Otherworld Starts With All Cooking Skills

Chapter 405 Specimen (4000 words)

Wen Feng entered the underground cave looking for the golden clan emblem, and then disappeared for five days in one breath.

In these five days, the team of mercenaries had searched the hole back and forth several times.

After confirming that Wen Feng was not among them, the mercenaries expanded their search to the entire foothills of the snow-capped mountains.

When the Snow Wolf Family Young Master, who had disappeared for a long time, returned to reality, a gray-spotted jackal man mercenary who was active near the crypt quickly smelled his scent.

The taste is very fresh and there is no bloody smell.

This shows that Wen Feng is safe and nothing happened.

So the Jackal immediately informed the one-eyed mercenary leader of the news.

This is great news, and it means that this group of mercenaries don't have to mention their heads to see the Marquis.

In addition, the jackal man who discovered Wen Feng's return was very flexible in his brain.

In his opinion, it must be said that Wen Feng Young Master disappeared in the crypt and reappeared in the crypt.

"Sniff—hiss, from the body of Young Master Wen Feng, I seem to smell the fruit. Hell, where is the fresh fruit in such a snowy day?"

The gray-spotted jackal kept an eye on it.

There must be some secret in that crypt...


The flames flickered in Anshimura, and the next picture was like a revolving lantern that jumped extremely fast——

After Wen Feng returned to Xuelang's house, he was highly praised in the family because he brought back the golden clan emblem.

Known as "the courage of the young generation of snow wolves."

In addition, the blood-colored ore brought out from the ruins was also used by him because it was the "trophies" of this experience.

The Snow Wolf family hired the best dwarven weapon forge to forge and refine this extremely rich ore into a scarlet ring.

After spending a lot of money, I asked an extraordinary master to enchant the ring.

Powerful Transcendent's raw materials, coupled with the complex and refined production process, the finished ring obtained through this hard work, is extremely powerful and weird.

Judging from the picture provided by Huoguang alone, when it is used, it can force the blood from living creatures to be unreasonably drawn!

As for the other functions, just looking at the screen provided by Amshamu, it is not yet known.

Wen Feng named it [Blood Thirsty Ring].

After that, two years passed in a flash.

During this period, Wen Feng would recall from time to time his experience on the Qima Snow Mountain.

The five-day memory that was missing and the figure of the girl who appeared dimly in his mind kept him caring so much that he couldn't let it go.

"I always feel like someone is waiting for me to find her on the snow mountain."

Wen Feng also tried to climb the snow-capped mountain again and go to the crypt at the foot of the mountain. But because the [Concerto Forest] did not reach the opening time, he found nothing.

In the third year.

Wen Feng made the idea of ​​exploring the crypts of the Qima Snow Mountain after waiting for his birthday in winter.

However, the day did not fulfill everyone's wish.

Wen Feng's original plan was completely disrupted by a huge opening war.The Shelley region hundreds of years ago was not a state with limited territory, but an inherent territory of a great empire called Hermanto.

In the era of Wenfeng Life, the regime of the Hermanto Empire was turbulent.

The blood relatives of the royal family in the north established a new royal government, and the Hermanto Empire was dragged into the civil war between the north and the south, fighting with each other in the same room.

The Snow Wolf family is the supporter of the new regime in the North.

After the outbreak of the all-out war, Wen Feng, as the new generation of the family [Snow Wolf's Guts], will inevitably end up in person, follow the family's elders and brothers, and go deep into the quagmire of the war.

On the eve of going to the front line.

The mercenary team that had been blessed by the Marquis of Snow Wolf and was secretly guarded during Wen Feng's coming-of-age ceremony was transformed into Wen Feng's personal guard.

Although "temporary workers" are transferred to "formal establishments."

However, during the formation of the Guards, some mercenaries gave up leaving for various reasons.

Wen Feng has no reason to embarrass these people.

Among the mercenaries who left, several wolves were included.

The civil war in the Hermanto Empire took a very long time.

The general died in a hundred battles, and the strong returned ten years ago.

