Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

099: Famous Scene! Bei Laohei Wins The Easter Match! Zero Is Numb!

After Zero defeated Belial and the monster army alone, Leo and Astra arrived belatedly-

"Everyone, are you okay?"

Although the timers on the chests of the first generation and Mebius were still flashing, fortunately they were not seriously injured.

[Silver Wolf: By the way, why didn’t Leo Otter ask Xie Wen if something was okay? 】

[Kafka: He probably didn’t die, after all, Ultraman’s vitality is still very strong - isn’t he? 】

[Bronya: What kind of hell joke is this?]

[Funina: Leo and Astra arrived too slowly! 】

[Keli: That’s right! They both arrived after Ultraman Zero had finished fighting! 】

[Lisa: Could it be that you are taking advantage of the opportunity to fish? 】


[Kaia: After all, it is a major matter concerning the survival of the Kingdom of Light. Leo and Astra should not fish in troubled waters. 】

[Qin: I think it must be because the Ultra King has other plans. 】

Although the first generation and Mebius could still stand up, there was not much energy left. Upon seeing this, Leo immediately told Zero II

"Zero, send the energy core back to the Kingdom of Light immediately!"

"I see."

It was a matter of great importance, and Zero nodded. [Just as he was about to leave, suddenly the whole ground began to tremble!

Everyone present almost fell to the ground. They all raised their heads and looked around.

Don't understand what happened!

Only Zero seemed to notice something. He slowly turned his head and looked at the magma minister where Belia fell.

I saw that the souls of the monsters that were originally destroyed by Ultraman Zero seemed to have found a home, floating towards the bottom of the magma!

After a brief silence, suddenly a violent burst of magma spewed out!

And from the magma, a huge suture monster: Beleudra, appeared in front of everyone!

It is a giant suture monster formed by the fusion of all the monsters in the monster graveyard, and the person responsible for controlling this huge body is Belial located in the center of the head!

After crawling out of the magma, he laughed victoriously and loudly announced his return to Zero and others: "You will never defeat me!"

【Funina: What kind of super suture monster is this?!】

[Hutao: Eh! It looks so disgusting! 】

[Alicia: In terms of appearance design, it’s really hard to look at...]

[Eden: What a despairing aesthetic taste...]

[Liu Ying: I always feel that they are just stitched for the sake of stitching...]

[Navilet: This kind of appearance design... is indeed unflattering...]

[Vilwei: Isn’t this just a big piece of synthetic garbage? 】

[March 7: I just don’t know what my true strength is? 】

[Yin Lang: Even the beauty has been abandoned. If the intensity is still so crotch-stretching, then I really need to complain. 】

In the picture, all the Ultraman looked at the huge Stitch Monster that was far larger than the size of ordinary monsters, and immediately chose to go forward to deal with him|||Except for the first-generation Ultraman and Mebius who were really unable to fight due to lack of physical strength. Ultra disturb.

And Severn, who lost his energy and fell into a state of suspended animation.

However, when all the Ultramen attack together, even if they release their strongest special moves, it will have no effect at all!

Instead, the intense light released by Beleudra knocked the Ultramans to the ground in an instant!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the chat group felt worried——

[Yomiya: This suture monster is too hard! The Ultraman’s skills don’t work at all!]

[Kamizato Ayaka: After all, it is the fusion of so many monsters...]

[Linette: This is trouble. 】

[Theresa: Even Zero and Leo’s combined flying kick doesn’t work? 】

[Kiana: H-How are we going to fight this! Originally, just dealing with Beria almost caused the entire Kingdom of Light to fall. If Ultraman Zero hadn't turned the tide and refused to leave, Beria's conspiracy would have succeeded. . 】

[Wutao: As a result, Belial has now merged with so many monsters. This is simply cheating! 】

[Padophilis: What should I do? What should I do? I finally saw the hope of winning, but is it about to be dashed again? 】

At this moment, Raymond, who is also Leonix, noticed the final battle that was taken away by Ultraman Zero!

By resonating with the Ultimate Battle Instrument, Raymond successfully made hundreds of monsters who were forced to fuse with Belial struggle to separate!

In an instant, Beleudra's body began to tremble violently, and the monsters in every part seemed to have awakened, struggling to escape!

—Even Beria can’t control it!

"Kill that guy now!!!"

Seeing this situation, Leo made a quick decision

"Zero, come here!"

Zero just looked at Leo solemnly and then nodded: "Yeah!"

The next moment, Zero immediately walked up to the plasma spark and stretched out his hand to touch it!

