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Xing looked curiously at the smiling white-haired man in front of her who looked familiar. She always felt like she had seen him somewhere before. "You're here..."

Meng Yan squinted her eyes and smiled at the man with a face full of Cute Xing: "Yes, I'm here."

Xing replied stupidly: "You shouldn't have come..."

"??? What era is this? This joke can't be passed, right?"

Xing Yi He looked at Meng Yan with a question mark on his face. "Haha, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Did you recognize me?"

Meng Yan laughed but didn't continue to tease Xing. Xing was stunned when he heard this. Sure enough, he knew So he looked at this person again. With the premise of knowing each other, Xing quickly had the answer in his mind, "Meng Yan? You are Meng Yan, right? I didn't expect you to be really Changed back!"

Xing was very excited when she learned Meng Yan's identity. As expected, she knew that Meng Yan would not ignore him. "Meng Yan, where is this place? Why am I here? ? "

In Xing's eyes, Meng Yan is very powerful, and must know something that she doesn't know. "Hehe, Xing, you should know better than me what this place is, right? After all, you have been here once. "

Meng Yan did not directly Instead of answering Xing, he asked back, "Is that so..."

Xing lowered his head and pondered for a moment. This was indeed the place where Nanook had been watching him before, but why did I appear here again? I know you are confused now, but don't worry, you will understand everything soon... Come out, she is the one you can trust ......"

Meng Yan first comforted Xing, then shouted to the air next to him. Xing was confused by Meng Yan's action and couldn't figure out what Meng Yan was doing. What are you going to do? "......."

After a brief silence, a smaller figure slowly appeared beside Meng Yan. Although she looked like an ordinary little girl, That inhuman temperament also told Xing that this little girl who suddenly appeared might not be a simple existence. The little girl seemed to glance at Meng Yan, and then cast her eyes on Xing. "This city is crying. .....The power of [Preservation] is fading, and in the end...we still can't resist the will of the star core."

The little girl's voice is ethereal, but the star core is based on the little girl. Based on the girl's words and the residual image he had just seen when he came here, Xing quickly guessed the girl's approximate identity. It should be similar to the will of the previous great guardian. "It was Cocolia who gave up [protection]."

Xing The answer was also based on the image just seen. "Yes, but we have no right to blame. In the past seven hundred years, the rift has been expanding every second, and we have not left behind any wealth, only endless Despair...watching the homeland that I swore to [protect] gradually disappear before my eyes...this torture, coupled with the lingering, bewitching whispers...”

Little girl Looking at Xing, he said calmly, "It's like this, even the most resolute will inevitably waver, and this day is bound to come..."

"But there will always be people who won't waver, right? "

Xing didn't agree. If you waver, you waver. Nothing you say will change the status quo. Little girl: "...You, a passer-by, want to take on the fate of the whole world... Well... Anyway, there is nothing to lose now, and now there is a variable..." The little girl said, looking at Meng Yan who was watching them with a smile and didn't say anything. "Well, let's touch the light of amber. Come, see if your will to [preserve] is strong enough... strong enough to attract His attention. "

The little girl pointed to the flame spear standing beside Meng Yan and said, "Come on, Xing ,I trust you. "

Meng Yan smiled and looked at Xing, then made way and motioned Xing to come forward and draw out the Flame Spear. Xing also walked slowly to the front of the Flame Spear. When he came to the front of the Flame Spear, the scorching heat it emitted The feeling became stronger and stronger. Xing frowned at first, and then thought of the residents of Beloberg who were suffering from the cold wave, the selfless Silver Mane Iron Guards, and Meng Yan's believing eyes. A firm look flashed in Xing's eyes. , reached out and grasped the handle of the Flame Gun

The moment Xing grasped the gun handle, a burning sensation emerged in his palms. However, Xing was not afraid. Instead, he clenched his hands and began to pull out the flame gun with all his strength.

At this moment, Meng Yan also felt that an ancient pure being in the universe was watching here, no, it should be watching Xing. Seeing this, Meng Yan's mouth curled up slightly, and his figure slowly dissipated. Suddenly, the whole space, not just this mysterious space, but even outside, was violently shaken.

As time passed, a destructive and distorted breath slowly rose. Although it seemed that a long time had passed in that space, it was actually only a short moment outside.

And in the next one, a ball of purple destructive and distorted energy wrapped Xing in it, and a large purple eyeball appeared above the sky. Walter and Ji Zi on the Star Dome Train outside Yalilo-VI saw it more clearly. An eyeball as big as a planet suddenly appeared.

"This breath... is collapse..."

Walter covered his head and felt a little painful head, a sense of solemnity rose in the heart

In fact, when the big eyeball appeared, everyone's head seemed to be hit by a hammer, and there seemed to be some monster screaming in their minds. Some people with weak mental strength even fainted on the spot

"Ah! What is this! Dan Heng, use your hidden power!"

March Seven also shook her head in pain. She felt like she was going crazy now

"This kind of power is from Meng Yan..."

Dan Heng and Walter had seen Meng Yan who had just awakened , that very special destructive and distorted aura was hard for Dan Heng to forget, so the moment this aura appeared, Dan Heng knew that it was Meng Yan who made the move

"Wow, is it really okay for that weird thing to wrap up Xing?"

March Seven looked at Xing, which had turned into a big purple ball, with some worry

"Don't worry, with the relationship between Meng Yan and Xing, Meng Yan will not do anything to harm Xing."

Dan Heng was not too worried, as they all saw Meng Yan's relationship with Xing on the train, and it could even be said that he was very fond of Xing.

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