When the situation in the north and south stabilizes and Wen Feng returns to his hometown, things will happen fifteen years later.

After being tempered by iron and blood, Wen Feng has grown from a high-spirited young man to a Northland general who can stand alone and make the southern army quite jealous.

At the same time, he had accumulated enough military exploits to shine and was personally received by the emperor of the North.

It's really interesting to say.

Although he has experienced so much and has grown up so much, Wen Feng's experience of the coming-of-age ceremony is still unforgettable.

When he was on the front line, he would still think of the lost five-day memory from time to time.

I would think of the girl who was blurred and didn't know where to wait for him.

Therefore, when the emperor of the North asked Wen Feng what reward he wanted.

He almost didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "The territorial rights of Qima Snow Mountain, Your Majesty."

In this way, Wen Feng became the lord of the Qima Snow Mountain.


Wen Feng’s fifteen years of experience, like a game cutscene CG, was quickly taken, and then the picture stabilized slightly-

I saw the mature and determined General Wen Feng in the flames and shadows, straddling the white horse, leading a team of well-armed guards into the villages and towns under the snow-capped mountains.

"I haven't been back for more than ten years. Compared with my childhood, this place has changed a lot. It seems to be a lot richer." Wen Feng immediately sighed.

In this village, you can see wealthy businessmen, or energetic mercenaries and adventurers everywhere.

Very energetic and vigorous.

Moreover, unlike other regions, there are many demi people active under the Qima Snow Mountain. The most numerous of them are the Jackals.

"Yes, my lord. I have inquired about it. It seems that a special commercial industry has been developed under the snowy mountains. That's why it has changed like this."

Following him closely is the one-eyed mercenary captain. Now the one-eyed captain has entered middle age and is the chief knight next to Wen Feng.

"What industry?"

"It seems to be related to the relics of the gods discovered in more than ten years. If you are interested, you can ask the chief merchant in this area."


Immediately after Wen Feng heard this word, there was a strange touch in his heart, but in the end he didn't know the point, and no thoughts surfaced.

In the night of the same day, driven by curiosity and a little inexplicable thought, Wen Feng really met the local chief wounding in his own mansion.

The opponent was a young jackal with gray spots on his body and his name was Robark.

It is said that Robark has a certain connection with the captain of the one-eyed guard next to Wen Feng.

When the guard captain was still a mercenary in his early years, the deceased father of the jackal had followed the mercenary team for a short time.

The lights in the hall of the mansion were brilliant.

Wen Feng condescendingly sat down as his master, and the one-eyed guard captain with a sword stood beside him.

And the well-dressed Jackal businessman Robark sat in the guest seat with a smile on his face.

"My Lord Earl, summoned by a big man like you, the humble Robalk is terrified. Here is a little gift I brought to you, not respectful."

The tall jackal man with gray spots, with a flattering smile, handed two delicate small wooden boxes to Wen Feng.

These two boxes are very exquisite, but there is still a little difference in decoration.

One of them is inlaid with gold edges and looks more advanced.

This means that the contents inside are also more advanced than the other box.

"What kind of wood is this? It smells very good."

Wen Fengxian held the low-ranked box with no gold rim in his hand. He always felt that he smelled a familiar smell from above.

"The box is made of Amethyst, Lord Earl, a specialty in the remains of the snow mountain." Robark answered truthfully, "As for the box, hey, there are two very rare collections. Many nobles in the empire like this."

Wen Feng just nodded casually.

I just thought: It's about the things in the remains of the snow-capped mountains again.

Then Wen Feng opened the wooden box in his hand, only to see a strange, scented corpse specimen inside.

This corpse looked a little like a human, but it was only the size of a palm.

The skin of this specimen has been peeled off and preserved in two parts with the flesh. On the shriveled skin that was spread out, there are also a pair of transparent wings that resemble cicada wings.

"This is……"

Wen Feng held the resting wooden box, and when he saw the dry corpse inside the box, the Northern General, who was originally very strong, felt a dizziness and migraine.

