Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

062: Ex-Girlfriend Camila, Captured And Raped!

Inside the Luluye ruins, the task force suffered heavy casualties due to the massive destruction caused by the three dark giants!

Even Hui Maimai, the captain of the victory team, passed out in the violent impact, and his life or death is unknown!

But the most important thing is that Dagu can no longer transform into Ultraman Tiga!

This means that no one can stop the actions of these three dark giants!

When they leave the ruins and come to the city where humans live, I am afraid that humans will face the biggest crisis besides Gatanje!

However, just as the giants were showing off their power, "ten illusory objects like white smoke suddenly floated out of the body of Hui Jian, who had been unconscious!"

This illusory thing gradually condensed and took shape, taking the form of You Lian, the leader of the Earth Guard Corps in the super ancient era!

And it’s still a younger version of You Lian, who looks exactly like Captain Megumi!

She watched the actions of Camilla and the other two giants calmly. When they released a large number of Zoga killing task force members, she spread her arms and released a powerful light!

The next second, a grand light enveloped the entire Luluye ruins.

Even Zoga, who flew into the sky, seemed to hit the invisible wall of air and fell one after another!

After doing this, You Lian's figure disappeared, leaving only the unconscious Hui Jian.

[Nasida: It seems that the super-ancient factor in Captain Hui’s body has also awakened under this intense crisis. 】

[Alicia: The person who appeared just now must be You Lian, right? And it’s also a younger version of You Lian! 】

[Liu Ying: Yes, except for the difference in temperament and hair color, the appearance is exactly the same as Captain Megumi!]

[Kiana: The seal just now was released by her, right? 】

[Nilu: Fortunately You Lian has sealed this ruins, otherwise the hordes of Zoga alone would make people feel numb! 】

[Sinadia: That is to say, it reminds me of Gatanjie, which I just finished watching not long ago...

[Fu Xuan: But, what is going on? Who are those dark giants? Why do they suddenly wake up? 】

Fu Xuan's question was also a question shared by everyone in the chat.

And just when everyone was confused, Captain Hui Hui, who was unconscious on the screen, finally woke up!

No, to be precise - I woke up with a start!

The moment he woke up, Captain Hui Jianjian looked around to confirm his current situation.

Except for her, there was no one around, and the members of the task force were missing.

And she didn't seem to know who had moved the location. The place that was supposed to be filled with the corpses and blood of the task force members was replaced by a cave-like place.

Hui Jian also keenly saw that there seemed to be an exit-like road not far away from her.

She stood up without thinking and walked in that direction.

Then, she saw a scene that shocked her!

"here it is......!"

What appeared in front of her was the ultra-ancient city that had been destroyed 30 million years ago: "The destroyed... ultra-ancient city..."

Looking at it, it is a vast expanse of ruins comparable to a city, as if it has experienced a doomsday-like destruction!

And among the ruins on the ground, you can vaguely see the giant stone statue that has also become a stone statue!

Almost without exception, these giant stone statues have fallen apart. Some are missing arms, legs and feet, some are missing half of their bodies, and some even have only their heads left!

It’s hard to imagine what a spectacular scene it would be if all these giant stone statues were intact!

Not only was Hui Jianma stunned by the ultra-ancient city in front of her, but everyone in the chat group was also shocked and speechless by the sight in front of her!

[Vilwei: Is this the super-ancient city 30 million years ago? Even from the incomplete ruins, it can be seen that their style and technology are more advanced than modern civilization! 】

[Black Tower: It's a pity that even such an advanced civilization was ultimately defeated by Gatanjie. 】

[Mebius: However, the technology and giants are far inferior to their modern ones. They successfully defeated Gatanje and entered a new era. 】

[Alicia: I think this is precisely because of the gentle and kind-hearted Ultraman Tiga, as well as the never-give-up spirit of all mankind!]

[Kiana: That’s right! As long as you persist and don’t give up, miracles will definitely happen! 】

[Liu Ying: That’s right! The reason why miracles can happen is because everyone has always believed that miracles will definitely happen! 】

[Bronya: That being said, now is not the time to dwell on the past. Captain Megumi... is still in danger now. 】

[Silver Wolf: How should I put it? Wait and have hope! 】

[Qingque: Well, you mean waiting to die, right? 】

[Yinlang: You said it first, I didn’t. 】

[Fu Xuan: You two are so stupid!]

[Navia: Wait a minute! Look, it’s the woman who appeared in Dagu’s dream before! 】

After hearing this, everyone raised their heads and looked at the screen -

"What a nasty woman." "

A female voice sounded from behind Hui Jian, followed by dense footsteps.

