With Judah's oath, I slowly returned to the city. The once prosperous and bustling District 12 has now become a ruin, with broken walls and devastation, which is shocking. Hundreds of thousands of residents were forced to leave their homes and evacuated to temporary tents in other areas for refuge.

Although humans won the battle, the pain brought by the war is deeply imprinted in the city and everyone's heart.

Su Yue walked through every ruin with heavy steps, and everywhere she saw was filled with endless sadness and sorrow.

People's faces were full of pain and helplessness.

The pain of losing their relatives and friends made them immersed in great grief and unable to extricate themselves.

The cold wind in the ruins whistled past, as if mourning the suffering that this land had suffered.

Su Yue silently watched everything in front of her, and a strong sense of mission surged in her heart.

She knew that the harm brought to people by this war was not only material loss but also a trauma that was difficult to heal in the depths of their hearts.

Su Yue came to the place where the bodies of the sacrificed soldiers were stored, which was densely packed with corpses covered with white cloth. There were also many superpowers among them, and she also saw a familiar person among the remains.

Li Hua walked over and looked at Su Yue who was silently crying in front of the body in front of him. He explained:"Sun Ruolan, she is an admirable woman. At that time, when the monsters invaded the city again, she was the first to charge over to stop them, but was affected by the attack of the S-level virtual monster."

Su Yue was silent, her eyes fell on Sun Ruolan, who was only half of her body left in front of her. Her throat seemed to be blocked by something and she could hardly utter a word.

Just a few hours ago, the person who had been trying hard to find ways to comfort her has now become like this. For those who lack family warmth, people who care for them are particularly important, and Su Yue happens to be one of these people.

According to the original plan, the next step is to lead out the other two S The S-level virtual world monsters were completely under Su Yue's control. From the beginning, the S-level virtual world monsters were destined to die in her hands.

As for the invasion of the city, it was also within her expectations, but she did not expect the situation to develop to such a bad point. The cost of opening the divine grace barrier is too high. At present, Su Yue can only open it once in a short period of time. Therefore, the invasion problem in the city can only be solved by the people in the city.

Covering Sun Ruolan with a white cloth, Su Yue stood up and said,"I'm tired and want to go back to rest."

Li Hua looked at Su Yue's tired expression and nodded,"Okay, you go back and have a good rest first. We will take care of things here."

Su Yue returned home alone and lay on the bed, thinking about a lot of things. She closed her eyes and recalled every bit of her time with Sun Ruolan for a few hours. Sun Ruolan's smile, encouragement and care, like a warm force, have always supported Su Yue to move forward.

However, now that Sun Ruolan has left her, Su Yue feels empty inside.

She knew that sacrifice was inevitable.

At least for now, this was the best result she could achieve.

She just felt empty in her heart, as if something important was missing, but she couldn't tell what it was.

At the same time, a sense of confusion about the future arose spontaneously and continued to spread in her heart.

The sky outside had begun to gradually brighten, as if an invisible hand had slowly unveiled a mysterious veil.

Su Yue gently reached out and pressed the button, and the electric curtains slowly opened to both sides.

She slowly sat up, looking at the scenery outside the window with a somewhat empty look in her eyes.

The morning sun was rising slowly in the morning light, and the orange-red light sprinkled on the earth, giving everything around it a warm and soft color.

There were bursts of cheers from afar, which were the joyful sounds of ordinary people celebrating their victory.

However, all this seemed so distant and strange to Su Yue.

She only felt as if she was in a lonely world, out of tune with the people and things around her.

This feeling made her feel scared, but she was powerless to get rid of it.

At this moment, a seed was buried in her heart.

Su Yue had been sitting there, motionless, as if time had stopped. The sun gradually rose, until it was high in the sky, her exhausted body from overusing the Divine Grace barrier finally slowly relaxed and fell asleep.

While Su Yue was sleeping, the Oath of Judah beside her began to flicker with a faint golden light. This strange light did not attract Su Yue's attention, because she had already immersed herself in a sweet dream.

However, without Su Yue noticing, a crystal clear, crystal-like gem quietly appeared in her body. This gem exuded a mysterious light, and seemed to contain endless power. And it has another name - the core of the restraining law.

The appearance of the core of the restraining law made the surrounding air heavy. It quietly floated inside Su Yue's body, like a guardian angel, silently protecting her. As time went by, the light of this core became stronger and stronger, as if it was conveying some information to the outside world...

At this moment, Su Yue, who was sleeping, had a dream. She dreamed that she came to a huge space. In front of her was a huge purple ball of light, as if calling her. At the end of the space behind the purple ball of light was a sea with no visible boundaries, and the height of the trees on the sea could not be seen at a moment.

Su Yue walked towards the purple ball of light. The closer she got to the ball of light, the more she could feel a strong attraction. When she walked in front of the ball of light, the ball of light suddenly made an incomprehensible sound. However, Su Yue understood what it was saying.

"Are you saying that I have become a law-binding ruler?"

The light ball made an incomprehensible sound again.


I remember you are the Cocoon of the End, right? Even if I became the Lawgiver of Constraint , I shouldn't have come here.·········

"I am the final candidate? This shouldn't be the case!


"The cocoon you and I know is not the same one, so it's okay. No wonder the tree and the sea appeared behind you at the same time. I thought you betrayed the tree."


"What? What are you riddling? The Riddler, get out of Gotham···Sorry for the interruption."

"Are you saying that the trees and the sea appeared because of me? Why


"Ah, forget it, it's useless to ask. Then I will be the favorite of Shu and Hai from now on!"

"But, speaking of this, does this world have anything to do with the sea of trees


"So, okay! Then how do I leave here


"Sleep? So this is how you solve it? I've failed."

At the same time, in reality, a group of people from the Void Realm sect sneaked into Su Yue's rental house and were about to assassinate Su Yue who had just fallen asleep.


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