Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

066: Dark Tiga’S Absorption Ability! Super Victory Team Comes To Support!

Just when everyone in the chat group was worried about Tiga, the people on the victory team driving the Atdis on the other side were about to arrive at the Luluye ruins.

Sensing the arrival of the Victory Team, Camilla sent a large number of Zorgans to stop them——

"Human beings who overestimate their capabilities have nothing to do with you here!"

Along with the large influx of Zoga groups, the Atdis also sounded a violent alarm.

Although under the command of Captain Munakata, the Atdis opened all the cannon doors and launched a light attack together.

But unfortunately, the number of Zoga is too huge. Even if the Atdis fires at full power, it still can't stop Zoga's advance!

After a while, a large number of Zorgas clung to the engine of the Atdis, trying to prevent the Atdis from moving forward.

Even if Xincheng wanted to go out and pilot the Victory Feiyan to attack, the system suffered a malfunction and the hatch of the Victory Feiyan could not be opened at all!

And just when everyone in the victory team was helpless, Captain Hui Jian, who had fainted in the Luluye ruins, seemed to sense that the team members were fighting outside and woke up instantly.

She struggled to get up, picked up the protective pendant that Zongfang had given her before she went to the Luluye ruins, and quickly came to the corpse holding the bomb detonator, and snatched the detonator from his hand.

"Everyone, come on!"

Silently cheering for the team members, Hui Jian pressed the switch of the detonator with firm determination.

At the same time, a large number of bombs stored in the Luluye ruins simultaneously sounded a scarlet countdown sound, obviously being activated!

If such a large number of bombs explode at this moment, not only the Luluye ruins, but also the middle-aged Hui himself may be affected by the bomb!

But even so, she did not hesitate at all: "We can no longer let Zojia do whatever he wants!"

[Alicia: Wait a minute, is it possible that the captain in the middle plans to detonate those bombs like this?!]

[Screw Gum: Conclusion: If the bomb is detonated like this, Captain Hui, who is in the middle of it, is likely to be affected. 】

[Funina: Could it be that Captain Hui Hui is planning to sacrifice himself to stop those three dark giants! 】

[Liuying: I think this is not only to stop the three dark giants, but also to help the team members who were attacked by Zoga. 】

[Lei Movie: 20 is worthy of being the captain of the victory team. This courage and spirit of daring to sacrifice are indeed admirable. 】

[Kujo Sora: I would like to pay the highest respect to Captain Megumi!]

Just when Captain Hui Jianjian woke up, got the detonator and prepared to detonate the bomb, at the same time - there was a duel between Dark Tiga and the strong warrior Dalam!

Dark Tiga, who was pulled into the deep sea by Duram, has always been at a disadvantage in the duel with Duram because he did not dare to use the power of darkness.

Since the speed in the deep sea could not be used, and the strength was no match for Duram, Diga was quickly punched into a stiff state by Duram, and then he was kicked to the ground with another fierce kick. land.

It fell heavily on the ultra-ancient building, accompanied by violent roars and tremors!

And it was this tremor that made Captain Hui, the intermediary who connected the space, also send out a violent shock!

At this time, Captain Hui Jian was about to press the switch again to detonate the bomb.

However, along with this violent turbulence, her figure became unstable and hit the wall heavily. The detonator in her hand also fell into the gap between the rocks!

Dark Diga, who was unaware of this, quickly stood up after falling to the ground and launched another attack on Durham.

He clenched his fist and swung it hard at Durham.

But Durham didn't even defend himself, just letting the dark fist hit him.

Surprisingly, Duram showed no sign of injury. Instead, Dark Diga's fist was forcefully pushed back by Duram's powerful defense!

Dark Diga was taken aback and wanted to continue attacking, but was easily knocked aside by Durham.

It was obviously just a wave of his hand, but the power from his arm made Dark Diga's figure unstable for a while, and he staggered forward several steps before barely stabilizing his figure.

After stabilizing his body balance, Dark Diga attacked again, but was still easily resolved by Duram.

Instead, it was Durham who counterattacked, directly lifting Dark Diga high into the air, throwing him over his shoulder and slamming him down onto the super-ancient building.

It caused considerable trauma to Dark Diga!

Dallam looked at Dark Diga's weak appearance and sneered -

"A wretch who cannot fully utilize the power of darkness."

[Kuki Ninja: Tiga, I feel like I am no match for you in terms of strength!]

