Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

071: "I Will Protect This World! - Tiga!!!"

Putting aside the speculation in the chat group for the moment, Ogu saw Hibino Mirai and was about to say something.

The illusion disappeared again, and he returned to the street where he was standing, with crowds of people.

Da Gu frowned, feeling even more surprised.

He didn't understand what these hallucinations meant and why they appeared so often.

Why is Ultraman in the dream so familiar?

One day, Dagu introduced the customs and customs of this city to his partners as usual.

But in an instant, the hallucination came again.

This time, a deafening roar rang in his ears. Dagu raised his head in horror and suddenly discovered that a huge monster appeared in front of him!

Almost subconsciously, Da Gu blurted out the name of this monster: ""Gasla!!"

Gesla waved his claws and destroyed the building floors in front of him with just one blow, turning it into ruins!

And Dagu was so frightened by the terrifying monster so close that he collapsed to the ground, and the building debris also fell on him.

He looked at the monster that was gradually approaching him, and his expression became very panic——

"If this is a dream, wake up quickly!!"

[Kiana: Dagu! Transform quickly! 】

[Hook: Yes! Brother Dagu! Quickly transform into Ultraman Tiga! Defeat this hateful monster!!]

[Qianzhi: Have you forgotten that the Dagu of this world cannot transform into Diga at all. 】

[Funina: In that case, wouldn’t Dagu be in danger? 】

[Alicia: The monster is getting closer and closer to Dagu! Dagu! Run away! 】

[Navia: Oops, it’s too late! 】

On the screen, just when Dagu was about to be attacked by a monster.

A blazing red light shines up, outlining a trajectory like a Möbius strip in mid-air. When the light dissipates - Ultraman Mebius shines and ascends to evil.


Dagu opened his eyes wide and looked at Membius who was very close at hand, his legs still shaking.

And Mebius has already rushed towards the monster and started fighting with Gesla!

It was only now that Dagu woke up from a dream: "This is not a dream!"

"That's the real Ultraman!"

[Silver Wolf: We’re talking to you, aren’t you also the real Ultraman...]

[Kafka: It’s just that the ancient people in this world have never transformed into Tiga. 】

[Padofilis: If we remember correctly, the Dagu of the victory team actually hated turning into Tiga. 】

[Qianori: Maybe what you can’t get is the best? 】

[Liu Ying: Anyway, it’s great that Dagu is safe and sound. 】

On the screen, the battle between Mebius and Gesla was in a stalemate. Although they had the upper hand at the beginning, as time went by, Mebius gradually gained the upper hand.

At this moment, Dagu suddenly remembered Gesla's weakness, so he ran to Mumbius and told him loudly——

"That monster's weak point is its dorsal fin!!"

Hearing Dagu's voice, Membius nodded to him, and then kicked Gesla away with all his strength.

Immediately afterwards, he took up his stance and rushed towards Gesla again, and did a somersault in mid-air, jumped behind Gesla, and quickly removed its dorsal fin!


Gesla looked up to the sky and screamed in agony, and Membius took advantage of the victory to pursue the victory, lifted Gesla with both arms, and threw it away!

After doing this, Membius stood on the spot and made the starting move of his special move. He combined his hands into a cross shape and fired a golden light from his right hand————Membius Ray!

The golden light bombarded Gesla, and with a violent explosion, Gesla was successfully eliminated by Membius!


Dagu, who was witnessing all this from the side, couldn't help but let out an excited shout.

The timer of Mebius began to flash at this moment, but he did not leave in a hurry, but turned to look at Dagu.

The next second, Mebius's whole body shone with light, and his huge body turned into particles of light and dissipated.

Only the last small part of the light was left, gradually falling back to the ground, and finally returned to human appearance.


Dagu was a little surprised and confused when he saw the man standing in front of him.

"Hibino Mirai."

Future smiled at Dagu: "Thanks to you, I was saved. You are really brave."

Dagu was a little embarrassed when he heard this: "I don't know why I did that..."

Hibino Mirai smiled innocently: "Thank you!"

Dagu looked at Hibino Mirai and was about to say something more when suddenly the surrounding scenes changed.

The sound of noisy crowds could be heard in my ears, and the collapsed building was restored to its original state.

In an instant, Dagu returned to reality.

[Sister Aisi: What’s going on? Could it be that this is Dagu’s hallucination again? 】

[Kiana: But, isn’t this illusion too real? 】

[Hutao: Dagu has been either dreaming or hallucinating for no reason recently...could he be possessed by evil spirits?]

