Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

089: Noah Instantly Kills Dark Zaki! Funina Wants To Meet Ultraman Noah!

"When Ultraman Noah appears, light will illuminate the universe, and chaos and darkness will dissipate.

Ji Qiao stared at the powerful and mysterious silver figure on the screen and murmured to himself: "Ultraman only exists in legend, the legendary giant of light who has guarded the universe since ancient times... finally , showed up!”

Even Ultraman Noah at this moment is not a complete body in the true sense.

But since it is 'Ultraman Noah', even if it is just the tip of the iceberg of the real 'Ultraman Noah', it is definitely not something Dark Zaki can compete with~!

On the battlefield on the screen, Dark Zaki was shocked to see that Nexus had once again completed the evolution of light!

At the same time, he also felt the long-lost fear!

That's the fear from the bottom of my heart... of a more powerful existence!

As if to dispel the fear in his heart, Dark Zaki let out a deafening roar, as if to embolden himself... and as if to intimidate Noah from within.

But Noah was not moved at all, and instead rushed forward!

Dark Zaki did not show any weakness, and rushed over with his fist waved. However, the fist he waved hard was easily dodged by Noah, and he even restrained his wrist and "grabbed and flipped it over!"

Then, when Dark Zaki wanted to continue attacking, he kicked him hard in the chest with a left right kick!

"Roar ah ah ——!!!!"

At that moment, amidst the roar of Dark Zaki, his body slid uncontrollably for a long distance, as if he had withstood an extremely powerful attack!

When he finally stopped sliding, he held his chest in pain, and for a while he couldn't even stand up!

[Wudao: Oh my God! I could have deflected Blue Nexus's special move with one hand just now, but now I've been kicked by Ultraman Noah... I can't even stand. I can’t stand up anymore!]

[Beidou: Oh! As expected of the legendary and mysterious leader of the Four Ultraman, Ultraman Noah’s power is so reassuring!]

[Silver Wolf: What is a flat A with a critical hit? Is this the margin of the ultimate boss? Any flat A is a surefire move. 】

[Su Shang: With such a difference in combat power, it can almost be said to be a crushing one, right? 】

[Qingque: If I were Dark Zaki, I would just surrender. After all, he is a righteous Ultraman, so he shouldn’t even let the prisoners go, right?】

[Huang Quan: But Dark Zhaji doesn’t seem to be ready to surrender. 】

[Xingqiu: Ultraman Noah is so terrifying!]

In the picture, facing the mysterious and powerful Ultraman Noah, Dark Zaki does not want to struggle!

He stood up despite the cramping pain in his abdomen, and once again let out a hoarse, angry roar, like an incompetent rage!

However, Ultraman Noah turned a deaf ear. He just stepped forward again, step by step... slowly towards the darkness Zaki.

This calmness and calmness made not only the people in the chat group, but also the humans watching the battle involuntarily feel a long-lost peace of mind!

On the battlefield, Dark Zaki furiously rushed towards Noah and kicked him out with all his strength!

But he was easily blocked by Ultraman Noah, and even pushed back hard with his backhand. Dark Zaki was countered by this powerful force, and his kicked right leg fell back to the ground involuntarily, making him unsteady.

And Noah continued to hit Dark Zaki's chest with a powerful and heavy elbow strike!


A large number of sparks spurted out, and Dark Zaki's body was instantly beaten to a stiff state. Let alone a counterattack, he could not even defend himself!

I could only keep taking a few steps back, which was comparable to the shock of selling.

However, before he could stand firm, Ultraman Noah took another step forward and waved his fists - accurately hitting Dark Zaki's chest!


There was another burst of sparks and lightning, and Dark Zaki's body fell back hundreds of meters again, and the screams that could not be suppressed escaped from his mouth.

Facing Ultraman Noah, who thinks of his special moves every time he hits an A, Dark Zaki is completely powerless to resist!

But it’s not over yet!

The next moment, Ultraman Noah concentrated his energy on his left arm, and instantly his left arm burst into a grand blazing light, like a burning flame!

Ultraman Noah raised his arm and waved his fist, hitting Dark Zaki's body directly!

At the moment of the hit, the energy condensed in the left arm exploded!

The ultra-high heat flames converted into mega-degree units destroyed the light and instantly knocked Dark Zaki out of the atmosphere, even rising into the universe!

It's Ultraman Noah's skill: Noah Hellfire!

[Fu Xuan: This, this is too exaggerated...it flew directly into the Milky Way!]