[Qianzhi: And this red giant is very smart. It dragged Diga into the water as soon as it came up, limiting the speed of both parties. 】

[Coral Palace Xinhai: It seems that they are well prepared. 】

[Mebius: After all, when he was sealed 30 million years ago, he began to think about revenge against Tiga. This level of preparation is inevitable. 】

[Jingyuan: I think the biggest problem is that Dagu is afraid that he will be swallowed by the power of darkness, so he has never been able to fully exert the power of Dark Tiga. 】

[Fu Xuan: The general is right, I think so too. 】

[Bronya: Yes, even the red giant who fought Tong said so. 】

[Xie'er: This should be considered a critical review, right? 】

While everyone in the chat group was analyzing the situation, Dark Diga was still fighting with Duram on the deep sea battlefield, but the power of Dark Diga that Dagu could exert was too weak.

No matter how he attacks, not only are they easily resolved by Durham, but even his counterattack - Dark Tiga is difficult to resist.

Even during a counterattack, Dark Diga accidentally stepped on the air and his entire lower body sank into the deep sand.

The more he struggles, the greater the resistance of the quicksand to him!

At the same time, Durham also took advantage of the danger and launched an attack on him!

I saw Durham leaping high, and then stepped hard on Dark Diga's resisting arms with his feet!

As a result, Dark Diga's body sank further into the quicksand!

Dallam succeeded with one blow, jumped back, and pointed at Dark Tiga——

"Just let me bury you with my own hands!"

Dark Diga looked at him, his arms still struggling hard to get free: "I can't lose here like this!"

However, Durham no longer gave him a chance. He jumped up high again and kicked Dark Diga's blocking arms hard.

So the body of Dark Diga sank deeply into it again!

[Jackdaw: It seems like Tiga really can’t beat him. What should I do now? Are we really going to lose here?]

[Xueyi: Now, we can only cheer for Tiga. Also, please use punctuation marks next time. 】

[Jackdaw: Good sister]

[Keli: Ultraman Tiga, come on! 】

[Diona: That’s right, you can’t lose! Don’t you still want to rescue the captain? Don’t you still want to marry sister Lina! 】

Just when Dark Diga was in a tough fight, the Atdis on the other side was also in a tough fight!

More and more Zorgas surrounded the Atdis, rushing towards the engines in droves [extinguishing them one by one!

Just when everyone was helpless, several fighter planes suddenly came to support and helped everyone in the victory team successfully eliminate the Zoga group!

It is the members of the future Super Victory Team who came to support under the orders of Chief Yoshioka!

At this moment, they are still new recruits in training!

But facing the huge Zojia group, they were not afraid at all. With their amazing skills and strategies, they dodged left and right in the Zuojia group, and sometimes fired light to destroy Zojia!

With the support of this group of new recruits, Tedis successfully turned the crisis around!

The main engine has gradually returned to normal!

After learning the news, Vice Captain Zongfang immediately issued an order

"Xincheng, prepare to fire the drak cannon!"


New City opened the muzzle of the drak cannon.

"Aim at Zoga's exit, drak cannon, fire!!"

Accompanied by a burst of intense light cannon bombardment, the entrance to Zuojia's cave, which was continuously pouring out, was accurately hit by this intense light cannon. Amid a violent roar, the entrance to the cave was completely blocked!

Seeing this, Xincheng couldn't help but cheered: "Okay! This way Zuojia won't be able to get out!"

At the same time, Ye Rui also told everyone that the door system of the Victory Feiyan was restored.

However, the location of Captain Megumi was still not detected.

After Zongfang heard this, he immediately made a decision—

"Horii, Shinjo, join me in flying the Victory Swallow to attack!"

"Understood!" x2

Just when the three of them were preparing to go out, Lina also stood up and looked at Vice Captain Zongfang with firm eyes: "I want to go too!"

Everyone in the victory team looked at Lina, as if they could see the determination in her eyes.

Vice Captain Zongfang nodded: "Yes!"

Immediately, they drove the Victory Feiyan and prepared to enter the Luluye ruins.

At the moment when they met the new people, both parties expressed their highest respect to each other.

[Nacida: Everyone on the victory team has not given up yet. 】

[Alicia: Yes, after all, they are the winning team that has experienced countless crises! How could they give up so easily! 】

[Funina: That’s right! It’s not just Diga who protects the earth and mankind, but also everyone on the victory team! Isn’t it always like this! 】

[Xinadiya: Now that everyone on the victory team has successfully escaped from danger, I believe that Tiga will be able to do the same! 】

[Silver Wolf: Having said that, it seems that things are not so beautiful.........]

Following Silver Wolf's words, the scene on the screen also shifted to the battlefield between Dark Diga and Dallam.

At this moment, it can be said that only one head of Diga is still exposed, and the body below the head has completely sunk into the quicksand.

When Durham saw this, he no longer hesitated.

He turned around slowly and began to gather strength - "Goodbye."


Immediately afterwards, he slammed his energy-filled right fist into the ground.

So from the straight line between him and Dark Tiga, there was a continuous roar of explosions, gradually approaching Dark Tiga!

