"Isn't this quite comfortable?"

Li Xuan dipped his paws in the clay pot and stirred it twice happily.

He couldn't help but look at Deng Weixian who was lying on the bed in confusion, and thought to himself: "Your kid just wanted to live or die, and this is the result?"

Li Xuan continued to stir and created a small whirlpool in the clay pot, having a great time.

When the paws were soaked in the liquid, they just felt a bit cold, not uncomfortable at all, and even a little comfortable.

I don’t know what Deng Weixian’s previous exaggerated reaction was about.

"Too bad I thought this guy was a tough guy."


Li Xuan had been brewing for a long time, but he finally relented and instead of "sucking" out, he silently swallowed it and made a "gudong" sound.

"Forget it, maybe the physiques of humans and cats cannot be generalized?"

He felt it was almost done, so he retracted his paw and carefully observed whether there were the same changes.

Sure enough, the originally red blood threads in his pink cushion were dyed blue and were slowly spreading.

Perhaps his cat's claws were smaller and spread much faster than Deng Weixian's.

And my body, which had been feeling a little weak these past few days, also received a burst of replenishment.

The icy cold feeling went upward through the cat's paws, almost covering the entire arm and left chest.

As the cold feeling flows through the body, this part of the body obviously becomes more relaxed.

"So that's it!"

"This liquid is the key to breaking through the blood coagulation realm. It is replenishing the consumption of my previous training."

Li Xuan's discovery couldn't help but make him excited.

He used to think that just eating would solve the problem of energy supply in cultivation.

But after practicing the blood-slaying tiger claws, when he found that eating could not restore the body's consumption, the panic at that time was simply indescribable.

The path of cultivation has just opened a crack in the door for him, allowing him to see the infinite possibilities inside.

If the door was closed to him at this time, Li Xuan would probably die in depression.

Fortunately, the problem of cultivation was finally solved.

Li Xuan couldn't wait to shake off the remaining liquid on his claws, and then changed to another claw.

Then he repeated this for half an hour before soaking the remaining three paws.

Li Xuan and Deng Weixian are different.

Deng Weixian had two hands and two feet, but Li Xuan had four claws.

Since it is a blood-slaying tiger claw, naturally he cannot let go of any claw. When he was practicing, he also trained all the claws.

So it was natural for Li Xuan to soak his feet.

As the last paw was soaked, his body was filled with that ice-cold power, which circulated endlessly to nourish his body.

This feeling of comfort made Li Xuandu feel a little sleepy and yawned widely.

"Hurry back and have a good sleep."

Li Xuan swung one of his hind legs, but suddenly his movements stopped, with a tangled look on his face.

"Should I say it, this thing smells really good."

He took the hind legs out of the clay pot, held them in his arms and looked at them.

There were still sporadic dark blue liquids on his paws, and Li Xuan couldn't help but get closer and smell it.

This smell seemed to have some kind of magic power, which was quite attractive to him.

He had smelled this smell for a long time when he was "soaking his feet" just now, and it made him very greedy.

"How about a small taste?"

Although this thing looks like it is for external application, maybe it can also be used internally?

Once this thought arises, it cannot be stopped.

Li Xuan seemed to be possessed by a demon, and licked it by accident.


He quickly licked the remaining liquid on his paws clean.

"It smells so good, and it's a little sweet."

Li Xuanba chimed twice, looking a little unfinished.

He got up quickly, grabbed the pot, and stuck his head inside.

The liquid in the clay pot has obviously dropped a bit. Although it looks like there is still a lot of it, I am not sure whether it is enough.

Li Xuan looked at the blue liquid inside, just like the old bear seeing the honey pot, unable to walk.

He licked his mouth over and over again, and finally endured his desire.

"Forget it, let's fully train the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claw first. Then it won't be too late to drink it to your heart's content."

"Deng Weixian's godfather doesn't look like a picky person. I guess he will be able to give him a refill when the time comes."

Li Xuan was so cruel that he closed his eyes and pulled his head out of the clay pot, then holding his breath, he quickly sealed the pot.

"I don't know when I will be able to practice the blood-slaying tiger claws to perfection."

After sealing the clay pot, Li Xuan sighed and checked the information in his mind to see how far the future was.

[Blood-slaying Tiger Claw: 20%]

"Huh? Why did it go up two points?"

Li Xuan was a little surprised. He had clearly checked the progress before and found that he was only eighteen years old. How could his kung fu increase in such a short time? Moreover, he had not practiced any kung fu today.

He thought for a while, and soon his eyes fell on the clay pot on the table.

Then I felt the comfortable feeling of ice and cold in my body, and I suddenly realized.

"That's the effect of this thing. It's such a good baby!"

Li Xuan hugged the clay pot reluctantly and couldn't put it down.

Who wouldn’t like such a delicious and easy-to-use product?

And just when Li Xuan was inseparable from the clay pot, there was a sound of thieves breaking into the empty door in the yard.

He didn't even need to go out to look, he knew that the small table was back.

"Is it already this hour? Then I should go back."

"Baby, I'll come see you tomorrow!"

After giving the clay pot a sip, he left quietly.

Early the next morning.

Li Xuan yawned and got up, planning to choose a place to pick up money for Yu'er today.

Over the past few days, he has searched almost all over Jingyang Palace.

Yu'er tried almost every place she could go.

But there always needs to be something new, otherwise it will always automatically arrive in your wallet, and you will inevitably lose some of the joy of picking up money.

There was still a little bit of the broken silver that he had stolen before, so Li Xuan threw it all directly to the place where Ankang hid the silver.

This girl also knows that eggs cannot be put in one basket, so she hid them in several places, and then even hid some of them close to her body.

So Li Xuan generously recharged Ankang's treasury.

Anyway, when the time comes and she has a lot of money, she will just think that she has made a mistake.

Li Xuan came to Yu'er's door and found that she woke up early and actually put a... in her room...


It was said that the banquet was a bit shabby, with a few steamed buns and bits and pieces of melons and fruits, and the appearance was not very good.

To say that it is used to entertain guests is really insulting.

But in Jingyang Palace, this is already considered the highest standard.

"What's going on? Does Yu'er have guests coming today?"

"But we are in the cold palace here!"

Li Xuan leaned over furtively, stretched out half of his head at the door and peeked in.

Yu'er knelt in front of the table, looking pious and mumbling something.

Only then did Li Xuan realize that there was a small incense burner in front of her, with three sticks of incense burning on it.

"What is this about today?"

Thanks to " @ruoanhao", "I only read Chunqiu", "Hate Shura", "She doesn't understand silently", "Book Friends 20191027114339040", "20220620134202514", "Come from the card", "Pianist" Blessing Moments” is supported by monthly tickets.

Just give it a pop and you'll be fine.


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