: The Most Decent Way for Soldiers (Seventh)
‘Keep going, one more day, and you will be able to arrive in Switzerland tomorrow.
sub border. “Lang Qi said in a hoarse voice, giving a few children
The son fed a few mouthfuls of jerky, and the other party’s eager eyes
In his mind, he put it away cruelly.
These jerky are already the last stock, and there are some
Lang Qifen gave the whole family members of the family food.
That’s right, their entire small werewolf clan agreed to the former
To the Kingdom of Rhea
When we set off, except for some horses used to be left behind by the old man
Then, the rest were killed by the wolf and the others, and made into meat.
Dried, as consumption on the road. It’s already exhausted now
If the Kingdom of Rhea does not accept them tomorrow,
Lang Qi’s face is full of solemnity
Yahan Kerry Fortress, the largest fortress in the north of Rhea Kingdom
Its existence has made the orc wars repeated for thousands of years
It was the latter who returned home. And Yahan Kri in Old Kindred
The “Jingsi” in “Blood Knot” means.
At this time, in the mansion of the commander-in-chief of the fortress, the man with armor and stomach inseparable
Alston York looked at the letter in his hand, which contained

Looking at the seals of the Eastern Palace and the Chaotang, he repeatedly confirmed it several times
The content of the letter is really horrifying
“This order, this is too unbelievable.” Oss
Dun put down the letter in his hand and looked at the young man standing in front of him.
Light silhouette.
“General York, no matter how unbelievable it is, it was passed by the Supreme Emperor
Agreed, the other recruiters have already entered the fort
It’s time to divide a place. stretch us temporarily
Just use it. These orcs who fled will not stay
Give them a full meal to nourish their spirits, and they will immediately ask each other
rush to the post. “Thomas spread his hands and smiled lightly.
The importance of this matter is self-evident, Gu Feng directly sent
Thomas, who is the servant of the household department, came to take charge.
“Are you sure these people won’t cause damage when they enter the kingdom?”
Ston is still a little worried, this Yahan Kerry Fortress has never been
Let a tribe of orcs enter the kingdom, and now he is the
-The guard of the generation took the initiative to welcome these people in, but also
The special mother has to take care of the food.
Thomas looked solemn, and said, “General York, don’t worry.
Before entering the fortress, our people will explain some kings in advance
If you agree to the laws of the country, you can enter. come in
All subsequent actions are supervised and protected by the laws of the Kingdom
. We also brought a lot of criminal officials this time.

In the end, Orston still couldn’t accept the order.
Unexpectedly, the Supreme Emperor agreed, he is a general, even if it is the land
A very high-ranking general couldn’t help him to refute.
“You carry out your orders and I will help, but
But if there are orcs who dare to make trouble with this general, don’t
Blame the soldiers under General Ben for being so vicious. “Auston
Said lightly, (cddc) stamped his will on the letter
Army seal.
“Naturally, everything is predicated on frontiers and key points.
Plug stability. “Thomas said,
“Here, so many people?” Lang Qi looked at the majestic bloody
Fortress, familiar, but a little strange.
He also came back here, but Yahan at this time
In front of Kerry Fortress, there are crowds of people, a long dragon
They lined up in front of the door, surrounded by solemn expressions. eye kill
An elite soldier. From time to time there are teams of cavalry
Let it go.
“Old man! Child! You can go to the camp to the west to get a
Some food! The rest are not allowed to move!
“Speaking of any actions within the territory of the Kingdom of Rhea will be punished by the
The supervision and protection of Asia law! everyone heard me clearly

Who dares to act without authorization! All actions will be dealt with as the actions of the enemy’s army
“If you have weapons, register at the northern camp! Put your weapons
Leave it to us for safekeeping! After identity verification, you can get it back
Your weapons!
“Whoever bears a weapon is not allowed to enter the city!
“Brother Seven” Lang Qi’s wife looks like she’s going to hand over the weapon
Lang Qi, her eyes are full of worry, and her child is not here at this time
side, was taken by patrolling soldiers to the camp west to eat-
Some food, at this time there is no one around her.
Lang Qi gave his wife a reassuring look, and they
A group of young and strong members of the tribe walked to the camp in the north.
“Everyone, relax! We have nothing to do but hand over our weapons.
There is another way. Think about our children. “Wolf whispered
Everyone is warned.
Everyone nods.
Before the camp, there were quite a few people here, and the recorded Rhea officer
The staff is also sweating from work.
“Name, age, tribe, which army served
“Wolf Da, 42 years old, a small tribe of werewolves and wild wolves in Poxi
The patriarch, served seven years in the Third Legion of the Orcs.

The person who registered looked up at Lang Da in surprise, and continued
Bow to register
“Well, there is a damaged long knife with a length of 1.3 meters. There are three
Broken” the official wrote, writing a small wooden sign,
Later, someone tied the small wooden sign and the long knife with a rope. return
Give the wolf a paper voucher with a seal.
“Don’t lose it, if you lose this, even if I
We know it’s yours and we can’t let you take it
Everything speaks by vote! ‘ said the official.
Lang Qi stepped forward and was about to tell his own message when a
The Rhea youth who looked like a young officer came over.
“From the Third Legion?” A cold question made the
Everyone in the field became tense
Lang Qi stepped forward to stand in front of Lang Da, at this time his weapon
haven’t handed in yet
“Major Vic, they” the officer in charge of the registration
I wanted to say something, but was rejected by the youth armyThe officer waved his hand to interrupt
“You participated in the war a few years ago?”
A word for the youth of Sergeant Major Vic made the atmosphere more condensed
Lang Qi nodded and said nothing.
Sergeant Major Vic narrowed his eyes, with a dangerous expression on his face

Suddenly, a long sword stabbed straight at Lang Qi, lightning
In an instant, he drew his sword, advanced, and stabbed straight. Flowing clouds and flowing water, but
Another murderous intent suddenly appeared.
“Clang!” The sound of sword clashing sounded.
Lang Qi’s left and right double-thousand hands hold these two somewhat damaged short blades
It was also an instant shot, which just blocked the Vic army
A stab from the sergeant.
The crowd was tense in an instant, if it wasn’t for the big wolf seeing
The soldiers behind Sergeant Major Vic did not move, and held down the
The emotions of his subordinates have unimaginable consequences,
Oh? Double back dagger? The scout part? my
Before my father died, he said a lot about the vicious scouts of your werewolf clan.
fierce. Sergeant Major Vic took a step back and retracted his sword.
Lang Qi remained silent, looking at the young man vigilantly.
The pressure is not small.
“Okay, register, don’t make trouble, or I don’t mind
I want to console my father with your heads! “Sergeant Vic
talking, ready to leave
“Why don’t you kill us?” The wolf looked at the man who was about to leave.
Young man, couldn’t help asking.
The young man paused slightly, and glanced at them.
, said coldly.

“My father was a valiant soldier of the kingdom, and he
Rong Rong participated in the Great Patriotic War and ended in the most honorable way.
His mission is over!
Lang Qi looked at the three children who were wolfing down, his eyes were full of
It was after being lonely, handing over the weapon, and reuniting with his wife. his
The words of youth have always been in my mind,
“The most dignified way for the military?
He looked at a clean and stamped weapon security in his hand.
Take care of the voucher, a small piece of paper, at this moment it seems that the
A big mountain suppressed his achievements, and also suppressed his achievements back then.
The pride that never gives up even in the face of death,
The young men who came back with him also stroked themselves
children’s bodies, watching them struggle to eat,
sound of silence
ps: Has the quality declined, looking at the bleak number of subscriptions
According to the child’s legs are shaking.

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