It is still very difficult for ordinary people to hide the hearing of cats.

Cats' hearing is at least three times that of ordinary people, and they can accurately determine the specific location of small sounds.

After all, he is an expert at catching mice, and this skill is the basis.

As for why your cat doesn’t respond when you call it, it’s just that the cat simply doesn’t want to pay attention to you and pretends not to hear.

Li Xuan heard the movement in the yard and climbed up the wall again proudly.

"Boy, who are you with?"

But the next moment, looking at the thick figure moving slowly in the yard, Li Xuan frowned and realized that things were not simple.

"Isn't this the little table?"

"What is he doing at night?"

Li Xuan originally thought it was Deng Weixian who caused the news, but found out that he had misunderstood.

But in the middle of the night, where is the little table going?

During the day, I just noticed that this kid had a fat face, but now looking at his clumsy movements, he really lives up to his name. He looks like a low table, wide and round.

"There aren't many quiet people in this palace."

Li Xuan sighed in his heart and hung far behind the small table, wanting to see what this guy wanted to do in the middle of the night.

If you don't sleep at night, you will always encounter some strange things.

Especially in this palace.

This is a summary of Li Xuan's experience as a cat in less than a year.

After the small table walked quietly out of the backyard where the eunuch lived, he quickened his pace.

He moved forward in the dark in Yanqu Hall, heading in a certain direction with a clear goal.

This made Li Xuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

"Didn't this kid just come to Yanqu Hall to report today? Why is he so familiar with the terrain?"

During the day, I saw him acting stupid and stupid, and I was taught a lesson for looking at him too many times.

As a result, I showed my ability this night.

"It seems that you can't underestimate the people in this palace casually. They all have unique skills."

Li Xuan couldn't help but swallow and spit.

During the day, the small table still looks harmless to humans and animals, but at night, it can move forward in the dark with a resolute face, like a dead soldier.

The small table groped for a long time in the dark, and finally arrived at its destination.

This is an ordinary room in the front hall.

The small table suddenly rolled slowly on the ground, then leaned against the wall and looked around cautiously.

Li Xuan was standing on the eaves above the small table.

Due to his natural skin color, even if the small table suddenly looks up, Li Xuan only needs to close his eyes to instantly enter the "invisible" state.

So on the eaves, Li Xuan stretched his neck and peered down, peeking unscrupulously.

The small table didn't raise its head. After looking around a few times, it felt confidently under the window.

Then there is the classic scene of breaking the window paper, inserting a hollow bamboo tube, and blowing air into it.

"What a professional technique. I wonder who cultivated this little table."

Although his clumsy movements were exposed on the way here, considering his current age, he has done very well.

But as time went by, Li Xuan felt something was wrong.

"Why does it take so long to blow it? Can't you just blow it on for the Ecstasy incense or something?"

"Is it possible to increase the dose out of caution?"

Li Xuan tilted his head and looked at it carefully, and the expression on his face gradually became dull.

"This kid doesn't seem to be blowing air in, but inhaling!"

The more he looked at it, the more it looked like it, and finally he was sure.


Li Xuan subconsciously covered his mouth with his paws, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The small table held the bamboo pipe stuck into the window in its mouth, and kept sucking it "hissing, hissing", as if it was smoking.

Looking at his flushed and excited look, it was obvious that he was already high.

"Isn't this too perverted!?"

Li Xuan felt that the scene in front of him had exceeded the limit of the little cat's endurance.

"This little fat guy has just been taught a lesson during the day, yet he dares to come late at night to steal and smoke."

"What kind of desperate pervert is this?"

"The small table is quite extraordinary."

"The punishment, it's such a punishment!"

Li Xuan was surprised that he was not willing to leave.

He wanted to see how perverted the small table could be.

"You are so young, but you have such weird habits. No wonder you keep staring at people during the day. It turns out you have captured the target."

as big as World, nothing is nonexistent.

The small table sucked for about another quarter of an hour before reluctantly leaving.

Needless to say, this kid's lung capacity is far beyond that of ordinary people.

When he left, he had a sickly satisfied smile on his face, looking as leaky as he could get.

Li Xuan silently watched the small table leave from the eaves, swallowing hard.

"What's all this about?"

The small table looks a little younger than Deng Weixian, which means he is only in his early ten years.

But the way he looked just now, it was obvious that this was not the first time he had done such a thing.

Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature?

Li Xuan didn't dare to think about it anymore, and planned to put this shocking scene tonight behind him.

In the next few days, Li Xuan rushed to Yanqu Hall when he had nothing to do.

During the day, I watched talented people dancing and singing, and at night, I studied hard with Deng Weixian, and my life was fulfilling.

Of course, Xiao Table is also working hard to stick to his perverted quirks.

After they finished their martial arts practice every night, the little table would sneak out.

Now that Li Xuan knew what he was going for, he naturally lost his intention to continue following him.

That scene was really too shocking.

Moreover, he has encountered a lot of resistance in his recent practice, and he really has no time to care about such nonsense.

Although he was still practicing every day, Li Xuan found that he could improve less and less each time.

Especially in the past two days, the progress has only increased by 1% every day.

Moreover, the physical fatigue is getting worse and worse, and it can already be felt very clearly.

He had no shortage of food in the past two days. Not only did he have a meal at Jingyang Palace, but he also came to Yanqu Palace for an extra meal.

Of course, so Liang Chuchu hasn't seen her food for several days.

But it seems that she was scared by Wang Suyue's military punch last time. She recently found that her food had been emptied, and she just silently bought other people's food.

The bruises on her face haven't gone away yet, so how can she dare to cause trouble to Wang Suyue again.

She was the one who made the first move last time, so Wang Suyue was only given a verbal lesson by Eunuch Yinfang, but she received no actual punishment at all.

As for Liang Chuchu, Eunuch Yinfang didn't care about her at all.

If Liang Chuchu hadn't had a good father, there would have been no place for her in the harem.

This is also convenient for Li Xuan, who can enjoy Liang Chuchu's meals without restraint.

Anyway, this guy had no good intentions from the beginning and wanted to break their monthly routine in Jingyang Palace.

It just so happened that Li Xuan also taught her a lesson, letting her taste what it was like to have no food.

Therefore, Li Xuan ate without any psychological burden.

It's just that the sudden change from imperial cuisine to ordinary meals is inevitably a bit uncomfortable.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

But Li Xuan is already a mature cat, and this little pain is nothing to him.

But this also made him understand that the energy consumed in practicing the blood-slaying tiger claws could not be completely replenished by eating.

The night is gray and the shadows of dreams are heavy.

In the courtyard where Deng Weixian lived, two figures, one up and one down, were separated from each other.

Tonight, neither Li Xuan nor Deng Weixian continued to practice martial arts.

Both of them felt that if they continued to practice, they would eventually damage their fundamentals and possibly cause irreversible damage.

One person and one cat frowned, not knowing what to do.

They all have the same question in their minds.

"Should I continue to practice this technique?"

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