He put the wooden box down and rubbed his own temple vigorously.

There seems to be something surging in my mind, and some scattered memories that have faded are constantly flashing back.

"Return Lord Earl, this is a specimen of a fairy. This thing is very, very rare, only found in the ruins in the snow-capped mountains. There are many rich people and nobles all over the country who are willing to see a fresh one, and they are willing to pay a big price to buy one to go home. collect."

"Some people say that grinding this fairy corpse into powder and soaking it in water can make the noble master very strong at night. Of course, your physique certainly does not have that need in this regard."

Robark rubbed his big fluffy hands and introduced.

"Why... make the goblin a mummy?"

The resolute General Wen Feng frowned slightly, while continuing to rub his own temples, he asked in a calmer tone.

The sudden migraine just now seems to be more intense.

"Lord Earl, you don't know, we have no way to bring or the fairies out of the ruins alive."

"According to some experienced adventurers, in order to bring the creatures out of the ruins alive, it is necessary to defeat the powerful monsters in the ruins temple and gain the approval of the ruins."

"The last time the ruins were opened, we tried to organize a large-scale manpower to attack the monsters in the ruins temple. However, those people did not come back, maybe they were folded inside...""It's a pity to say that if you can get a goblin to live, you can definitely sell it at a sky-high price."

Robark's tone was rather regretful.

"Goblin...remains...when did you first enter the snow mountain relics? What happened? Tell me."

Wen Feng spoke again and asked two questions.

He seems to be very concerned about the ruins and the goblin affairs.

However, for the time being, the joy and anger in the young earl's voice could not be heard.

The gray-spotted jackal glanced at the lord in front of him suspiciously, and then chose to speak honestly.

"My father was the first to discover and enter the ruins. He brought many wolves brothers and human mercenaries into it, and then they discovered..."

Robark roughly explained the situation of [Concerto Forest].

Wen Feng listened to those deja vu descriptions, only felt that his brain was pouring more fiercely, as if something was about to pouring out.

Robark: "...Father and the others attacked the deceptive fairies for the first time. The palm-sized fairies began to push the door of the temple in groups."

"Fortunately, my father discovered this early. They dispelled the goblins in front of the temple and occupied the door."

"Think about it now, if the goblins pushed the stone gate of the temple and released the monsters in the temple when they first explored the ruins, the consequences would be disastrous."

The slightly suspicious and disturbed jackal man was full of yearning when he told the adventure story of his father's generation, and his expression became vivid again.

As for Wen Feng's side, the intense headache has already made this young and determined general feel a little unbearable.

"Then what's in this box?"

Wen Feng endured a splitting headache, picked up another golden-rimmed resting wooden box, his breathing a little heavier, and a strange look in his pupils flickered.

"It's a rare and good-looking fairy specimen. Moreover, that fairy must have a high status in their ethnic group. I think only Lord Lord's collection shelf can be worthy of her."

Robark continued to compliment.

But Wen Feng didn't seem to be moved. After a short pause, he opened the golden-rimmed wooden box.

Inside the wooden box in Phnom Penh, there is still a fairy corpse with the fragrance of flowers and fruits.

It is still the preservation method of the separation of skin and flesh.

Different from the previous specimen, this mummified corpse wore a golden silk crown on the top of its head.

Or it is a human gold ring.

"This is the only goblin with a crown. I think she should be the queen or princess of the goblin tribe." Robark explained further.

At this time, Wen Feng's head finally didn't hurt.

The memories that were swelling around in my mind stabilized and became clear.

Something seems to be broken in his mind.

There seemed to be a cold and majestic voice speaking in his ear--

"When you come back here and see Grossani again, you will remember the things you forgot before."

Then came another soft girl's voice.

This voice was very familiar to Wen Feng, and in the past ten years, it will always appear dimly in his dreams——

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the most dangerous thing is taken. It really fits your style of being a foolish fool."

"Does it look good?"

"Hey... don't forget me completely, come back to see me."

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