[Vilwei: Did it even break through the atmosphere directly... This power is too terrifying! 】

[Silver Wolf: I feel like if Noah released it towards the earth, would he be able to give the earth a center part easily? 】

[Qingque: The middle part of the comb? It’s better to just destroy the stars! 】

[Mebius: Maybe just punch a hole in the earth? 】

[Jingyuan: Is this...the power of the Ultra God...]

[Kiana: This, this, this... is indeed much more powerful than Nexus! 】

[Alicia: Wait, hurry up! Dark Zaki... still wants to resist! 】

Following Alicia's words, everyone in the chat group raised their heads one after another!

Sure enough, I saw Dark Zaki, who was knocked into the universe by Noah's skill, roared and dispersed the hellfire rays that bombarded his body, and then stared at Noah on the earth from almost a galaxy away!

And Noah didn't talk nonsense. He dared to resist when he saw Dark Zaki. He immediately made a knife-like shape with his right hand, and his left hand overlapped with his right wrist like a tap, allowing heavy super photons and plasma to overlap each other, and then release seven colors. Light!

It's Ultraman Noah's special move: Lightning Noah!

The powerful energy beam instantly broke through the atmosphere and headed straight for the Milky Way - aiming directly at Dark Zaki!

Not to be outdone, Dark Zaki immediately released his most popular special move: Lightning Zaki!

The black and red lights of destruction collided with the seven-color light in the universe!

When violent explosions and roars erupted, a stalemate was formed!

[Padophilis: This, this, this... the light of this special move directly breaks through the atmosphere, right?!]

[March 7: Wow! This must be the most distant wave confrontation in history, right?!]

[Kiana: How far is this! It’s almost longer than the diameter of the earth, right? 】

[Black Tower: Ultraman Noah's light has passed through such a long distance, and it can still be in a stalemate with Dark Zaki's light skills. If this is a close-range confrontation, I'm afraid Dark Zaki won't be able to work for one second. Bar. 】

[Alicia: However, after traveling such a long distance, even Ultraman Noah's special move, Light..., must have been greatly reduced in power. 】

[Navia: Yes! Look! Ultraman Noah’s light is slowly pushed back! 】

Just as Navia said, the confrontation between Ultraman Noah and Dark Zaki on the screen, as time went by [Dark Zaki's light slowly pushed back Ultraman Noah's light skills!

However, at this moment, Ultraman Noah increased the output frequency!

In an instant, the [Lightning Noah] light that originally penetrated the far distance of the universe and was greatly reduced in power burst out with more intense light. The opposing waves that had originally formed a stalemate also instantly became one-sided. !

I saw Ultraman Noah's light approaching Dark Zaki without any hindrance. Even though Dark Zaki increased the output frequency, it was still to no avail!

The next second, [Lightning Noah] light suddenly hit the body of Dark Zaki!

Amidst Dark Zaki's unwilling roar, his body was completely shattered and turned into dust in the universe!


A violent explosion sounded, and a huge air wave spread in the sky, and then everything became calm.

Ultraman Noah also stands on the earth, like the patron saint of light and justice, standing still.

In a daze, Sun Men thought of the words of Lizi and Twelve in the sunset.

"I have always believed that... the Gumen will be able to protect everyone."

[Funina: Success, was it successful? 】

[Linette: It seems like it was a success. 】

[Decia: Great! Finally won! 】

[Kiana: Yes! Ultraman Noah is so awesome! 】

[Alicia: What a joy and congratulations~ What a joy and congratulations~! 】

[Silver Wolf: It’s almost just a beating. Sure enough, Ultraman Noah is not of the same standard as an ordinary guy. 】

Amidst the cheers of the chat group and the crowd, the picture on the screen changed again——

On the big screen in the city, the host lady was playing the news.

["It has been one year since the Shinjuku catastrophe."

"Alien beasts are still appearing all over the world."

"But due to the brave fighting of TLT, the number of attacks has been reduced to a minimum."]

On the streets of the city, alien beasts are constantly flying past, terrorizing the crowd.

The crowd fled here in panic. At the same time, everyone in the night attack team also dispatched one after another!

The voice of the solitary family also echoes in the hearts of everyone.

"We have always lived in this world, even though we have lost peace and faced cruel reality.

"Even if your heart is torn apart by the loss of something important."

"Even if we encounter a demon we can't even imagine, we are at a loss.

"——We will all live well!"

"Injured again and again, stood up again and again.

"This is how we live!"

"Because————we are not alone."

"Because————you are not alone!"]

The figures of the night attack team flashed by one by one, and the figures of Ji Yazhun and Qianshu Rei also appeared on the streets of the city. Gumon raised his weapon and used his skills to eliminate the guide beast.

Then, he turned around and looked at the young man who fell on the ground, with unwavering faith in his eyes.

"Don't give up!"

