Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

054: "You Can Also Become Light, You Can Too!"

Facing Lina's questioning, Dagu felt mixed emotions and could only respond with silence.


Lina's eyes were red, as if she was venting her long-buried emotions: "You have been fighting alone like this..."


“Don’t you think it’s too unreasonable!!”


Dagu hesitated to speak.

He stared at Lina's back. Even if he couldn't see Lina's face, he could feel Lina's sadness.

As a result, Dagu's eyes became sad.

"If I could... I would also like to become the light."

Lina said softly as if longing for.

And the Snow White finally flew out of the atmosphere and flew into the universe.

"Become light and fly higher!"

Listening to Lina's confession and feeling Lina's sadness, Dagu finally spoke——


Dagu clenched his fists and spoke his mind: "Because I am a human being, I am just doing... what I can do!"

Lina pursed her lips tightly, holding back the tears that burst out of her eyes.

"I now...I can't look back now...

Her voice was trembling, the tip of her nose was sore, but her hands held the joystick tightly: "So..."


Dagu took out the divine light stick from his arms and stared at it, as if whispering to Lina: "You can also become light...

"you can also!"

At that moment, behind Lina, an extremely bright light shone!

Dagu's figure disappeared from the passenger seat, and was replaced by the shining Ultraman Tiga!



Realizing that her lover behind her was no longer there, Lina slowly opened her eyes, her tears not yet drying up.

But when she opened her eyes, the scene in front of her surprised her.

Because the Snow White she was driving is now in Diga's arms, flying into the universe with him!

The shining light flickered from the crystal in front of Diga's forehead for a moment, and the red and purple colors all turned into pure purple at this moment. Diga switched to the aerial form and became even faster!

Carrying the White Snow straight up into the sky!

Lina's eyes flashed with tears of emotion. She spoke softly, as if to Diga and Dagu -

"Thank you."

As if hearing Lina's words, Diga lowered his head slightly, looked at Lina in the cab, and nodded lightly.

The next second, Diga carried the Snow White and flew towards Zuojia at full speed!

[Alicia: Great, the two of them finally settled their differences at this moment~!]

[Xinadia: Even if you are just a bystander, it is very touching! 】

[Funina: It’s great. In the end, both parties confessed to each other and expressed their true feelings. 】

[Lisa: However, Mr. Dagu really dotes on Miss Lina very much. He could have chased Zoga by himself, but he chose to take Miss Lina with him~]

[Keli: Well! Keli also wants to fly higher with Diga! 】

【Hook:Hook too!】

[Qiqi: Fly higher... Qiqi... also wants to...]

On the screen, Diga, who switched to the air type, quickly caught up with Zoga, and at this time, Lina's Snow White also locked onto Zoga!

Lina suppressed the emotion in her heart, and a firm look flashed in her eyes.

The next second, she pressed the launch button, and the blue light cannon hit Zoga's wings!


Violent sparks flashed for a moment, and the powerful power directly tore off Zojia's right wing!

Zojia screamed, and his body fell straight down from the sky like a meteor, falling heavily to the ground!

Along with a burst of dust, Zoga's body smashed a deep pit in the ground!

And Diga also brought the Snow White back to the ground. He gently placed the Snow White on the ground and nodded towards Lina inside.

But at this moment, Zuojia in the pit stood up with a roar, and fired several fireballs in the direction of Diga in an angry and mature manner!

Logically speaking, with the speed advantage of the aerial Tiga, he can easily avoid these attacks.

But in order to protect Lina behind him, Diga just chose to turn his back and resist a few fireballs!

Boom boom boom——!

Fierce sparks exploded and roared behind Diga. Diga endured the pain and protected Lina to the death!

【Funina: Tiga...!】

[Alicia: In order to protect the girl you love, would you rather get hurt...]

【Himeko: It's really... quite romantic...】

[Silver Wolf: But we are talking, why can’t Diga quickly hold the Snow White and escape...]

[Chiori: Do you have to talk about such a topic that ruins the atmosphere? 】

[Yura: Is it really okay to get injured before the fight even starts? Tiga. 】

[Kuki Shinobu: In short, believe first! 】

[Hook: Ultraman Tiga, come on! 】

[Bai Lu: Come on, Ultraman Tiga! 】

In the picture, after withstanding Zoga's fireball bursts, Diga turned around again and faced Zoga head-on!

Zuojia let out a sharp roar again, and then under the shocked eyes of Dijia and Lina - he even tore off the other half of his wings!

The pain made Zoga tremble and let out a deafening howl, but it still endured the huge pain, tore off its tired wings and threw them on the ground!