[Nacida: Wait, if you touch the plasma spark... you will be swallowed by darkness! 】

[Keli: Is Ultraman Zero going to become the next Beria! 】

[Alicia: If it were the current Zero, he would be fine! 】

[Lei Movie: Yes, he will be able to control this power now after having gone through many hardships. 】

[Funina: Come on! Zero! There is absolutely no problem with you now! 】

In the picture, Zero reached out and touched the plasma spark. The two head darts above his head automatically detached and were held by Zero.

Immediately afterwards, the two head darts merged into one and turned into a crescent-shaped sword!

It is Zero's strongest weapon: Zero's dual swords!

Seeing this scene, the first-generation Ultraman blurted out: "Holy light, did you choose Zero?"

He immediately shouted an order: "Cover Zero!"

Everyone present heard the words of the first generation and responded immediately.

Later, Leo and Astra stepped forward first and jointly used the combined light: Ultra Double Flash!

And Dyna also used the charged special move: Soljet Beam!

Mebius even switched to the Burning Hero form while flashing the light!

And the first-generation Ultraman also managed to hold on to Flash's weak state and used the Eight-Point Nimbus!

The next moment, everyone launched the strongest attack at Beludora!

Mebius, in the form of the Burning Hero, rushed forward desperately to help Zero clear the way!

Zero, on the other hand, brandished Zero's double swords, jumped up and struck at Beria!


The twin swords of Zero, shining with emerald color, hit Beria's body accurately, sputtering out fierce fire!


Beria looked up to the sky and roared angrily, glaring at Zero unwillingly: "It's not over yet! I'm going to bring the entire universe into the epicenter!!"

Not to be outdone, Zero responded sternly: "I will put an end to your ambition!"

At that moment, Cero suddenly waved Cero's dual swords again, and with a burst of violent fire, the entire body of Beleudra began to fall apart, collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Beria yelled unwillingly: "I am...immortal...!!!"

Then, his figure fell into the interior of Beleudra and disappeared.

At the same time, Beleudra's huge body also exploded, and Belia's ultimate battle instrument was destroyed together!

The light produced by the violent explosion caused all humans present to subconsciously cover their eyes.

All the Ultraman fell to the ground one after another, looking up at the huge explosion background in the sky, as if looking for some figure.

When the violent smoke slowly dissipated, Zero was revealed, safe and sound.

[Kiana: Great! I finally won! It’s really not easy! 】

[Hutao: Yes, yes, it’s really not easy! 】

[Xinadiya: Wait, don’t be too happy too soon, Beria... he won’t suddenly pop out again, right?!]

[Mebius: It's not impossible. After all, Zero kicked Belial into the magma before, and he can still climb out and merge with the monster to become a more powerful existence. 】

[Yin Lang: To be honest, it’s almost done once, but I’m a bit tired of aesthetics after doing it all the time! 】

[Kafka: Reality is unreasonable~]

However, as time went by, Beria did show no sign of coming out.

At this moment, everyone finally realized that the battle was over, and the Ultramans had truly won!

The King of Ultra, who was far away at the end, watched the scene of Zero and others defeating Beria, and nodded in agreement.

[Silver Wolf: It turns out that the King of Ultra has been watching, so why didn’t he take action earlier to help the Kingdom of Light resolve the crisis. 】

[Zhongli: Perhaps, for the King of Ultra, he believes that the problems of the Kingdom of Light should be solved by the Kingdom of Light itself to be valuable. 】

[Navilet: I see. Is this why the King of Ultra has not taken action this time? 】

[Kiana: If that’s the case, if Ultraman Zero is no match for Beria in the end, will the Ultra King attack Beria again like he did last time?

[Qianori: After all, we can’t really just watch the Kingdom of Light being destroyed by Beria and ignore it. 】

[Lei Movie: I see, can’t you always rely on the strength of others? You have to solve your own problems by yourself. 】

[Lei Movie: Perhaps the same is true for the people of Inazuma. 】

[Yale Shenzi: Shadow, what are you mumbling about? 】

[Lei Movie: No, it’s nothing. 】

All in all, with the defeat of Beria, Zero returned to the country with the plasma spark.

The moment the plasma spark was placed back on the plasma spark tower, the grand light once again illuminated the entire Kingdom of Light!

The harsh cold slowly subsided, and the lost light returned to Ultraman's body again. Everyone regained consciousness as if they had just woken up from a dream.

The Kingdom of Light has once again ushered in peace!

Zero looked at the happy Ultra family and the laughing Ultramen, and his mood seemed a little low.

It seems that he is missing someone.