Hui Jian suddenly turned her head and suddenly found two men and a woman walking towards her!

Their clothes don't look like modern people at all, and they exude the same evil aura as the three previous giants!

Thinking of Dagu and Masaki Keigo, Megumi instantly understood that the three of them were the dark giants who massacred the task force before!

While Hui Jian was observing the three of them, the leading woman, Camila, looked directly at her coldly, as if issuing a resentful warning: "You have to hinder us a few times before you give up!"

Hui Jian was silent and did not answer, her eyes full of caution.

[Kuki Ninja: Damn it, no matter how powerful Captain Megumi is, it’s impossible to deal with the human bodies of three giants, right? 】

[Yola: I’m afraid, it’s more bad than good. 】

[Decia: The most important thing is that currently, no one can support Captain Megumi!]

[Navia: Where are my teammates? Where are my teammates! Save me!]

[Hanabi: Even if we really go to the rescue now, I’m afraid it’s too late. 】

[Alicia: I hope Captain Megumi will be okay! 】

The victory team on the other side naturally received the news that the task force heading to the Luluye ruins had been killed.

Although everyone was worried about what happened inside and what happened to Captain Megumi who lost contact, considering that Dagu and Lina were about to return to the base, after some discussion, they still chose The matter of Captain Megumi and the exploration of the Luluye ruins will be kept secret for the time being.

Dagu has paid too much for this world, and now he has finally lived a peaceful and comfortable life. No one wants him to continue to be involved in danger.

So when Dagu and Lina returned to the base, the members of the Victory Team all concealed the captain's situation [Song was implicitly revealed that the captain was going to perform ten tasks.

And Vice Captain Munakata also promised to come back before their wedding!

In order to prevent mistakes from happening if too much words are said, after a simple greeting to each other, Vice Captain Zongfang approved Dagu and Lina's vacation and let them go on a date.

And he, Xincheng and Horii, drove the Victory Feiyan to Luluye to secretly rescue Captain Megumi!

On the way, Horii seemed to feel a little guilty for deceiving the two of them.

"When I picked them up, I could only deceive them both..."

"Isn't this considered deception?" Shinjo comforted Horii: "Just like the commander said, it would be great if we brought the captain back.'

Vice Captain Zongfang nodded silently, his eyes full of determination and belief.

[Black Swan: Everyone on the Victory Team is really considerate~]

[Alicia: Yes, yes~ It would be great if the boys here could be as considerate as those on the victory team~]



[Qianjie: Humph! Boring! 】


[Hutao: Did you hear that, guest? Men must also learn to be considerate! 】

[Zhongli: Yes, established. 】

[Navilet: That’s true. Maybe I should also try to learn to be considerate?]

[Funina: Well, don’t say goodbye, you’d better maintain the status quo. 】

[March 7: But, are they really okay... going directly to the super-ancient ruins like this? There are three vicious dark giants there! 】

[Keqing: I feel that there will be danger. 】

Just when everyone was worried, "Horii, who had been observing the display screen, suddenly spoke to remind the two

"Command, there is a strong energy response!"

"It is very similar to the type observed in the pyramids in the land of Tiga before!"

"What?!" Zongfang looked quite surprised when he heard the news.

Obviously, the senior management did not tell him this information before this.

Xincheng was also in a state of shock: "What's going on? Could it be that this sign-seeking hand also hides a stone statue?"

"It's possible!"

Horii nodded seriously, and then suddenly realized: "The investigation team also knew this in advance...

"Now let's make sure the captain is safe!"

Zongfang reminded the two of them not to think nonsense: "Prepare to land!"

"Understood!" x2

As the Victory Feiyan landed safely, Zongfang and the other three also entered the ship on which the task force was riding and began to search for clues.

However, what surprised them was that the huge ship was empty, as if everyone had disappeared!

And during the investigation, Horii met the miniature Saga disguised as the leader of the task force, and started a fight with him!

Fortunately, Xincheng arrived in time and killed the small Zoga.

The small Zoga who was killed left behind the words "The darkness of destruction has awakened" at the end and then disappeared.

Realizing that the situation might be more dangerous than imagined, Shinjo, Horii and others did not dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately chose to return to the deck, only to be surprised to find that it was surrounded by a large number of small Saga!

Just when they felt desperate, Vice Captain Zongfang drove the Victory Feiyan in time to rescue the two of them, and chose to retreat out of extreme unwillingness!