Immediately, Zuojia ran towards Tiga!

And Diga also put on a posture and stepped forward!

But Zoga's strength far exceeds Tiga's imagination!

While running, Zuojia suddenly jumped up, his huge body drew an arc from above Diga's head, and landed steadily behind him. When Diga turned around, Yo's attack It has arrived!

The fierce blow directly knocked Diga staggering, and he involuntarily stepped back.

Zuojia succeeded with one blow and continued to attack.

Continuous heavy grabs hit Diga. Diga, who was still in the air, was unable to parry this powerful and heavy attack, and was beaten back again and again!

He was quickly knocked to the ground, unable to fight back at all!

And perhaps because of resisting several fireballs earlier, Diga's body was seriously injured, so Diga, who was knocked to the ground, tried to stand up several times, but failed!

But Zuo Jia had already stepped forward, raised his claws and strangled Di Jia's neck, and forcibly lifted him up!

Tiga couldn't get away, and the timer on his chest began to flash!

Seeing this situation, Lina shouted worriedly: "Da Gu!!"

[Silver Wolf: Why is it an aerial melee fight again? Let’s change it back! 】

[Nascida: Moreover, in order to protect Lina, Diga resisted several fireballs just now, and the injury was more serious than expected. 】

[Funina: Yes, even if he maintains his aerial form, Tiga's speed is obviously still not as fast as Zoga's! 】

[Yun Jin: This is probably called a bad start, right? 】

[Diona: Come on! Tiga! 】

In the picture, as if hearing Lina's cry, Diga forcibly switched to the red powerful type!

Then he grabbed Zuojia's arm with his backhand and used all his strength to throw Zuojia to the ground with the momentum of uprooting a weeping willow!

A shrill scream came from Zuojia's mouth. It struggled to get up, but as soon as it raised its head, Diga kicked it hard on the top of its head!

Zuojia, who was beaten dizzy, retreated continuously, while Tiga took advantage of the victory and pursued it!

Continuous ferocious attacks hit Zoga, making him unable to parry at all!

Finally, Tiga gave a powerful roundhouse kick, kicking Zoga's huge body away on the spot, and fell heavily to the ground.


The intense pain only further aroused Zoga's fighting spirit. It got up again and released several fireballs towards Tiga.

But this time, the powerful Diga stretched out his hands and caught the fireball!

Then, with all his strength, he threw the fireball into Zoga's mouth with both arms!


Violent fire exploded in Zoga's mouth. It whined and slapped its mouth, unable to fire any more fireballs!

On the other side, Tiga has already accumulated enough energy to complete a powerful special move—Dilasium Light Flow!

Then he launched it towards Zojia with all his strength!

Bang bang bang!!!

The moment the blazing stream of light hit Zojia, Zojia's body exploded and he was eliminated on the spot!

[Navia: Success! Diga won! 】

[Silver Wolf: So, if you switch to the powerful type at the beginning, it will end soon? 】

[Liu Ying: No matter what, it’s good to win! 】

[Qianori: You must play to the extreme...]

[Xinadiya: I know! This means that you can’t play until you have residual health, right! 】

[Thunder Mei Yi: Ahaha…………]

[Funina: Ah! Look! 】

After hearing this, everyone continued to watch.

I saw that Tiga, who had eliminated Zoga, did not stretch his arms and fly into the sky as usual.

Instead, the body turned into thousands of radiant particles and gradually dissipated!

Seeing this, Lina got off the Snow White and walked slowly in the direction where Yu disappeared.

When the distance was close to a certain distance, Lina was surprised to find that Dagu was standing there with his back to her!

As if sensing Lina behind him, Dagu slowly turned around and looked at Lina.

A reassuring smile appeared on his face.

Lina pursed her lips tightly, and the worries in her heart disappeared at this moment, leaving only the emotion.

She smiled reassuringly, and her eyes were slightly moist.

There is an inexplicable feeling of wanting to cry.

Dagu slowly walked up to Lina and looked at her face.

The two of them just looked at each other in silence, and could only hear the noise of the wind in their ears.

Until Lina softly said those words——

"Welcome back."

"I'm back."

Lina couldn't hold it back anymore, tears burst out of her eyes, and she got closer to Dagu.

Dagu also took a step forward and got closer to Lina.

The two of them dropped the helmets that were in the way and stared at each other, the emotions in their hearts gradually fermenting!

[Jing Liu: Jing Yuan, cover your eyes with Bai Lu! 】

[Keli: Lisa… Sister, why do you cover Keli’s eyes? Keli can’t see anything. 】

[Lisa: Xiao Keli, the next scene is a bit too harmonious for you, it’s better not to watch it~]

[Barbara: Captain Qin, are you taking this too seriously...]


