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"General, what are you doing?"

Meng Yan looked at General Lei Dian in surprise. He didn't expect General Lei Dian to do this to him. "Didn't you say that you can record the scenes you like?"

General Lei Dian still looked With an expressionless look on his face, General Lei Dian took out the tripod and fixed it. Then he pulled Meng Yan to the cherry tree. It seemed that he wanted to take a photo with Meng Yan, and Meng Yan did not refuse. , letting General Lei Dian pull him. Just when Meng Yan thought it was just a simple photo, General Lei Dian directly pulled Meng Yan. Now even if Meng Yan was prepared, he couldn't pull General Lei Dian, let alone Caught off guard, Meng Yan felt a warm sensation on her mouth. Looking at the nearly perfect face in front of her, her mind went blank. Before Meng Yan could react, When he came over, General Lei Dian had already let go of Meng Yan, his face still expressionless, and then he quickly Coming to the front of the camera, two identical photos had already appeared under the camera. General Lei Dian took out the photo and looked at the two people kissing under the flying cherry blossom tree in the photo. They looked so beautiful. Although there was still no smile on his face, changes, but there was an indescribable look in his eyes. General Lei Dian put away one of the photos, and then handed the other photo to Meng Yan. At this time, Meng Yan still hadn't come back to his senses. Although Zhen and Ying had both kissed him before, but they kissed him on the cheeks. The general had taken his first kiss since then. It was too sudden. It took Meng Yan a while to come back to his senses. He looked at her in a daze. General Lei Dian said,

"General, what are you doing?"

"Zhen and Ying have done this before, I want it too, they kissed both sides and I want the middle."

General Lei Dian's tone was as calm as water, as if the person who just forcefully kissed Meng Yan Meng Yan was also speechless after hearing what General Lei Dian said. Did General Lei Dian really not understand but pretended to understand? Even Meng Yan couldn't figure it out for a moment!

"General, do you know the meaning of this behavior?"

Meng Yan said helplessly, "Don't you like it?"

General Lei Dian did not answer him, but asked Meng Yan instead : "......"

If I say I don't like her, I'm definitely lying. Just kidding, General Lei Dian is a charming and cool queen, but it feels a bit wrong to say that I like her. When did the general learn this trick? Where did the silly general go?

"Ahem, well, let's go somewhere else!"

Meng Yan also changed the subject tactfully, "Okay!"

General Lei Dian did not ask any further questions. Meng Yan nodded gently and took a few deep breaths to calm his mind. Although General Lei Dian's behavior was somewhat beyond his expectations, when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that he was not at a disadvantage! Just like before, he pulled General Lei Dian towards the next destination. After walking for a while, the two of them came to the vicinity of Wu You Pavilion. Meng Yan also pushed the door open with the general. With the appearance of General Lei Dian, At this time, all the people in Wu Youting looked at him, "General... General!"

"Yes, General!"

"General actually came to Wu Youting!"

For a moment, the whole place was noisy, and the diners in Wu Youting They all looked at the cold and aloof figure with awe. Okazaki Rikuto also hurried over and said nervously, "I wonder if the general is What do you want to do when you visit our shop?"

Meng Yan looked at the nervous Okazaki Rikuto and chuckled, "Don't worry, Boss Okazaki, the general is just here to relax. I want to buy something. Four tri-color dumplings and one fried tofu! "

One for Ying, one for Zhen, one for Jiangjun, and one for me. I guess the fox won't leave yet, so I'll give her the fried tofu. If she's leaving, she'll eat the fried tofu by herself. Okay, "Okay! Lord Mengyan, wait a moment!"

Although he didn't understand why Mengyan bought so many tri-color dumplings, he didn't say anything. Are you kidding? Didn't you see the general right there?

I don't know if it's because of the general Because he was here, Okazaki Rikuto moved very quickly. After a while, he handed several packed bags to Mengyan. Originally, Okazaki Rikuto refused to take Mengyan's money, but Following the general's order, Okazaki Rikuto obediently accepted the meal money. Meng Yan never thought that one day he would

Encountering a situation where someone is forced to collect money

Meng Yan still asked the general to deliver a portion of Yixin Pure Land to Ying, and then gave the general a bunch of them to eat while walking along the way

However, Meng Yan rarely seriously refused the general's feeding because there were many people on the street, and also refused to feed the general. Although the general's expression did not change at all, Meng Yan still felt that the general had become a little disappointed

Good guy, when did the general become like this?

Mengyan looked at General Lei Dian with a strange expression, but Mengyan did not think too much about it.

After a while, both of them came to Zhishu's stall.

"Hey! Zhishu, I'm here again!"

Mengyan greeted Zhishu.

"Mr. Mengyan, you're here?"

Zhishu heard the voice of Mengyan, an old customer, and couldn't help but look back, and then saw General Lei Dian beside him.

"General... General!"

Zhishu was just a civilian vendor, how could he see General Lei Dian so closely?

"Hehe, didn't I say that the general also likes to drink dango milk? Today, I was strolling with the general and brought the general to your place! How about it? It's a surprise!"

Mengyan laughed.

I don't know if she was happy or not, but she was definitely surprised.

"I thought you were joking, Mr. Mengyan!"

Zhishu said a little embarrassedly.

"Haha! Who is joking with you? Am I that boring? Five cups of dango milk, come on. Go make it!"

Meng Yan said with a smile

"Okay! I'll go right away!"

With General Lei Dian present, Zhi Shu became particularly serious in making it. After a while, five cups of dango milk were handed to Meng Yan.

Meng Yan handed General Lei Dian two cups, asked him to give one cup to Ying, and then drank a sip himself.

"Not bad, but Zhi Shu, I still have a suggestion for you. Although your dango milk is good, it is still too monotonous. People will get tired of it after a long time. You can think about new flavors when you have nothing to do! For example, add some fruits or something!"

Meng Yan said to Zhi Shu. He still hoped that Zhi Shu could come up with some new tricks.

After listening to Meng Yan's words, Zhi Shu also lowered his head to think. After a while, Zhi Shu said

"Meng Yan, you are right! I will work hard to develop new dango milk!"

Meng Yan nodded with satisfaction, and left Zhi Shu's stall with General Lei Dian. Today's shopping was almost over!

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