[Funina: The darkness of destruction has awakened... Could it be said that the battle is not over yet? 】

[Clorind: Judging from this situation, it seems that is indeed the case. 】

[Linette: I didn’t expect that dark monster to be the last enemy. 】

[Kiana: In the final analysis, all this is due to TPC being too greedy! If they had not entered the ruins rashly, those giants would not have woken up at all!]

[Theresa: But it’s useless to say this now, think of a solution quickly!]

[Xiaogong: But, what should we do next? Dagu has no way to transform into Diga anymore! 】

Right at Lulu Ruins

When the development of the city took a turn for the worse, Dagu and Lina, as well as the two lovers Mayumi and Yerui who were far away in the city on the other side, naturally did not know the situation there.

They were still enjoying their double date.

They are said to be a couple, but in fact they also include Dagu and Lina who are returning from vacation, and they are asked to accompany them to distract them.

At this moment, the four of them were sitting in the open-air restaurant, enjoying their hard-won leisure time.

In order to open up the topic, Ye Rui spoke first: "...'The wedding is coming soon, right?"

"Yes." Da Gu smiled and nodded, obviously looking forward to it!

Mayumi also chimed in: "Lina must look beautiful in her wedding dress!"

"Of course~"

Lina showed a smile like a girl in love: "Because it was Dagu who chose it for me~!"

"Ah! If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have asked!"

Mayumi was shown a face of affection.

Ye Rui asked again: "Have the invitations and everything been sent out?"

Dagu nodded: "Basically all the people who have taken care of us have died."

At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly appeared in Dagu's mind——

"Why don't you invite me?"

Hearing this sound, Dagu subconsciously frowned and looked towards the source of the sound.

Then, he was surprised to find that the woman who had appeared in his dream appeared in front of him again!

And she was still floating on the river! It showed her extraordinary identity!

Seeing Dagu's shocked look, a nostalgic smile appeared on Camila's face -

"I've always--wanted to see you."

"...Who are you?" Dagu looked at her with a puzzled face, feeling very familiar but also strange.

"Have you forgotten me?"

The smile on Camila's face became slightly colder, and her tone couldn't help but become more serious: "Just like that woman."

"-But you'll remember it soon."

A mysterious smile appeared on Camila's face: "Soon...

[Funina: Sure enough, this Camilla seems to be very familiar with Dagu’s Moyong! 】

[Nasida: But Dagu didn’t recognize her at all. 】

[Kiana: What on earth is going on? Could it be that Da Gu has lost his memory? 】

[Padofilis: Even if we have amnesia, we still know Dagu, and we have never seen him mention anything about the name ‘Camilla’ in his past stories.


[Black Swan: What a pity. If I could (Denuo Zhao) come into contact with Da Gu personally, I might be able to find clues about ‘Camilla’ from his memory. 】

[Hanabi: Come on, I think you are trying to do something wrong with his memory as Tiga. 】

[Black Swan: Haha~ Ms. Hanabi is worrying too much~]

【Hanabi: Huh!】



Ji Qiao looked at the woman on the screen and the emotions in her eyes became much more complicated.

As the patron saint of the earth and the protector of mankind, it can be said that Ultraman Tiga has never lived up to this title. Even for him who was still Dagu back then, he just felt that he

As a human being - I just did what I was supposed to do as a human being.

Even after destroying Gatanjie, he still thought so.

But regarding those grudges, loves, hates, and grudges thirty million years ago... he couldn't stand up and face them head-on.

Because, that is indeed him, and it is also what Diga left behind...well, it can even be said to be a scumbag.

At this thought, Ji Qiao couldn't help but touch her forehead, feeling a little guilty.

He shook his head and looked at the big screen again. If he remembered correctly——Camilla's revenge on him had just begun.

Sure enough, following Camilla's words, an overwhelming number of small Zoga suddenly flew out of the originally clear blue sky!

An attack was launched in the city where Dagu was located!

Seeing this horrific scene, people who were still enjoying the good time fled one after another!

Screams came and went, sometimes accompanied by the sharp cry from Zoga, which was endless!

[Decia: It’s Zoga again! They came too fast! 】

[Navia: What should we do now! Dagu, Lina! Run away! C]

[Liu Ying: It would be great if Dagu could transform into Tiga again! 】

[Kiana: Damn Zoga, there is no end! 】

PS: Dagu is Tiga in the TV version, but not exactly Tiga.

But in the theatrical version, Dagu is the reincarnation of Tiga, and even Camilla is directly called Dagu. It can only be said that the screenwriters stabbed each other in the back. .

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