[Funina: Ultraman Zero, are you missing your father? 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: That should be the case. After all, Zero witnessed his father... the moment of death. 】

[Alicia: Zero………………]

[March 7: But, isn’t Ultraman immortal? 】


[Silver Wolf: Ultraman Seven should not die so easily. After all, he has not even turned into light and dissipated. 】

[Xinadiya: Ah! Look! 】

After hearing Xinadia's prompt, everyone raised their heads, and what came into view was the figure of Ultraman Seven.

He fell from the sky and landed quietly behind Zero.

And Zero seemed to notice the subtle movement behind him and turned around suddenly!

So, look at

Met his father: Severn!

When father and son met, Severn nodded happily: "As expected of my child!"


As if he still couldn't believe it, Zero slowly walked towards Severn and stretched out his hand to touch him.

Severn, on the other hand, hugged Sero into his arms, feeling the long-lost love between father and son!

As for Sero, he was also immersed in his father's arms, enjoying the long-lost family affection.

[Navia: Woohoo! Father and son finally recognized each other! I’m so touched!]

[Qianori: There’s no need to cry so hard...]

[Qi Liangliang: Wow! But it’s really touching! 】

[Clorind: It is indeed very touching, whether it is Severn reappearing or the father and son recognizing each other. 】

[Silver Wolf: So, Ultraman really can’t die no matter what, right? 】

Just when everyone was moved by the recognition of Zero and Seven as father and son, the picture on the screen also changed. A large number of Ultraman gathered near the plasma spark tower in the Kingdom of Light.

Staring at the one standing at the top——the Ultra King.

But the Ultra King just stretched out his hand, and the noisy Ultraman below fell silent.

The King of Ultra also started his speech——

"Ultra warriors, we have regained the power of justice and will rise again here!"

"But not all evil has been destroyed."

Following the speech of the King of Ultra, the Father of Ultra and the Mother of Ultra below also nodded slowly in agreement, as well as the group of Ultra brothers behind.

"There are all kinds of threats lurking in the universe."

The King of Ultra continued: "We must fight unremittingly to save the weak!"

"————This is the mission of our Ultra Warriors!"

"Stand up again! Warriors of the Kingdom of Light!"

The words of King Ultra inspired the warriors of the Kingdom of Light: "For justice and peace! For the future of this vast universe!"


As if in response to the words of the Ultra King, the Ultraman below all let out excited shouts!

[Miko Yae: He is indeed the King of Ultras. This speech was really great. 】

[Zhongli: Indeed, the inspiring speech of this Ultra King is indeed outstanding. 】

[Yin Lang: Maybe the human body is specialized in this. 】

Just as everyone was complaining, the picture on the screen switched again.

But this time, the scene came to a broken meteorite, where a familiar figure was lying motionless on the ground, as if he had passed out.

This figure is none other than Beria, who was originally thought to be dead!

I saw the lights in his eyes that were originally extinguished slowly turned on!

It seems to indicate that Beria is awakening!

[Padophilis: Beria! Beria is still alive! 】

[March 7: He’s not dead yet?! This guy’s life is too tough! 】

[Silver Wolf: Should I say that he deserves to be called Ultraman? He really can't die no matter what. 】

[Funina: Even the evil Ultraman Beria is so tenacious. The Ultraman race is too powerful! 】

[Clorind: But this is not a good thing. With Beria's character, he did not die this time... maybe after recovering from his injuries, he will return to the Light.

country. 】

[Linette: Moreover, there is a high probability that it will be stronger than this time. 】

[Qingque: Wow! The thought of this guy’s lingering ghost makes people feel suffocated! 】


"It's more than just a lingering ghost..."

In the room, Ji Qiao was sitting on the sofa, looking at Beria who had regained consciousness, with a very subtle expression on his face.

Yes, it's more than just a lingering ghost.

It should be said that from this moment on, Beria was constantly being pulled out and whipped.

Anyway, basically if you encounter any special situation that requires Zero to check, you will definitely find something wrong! It’s Beria’s conspiracy!

Damn it! This is also Beria’s conspiracy!

Damn it! That was Beria’s conspiracy!

As time goes by, basically every time Zero goes out on a mission and encounters some special circumstances, his subconscious reaction is that it must be Lord Beria!

Although he, as Zero, was not aware of this problem at the time, but now that he thinks about it carefully——Why is Beria everywhere? There really is no day without sabotage.



As soon as I thought about this, I couldn't help but sigh.

All in all, this should be the first encounter between Zero and Beria.

Whether it is Beria or Zero, I'm afraid they don't know - in the very long future, they will continue to meet and kill each other!

Then they will be surprised to find that no matter how many times they defeat each other, they can always make a comeback!

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