Since it is really hot recently, Tang Ze holds a pool party every day.

This kind of party is absolutely pleasing to the eye. Everyone wears swimsuits very boldly, and pairs of beautiful legs and feet sway in front of the eyes. It is really amazing.

Leaning on the edge of the swimming pool, Tang Ze bit a popsicle in his mouth and felt the brief coolness.

Suddenly a beautiful figure emerged from the water: "Master, when are we going out to play?"

Li Linger leaned on Tang Ze's chest. Her sweet voice gave her a lot of points. With her curvy figure, she is really one of the top three beauties in the team.

"It's so hot." It's a pain to go out to play in such a hot day.

Look outside the window, the heat wave almost distorts the vision, and there is no sign of cooling down, and it is still rising.

At this time, Xiaobai flew quickly from the horizon and landed on the balcony.

"Oh, it's so hot." Xiaobai started to complain as soon as he entered the house.

Xi Meng teased: "Xiaobai, with your physical strength, you will be fine if you are put into a furnace at 1,000 degrees."

"Sister Xi, this is a normal reaction, okay?"

Sun Ting said lightly: "Okay, what's the situation outside now?"

Xiaobai sighed: "The sea level is still rising, coastal cities are beginning to be flooded, the number of zombies is ten times that of yesterday, and it is still rising. Even animals in the wild are turning into corpses."

"Some cities have also caught fire, and there is no way to put it out with water. Some cities have been conquered by zombies, and some cities have not cleaned up the corpses. Anyway, there are all kinds of situations." After saying this, Xiaobai picked up the water and gulped it down.

"And more importantly, after the virus fusions that died outside became zombies, although they lost their memories, they can command the zombies and their strength has improved. Some small places can't resist at all." After saying this, Xiaobai also sighed, it's too difficult.

"Have you found anything special?" Tang Ze asked, looking at the plants in the city now. Some trees have reached 20 meters high, and vines have even spread to the entire floor. Although there is no danger after checking, it feels wrong.

An Bai shook his head: "I flew a few times and didn't find anything, but I found some huge creatures on the seabed."

"How big?" Qian'er asked.

An Bai spread his arms and gestured: "It's bigger than a cargo ship, but it doesn't have long legs, so it's not a threat to the land."

Now the zombies have broken out in full swing, and Lin Ziyan has gone back to help. Without this maid to take care of daily life, these women are still a little uncomfortable.

I have to find a few beautiful maids when I have time.

Tang Ze called up the surveillance footage outside Huzhou. Some zombies dragged their broken bodies and walked under the scorching sun. There was only a little flesh left on their faces, and they were still wearing bulletproof vests.

Suddenly, an alien came running and tore the zombies into pieces. For a moment, I didn't know who was the scourge.

However, the chest of the zombie lying on the ground began to wriggle.

With a sizzle, a zombie version of the alien burst out of the chest. The little guy looks quite unique, as Nana said.

Wow, what a cute baby.

But Tang Ze thinks that the white card of the alien is definitely seriously underestimated.

At the beginning, it parasitizes humans and reaches level 2-3, and then it is a virus fusion, and its strength can reach 4-5.

As long as the parasite is stronger, the alien born will be stronger.

For example, the virus alien just now has reached level 8, but the zombie alien born has reached level 10.

If this zombie alien parasitizes others, the level will only increase, not decrease.

And now the alien queen has reached level 24, Tang Ze was shocked at first, this level upgrade is too exaggerated.

As long as the alien egg born by the queen successfully parasitizes, it will come out at level 5, and this is only for ordinary humans.

The average level of the entire alien army is now at level 10.

Although the current level 10 is not considered a pyramid strength, there are still many of them. There are now more than two million aliens outside Huzhou. If they are released to hunt zombies, they may become more terrifying than zombies.

"How are those forces?"

An Bai came with fruits in his hands: "Several cities of the giant arm have not been captured, mainly because there are many masters, plus the virus fusion agent given by the company, they can still cope with it."

"The Sanren Alliance and Xinghui gave up some cities and concentrated their manpower. Now the four cities are safe."

"That mysterious organization did not occupy the city, it feels like a wild."

"But I found that the Axe Society has been a bit high-profile recently. I found that many of the supplies given by the company in their territory are more than other forces, and there are even heavy firepower."

Tang Ze said: "The southern How is the situation over there?"

"The situation over there in the family is not very optimistic. Didn't they send three juniors to attend the meeting before? They were bullied by the company, and due to the shortage of supplies, they could only reduce their territory. They could control several cities before, but now they are all defending their old nests."

Tang Ruyan snorted coldly: "Those old people in the family are greedy for life and afraid of death. They only talk about reason all day long."

"Why, you, the teacher, are standing up for the students?" Tang Ze teased. He used to say that he would not be Gu Xiaoyu's teacher, but now whenever he is free, he will go to see Gu Xiaoyu, and slowly treat Gu Xiaoyu as a real student, not just a pretense.

Tang Ruyan said helplessly: "The resources of the Gu family are basically allocated to men, especially the direct line. They think that the only use of women now is to reproduce."

"Isn't this normal? This is how it is in troubled times. Men are the dominant ones." Tang Ze picked up a piece of iced watermelon and took a bite. It was full of comfort.

Seeing that the girls' eyes were a little unconvinced, Tang Ze smiled and said: "If you were outside, I guess your only task would be to give birth to children until you can't give birth anymore."

Although this doesn't sound extreme, it is the fact that even women in Huzhou have the primary goal of getting pregnant and having children. This is no longer a question of whether you are willing or not, but it must be done in order to continue human civilization.

"Master, we have been together for so long, why don't everyone's stomachs react at all?" Xie Mingyue asked a question that everyone was curious about. Without taking any safety measures, why can't the stomach get bigger?

In fact, every woman will have such a little thought, as long as the belly is big, the mother will be honored by the child.

But the belly is not competitive. It is too difficult to get pregnant with a master's child.

Tang Ze couldn't give an accurate answer to this. Maybe it was because of his physical condition that he was too strong and couldn't match.

It didn't matter if she couldn't get pregnant. Anyway, she didn't like children very much.

The Tang family at this time.

The whole city seemed to have been surrounded by zombies. Looking around, a steady stream of zombies rushed over to hear the gunshots. The guns clamped on the containers were already red, and the corpses below were about to pile up.

Occasionally, you can see a virus fusion zombie jumping out of the zombie group.

"Old Wang, be careful." Sure enough, a special one jumped out of the zombie group and killed directly towards the machine gunner Old Wang.

Old Wang was also calm. He raised the muzzle and fired suddenly, but the opponent was too fast, and the sharp hand bones could pierce his head in an instant.

At this moment of life and death, an ice sword directly penetrated the head of the virus zombie, and even the frost instantly spread all over the body, falling to the ground and turning into broken ice.

"It's Miss!" Everyone looked back and saw that it was Miss Tang, Tang Ya. She was inspiring people just standing there, as if she was carrying a ray of light.

Tang Ya frowned, and needed support everywhere. Once it was lost and a hole was opened, the whole city would be finished.

"Everyone hold on!"


With Tang Ya's encouragement, the momentum really increased, and Tang Ya also killed a group of zombies by the way.

Tang Hailin ran over from not far away at this time: "Sister, don't move around, be careful of getting a miscarriage."

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