
The Seven Stars of Liyue and the Millelith Army are in mixed moods.

In this complexity, there is more of an indescribable love for Bai Lu.

Damn Othello.

Because of you, I almost won't see the white dew in their hearts.

"Thousand Rocks are strong and unmovable

!" "Even if we die, we won't let you set foot in Liyue Harbor even half a step!" "

Lord Ningguang, give the order! Reseal this demon god who has caused trouble in Liyue." "

They took direct aim at Auxer.

The hearts of all Liyue people were unprecedentedly condensed at this moment.

Oser: "???"

I haven't done anything yet.

Where does the anger that is still rushing to the sky come from?

Oser looked at the crowd with high momentum, and he was also angry.

He had come to seek revenge on the Emperor of the Rocks, and a group of ants dared to shout

one after another.

"Ridiculous, do you think you want to reseal me?"

"Emperor Rock, how long are you going to hide? If you don't show up today, I'll kill all your people." With

a roar, the sea water suddenly began to pour into Liyue Harbor.

The clothes of the people were blown in the rainstorm and hunted.

But no one feared.

Under Ningguang's command, the battle with the demon god Osel officially began.


Colorful elements are madly tilted into the sea, and heaven and earth are visionary.

But the other party is a demon god after all, and soon someone in the Millelith Army was injured.

Bai Lu, who has been protected by everyone behind her, is naturally remembered by everyone.

Who is Bai Lu?

That's a miracle doctor who can even save the dying Chiayi!

Several wounded people were carried to Bai Lu.

Bai Lu could only embark on her own path as a nurse again.

But it's strange to say that the system, which has always refused to do good deeds, has not stopped it.

This also made Bai Lu feel uneasy.

It always felt like she was brewing some bad tricks.

But I don't have time to think about it now.

I saw her shuttling around the battlefield with a medicine gourd.

Where there are wounded, there is her.

The wounded she treated were soon back into the fight.

This also made her have a higher status in the heart of Millelith Army.

It's about three or four stories high.

Every time a rescued Millelith returns to the battlefield, he can't help but glance back at the small figure covered in sweat.

She must be exhausted, right?

I'm afraid that with her ability, the limit of saving so many people is also the limit.

This scene was also seen by Xiao in the battle.

With so many wounded, even if the emperor came, he would have to lie down tired.

But Bai Lu was still gritting her teeth and insisting.

She's really kind and has no sense of proportion.

Xiao's heart was extremely complicated, and his gaze stayed on Bai Lu.

And at this time.

Bai Lu also seemed to sense something, and raised her head.

At this moment.

Four eyes to each other, one glance for ten thousand years.

Xiao could clearly see layers of fine sweat on her white forehead, and her face was full of exhaustion.

But she couldn't help but show a gentle and innocent smile.

This smile....

Xiao was a little stunned.

It was as if from her, she saw the shadow of a young man in Mondstadt who had saved her.

For a moment.

He even had delusions.

Bai Lu must have had something to do with the young man in Mondstadt,

but he was soon amused by his own inexplicability.

I'm thinking about something.

Xiao retracted his thoughts and threw himself into the battle even harder.

Although the battle with Oser was evenly matched, just a smile from Bai Lu made him resurrect with full blood in an instant.

Regardless of the rest....

This smile alone is worth guarding him.


Bai Lu looked at Xiao who suddenly had a surge in combat power, and scratched his head strangely.

"Why does this Liyue Immortal look at her own eyes strangely?" Bai

Lu shook her head, and was about to treat the next wounded when an option popped up in front of her eyes.

[Option 1: Authorize the Black Tower puppet and use the Star Destroyer to destroy the Jade Pavilion (Option Reward: Star Dome Mobile*3)]

[Option 2: Stand between the two warring sides and confess that you are the mastermind behind the release of the demon god Osier. (Option Reward: Black Belly +10)]

[Option 3: Lift the seal of the Demon God Osier's wife. (Option Reward: Mirror Flow Swordsmanship)]


, I know that this system is not dead!

Bai Lu made a choice without hesitation.

"Pick one. "

No matter what the option is, just look at the reward, even if she is asked to provoke Tianli, she has to choose one.

As an otaku, do you know the pain of not having a smartphone in another world?

Although she also wants the mirror flow swordsmanship, but for now her means of saving her life are enough.

I'm sorry for Ningguang...


The battle between the two sides has also entered a white-hot stage.

"Everyone, if we continue to fight like this, we will be exhausted by each other's physical strength sooner or later!"

"Then what should we do?!" "

The immortals have bought time for me, and now I can only sacrifice the Jade Pavilion to suppress Oselle." "

No, no! The Jade Pavilion is your work for many years, can you really bear to see it destroyed in your hands?"

"Yes, yes, there must be other ways.

"But time can't wait any longer, in case Oser launches an onslaught, then Liyue Harbor..."

The immortals suddenly felt a sense of earth-destroying oppression coming from the air behind them.

I didn't know when, a mysterious metal creation several times larger than the Jade Pavilion appeared on the top of Tianheng Mountain.

Something seems to have been woken up.

On both sides of the Star Destroyer, the stars shone brightly, and two terrifying energies rotated at high speed.

Devastating shipborne weapons were quietly activated.

The mastermind behind all this hid in the crowd and covered his mouth in surprise.

"That's too exaggerated, isn't it?Is this Black Tower puppet really doing what it commands?"

Bai Lu was a little worried.

Everyone was also surprised.

"Oh my God, what's going on!

" Bai Lu blinked, and shouted loudly, "Everyone, get out of the Jade Pavilion, this is the secret weapon that the Emperor left behind to protect Liyue before he died." Machines have no eyes, be careful to affect the innocent. "


Ningguang was dumbfounded.

This group of jade pavilions, if they smash it themselves, they will smash it.

But if it is destroyed in the hands of someone else...

But time didn't allow her to think too much, and she watched the condensed energy fluctuations become stronger and stronger.

She hurriedly joined forces with the immortals to take everyone away from the Jade Pavilion.

The next second.


the dragon-like pillar of light hit the abdomen of the Jade Pavilion, and then headed straight for Osier.

Oser looked at the sudden change and gasped.

He is also a demon god who has seen countless powerful monsters.

But this is the first time I have seen this strong sense of crisis.

It's no wonder that the Emperor of the Rock has refused to show up until now, it turns out that he has already laid out a killing move in Liyue Harbor that is enough to protect his people.

For a moment, Oser regretted it.

But it's too late.

The terrifying pillar of energy light pierced through its body, and the dragon fell into the sea.

Immediately afterwards, the Yuge, which had lost its buoyancy device, also fell into the water.

Stormy seas enveloped the entire sea.

The ruined Jade Pavilion re-suppressed the Demon God Othello, and at that moment the entire Liyue Harbor trembled slightly.

Wave after wave.

It lasted for a long time before the rumbling tremor completely disappeared.

The clouds disappeared in the sky, and the sky cleared after the rain.


Victory!" "Victory!" shouted

the Millelith excitedly.

Only Ningguang looked at his hard work in a daze, and clenched his fists.

"It's gone, it's all gone. "

Lord Emperor, it's best to pray that you are truly immortal!"

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