[Qin: Ahem! I'm just...a little curious...]

[Natasha: Don’t watch Hook either~]

【Hook: Woohoo!】

[Yao Yao: Don’t worry, Sister Gan Yu, I won’t peek. 】

[Ningguang: Haha~ Yaoyao is still obedient. 】

[Diona: What situation, what situation?!]

[Baizhu: Qiqi, don’t look at it. 】


【Kamizato Ayaka: Is it coming? Is it coming?】

[March 7: An exciting and exciting scene is coming! 】

Just when everyone was about to witness the scene full of love, an inappropriate voice suddenly sounded!

Dagu lowered his head, looked at the communicator hanging on his waist, and then picked it up and opened it.

Captain Hui Jian’s serious voice sounded——

"Go back to base immediately! Zoga has launched an invasion!"

"How can it be?!"

Lina was shocked and looked in disbelief: "Didn't it just be destroyed by Diga?"

The moment the words fell, a sharp roar suddenly came from the sky.

Hearing that familiar voice, Dagu and Lina raised their heads at the same time.

What caught my eye were two Zoga flying through the sky!

At the same time, the communicator transmitted urgent information again: "The Dolphin did not respond!"

Captain Hui Jianjian’s voice was particularly solemn: “Everywhere in the world is now being attacked by Zoga!”

[Kiana: All over the world? Could it be that Zoga is not one or two, nor three or four... but in groups! 】

[Thunder Meiyi: Obviously, just destroying a Zoga makes Tiga so difficult...]

[Funina: There are swarms of Zoga...just Tiga...I can't do it no matter how much I think...]

[Nacida: How come there are so many Zorgas? Where do they come from? 】

[Navilet: Could it be that... is the ‘darkness of destruction’? 】

[Wendy: The darkness of destruction... If this is really the case, it would be terrible. 】

[March 7: Is it possible that this is the real cause of the extinction of super-ancient civilizations? 】

[Alicia: Ah! Look! 】

Following Alicia's words, everyone raised their heads and suddenly discovered that large tracts of dark smoke emerged from the ultra-ancient ruins in the deep sea.

And the black mist seemed to be conscious, shooting out ferocious lightning from time to time!

It was like a rapidly spreading virus, spreading in all directions. In just a short time, it almost swallowed up the entire ocean!

Dagu and Lina drove the Snow White, flying through the bottomless black fog towards the TPC headquarters.

In the cab, Lina asked Dagu behind her, as if seeking reassurance: "Do you think we can win?"

Dagu fell into silence, feeling unsure.

After all, just dealing with a Zoga consumes a lot of energy, and now there are Zoga monsters everywhere in the world.

Even Tiga cannot deal with them.

Seeing that Da Gu was silent, Lina's voice became much more solemn: "If..."

"Our fate is destined to perish in the end..."

"What fate is this!"

Dagu gritted his teeth unwillingly, as if telling Lina, and also seemed to be telling himself: "We must change it!"

Seeing Da Gu regain his energy, Lina no longer said any dejected words, but nodded firmly.

Then he drove the Snow White and continued to gallop towards the TPC headquarters!

At the same time, the calm sea level gradually began to surge, rolling like boiling hot water!

Immediately afterwards, buildings slowly rose from under the surface of the deep sea, which was the ultra-ancient ruins!

Shinjo and Horii, who were driving a submarine to explore super-ancient ruins on the seabed, were tossed to and fro by the sudden surge of sea water, and they were unable to control it at all!

"What the hell happened?!"

Shinjo roared loudly.

Horii stared at the picture on the screen with shock in his eyes: "What is that big black shadow?!"

I saw something huge in that small display screen, opening a line of eye control!

Revealing those scarlet eyes that looked like a god of death!

[Navia: Those eyes, they feel a bit like Zoga! 】

[Charlotte: But, Zoga shouldn’t be that big, right?]

[March 7: I always feel a little uncomfortable...]

[Alicia: So it turns out that it’s not some super-ancient ruins, but a living species? 】

[Navilet: This existence is such a powerful oppressive force! 】

[Lei Movie: Indeed, even if we are separated by two worlds, we can still feel the strong sense of oppression! 】

[Funina: But, what exactly is that? 】

Just when everyone in the chat group was shocked by the huge thing in front of them, in the Fengdan Court on the other side, Ji Qiao was watching all this, and his eyes became very solemn-

"Has it finally appeared, Gatanjetong...

He clearly remembered that it was the most powerful enemy he had ever encountered when he was Dagu and Diga!

So powerful that it once made him despair!

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