[Keqing: Will Ultraman, who symbolizes light, also be possessed by evil spirits? 】

[Gan Yu: But, if it is really possessed by evil spirits? Why does Da Gu dream about Ultraman and monsters? And he also saw Tiga in his hallucinations. 】

[Xianyun: Apparently, there must be something fishy about this matter. 】

[Navilet: Perhaps, it has something to do with the mirage that appeared in Sky H before. 】

Could it be that...this is another hallucination?

Dagu couldn't help but have doubts, but soon, his doubts were dispelled!

Because not far away from him, Hibino Mirai was being pestered by a group of children, who seemed to be curious about his clothes!

Seeing that Hibino Mirai was real, Ogu quickly said goodbye to his partner and took Mirai away.

The two of them sat in a quiet corner and talked about what had just happened.

Through communication, Hibino Mirai learned that he had come to a world where monsters and Ultraman did not exist. Hibino Mirai told Dagu that he was attracted by a girl with red shoes, and the girl told him—— ——We must wake up seven brave men and defeat the invaders together.

"Seven brave men...?"

Hearing these words, Dagu couldn't help but frown, and vaguely remembered the scene in which the four uncles transformed into Ultraman that he had seen in hallucinations in the past.

He suddenly realized that the seven warriors he was looking for in the future were probably his four uncles!

So, Dagu quickly pulled Hibino Mirai, and I fucked his four uncles.

However, I didn’t expect that Mirai looked very familiar with them, and even affectionately called them ‘brother’!

But it is a pity that no matter which uncle he is, he looks like he does not know the future, which makes the future feel very frustrated.

"Those four men...are the brave Ultra brothers."

Future's words were categorical, but then the expression on his face became a little lonely: "But, it seems different in this world.'

Seeing the future like this, Yingu comforted him: "It's not time to give up."

"Because——those four people are also heroes in this world!"

Under Dagu's comfort, the future also cheered up again.

At this moment, the monster attacks again!

Dagu and Mirai looked at it at the same time and discovered that the monster that came out to destroy was none other than Ponton!

[Funina: Wait, this time it’s really in reality, in the world where Tianji and the others live, right? 】

[Alicia: That should be right. Look, everyone is running around!]

[Qianori: It seems that this time is not Dagu’s hallucination or dream, but it really happened in reality. 】

[Nasida: But, according to Dagu, there should be no monsters in his world, right? 】

[Yae Kamiko: It is possible that he was summoned here deliberately by someone, just like Hibino accidentally entered this world in the future. 】

[Esta: If that’s the case, that’s too abominable. You actually tried to summon a monster into this world. 】

Seeing Ponton wreaking havoc in the city where humans live, Mirai immediately decided to transform into Mebius and fight!

So, under the witness of Dagu, and in the future shouting "Mambius", his body turned into pure light and transformed into Ultraman Mebius - similar to Ponton A battle began.

The appearance of Ultraman and monsters also shocked the people of this world!

Under Dagu's watchful eye, Mumbius achieved the final victory with great difficulty - successfully annihilating the monster Ponton with the help of his special move, Mumbius Ray.


A violent explosion sounded, and Ponton's body disappeared in the intense firelight.

After finishing all this, Mebius turned to look at Dagu and gave him a thumbs up.

Dagu was stunned for a moment, then showed a joyful smile, and also gave a thumbs up to Membius.

[Silver Wolf: Let me tell you something, this seems to be Dagu’s first time seeing another Ultraman fight. 】

[Navia: Yes, Dagu has always transformed into Tiga to fight. 】

[Wendy: How should I put it? I suddenly felt like... things are different and people are different. 】

[Nilu: After all, Dagu in this world seems to be more mature... and more... ordinary. 】

[Xinadiya: Ah! Oh no! Look! 】

After hearing Xinadiya's words, everyone raised their heads and continued to watch——

A cylindrical barrier suddenly appeared around Mebius, trapping him inside with lightning speed!

This sudden scene caught both Mebius and Dagu off guard, and they didn't understand what was happening!

Membius tried to smash open the cylindrical barrier with his fist, but he couldn't do it at all!

The cylinder containing Membius slowly rose into the sky, and then bursts of mist-like gas were sprinkled from above. As soon as Membius came into contact with this gas, he immediately became extremely painful!

It was only then that Hippolyte appeared in front of Membius, laughing loudly——

"You've fallen into a trap, Mebius Ultra!"

"You just die like this!"

As the thick fog gradually filled the entire cylinder, Mebius struggled less and less vigorously, and finally turned into a bronze statue.

