower!

[Padophilis: Everyone, everyone saw the clip just now! 】

[Mebius: I saw it, it seems————The fragment that flashed through Dagu’s mind just now is the scene of super ancient destruction. 】

[Liu Ying: Could it be that those huge flowers are Qijela? 】

[Qianori: In other words, Qijela is a kind of flower, and this kind of flower is the cause of the destruction of the super ancient times? 】

[Funina: But, isn’t this too strange? It’s just a flower, how could it cause the entire super-ancient human race to perish? What’s more, aren’t there many people from the Queen of Light like Diga in the super-ancient times? ?]

[Alicia: Super ancient humans finally chose to perish on their own initiative... Could it be related to these flowers? 】

[Kuki Shinobu: But is there any inevitable connection between the choice of super-ancient humans to perish and the Qijela Flower? 】

[Xinadiya: Keep reading and you will find out! 】

In the picture, Dagu continued to go deep into the forest according to the display of the detector.

However, when he raised his head inadvertently, he suddenly discovered that there was a Pingjiela flower at his feet!

Just when Dagu didn't know what to do with the flower, suddenly his eyes were covered, and at the same time a young and lively voice sounded from behind -


"Who is it?"

Dagu turned his head, and standing in front of him was a little girl wearing a blue robe, and the little girl also wore a Qijela flower as a hair accessory on her head!

Dagu, who knew that this flower was dangerous because he had awakened his super-ancient memories, was a little surprised as to why the seemingly harmless little girl in front of him would wear this flower on her head.

And it looks like she's been wearing it for a long time.

So Dagu stood up slowly, looked at the little girl, and asked softly: "What kind of flower is this?"

The little girl took off the hair ornaments on her head and told Dagu: "Qijela."

The moment the words fell, Qijela's stamens began to exude a fascinating fragrance (cabi). Seeing this, the little girl whispered -

"Here we go."

Dagu came closer in surprise, seeming to be observing Qijela's situation.

When the little girl saw this scene, she couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Why don't you go to the world of dreams?"

"The world of dreams...?" Dagu didn't know why.

【Mockingbird: The World of Dreams...?】

[March 7: Ah! This reminds me of Pinoconi! 】

[March 7: I remember that Pinocone is also a place famous for dreams! It uses a special way to allow real people to enter the dream world! 】

[Sunday: Haha, Miss March is right, Pinoconi can indeed enter the world of dreams. 】

[Wutao: The world in dreams? It sounds quite interesting!]

[Kiana: What? A world that you can enter just by dreaming? I’m the best at dreaming! 】

[Thunder Meiyi: Kiana, what is something to be proud of...

[Barbara: No, there won’t be any danger, right?]

[Sunday: Please rest assured that our "family" has absolute guarantees for the safety measures of our guests. It is for this reason that Pinoconi is called the "Star of the Event" and has become the most famous tourist attraction in the universe. resort. 】

[Alicia: Ouch~ This is really interesting! 】

[Sunday: Haha, if there is a chance, I still hope that everyone in the chat group can come and experience it. 】

[Robin: Brother, have you forgotten that some of them are in a different time and space from us? 】

[Sunday: Because of this, I hope very much. 】

[Zhongli: After hearing what you two said, I also had a strong interest in Pinocchio, but back to the subject——Judging from the prompts given on the previous screen, I am afraid that this dream entered by Qi Jiexun The world...is not a good thing. 】

Following Zhongli's words, the picture on the screen changed——


He and the little girl came to where Xincheng and Lina were. As soon as they arrived there, Dagu was surprised to find that Xincheng and Lina seemed to be in a strange mental state.


It's like being immersed in a beautiful dream!

No matter how Dagu called them, there was no response!

The little girl reminded Dagu calmly: "After going to the dream world, no one wants to come back."

"————We are going to perish anyway, wouldn't it be better to be more comfortable?"


A trace of doubt appeared in Dagu's eyes. He looked at the little girl in front of him again and said seriously: "Who are you?"

[Nelu: Destruction? Sure enough, is the destruction of super ancient civilization related to Qijela? 】

[Alhaysen: It seems that Qijela released some kind of pheromones that caused humans to hallucinate, so they couldn't hear Dagu's voice. 】

[Fa Lushan: And this kind of illusion is the reason that leads to the destruction of mankind? 】

[Mebius: What kind of pheromone is so powerful? 】

[Vilvi: An advanced human civilization with a giant of light was finally killed by the pheromones of a mere flower? This doesn’t feel right no matter how you think about it! 】

[Ruan Mei: Maybe Qijela is just one of the reasons, and the real reason...is something else. 】

[Funina: However, both Ms. Lina and the New Town team members look very happy...]

[Leosli: It is precisely because of this that they are immersed in this fantasy. After all, no one likes pain. 】

On the other side, in order to save the two team members and solve the mystery of Qijela, Dagu brought the mysterious girl Dina back to the TP¢ base.

Horii and Norui observed Qijelahua through the thick sealed glass, with expressions of wonder——

"This is a new species that has never been seen on earth. It's so strange!"

"Not at all!"

Dina, who started jumping up and down when she arrived at the victory team's base, heard Horii's words, stopped her movements and retorted: "Thirty million years ago, Zijra once opened on the earth!


"Dina, have you seen her before?" Zhui Yong asked incredulously.


Dina shook her head and continued: "When mankind is about to perish, Qijela flowers will bloom on the earth. This is what my father said!"

Horii then asked: "What does your father do?"

Dina replied: "People who are looking for other lands."

Da Gu was thoughtful. He suddenly recalled that when he asked You Lian where those super-ancient humans had gone, You Lian had answered that some of them had left the earth and had not yet left.

Other lands went.

In other words, Dina and her father were ancient people who once lived on the earth a long, long time ago!

At this moment, Ye Rui urgently reported to everyone that Commander Zongfang, who was on vacation at home, was also immersed in a dream that he could not extricate himself from because of Qijela!

At this moment, he is holding dumbbells at home and assuming a very toned posture.

He even looked back at the screen and showed an indescribable confident smile!

And Hui Jian suddenly realized that the place where Qijela flowers are blooming is probably not just the grassland!

So, she immediately asked Dagu to contact TPC branches around the world to inquire about the situation there.

Soon, Dagu confirmed that branches all over the world had received the news of Qijela's bloom!

After hearing the news, Jian Hui's expression became particularly solemn.

She quickly arranged follow-up countermeasures, asking Dagu to inform Director Sawai, asking Norui to pick up Commander Munakata, and then asking Horii to continue studying Qijela.

Then, Captain Hui Jianjian stood up and looked at Dina. He lowered his voice and asked her with a gentle smile: "What will happen to humans if Qijela continues to spread pollen like this?"

"It will be very happy." Dina blinked and answered with a normal expression.

But this was obviously not the answer Captain Hui Jianjian wanted to hear, so she paused and continued to ask softly: "Then what?"

Then, Dina told the terrible fact: "——Death without pain.'"

PS: After checking it out, I found out it was Qijela.

But the one that beeped was Qijela. I was a little confused, but in the end I chose Qijera.

Second update, please give me a wave of evaluation votes, flowers and monthly tickets, family members! Please ORZ!!!

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