Sun Yaoyao drank wine slowly.

She picked up her cell phone and dialed the number of the female bodyguard Wu Xiuli.

Soon, the female bodyguard went up to the private room.

She glanced at Jiang Yunbai, who was already asleep.

Then he looked at Sun Yaoyao.

Sun Yaoyao said: "Send him to Caiyuan Gungun Hotel."

Wu Xiuli let out a long sigh.

She glanced at Jiang Yunbai and said, "Yes."

Sun Yaoyao picked up her phone and took a picture of Jiang Yunbai's side face lying on the table.

Then send it to a group.

"Sisters, guess who this is?"

Soon, someone responded immediately.

"Wow! Where did the little fresh meat come from!"

"Huh? Wait, isn't this the male lead from that popular show recently?"

"It's true! When I saw him naked, I had an orgasm inside my head."

"Yao Yao, you started so quickly, I still wanted to go there in a few days."

Sun Yaoyao's fingers moved quickly.

"Sisters, I'm going to eat meat tonight, bye!"


"Wow! You're mean!"

"I wish you a good pregnancy."

"So selfish, I won't tell you next time a male star goes out on a date."


Sun Yaoyao proudly put her phone into her bag.

The people in the group are all people she met at various parties.

My family is well-off and very open-minded.

Many people have secretly slept with several male celebrities.

However, the family was rich and powerful, so these scandals were not exposed.

Wu Xiuli carried Jiang Yunbai on her back.

At this time a waiter came in.

Seeing that his boss was being carried by a strange woman, he hurriedly said:

"What are you doing?"

Wu Xiuli said:

"He was drunk, let's send him back."

Just as the waiter was about to stop him, Jiang Yunbai, who had been sleeping, suddenly opened one eye.

He moved his mouth and said "Go" to the waiter.

The waiter who received the boss's instructions wisely left.

Jiang Yunbai was carried behind a luxury car by Wu Xiuli.

"Miss, don't take such a large dose of medicine next time."

Wu Xiuli said.

Sun Yaoyao rolled her eyes.

"I was careless last time, and that person woke up."

Wu Xiuli felt strange. The dose the lady used last time was definitely fine.

Even if a cow drinks that dose, he will still have to sleep all night.

Later, she took the medicine for testing, and the result was that there was nothing wrong with the medicine.

"Last time the person was weird, but this time he's a normal person."

Wu Xiuli said.

Sun Yaoyao curled her lips.

"have opinions?"

Wu Xiuli said quickly: "I don't dare."

Sun Yaoyao also sat in the back seat.

She moved Jiang Yunbai's head to her lap.

She looked at Jiang Yunbai's jawline.

This side face actually looks better up close, and no pores can be seen at all.

Sun Yaoyao has met many male celebrities, and from a distance they look reasonable.

But it doesn't work when you look up close. The skin is very poor and the pores are large. You have to use cosmetics to cover them up so that you can't see them.

But Jiang Yunbai doesn't know that at all.

No makeup, my skin is frighteningly good.

Jiang Yunbai rested his head on Sun Yaoyao's elastic thigh.


Wu Xiuli drove her car all the way to Cai Yuan Bang five-star hotel.

She supported Jiang Yunbai, who was like a pile of mud.

Wu Xiuli spent a lot of effort to help him into the hotel.

The hotel receptionist glanced at his boss.

Sun Yaoyao came over and took out her ID card and bank card.

"The presidential suite I booked today."

The lady at the front desk took it over with a smile.

All other amounts except the deposit were paid.

There was a beeping sound.

The stone in Jiang Yunbai's heart fell.

It's not in vain that he pretended to be drunk all the way.

Everything is to allow Sun Yaoyao to pay the small amount smoothly.

After Sun Yaoyao left.

The lady at the front desk lowered her head and sent a message to her colleagues at the bar.

"The boss seems really drunk."

After a while, the bartender replied:

"You can try walking over and see if he will let you go."

The young lady at the front desk gave up the idea.

She couldn't figure out why the boss pretended to be drunk.

The girl at the back is very good-looking and sexy.

But the boss’s little girlfriend is the most beautiful.

She had never seen a more beautiful girl.

Wu Xiuli carried Jiang Yunbai into the room and walked out.

Sun Yaoyao looked at Jiang Yunbai who was lying unconscious on the bed.

After taking a photo of Jiang Yunbai lying on the bed, she walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Listening to the sound of rushing water, Jiang Yunbai opened his eyes.

"It's really troublesome."

Jiang Yunbai took out a small bottle from his pocket.

Put the transparent liquid inside into several bottles of mineral water on the bedside table.

Then continue to fall asleep and pretend to sleep.

In the bathroom, the sound of gurgling water stopped.

Sun Yaoyao walked out wrapped in a bath towel.

She walked towards Jiang Yunbai.

I don't know why, but I always feel like this scene is a bit familiar.

This reminded her of the man that night.

"Don't let me see you next time!"

Sun Yaoyao cursed in a low voice.

However, when she saw Jiang Yunbai lying on the bed.

My mood improved a lot.

Sun Yaoyao twisted her waist and walked beside the bed, sitting next to Jiang Yunbai.

Jiang Yunbai could clearly smell the fragrance and breath on her body.

She looked at Jiang Yunbai, who was sleeping soundly.

She raised her hand and pinched his face.

He smiled with satisfaction.

Jiang Yunbai was the highest quality boy she had ever slept with.

How could she be unhappy?

Sun Yaoyao picked up a bottle of mineral water.

Take a few sips.

She hadn't drank any water since coming out of the bar, and her mouth was a little dry.

"Fortunately, I didn't ask Xiaowen to come over, otherwise she would definitely not allow me to do this."

Sun Yaoyao looked at Jiang Yunbai.

"Is there really a woman who doesn't like this face?"

She once again gently traced Jiang Yunbai's face with her fingers, and then moved downwards.

Jiang Yunbai felt a hand sliding down his face to his neck, and then down.

When it almost reached the chest, the hand stopped.

"Huh? Weird..."

Sun Yaoyao's consciousness began to become blurry.


She fell on Jiang Yunbai, and most of the bath towel she was wrapped in fell off.

Jiang Yunbai slowly opened his eyes.

He let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Sun Yaoyao drank water in advance, otherwise he would have to think of other ways.

Pushing away the perfect body lying on top of her.

He looked at the pair of slender feet, with cute toes and painted red nails.

It's really, really good.

But he is not in the mood now.

Jiang Yunbai turned on the air conditioner for Sun Yaoyao, covered her with a quilt, and turned off the lights in the room.

Called the hotel front desk.

"Is the female bodyguard at the door now?"

The lady at the front desk could hear the boss's voice.

"Yes boss, it's in the car at the door."


After Jiang Yunbai hung up the phone, he walked out of the hotel room.

He followed the escape stairs and walked out of the hotel through the back door.

But when he walked out, it started to rain lightly.

Jiang Yunbai glanced at the dim sky and pulled up his hoodie, revealing only the lower half of his face.

He put his hands into his pockets and bowed.

Walking in the rainy night, disappearing into the dark night.

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