[Padophilis: Membius...has turned into a bronze statue! 】

[Silver Wolf: This rather ungentleman-looking spaceman is really despicable! 】

[Kiana: That’s right! If you have the ability to fight head-on! What’s the point of sneak attack! 】

[Liu Ying: Could it be that he summoned that monster Ponton? 】

[Funina: It must be him! Who else could be so despicable besides him! 】

In the picture, the Hippolytes laughed and announced to humans——

"Ultraman Mebius has been defeated by Hippolyte, and there are no obstacles in this world!"

"The moment of human destruction is coming


Immediately, the body of the Hippolyte was surrounded by black mist and disappeared from the earth.

Due to the destruction of monsters, this world, which has never been attacked by monsters, has been extremely damaged.

The collapsed buildings alone caused a large number of casualties, and the places directly hit by the monster's attacks were even more devastated.

Even Uncle Xiang's wife, Aunt Qiuzi, was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

Dagu looked at the city reduced to ruins, and his heart was filled with despair.

Late at night, it rained heavily.

He came alone to Mumbius, who had turned into a bronze statue, as if seeking his help: "Mumbius, tell me... what should I do? What should I do?

What should we do!”

"————What will it take to awaken the seven warriors?"

However, before Dagu could find the answer, as the next day came, the Hippolytes appeared again!

Moreover, it also summoned other monsters to wreak havoc on human cities!

In an instant, the entire city was filled with a sea of ​​fire. The Hippolytes looked down at the panicked but helpless humans and laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha

!Humanity has no future! Perish! Destroy! Disappear!"

Dagu gritted his teeth and watched all this, clenching his fists angrily.

But as an ordinary person, he can't do anything.

Just when Dagu was hating his own powerlessness, he suddenly heard the voices of his uncles coming from behind him -

"If you don't give up until the last moment, Ultraman will definitely come." Susumu Hayata said.

590 Zhuxingtuan looked at Dagu: "Dagu, this is what you told us when you were a child.

"I..." Dagu looked at his uncles and hesitated to speak.

"That's right, the reason why we haven't forgotten our dreams is because you believe in Ultraman's eyes and stay in our hearts."

Beidou said so.

"Believe in Ultraman's... eyes..." Dagu murmured to himself.

Susumu Hayata nodded firmly: "Yes, you have always believed in Ultraman."

[Alicia: Dagu! Remember it! The fact that you are Ultraman Tiga! 】

[Hook: That’s right! Brother Da Gu is Ultraman Tiga! 】

[Kiana: No matter which world he is in, Dagu will always be Ultraman Tiga! This will never change! 】

[Funina: So, Tianyu! Think of it quickly! 】

[Liuying: Dagu, think of it quickly!!!]

It was as if he heard the shouts of everyone and the encouragement from his uncles made Dagu cheer up again.

He suddenly opened his eyes wide, stared at his uncles deeply, then turned around and ran quickly in the direction of the Hippolytes!

Soon, Dagu came to an open space.

He raised his head and stared at the triumphant monsters and Hippolytes, and in his mind, scenes that were strange but extremely familiar gradually emerged in his mind -

That was everything he experienced in another time and space!

As a member of the victory team, he...

As Ultraman Tiga!

At that moment, Dagu showed an expression that he had remembered everything!

"I see......"

"I understand now!"

"The last of the Seven Warriors..."

Dagu suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashing with firm belief and courage: "That's me!!"

He looked at the monsters that had brought destruction to the city and harmed humans, and there was no trace of fear or confusion in his expression.

All that's left is overflowing courage and determination!

"I will protect this world!"

For a moment, a faint light lingered on Dagu's hand. This light gradually condensed and took shape, and finally - turned into a divine light stick!

[Funina: Divine Light Stick! It’s the Divine Light Stick!]

[Alicia: Great! Dagu finally recalled everything! 】

[Liu Ying: Dagu remembered it! He is Ultraman Tiga! 】

[Kiana: Charge! Dagu! Fight! Tiga!]

[Otto: Announce to the world that the hero is back! 】

On the screen, Dagu held the divine light stick tightly and slowly raised it high.

Amidst the roars and roars of the monsters, he shouted out the name that he had been familiar with for a long time -


In an instant, the grand light shines from the ancient place!

It’s as if the sky and the earth are connected!

When the light gradually dissipated, Diga's figure also appeared in front of the world!

After eight years, Ultraman Tiga returns again!

PS: When I watched it for the first time back then, I was surprised to find that Dagu had matured a lot, and I was quite emotional. .

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