Otherworldly Fairy Tail System

Chapter 1 : Come to Otherworld

"The iron fist of the fire dragon."



The sound of fierce fighting came from the screen. The young man sitting in front of the computer screen was holding a can of Coke with an excited look in his eyes, staring at the computer closely, as if the fighting figure in the anime was himself.

The young man’s name is Wang Lin. He is an unemployed young man who has just graduated from college and is looking for a job but has repeatedly failed. In today’s society, college students are already worthless, and it is very normal to be unemployed after graduation. Wang Lin's personality is a bit introverted, so it's harder to find a job.

Wang Lin has been fascinated by this anime called "Fairy Tail" a long time ago. He really likes Naz, the dragon-killing magician known as the "single-cell animal" because he wants to be like Characters like Naz, so he has been chasing this anime, and until now, he doesn't know how many times he has been aftertastes.

Looking at the wonderful battle on the screen, Wang Lin was excited, and the Coke in his hand was spilled out. Unfortunately, the Coke was also spilled on the board on the ground, and sparks from the socket on the board were splashed, and the computer The screen went black suddenly.

But at the moment when the screen is black, a very small, imperceptible symbol is flashing in the upper right corner of the computer. If Wang Lin examines it carefully, he will find this symbol. Isn't it Fairy Tail's guild logo?

But at this moment Wang Lin couldn't take care of it, because he was electrocuted, and he felt a deadly electric current flowing through his body, and a strong pain made him faint completely.


Fighting Demon Land

The Demon Continent is divided into two plates, the East Continent and the West Continent, as well as many islands. In the middle of the two continents is a Divine Demon Strait full of dangers. There is no communication between the two continents, because no one has ever been able to cross the Strait of Gods and Demons. This is a forbidden zone for mankind.

The Eastern Continent is composed of four empires and countless small countries. Many small countries depend on the four empires for survival, but many small countries refuse to depend and choose alliances.

Therefore, the Eastern Continent is currently dominated by the four empires and the alliance of kings, which checks and balances each other, but besides that, there are also the Light Education and the Dark Council, which are beyond the royal power.

Guangming Jiaoyan is the representative of the gods. They worship the God of Light and are protected by the God of Light, while the Dark Council believes in the Dark God. Perhaps everyone will think that the Light Jiaoyan and the Dark Council are enemies, but the reality is not, even There is still a cooperative relationship between Guangjiaoyan and the Dark Council, because according to legend, the God of Light and the God of Darkness are a pair of siblings.

On July 7, 7777 in the mainland calendar, in a dense jungle, a teenager about ten years old was lying on the ground with a bloodstain on his face. When the teenager woke up in a daze, the teenager looked very suspiciously. Around, the pain in the brain made the teenager grin a little.

"Head, head hurts!" The boy pressed his temples, trying to clear himself up, and then looked around: "Where is this? Didn't I get an electric shock? Why am I here?"

"No, that's not right. Why have my hands become smaller? What's the matter?" Suddenly, the boy seemed to have noticed something, and looked at his hands in surprise. He was already in his twenties, so his hands should not be able to It's so young, it's obviously a child's hand, and how can there be blood on his hand?

"Ah--" Suddenly, the boy's head aches again, and what follows is that memories that do not belong to him flash through his brain like a projector, and the boy finally can't bear the pain again. Fainted.

"It turned out to be like this." This was the last thought of the boy before he fainted.

Two years ago, when he was eight years old, he was the young master of the Yun family, the emperor of the Kingdom of Splitting Clouds. Yun Mu, who grew up in good clothes and food. Eight years old is recognized as the best practice period in Doumo Continent. In Doumo Continent, whether it is aristocrat or Common people, as long as they are eight years old, they must go to the priesthood of the mainland to awaken their talents.

In Doumo Continent, no matter who you are, you have your own talent. Whether it is magic or fighting spirit, you can only cultivate your own power after the priesthood is awakened. This is also a turning point in life. , If a commoner awakens the superior talent, he will be invited by many big families, and it will be a blockbuster ever since.

The talents are also divided into three, six and nine grades. The first to the third class is the inferior talent, the fourth to the sixth class is the medium talent, the seventh to the ninth class is the superior talent, and the ninth class is also the special talent. There is no doubt that the talent The higher it is, it means that it can go further on the road of vindictiveness or magic.

So in this world of the weak and the strong, one cannot survive without strength, so no matter who it is, he hopes that he has a talent for fighting spirit or magic.

As the Young Master of the Yun Family, Yun Mu is naturally followed by the entire Yun Family. As long as Yun Mu has the talent of either fighting spirit or magic and meets the requirements, then the entire Yun Family will undoubtedly train him with all its strength.

However, the day failed. On the day when the priesthood awakened his talent, Yun Mu was actually detected with a grudge talent: none, magic talent, first class.

First, this is the minimum requirement for practicing magic, but as a descendant of the Yun family, this kind of talent is unintentionally the same as trash. Since then, the entire Yun family no longer pays attention to Yun Mu, and even the elders in the clan hope that Yun Mu expelled the family.

In the past two years, Yun Mu has been completely neglected. Even so, Yun Mu is still practicing magic. After two years, he finally became a one-star intern magician, but he was only an intern magician.

You should know that some teenagers with slightly better talents may be able to become intern magicians in only half a year, and those geniuses can become intern magicians within a month, and the gap between them is not that big.

Therefore, no matter how hard Yun Mu worked, he couldn't get the recognition of the family. Finally, a month ago, he decided to leave the family.

Yun Mu's departure was not to prove anything, but because he saw that in this world of the weak and the strong, only with absolute strength can you survive, otherwise you can only live lowly, or even worse than a pet.

In the ten years of living in a big family, Yun Mu has seen everything, so he believes that leaving the family is his best choice, and there is no need for such a family to stay.

Yun Mu climbed the mountains and ridges alone and came to the border of Cloud Splitting. The border between Cloud Splitting and Ancient Moro is a country of beasts. It is called the Forest of Black Mist. There are beasts and beasts living in it. The enemy of mankind, beasts feed on humans, and mankind can get magic cores by killing them. The cores full of elemental power are the favorites of magicians and swordsmen.

However, Yun Mu underestimated the Black Mist Forest. Although there are no beasts in the periphery of the Black Mist Forest, some are just beasts, but don’t forget that the most dangerous thing here is not the beasts, but the beasts. Humanity.

Unfortunately, Yun Mu was attacked and killed by a middle-aged man before entering the Black Mist Forest. You know, in the periphery of the Black Mist Forest, there are often people who like to get something for nothing. They are called predators. Obviously, Yun Mu became the prey of predators.

Although this predator only has the strength of a beginner-level fighting spirit, it is one level higher than Yun Mu. You must know that even if it is a star, the gap is very large, let alone a full level higher. , As a one-star trainee magician, Yun Mu can also put a few small fireballs. For the middle-aged man who is a beginner, it is not enough to look at it. Finally, the middle-aged man is approaching the forest of black mist all the way. .

In the end, he was hit by a sword and died. The middle-aged man just ransacked all the valuable items on Yun Mu and left. He believed that before long, Yun Mu would be gnawed by the beasts so that there were no bones left. .

However, Yun Mu’s death also prompted Wang Lin’s reincarnation. Yes, Wang Lin overlapped with Yun Mu’s soul at the moment of death. Part of Yun Mu’s soul died, leaving behind a small number of fragments of the soul. Wang Lin’s soul has merged. The current Yun Mu, or Wang Lin, is a new soul formed after the fusion of the two. However, Wang Lin's character is dominated by Wang Lin, and Wang Lin is reborn. *

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