Amidst a burst of chirping sounds, Li Xuan calmly licked his little master's hair on the bed.

Princess Ankang went to the Royal Garden today, and her activity level was much higher than usual. She couldn't even eat a bowl of porridge at night.

But she still closed her eyes tightly and forced herself to fall asleep as soon as possible.

Although Princess Ankang is only twelve years old, she is extremely sensible because she has experienced many hardships.

The monthly expenses of Jingyang Palace are fixed, and it can be said that life is tight.

I think the emperor never thought of treating his daughter so harshly.

But the problem is, there are too many people in the palace who are eager to bully this twelve-year-old girl to death.

With the tacit approval of many nobles, a princess can naturally live a more miserable life than anyone else in the palace.

The growling sound of her stomach continued, but Princess Ankang's breathing was obviously much calmer.

Li Xuan knew that the little girl finally fell asleep.

After rubbing his little master's forehead with his furry forehead, Li Xuan couldn't help but sigh and said:

"Who said you were my cub?"

Li Xuan jumped off the bed lightly, then climbed out of the window.

The moonlight is just right tonight, and the silver color fills the earth, embellishing the most luxurious buildings in the Daxing Dynasty.

Li Xuan quickly ran up the palace wall and headed towards the other end of the palace along the bricks and tiles.

The palace was still brightly lit at night, and patrolling groups of Ouchi guards holding torches passed by with almost no gaps.

A black cat walking in the palace at night would naturally not attract too many people's attention.

Occasionally, some Ouchi experts glanced at Li Xuan, but after seeing clearly that it was just a cat, they withdrew their attention.

There are many strange animals in the palace, and a black cat is considered normal.

Normally these imperial guards wouldn't dare to care too much.

After all, no one knows which nobleman’s pet this is.

As long as it didn't cause any trouble, they would just pretend they didn't see it.

Li Xuan had an unimpeded journey and soon found the imperial dining room with familiarity.

The soup in Jingyang Palace is clear and watery every day, and the nutrition is definitely not enough.

He could tolerate being a cat, but Princess Ankang was weak and had to eat something good to make up for it.

Moreover, no matter how difficult the life was in Jingyang Palace, he was never without a bowl of porridge.

For this reason, Li Xuan couldn't let his little master sleep hungry.

He quickly found an open window, unlatched the bolt, and slipped in.

Where can I find delicious food in the palace, but it has to be in the royal dining room.

Don't think there's nothing to eat here at night.

On the contrary, a large number of exquisite dishes will be left here for the night every day.

Emperor Daxing had forty-eight dishes for each meal, including staple foods, cold dishes, soups, snacks, and fruits.

Moreover, the emperor only took three bites of each dish. If more than three bites were taken, a special eunuch would record it.

This was not to balance nutrition and prevent the emperor from having a partial eclipse, but to prevent someone from poisoning him.

Although eunuchs will test the poison for each dish, the poison test can only detect the strong poison that occurs on the spot.

Chronic poison is difficult to test immediately, so there is a rule that you cannot eat more than three bites of each dish.

This also resulted in a large amount of leftovers in the imperial dining room every day.

These leftovers will be kept overnight and will be distributed to the following people the next day.

Not everyone is qualified to eat the emperor's leftovers.

After the emperor had finished eating, he kept it in the imperial dining room overnight, and then rewarded it to favored ministers and close associates.

You know this is not just leftovers, it is a special honor.

Next are the eunuchs in charge of the palace, most of whom have important positions and roles.

The remaining ones will not be passed on, but will flow to restaurants outside the palace through special channels.

This is also how some eunuchs and maids in the palace make money. Dishes with the title of imperial cuisine are always in demand.

But Li Xuan secretly jumped in line and got ahead of his trusted ministers.

The whole process is optimized into: emperor, thieving cat, confidant, eunuch in charge, and imperial restaurant.

In the imperial dining room, there are many delicacies from the mountains and seas placed on three large tables.

These are the leftovers from the emperor's meal today, and many of them were not even touched.

Li Xuan found a snack box in the imperial dining room that he could carry, and began to choose among the dishes.

"Just some meat, the little girl hasn't tasted meat for several days."

“It happens to have chicken legs and soy sauce beef.”

"There is also lotus cake, the little girl loves this the most."

Li Xuan was busy picking and picking, and soon the food box was filled.

He only took a little of each dish, but even so he packed the food box with a dazzling array of food.

Li Xuan stopped when he felt good and continued to pretend, not only that he couldn't lift it, but also easily noticed by others.

After closing the lid of the food box tightly, Li Xuan picked up the food box.

It was a little wobbly at first, but he soon found his balance.

After all, a cat's power is limited. Even if Li Xuan controls the weight and holds a food box half as big as himself, his movements will always be affected.

On the way back, Li Xuan carefully avoided the Ouchi guards.

Even though he is a cute little kitten now, if he passes by with a food box in his mouth at night, the Ouchi guards will always stop him and interrogate him.

After all, this is not the same thing as a kitten taking a walk at night.

It took Li Xuan more than double the time to return to the vicinity of Jingyang Palace.

When we got here, there were quite a few Ouchi guards.

Approaching the door, Li Xuan also relaxed his tense heartstrings.

But at this moment, a ferocious and burly shadow suddenly stretched out from the corner in front of the Jingyang Palace.


Li Xuan immediately took the food box in his mouth and hid in the shadow under the corner, motionless.


Accompanied by a sharp and high-pitched cry, the owner of the shadow came out, wandered in front of the Jingyang Palace door, and kept shouting at the door.

It was a one-eyed civet cat whose muscle outline could be seen, and its size was staggering.

Behind the civet cat are two dog legs, namely Fat Orange and Cow.

These two guys also followed the boss, Li Huamao, and chimed in from time to time.




Li Xuan listened to a few words in secret and shook his head.

"What qualities!"

The civet cat scolded him so dirty that Li Xuan was embarrassed to translate.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

The same is true where there are cats.

The leading civet cat is the cat bully in the palace, and he will bully the cats whenever he catches them.

Originally, Li Xuan had been living in seclusion in Jingyang Palace, so there would be no conflict with this cat bully.

But later Li Xuan started to inspect the imperial kitchen at night, and accidents happened.

We are all cats. When we go out at night, we will not see you when we look down.

It happened that one time, Li Xuan was holding a full food box in his mouth and was about to go home to replenish his little master's body. As a result, he happened to meet this cat bully and his little brother.

At that time, both parties were stunned.

Then a big battle broke out.

Li Xuan laughed at that time: "A few kittens dared to bully me."

He didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at the time.

Because of this, I received the most severe beating in my two lives.

All the hard-earned food was eaten, and the food boxes were trampled to pieces...

Li Xuan still vividly remembers the humiliation of that day.

Since that time, Li Xuan has been walking around this cat bully.

But Cat Bully doesn't think so.

Ever since he tasted the sweetness, Mao Ba often came to Jingyang Palace to block the door, hoping to rob the imperial dining room's delicacies again.

It's just that Li Xuan has a tough mind and won't be moved even if the cat bully talks trash outside the door. He is also extra cautious when inspecting the imperial dining room at night.

Originally, he was not supposed to inspect the imperial kitchen today, but Ankang went to bed hungry, and Li Xuan couldn't bear it after all.

Unexpectedly, an accident happened.

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