Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 46 Congee, a bit salty

Caroline was up before dawn.

She quietly came to the kitchen without alarming anyone. She brought the firewood herself, lit the sawdust with a lighter to ignite the firewood.

The lighter was naturally left by Zhang Feng.


The firewood was a little wet, and the thick smoke from burning made Caroline choke so hard that she couldn't open her eyes.

But she didn't give up. After the firewood was completely burned, she put the washed polished rice in a pot with water to boil, and then put some minced meat, shredded green onion, and shredded ginger.

This is the step she wrote down when watching Zhang Feng cook the polished rice porridge. She should remember it correctly... right?

While the porridge was cooking, she boiled some eggs in another pot.

However, as Zhang Feng mentioned, Caroline doesn't really understand the method of boiling soft-boiled eggs in five minutes, especially the time unit of one minute. She is a little confused, but Zhang Feng said that one minute is sixty seconds, and A second is the time to count a number.

Count 300 in five minutes.

Immediately after Caroline put the eggs in the pot, she closed the lid, stared at the pot and began to count.

"One, two, three... two hundred and ninety-nine, three hundred!"

At the moment of counting to three hundred, Caroline quickly opened the pot, ignoring the heat coming from the shop. She took a big spoon and quickly filled the eggs, as if she couldn't wait for a second.


The egg was very hot, and Caroline didn't dare to hold it with her hands, so she could only blow it first, and then carefully put it in a bowl with a spoon.

The thick smoke in the kitchen is already a little big.

"Gulu Gulu~"

At this time, the porridge pot was opened, and Caroline came to the other side non-stop, opened the lid of the pot, and instantly smelled the aroma.

Caroline's eyes narrowed with joy, it's the smell, that's right!

"Ah, yes, there are steamed buns!"

Caroline hurried to find the steamed buns. Since the steamed buns were cooked, they would easily deteriorate if not stored properly, so they were not put together with these things.

There were not many steamed buns left, so Caroline brought them all.

Then boil a pot of water again, put a few bamboo strips on the water in the pot, and put some hardened steamed buns in it.

But at this time, Caroline discovered another major problem - the stove was not burning!

She brought a large bundle of firewood again, and added all of it to the stove, and then took a burning log from the next stove, and stuffed it into this stove.


The thick smoke from the three stove pits was very choking, but there was no way, at this point, Caroline could only bite the bullet and do it.

After the water in the pot boiled, Caroline quickly inserted the steamed buns with a knife and put them on the plate.

"Well, it's already softened, it smells so good!"

The smell of steamed buns made Caroline swallow her saliva, but she did not forget her mission.

"Huh? What's the smell?"

Caroline moved her nose, she smelled a strange smell!

Suddenly there is a bad feeling!

Caroline put down the steamed buns and hurried to the porridge cooking stove.

A faint smell of paste entered the nostrils.

"It's over, it's over..."

Caroline didn't care about the heat, and poured out the porridge with steam. The bottom of the pot was burnt, and the whole pot of porridge smelled of burnt.

Caroline was a little frustrated, but she still didn't give up. After carefully picking out all the black parts in the porridge with a spoon, a small pot of white porridge with lean meat appeared in front of her.

Although it still smells like paste, the appearance seems to be no different from what Zhang Feng made.

At this time, several servants rushed over in a panic.

"The kitchen is on fire! Help—er, ma'am?"

When the servants saw Caroline with a dirty face, they didn't know what was going on for a while.

"It's okay, there's no fire, you all retreat first!"

Caroline pretended to be calm and let them leave.

The servants looked at the things on the stove, probably understood the situation, and hurriedly retreated.

But when the servants retreated, a bolder maid reminded in a low voice:

"Ma'am, the chimney doesn't seem to be open..."

Quietly back away after speaking.

Caroline blushed, a little embarrassed. She knew where the switch to open the chimney was, but had forgotten it.

After quickly turning on the switch of the chimney, the thick smoke ran up, and the air in the kitchen was indeed much cleaner.

Caroline put the lean meat porridge on the tray, and then put the steamed buns and eggs on it. She carried the tray and headed towards Zhang Feng's room.

At this time, the sky had already turned pale, and the servants all got up and started working.

Facing the slight morning light, Caroline carefully brought the breakfast outside Zhang Feng's room.

"Will Master Zhang Feng be very happy when he sees the breakfast I made later?"

"But my porridge seems to be overcooked. I wonder if the taste will become unpalatable?"

"I'm a little worried that it won't suit Mr. Zhang Feng's taste, but I've come here..."

Caroline took a deep breath as she cleared the clutter of thoughts from her mind.

Boom boom boom!

"Master Zhang Feng, breakfast is ready, let me bring it in for you!"

There is no echo inside.

Caroline asked again, but there was still no answer in the room.

Boom boom boom!

A trace of panic suddenly appeared on Caroline's face. She pushed the door lightly, and found that the door was not locked, so she opened it with a push.

She carried the breakfast and walked in cautiously.

But there was no one in the room.

"Are you leaving..."

Caroline's tone was a little nervous and lonely, and she didn't know what was going on, but she felt that her heart was in a mess right now.

She went to the study to look again, but there was no one there either.

"Really gone..."

Caroline was very afraid that Zhang Feng would not come back, but Zhang Feng promised her that he would definitely come back. This made Caroline very conflicted, and she didn't know whether to believe him or not.

Because judging from the things Zhang Feng took out and his daily life, the place Zhang Feng is in is definitely not comparable to Hongye City, and Hongye City is far inferior!

Perhaps in Zhang Feng's view, Hongye City is an ignorant and backward place!

Faced with such a poor place, will he really come back?

Caroline couldn't explain why she was so afraid of Zhang Feng leaving.

Logically speaking, Hongye City would be on the right track right now, even without Zhang Feng, Hongye City would still be able to survive.

But why do you care so much about Zhang Feng?

Thinking that Zhang Feng might never come back, Caroline suddenly felt a little pain in her heart.

The somewhat dazed Caroline picked up the porridge she cooked and took a sip.

"It's a bit salty..."


On the other side, Zhang Feng opened his eyes and saw the familiar nest, and he was in a good mood.

Turning over to get up, Zhang Feng had a thought, and the exotic clothes on his body immediately changed into long sleeves, jeans, and sneakers.

He went to the refrigerator to get a box of yogurt, licked the bottle cap, and muttered:

"I don't know what Caroline ate in the morning. Without me, she wouldn't be eating boiled meat in salt water again! But she is really too stupid, she can't even cook a meal!"

Shaking his head, Zhang Feng didn't have any hope for Caroline's cooking skills. After all, fried eggs can be fried, so what else can you expect?


At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated, Zhang Feng took it out and looked, good guy, dozens of missed calls!

Except for a few calls from Lin Yulan, the others were from an unfamiliar number. Zhang Feng estimated that it should be Wang Boyu, an expert in treasure appraisal.

Seeing that he made so many calls, there should be some urgent matter. Could it be that something new happened to the old antique?

Seeing that the other party is not bad, and he has earned 500,000 yuan from him, Zhang Feng felt that he should call back immediately, after all, he seemed to be in a hurry.

So Zhang Feng played Lin Yulan's number.

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