Jiang Yunbai's eyes lit up, he didn't expect it to be so easy to set a trap!

It’s countless times easier than roping a wild boar on horseback.

The boss rubbed his eyes.

After confirming that Jiang Yunbai had really put the trap in, he looked at Jiang Yunbai in disbelief.

----[This...this is fake! 】

----[Just swish and go in? 】

----【coincide! It must be a coincidence! 】

----[It must be a coincidence! How could such a small circle be put in so coincidentally? 】


In fact, the people at the scene also had the same idea as the audience in the live broadcast room.

They thought it must be a coincidence.

The corner of the boss's mouth twitched, but he still said with a smile:

"Young man, what a blessing."

He walked over, picked up Diga and gave it to Jiang Yunbai.

"Congratulations! Everyone has seen it! Our trap is not a lie!"

Jiang Yunbai looked at the one-meter-tall Diga.

"What's the use of this thing?"

Pan Hua immediately said:

"This is hundreds!"


Jiang Yunbai's eyes widened.

"This thing costs hundreds of dollars each!"

Pan Hua nodded.

"There is an anti-counterfeiting mark on it. It is imported and not from Shansai."

Jiang Yunbai stared at Diga in disbelief.

Ye Qianwen glanced at Jiang Yunbai.

He felt that Jiang Yunbai was not looking at Diga, but a piece of gold ingot.

Jiang Yunbai took out fifty yuan from his pocket.

Put it into Pan Hua's hand.

"I'll give you the money for the trap. I won't work part-time today!"

How much does it cost to work part-time for a day?

Pan Hua only gave him 200 yuan when he asked him to come over, but this Ultraman cost several hundred yuan.

Why didn't I find such a profitable business in China before?

Pan Hua looked at the fifty yuan in his hand.

"Brother, I am a customer."

"Not anymore."

Jiang Yunbai's face changed so quickly that it was beyond the imagination of the people around him.

Of course, Ye Qianwen and Zhao Dahai were not surprised.

"Brother! This is not fair!"

Pan Hua said:

"This will affect your company's credibility!"

Jiang Yunbai thought for a while and felt that what this boy said made sense.

He sighed:

"Okay, I'll put one on for you."

Pan Hua nodded repeatedly.

"Thank you, big brother. Thank you, big brother."

Jiang Yunbai threw it and lassoed a monster cub.

Pan Hua looked at the monster smaller than the palm of his hand.

"Brother, I want the biggest one."

Jiang Yunbai shook his head.

"That's definitely not possible. The biggest one belongs to me!"

Everyone present felt that Jiang Yunbai's words were a bit ungrateful.

Can your boy really get the biggest one the second time?

The boss didn't believe it either, so he brought out another Ultraman from the back and took Tiga's place.

The boss saw more and more people around him and felt very happy.

Because everyone saw Jiang Yunbai hit Ultraman and wanted to give it a try.

He sold dozens of them in just a few minutes.

It was enough for him to return to that Tiga.

"Go on."

The boss laughed.

Jiang Yunbai nodded and threw out a trap.

The ferrule still draws a beautiful arc in the air.

Then it fell on Taro's head.

"The second one also hit!"

The whole audience exclaimed.

People in the live broadcast room found it even more incredible.

----[The first time was luck, but what about the second time?]

----[No way, this is okay? 】

----[The boss is almost crying to death, these two together are almost a thousand. 】


The boss himself was also fooled. The first one was lucky, but what about the second one?

But the boss still gave the Ultraman to Jiang Yunbai.

"Young man, you have good luck."

He said with a smile.

One thousand yuan, how many rounds does he have to sell to make back the money?

But seeing more and more people, more and more people are buying circles.

He reassured himself that he would be fine soon.

The boss moved another one-meter-tall Godzilla from inside.

"It's actually Godzilla!"

Pan Hua opened his mouth wide.

"Is it expensive?"

Jiang Yunbai asked.

Pan Hua said:

"One can hold up to two Ultramans, but the box is a little too big."

The boss said angrily:

"By saying this again, didn't I prove that I won't cheat people?"

He walked over with the ferrule and used a lot of strength to insert the ferrule.

Everyone in the audience looked at this shameless boss.

"Can this thing be snagged? I ate the snare on the spot!"

The boss said:

"If you can't get it in, it's because you don't have the ability!"

He looked at Jiang Yunbai.

"Boy, do you want to try Godzilla?"

Jiang Yunbai thought for a while.

Before the boss could react.

Two hoops were thrown.

"Bang bang"!

The other two Ultraman were also tricked by Jiang Yunbai.

Jiang Yunbai looked at the boss with excitement.

The boss looked at Jiang Yunbai.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

But he still managed a smile.

"What a strength! If you can trap Godzilla, I'll take it back at a high price."

Jiang Yunbai's eyes lit up.


Ye Qianwen reminded:

"Put it away when you're done. That box is too big."

The boss frowned and said:

"Beauty, how are you talking? Didn't I demonstrate just now? You can enter the circle!"

Many people scolded the boss for being shameless, saying this was just a trap for Jiang Yunbai.

Let him buy a few more laps?


Jiang Yunbai said.

The boss's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, young people are easy to deceive.

"But at what price do you recycle it?"

Jiang Yunbai asked.

The boss thought for a while.

"How about 10% more than the market price?"

Jiang Yunbai nodded and agreed.

People in the live broadcast room also believed that Jiang Yunbai had been tricked.

----[If you don't listen to good people, you will suffer the consequences. 】

----[This guy seems to be quite smart, how could he be tricked so easily? 】

----[This boss is quite shady in order to sell a few more items to make back the money. 】


Jiang Yunbai still has five hoops in his hand.

He threw the first one, and the first ring hit Tesla, only catching a corner.

The boss chuckled to himself.

How could it be so easy to get caught!

People at the scene let out a sigh of relief.

This is too difficult, even harder than playing Ultraman.

"I almost got it, come on, the circle is not enough, I still have it here."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yunbai said:

"No, the four I have here are enough."

The boss didn't understand what Jiang Yunbai meant.

I saw Jiang Yunbai throw another circle.

The second circle hit the first circle, just in time for the first circle to hit another corner.

The people at the scene became quiet.

The third circle flew out, but it still hit the first circle.

The first circle moved a bit, covering three corners.

When the fourth circle flew out, the first circle covered all four corners.

But this is not enough, this cannot be considered a trap.

In the last lap, Jiang Yunbai deliberately increased the arc.

Throw it hard into the sky.

Everyone present looked up.

The circle flew twenty or thirty meters high.

Then fell rapidly.


It hit the first circle, and the two circles completely overlapped.

The first lap was so smashed.

It went right in.


Deadly quiet...

Everyone looked at Jiang Yunbai blankly.

Is that human being?

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