[Alicia: It’s Tiga! Dagu finally transformed into Tiga again! 】

[Funina: Sure enough, Diga is still needed in the end! 】

[March 7: If Diga is here, the monster can definitely be eliminated in a few or two strokes! Great! 】

Not only the people in the chat group cheered for Diga's appearance, but even the members of the victory team who were assisting in the evacuation on the screen became excited when they saw Diga's appearance.

Lina even shouted happily: "It's a giant, the giant is coming to save us!"

On the other side, Dagu, who transformed into Ultraman Tiga, immediately began to fight the monster. Unlike the last time, he was guided by his own consciousness, this time Tiga was completely controlled by the human body.

However, although it was technically his first battle, Da Gu was not at all stage frightened.

In order to protect the nearby humans, he stepped forward resolutely and started a close fight with the monster.

I saw Diga riding on the monster's body, Ultra's knife lit up with a sharp blue light, and kept hitting the monster's back, splashing a burst of fierce fire.

However, the monster was not to be outdone, and soon launched a counterattack against Diga. A strange red light flashed, and Diga, who was attacked, instantly flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

But Diga quickly stood up again, successfully dodged the monster's petrifying light with a somersault, and then made another 360 in the air to land firmly in front of the monster, and resumed his stance!

[Kiana: Ouch! So handsome! 】

[Alicia: He is indeed handsome! 】

[Nacida: Although technically speaking this was Dagu's first battle, the skill and courage he showed did not look like a novice on the battlefield for the first time. 】

[Sinadia: Yes, after all, what he wants to protect behind his back is his companions! 】

[March 7: Come on! Tiga! 】

[Keli: Ultraman Tiga, Keli will also cheer for you! 】

[Hook: Dark Lord Hook will also cheer for you! 】

[Qiqi: Qiqi... will also... cheer for Ultraman Tiga...]

As time went by, the battle between Diga and the monster also entered a stalemate. However, at this moment, the monster's two tentacles released light skills. Diga was caught off guard and was thrown to the ground. .

The monster took this opportunity to rush towards Diga who was lying on the ground. Diga just stood up to block the monster's tentacle attack, but was stabbed in the body by its sharp claws that suddenly grew longer, splashing fierce fire!

Diga, whose body was severely injured, struggled to get up, but was hit by the monster again. This time, two sharp tentacles hit Diga's legs firmly, and with a burst of dazzling sparks, Diga was overturned. On the ground.

[Gan Yu: Oh no, Diga is injured! 】

[Shen He: Sure enough, as a novice, Dagu still lacks combat experience...]

[Diona: If this continues, Diga will be in a very unfavorable situation! 】

[Nilu: It’s already quite disadvantageous now! 】

[Qianzhi: Unfortunately, no one here can help Tiga. 】

[Barbara: Sorry, look! Tiga was hit by the monster's light! 】

After hearing this, everyone raised their heads.

Sure enough, I saw that Diga's legs were being petrified by the monster's light, and it was quickly spreading upwards!

"Oops! The giant will turn into stone!" Horii and others watched anxiously, but could do nothing.

At the same time, the timer on Diga's chest also began to flash, as if to tell everyone that Diga's time on earth is running out!

The monster also aimed its tentacles at Tiga, charging towards him with steps that shook the earth!

[Xiaogong: What, what should I do! Tiga! Tiga is in danger! 】

[Xinhai: And the petrified Tiga cannot escape at all... This is bad...]

[Esta: But, there is nothing we can do...]

Just when everyone was feeling anxious for Diga, Diga was seen folding his hands above his head with all his strength, as if he was accumulating all his strength!

Immediately afterwards, there was an angry shout! All the rocks that originally covered his body exploded!

At the same time, Tiga also transformed into a powerful form! The color of the whole body has changed into a red form that symbolizes strength!

[Huo Huo: It’s appeared, the red form! 】

[Clara: And the rock on Diga’s body is also broken! 】

[Gui Naifen: As expected of Tiga, so awesome! 】

Tiga, who shattered the rock, faced the monster again with his powerful form, easily blocked its collision, and swung an Ultra Power Punch!

Just one blow knocked the monster to the ground!

"Great! Come on!"

Horii and others on the side suddenly cheered excitedly!

On the battlefield, Diga carefully kept a distance from the monster. Just as he was about to rush forward at the right time, he was blocked by the light skill released by the monster.

But in the powerful state, Tiga's defense is several times that of the compound type. Facing the light that troubled the compound type before, the powerful Tiga is not afraid at all!

Just folding his arms in front of his chest, followed by an angry shout, he successfully broke the light wrapping his body!

Immediately afterwards, Diga jumped up high and cut off the monster's tentacles with a powerful Ultra hand knife on the spot!


The monster with its tentacles cut off could no longer use light skills. It was lifted high from the ground by Diga, passed over his head - and then thrown out with force!

I saw the monster's huge body drawing an arc in mid-air, and then crashed to the ground, rolling continuously!

Seeing that the monster was exhausted and Tiga's timer was flashing more and more quickly, he no longer hesitated and immediately used his special move - Delasium Light Flow.

Diga gathered his arms from the left and right upwards, gathered high-density ultra-high thermal light energy particles at the timer, and then threw them at the monster with all his strength!

The blazing light energy instantly bombarded the monster's body. After a brief struggle, the monster closed its eyes as if it had lost its life.

The next second, its body turned into rock and then dissipated like the wind.

[Kiana: Okay! Tiga won again! 】

[Wutao: Congratulations! congratulations! 】

[Funina: Sure enough, justice will prevail! 】

"But speaking of it -"

Charlotte looked at the person next to her: "Mr. Ji Qiao, if you transform into Diga, then Diga will be injured. As a human body, Dagu...that is, your previous life...will you also..."

"You're quite smart."

Ji Qiao smiled slightly and looked up at the sky, as if recalling all the events in his previous life: "Yes, it is Tiga who is fighting, but it is the physical strength of the human body that is consumed."

"The injuries suffered by Diga and the energy consumed will eventually be fed back to the human body."

"Ah! Then, if that's the case..."

Charlotte looked worried: "Isn't it true that every time Mr. Dagu fights, he is betting with his life!"

"This, this is too dangerous!"

Charlotte understood somewhat: "No wonder you were so resistant to becoming Tiga in your previous life."

"——But, why are you so resistant, but you still step forward at the critical moment and transform into Tiga to fight?"


Ji Qiao exhaled softly and spoke in a relaxed but nostalgic tone: "Because I am also a human being."

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