The next moment, a violent explosion sounded around Dark Diga, stirring up a lot of waves and sand!

【Yao Yao: Dijia!】

【Clara:Ultraman Tiga!】

[Qiqi: Di…………Jia……]

[Liu Ying: Tiga... how is he? 】

[Funina: No! Ultraman Tiga will not lose! 】

[Alicia: You can’t fall here! Tiga!!]

In the support of everyone, the waves and sand surrounding Dark Diga gradually dispersed.

Then, everyone saw the giant figure standing tall amidst the explosion!

It was Dark Tiga who absorbed Duram's special move and transformed into a tornado!

Its name is——Tiga Tornado Type!

Originally he was

Part of the dark silver on the top turned into a powerful red!

Seeing this scene, not only Duram, but also Camilla, who had been watching the battle, also showed surprise.

"He transforms the power of darkness into light!"

"Same as it was 30 million years ago!"

Seeing that Dark Tiga was not only unscathed by his special attack, but also absorbed his power and became even more powerful!

Durham instantly felt red and warm, then roared and charged forward!

When Dark Diga saw this, he gathered his arms from the left and right upwards, condensing high-density ultra-high thermal light energy particles in front of the timer - exactly the powerful nirvana: Dilashum said!

The next second, Diga suddenly launched the dilasium light stream towards Durham!

The blazing light hit the running Durham, and with Durham's unwilling roar, his body exploded!

[Hook: We win! Hook knows it! Ultraman Tiga will never lose! 】

[Himeko: Not only that, Tiga also absorbed the red giant’s special move and successfully became stronger. 】

[Kiana: As expected of Tiga! It’s really amazing! 】

[Funina: However, it was a critical moment just now. I didn’t expect that Tiga would have the ability to absorb the opponent’s power! 】

[Leosli: After all, I heard Camilla say that Tiga was once the strongest dark giant. Since he was the strongest————, it is understandable that he has this special ability52


[Mebius: As long as it does not exceed the upper limit of Tiga's body, can he forcibly absorb the opponent's power and convert it into his own power? 】

[Lisa: To a certain extent, this power is truly invincible. 】

Just when everyone was sighing at Dark Diga's absorptive ability, he had already left the sea and entered another unknown space.

Just when Dark Diga was carefully guarding the surrounding environment, suddenly a purple giant descended from the sky and launched a sneak attack on Dark Diga!

Although Dark Diga noticed the murderous intent immediately and quickly put up a defensive posture, the opponent's rapid speed gave him no time to react!

The one who secretly attacked Dark Tiga was the Junmin warrior: Hitler!

Almost instantly, Hitler successfully restrained Dark Tiga with weapons and forcibly brought him into his dream space!

It was a planetary realm filled with antimatter, and it was also a personal realm created by Hitler in the ruins of the super-ancient city Luluye!

Specially prepared for revenge against Dark Tiga!

After dragging Dark Tiga into his own domain, Hitler threw Dark Tiga hard from high in the air, causing him to fall heavily to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, he continuously released destructive light bombs towards Dark Diga!

Dark Tiga, who had just stood up, could only keep dodging, doing continuous somersaults to avoid the incoming light bullets, and then took advantage of the gap to launch a light blade towards Hitler to counterattack!


A series of luminous blades attacked Hitler at extremely fast speeds.

However, Hitler, who possesses super high speed, easily dodged Dark Tiga's continuous light blades. He arrogantly roared at Dark Tiga in mid-air - "You traitor, SEAB!!!"

The next second, Hitler condensed a powerful light skill and fired it towards the dark Tiga!

Upon seeing this, Dark Diga immediately flew to avoid it.

The moment the light hit the asteroid where Dark Diga was, it exploded and turned into powder!

[Huang Quan: Such a powerful force, it destroyed an asteroid so easily. 】

[Thunder and Lightning Meiyi: Tiga, you must not be hit! 】

[Kiana: What are you afraid of? Don’t you still have the ability to absorb it? 】

[Theresa: Idiot Kiana, there is a limit to your absorption ability! What’s more, Tiga has just absorbed the red giant’s special move [I’m afraid I don’t have any extra strength now]

No more absorbing the power of this purple-eyed person. 】

[Xia Wo Lei: I just experienced the battle with the red giant, and now I have to fight the purple giant again... Can Diga's physical strength really withstand such consumption...


[Jiuki Ren: I'm afraid it's difficult, after all, Dagu has been injured in the illusion before. 】

[Sushang: All in all, we can only continue to cheer for Diga now! 】

[Gui Naifen: Shang Shang is right! Ultraman Tiga, come on! 】

PS: The third update is finished! Please give me flowers and review votes, please ORZ my family!

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