On the plane, General Raiden was expressionless, as if the massacre that happened below had nothing to do with her at all, but silently led the power of the earth vein.

"We have brought the elves, please check them out."

The two brothers, William and Will, brought a half-with short gray-white hair to General Raiden, as if they were two loyal subordinates.

General Raiden took over Honjo Erya's body, and she could feel the core of her body continuously drawing spiritual power from the air, which was obviously her goal.

Under the gaze of the two brothers William and Will, General Raiden waved his hand, and Nililu Island immediately trembled violently, and thick smoke emerged from it.

"We can go back."

The pilot quickly evacuated here under the command of General Raiden, leaving only the two brothers, William and Will, to look at the molten island with terrified eyes.


Sakura Country, an upscale apartment in the Nagoya area.

This place is already silent at the moment, only groups of special people gather here, if you look closely, you can see that this is actually a group of clergy.

"Captain, are you sure that you can rely on these witches and priests to deal with that strange existence?"

"It couldn't be better to rely on, and we could only go on the field in person and provide insignificant help to our colleagues in the investigation section."


Several AST members whispered around, after all, this job was not their task, but the official level crushed people, and this recent AST squad was transferred to maintain order.

However, with the help of the almost universal manifestation device, the altars representing the characteristics of the cherry blossom country are properly arranged around the apartment, and if you look down from above, it is very suitable for the habits of onmyoji.

Witches, priests, and monks were placed in positions that had been prepared long ago, waiting for the invasion of the so-called evil tales, after all, the apartment was inhabited by a high-ranking member of the government.


I don't know when it started, the street lights on the street began to flicker continuously, and from time to time there was the sound of electricity exploding in the air.

Many clergy who had been waiting for a long time hurriedly held ceremonies, chanting ancient ritual mantras, and the witches representing holiness also seemed to lift the Kagura bell in their hands and danced Kagura in the ring.

Lit by dozens of bonfires, the dozen AST members who maintained order next to them felt the illusion of ancient grandeur for a while, and they seemed to have become a devout believer.

At this moment, it seems to have returned to the scene of a huge sacrifice held in ancient times, full of crazy atmosphere, and at the same time pregnant with a sense of divine nobility, as if there are gods watching here.

Hundreds of meters away, a command room also saw the sacrifice scene of less than 100 people through the screen, and immediately understood why the ancient nobles would frantically believe in those so-called gods, but they had to look solemnly at the constantly bursting street lamps and the wailing sounds that seemed to be nicknames.

The gloomy and cold aura continued to sweep towards the apartment guarded by the clergy, but under the inexplicable gathering of power, it could not advance an inch, but the mournful voice was getting closer and closer, making people's hearts gush with infinite fear.

The members of AST were also frightened by this strange scene, after all, they were just girls who wanted to take revenge on the elves, and they didn't know much about the monsters of urban legends.

This moment seems to subvert their worldview, after all, the existence of creatures such as elves in the world is enough, but things like horror stories and ghosts in movies are unbelievable.

In a house a few kilometers from the apartment, a pale young woman wearing a white wedding dress stained red with red liquid was looking at a huge body mirror.

"High-ranking government officials are not good people, and it is really painstaking to protect this kind of scum!"

With a mocking smile, Jia Coconut looked at the scene displayed in the mirror, his hand slowly raised, constantly forming mysterious hand prints, and the liquid on his body slowly gathered on his hand.

Until the spiritual power in his hand was combined with a specific law, his hands splashed towards the reflection of the mirror window, and in an instant, the apartments of the surrounding houses were dyed with blood, and they continued to converge in the windows.

"Just with the power of my mind, you want to block my revenge, it's too tender!"


"Captain~, do you see that ~ glass is ~ something?"

The captain heard his subordinate's fearful inquiry, comforted her emotions, and turned to look in the direction that the team member was pointing, and the words of comfort stopped.

"Fast Defense !!"

With the captain's heavy drinking, the squad members directly used the manifestation device to protect the space around themselves, and their bodies flew into the air, protecting the clergy.



click~ The

surrounding windows were overwhelmed and shattered, and wisps of bright red liquid gushed out from it, soaking the entire street and coming to the apartment that everyone was protecting.

The bonfire that had been burning was also swept away by a cold wind, and the flames were quickly extinguished, as if to suggest that the attack of ghosts was rapidly approaching.

Before the blood could get close, everyone could smell the rich blood, and the members of AST were horrified to find that the wooden altar had decayed, and the energy reserves of their manifestation devices began to decline.


Caught off guard, the altars were destroyed, one clergy was buried under the ruins, and the exorcism ceremony was finally announced.

The cold breath also lost its restraints and quickly poured into the apartment, and the members of AST only felt that they were in the ice and snow, their bodies were out of control, and if it were not for the protection of the manifestation device, they might have fainted immediately.

Inside the apartment, a terrified-looking man paced through the room under the protection of several people wearing the latest version of the manifestation device.

Although he did not see the scene in the outside world, the mournful wailing sound and the sound of things breaking all told her that the situation was not optimistic.

"Didn't I just play with a dozen little girls! Why is this terrifying monster targeting me!

"Those Shinto people are waste, even ghosts can't get rid of them, it's really a waste of funds given by the state."

"And those ASTs that are called to fight elves, how can they not even deal with it."


The man was thinking in the room, completely oblivious to the surrounding mirrors and glass dripping a little red liquid dripping in the room, but the combatants of the DEM Society who had been on guard changed their faces greatly.

It was obvious that the outside defense line had been announced to have been breached, and he was going to take this high-ranking official of the Sakura Country to flee here.

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