NEXUS————That is the bond of the soul that is continuously passed down!


"That's awesome...is this Ultraman Noah!"

Even though a long time had passed since Ultraman Noah's appearance, Charlotte still couldn't come back to her senses for a long time, enjoying the power of Ultraman Noah.


Ji Qiao looked a little funny on the sidelines, but he could understand it.

After all, as the first light of the universe, and also the most powerful and mysterious Ultraman, he finally made an appearance, and the feeling is indeed endless.

"The only pity is that there was too little time to play. It was over before I had time to feel it more."

Charlotte suddenly felt a little regretful.

"After all, he is the most powerful Ultraman, and his appearance means victory."

different from its

Like ordinary Ultraman, like Ultraman Noah, his appearance usually represents an absolute victory.

It is impossible to fight you evenly like other Ultraman, then flash a light and finally explode to release a special move to kill the monster instantly.

If that were the case, wouldn't their combat power be completely destroyed?

"I understand, I understand! Just like Shining Tiga, right!"

"Oh, by the way! There's also Ultraman Saiga! As one of the mysterious Four, he's also quite a powerful being!"

Charlotte instantly recalled the situation of Shining Tiga and Ultraman Saiga, the product of the fusion of the three Austrians, and Ji Qiao's expression couldn't help but become subtle.

As we all know, once Otbi's combat power involves existences like Tiga and the mysterious Siao, there is basically only one result... nothing.

"Ahem! All in all, in terms of combat effectiveness... Anyway, in the end, justice defeated evil. Isn't that enough?"

Ji Qiao spread his hands: "Whether it is Shining Tiga, Saka or Noah, they are all fighting for protection. As long as they can defeat the enemies that destroy world peace, it will be enough."

. "

"Well! Mr. Ji Qiao is right! He is indeed the inheritor of light!"

Charlotte no longer struggled with the issue of Ultra's combat power. She looked at the time and suddenly realized: "Ah! I'm so sorry that I stayed here with you for so long without knowing it.

It’s really disturbing!”

"It doesn't matter, I don't have anything to do on weekdays anyway."

Ji Qiao shook her head, but she didn't care much: "If you want to be a guest, you are welcome to come at any time.

"W-how is this so embarrassing, haha~"

Although Charlotte was flattered to be invited, she was still a little hesitant... After all, the person in front of her was the inheritor of light and a famous figure in the exposure system.

Being able to sit and drink tea with such a character... Well, it seems that I have done it many times?

"Anyway, in short, I'll take my leave now!"

"Okay, let's walk slowly during the day."

Watching Charlotte leave, Ji Qiao sat back down again.

At the same time, Momang Palace.

"How's it going? Have you found anything about the person 'Ji Qiao'?"

Funina looked at the subordinates who followed her order to find the person "Ji Qiao" and asked.

"Lady Funina, according to your order, we did find a person named 'Ji Qiao'."

The subordinate replied respectfully: "Besides, he lives in Fontaine now.

"Oh, really!"

After hearing this, Funina was shocked: "Quick, let me see!"


The subordinate presented the information about ‘Ji Qiao’ that he had found to Funina. Funina took it and flipped through it, then saw the face of the man named ‘Ji Qiao’.


She couldn't help but murmur to herself: "Is he Ji Qiao...the successor of light?"

"If it were him, maybe there would be a way to stop Fontaine's fable...

"Uh, Lady Funina, what did you just say?"

Some of the subordinates on the side did not hear Fu Nina's soliloquy clearly and couldn't help but ask softly.

"Huh? Ah! Oh!...What!"

Funina came back to her senses instantly, and she realized that she almost let something slip: "I mean, is this the only information about him?"

"Yes, Lady Funina."

The subordinate replied respectfully: "At present, this is the only information we can collect from our investigation."

"Well, okay, I understand."

Funina nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, go down.


As the subordinate left, Funina also began to carefully look through the information about Ji Qiao.

To her surprise, the information about Ji Qiao in Fontaine was... quite normal, no different from ordinary people.

An ordinary life experience, an ordinary career, an ordinary face, and an ordinary dress.

He doesn't even have the Eye of God... Well, but since he is Ultraman, he probably doesn't need something like the Eye of God.

"Sure enough, these words alone are not enough...!"

Although Funina had witnessed the power of Ultraman through the exposure system, she still felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Because Fengdan's prophecy... is related to the future of the entire Fengdan people, she must be cautious... and be more cautious!

Before Ji Qiao's power is confirmed, she must not... act rashly!

"————Want to meet him in person?"

Funina stared at the photos on the intelligence report and fell into deep thought.

PS: The second update is finished! Please give me flowers and review votes! Please ORZ! and my family!

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