And one thing, they are still a little afraid of their nobility, they live in this neighborhood, and it will not be good if they get revenge in the future.

However, the aristocratic young master's follower is not so comfortable, he is a slave, and he follows the noble young master every day to show off his martial arts, offending many people.

The noble young master is still a little worried now, but this slave who fights with people is not even as good as a free man in terms of law, so he will naturally become the target of the commoners.

Instead, the rebellious mob became vigilantes, maintaining order at the scene.

But most of the mob was raiding the nobleman's house at this time, and only a few people escorted the noble young master and his followers, and they couldn't stop the crowd at all.

The crowd surrounded the young master's entourage, and people punched and kicked him, venting their emotions against the nobles.

One of the civilians who had been killed by the noble young master vented all his anger on this follower at this time. However, the aristocratic young master was also slapped a few times by others.

After beating the follower, he was still angry, to be precise, his long-pent-up anger was released, and then he couldn't hold it back.

Seeing the murderer of his daughter curled up so embarrassed in front of him, he couldn't hold back any longer, and rushed up to punch and kick the noble young master.

From the servants of the nobles to the nobles, once the anger of the surrounding commoners is ignited, it can no longer be suppressed.

The flames of popular anger erupted like a volcano.

As mentioned in the work of mass psychology "The Rabble", when people are caught in a group, they are fearless, they are no longer bound by any "reason".

What was the "rationality" of the people in the feudal era? It was servility, fear and submission to the ruling class.

At this time, they were engulfed in the flames of anger.


"We must regain the fruits of our labor! Let our minds break through the cage

!" "Quickly burn the fire red, and strike while the iron is hot!" The

main force of the revolution rushed along the main road to the governor's palace, and the horns in the ranks sang passionately.

The lyrics are clear, and the people along the way can clearly know the ideas conveyed by this team, even if they feel panicked, but the seeds of ideas are buried, but they are only buried by servility, or take root and sprout, and it will take a long time to inject ..... of the spring of thought

After learning that the mob had muskets, Li Chengwei also realized the seriousness of the problem and sent all his teams to suppress it without reservation.

A heavily armed procession stopped the road, armed with long swords, and the front row wore chain mail and held round wooden shields.

There were no musketeers in this group, only archers, but this group of 300 archers could only shoot seventy or eighty meters at most.

The mob, who had already learned about the armament of the garrison of Xuanwu City, stopped to shoot from a hundred meters away.

Although the accuracy of the musket at this distance was not high, through the numerical superiority, it quickly knocked down many soldiers who stood in the way.

However, soon the enemy reinforcements soon arrived, and the reinforcements were dressed in heavy armor and held heavy shields.

At a distance of 100 meters, the power of the black powder flintlock pistol is greatly limited, even if it is an industrially made musket, the use of chemical refining gunpowder cannot get rid of the limitations of the power of black powder.

At such a distance, the bullets did not even penetrate the heavy shields in the hands of the city guards.

Seeing this, the shieldmen raised their heavy shields and began to slowly press on the mob, who were forced to retreat to prevent them from coming within range of the enemy archers.

Seeing that the mob in front of him was panicking, the morale of the city guards rose a lot, and suddenly the mob gave way to the way, and the mob behind carried a thick black barrel up...

Some of the city guards who had seen the cannon suddenly chuckled in their hearts...

The black barrel was placed on the ground, cushioned with stones to present a certain elevation angle and fixed with bricks.

Then he began to fill it with black powder, and finally stuffed a very fine round stone into it.

A strong man stepped forward with a pipe in his mouth, took a puff, and then extended the pipe towards the lead.


a loud bang, smoke came out of the black barrel, and the city guards were all stunned.

The stone projectile that was shot out hit the heavy shield soldier who was facing it, directly knocking people with shields into the air, and the powerful impact force also shattered the stone and caused damage to the chain mail soldiers behind.

With just one shot, the originally tough city guards immediately showed a tendency to collapse.

At this time, behind the city guard's defensive line, a magical warrior holding a magic sword was directly frightened.

His idea at this time was to run away quickly, he didn't get any money here, and his life was lost....

He had only been in Xizhou for a short time, and before he came, he had heard that the more he went west, the more precious his identity was as a magician, and the easier it was to accumulate wealth.

He ran to the eastern part of the Purple Cloud Empire in one go, but the result didn't seem to be as good as he imagined.

When he first joined the army, he happened to encounter the Purple Cloud Empire and began to arm firearms, and with the appearance of firearms, the status of those so-called "magicians" in the army plummeted.

Especially those apprentice magicians wearing magic armor, once, as soon as the armor was opened, the enemy was afraid, and they were already shouting, enjoying the treatment of thousands of people.

But now the situation has changed, as soon as the armor is opened, the enemy gathers fire, and the party has already dodged, and the teammates are afraid that they will not be able to avoid it and hurt themselves.

The key is that the junior magician can barely resist a few bullets with armor, and then escape quickly with the advantage of speed, but the trainee magician can't withstand three bullets within fifty meters at all, not to mention that he doesn't have magic armor yet, and he is essentially no different from mortals, except that the speed is much faster and the strength is much greater, but it is still physical.

No carbon-based creature can resist the ..... of a musket

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