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Thinking of this, the scattered soldier moved and quickly grabbed Meng Yan. However, facing the aggressive scattered soldier, Meng Yan did not panic at all. Meng Yan's mouth curled up slightly and he shouted softly, "General, save me!" Me!"

Instantly, the wind and clouds changed suddenly, and the lightning element became more and more violent. A purple thunder fell down and hit the scattered soldier hard. "Ah——!"

The scattered soldier was hit by the sudden thunder. The sudden attack caused him to fly backwards with a scream and landed a few meters away from Meng Yan. As the thunder dissipated, a tall figure appeared in front of Meng Yan. He had long purple hair and a flash of thunder behind him. The Wheel of Wishes and Hundred Eyes, a pair of purple eyes without any emotion "Cough! Cough! Cough cough cough! Heh--!"

Some scattered soldiers He stood up in a panic and saw General Lei Dian standing next to Meng Yan. "You are here? It seems that ant is still very important to you! Hahaha!"

The soldier looked at General Lei Dian with a hint of Sarcastically, he laughed and said, "The puppet who is supposed to defend [Eternity] without any emotion actually treats ants differently? Does she know?"

The "she" in Sanbing's mouth is obviously the real Thor. It and Thunder The creator of the general, Lei Dianying, poor Cannon, doesn’t know that Lei Dianying not only knows about Meng Yan and the general, but she herself is about to become Meng Yan’s shape. “Haha, it’s not just as simple as treating me differently! "

Meng Yan smiled and walked forward, hugging the general's slender waist. The general did not resist at all, and even the murderous aura in his eyes disappeared. This scene stunned San Bing. He originally thought that the two had a good relationship, but he didn't expect it to be this good. He immediately burst into laughter, "Hahaha! I didn't expect her to be so close to him." A puppet of a man will actually have such a thing happen one day, haha! It seems that Inazuma is hopeless! "

Looking at the somewhat crazy look of Sanbing, Meng Yan clicked his tongue twice, "What are you barking about? Inazuma is finished I don't know if it will end, but you may be finished today!"

After Meng Yan finished speaking, he winked at the general. Upon hearing this, General Lei Dian took out his dream and walked slowly towards the scattered soldiers. The scattered soldiers also looked solemn. It knew at that moment that it could never be a match for General Thunder. It did not expect that this puppet had become so much stronger over the years. It had already begun to think of retreating. It seemed to have sensed After thinking of Sanbing, Meng Yan immediately started to talk back, "Oh my! How come our powerful and arrogant Sanbing, who thinks he is a god, is getting scared? No way? The person in front of you is the one you have always been The 'failed product' that I look down upon! Lord Sanbing, don't you even have the courage to fight me? "

Meng Yan's sarcastic words almost hit Sanbing's sore spot in every sentence, and Sanbing was instantly The soldier felt a surge of anger rising to his brain. He wanted to tear off Meng Yan's stinky mouth, but his reason told him that he couldn't do that. It was a big problem just to protect himself in front of her, not to mention taking action under her nose. Seeing Sanbing like this, Meng Yan shouted even louder, "Oh my! Cannon, cannon! How did you do that?" You are such a loser? You don't even have the courage to fight someone you have always looked down upon? You are indeed a 'failure'! "

Meng Yan is not good at speaking. What he said was just some intelligence that he knew and poked at the sore spots. But even so, San Bing was almost furious. Although San Bing was very angry, he still did not linger. He suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, looked at Meng Yan fiercely, and turned around and fled far away. However, even if he faced the generals and scattered soldiers in the past, he might not be able to escape, not to mention the powerful ones now. How many Thunder Generals can be said to be like this? Even if the Ice Queen comes in person, she probably won't be able to defeat the Thunder General. This is why Meng Yan wanted to find the Thunder General from the beginning. He was worried that if If I don't greet the general in advance, I'm afraid the scattered soldiers will be struck by lightning before they even see General Lei Dian. At this time, Meng Yan sent a message to General Lei Dian, "General, don't show your strength so quickly. You have to chase it relentlessly, and then it will escape with a single 'mistake'! Is that possible?"

General Lei Dian also gave a quick answer

"Okay, I'll do my best, but I'll break one of his legs!"

General Lei Dian now almost obeys Meng Yan's orders. She basically does whatever Meng Yan asks, but the general rarely makes her own requests, so this makes Meng Yan a little curious


Anyway, it's just to weaken the scattered soldiers. As long as they are not killed directly, everything is fine. The general can do whatever he wants!

After getting Meng Yan's permission, General Lei Dian nodded slightly, and his figure disappeared in front of Meng Yan in a flash.

Then, a short while later, a purple sword light suddenly appeared in the distance.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the huge sword light cut a small island in half like cutting tofu.

"Is this the sword that symbolizes Wuxiang? It's really stylish!"

Meng Yan said with emotion, but fortunately Meng Yan knew that the small island was an uninhabited island, and there were only some wandering warriors gathering on weekdays, so it didn't matter if he was directly raised.

Just when Meng Yan was thinking about this, he suddenly clapped his hands.

"Fuck! Will the scattered soldiers be killed with just this sword? If so, it would be too easy for that dog thing!"

Thinking of this, Meng Yan also disappeared from the spot, and the next moment he appeared on a high place. After confirming the position, Meng Yan flashed down the mountain again, and then he A figure flashed

After two or three consecutive space jumps, Meng Yan came to General Lei Dian, and then put a hand on General Lei Dian's shoulder and said

"Did something happen? Why did you use that trick directly?"

Although he knew that the general was unlikely to have an accident, no one could predict such things. He didn't care much about the scattered soldiers, he was just worried that General Lei Dian would have an accident


After seeing Meng Yan's concern for him, General Lei Dian was still a little moved, and even the coldness on his face dissipated a lot

General Lei Dian actually had no expression, and he had no other feelings in his heart, so he always looked indifferent

But now Meng Yan could still feel the change in the general's mood more clearly

At this time, General Lei Dian's hand clenched in the air, and a white object appeared in front of the two of them

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