Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 45 Filter Physique (please read it!)

Chapter 45 Filter Physique

"Daddy, is there anything unusual?"

Hearing that his godfather's tone was wrong, Deng Weixian couldn't help but asked nervously.

He has been absorbing the tiger essence and blood recently.

Although it has been very comfortable when absorbed and the cultivation has progressed quickly, looking at the godfather's reaction, something seems to be wrong.

Even Deng Weixian couldn't help but become nervous when his own life was at stake.

"No, it's nothing. I'll take a closer look."

The godfather took his hand out of the pot in confusion, then tipped the pot slightly and looked at the liquid inside in the moonlight.

"It's true, the color is wrong too, it has become so much lighter!"

The godfather was secretly shocked, but under the cover of his cloak, Deng Weixian could not see the change in his expression.

"The blood evil in Linhu's blood has completely disappeared. What on earth is going on?"

The godfather couldn't help but turn his eyes to Deng Weixian, looking at his immature face with concern, wondering what he was thinking.

Everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages.

The same is true for Linhu's essence and blood.

The disadvantage of this thing has been mentioned before, that is, the power of Qi and blood contained in it is too overbearing.

If an ordinary person touches it, it will cause frostbite at least, and death at worst.

Even if you have practiced the corresponding supporting techniques of the Ten Tiger Forms and the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claws, the pain will be excruciating when you first absorb it, and it will take a long time to adapt.

Many talented people had to give up absorbing the tiger essence and blood because they could not bear the pain.

All these disadvantages are actually due to the fact that Linhu's essence and blood contains a special kind of blood evil.

This blood evil is naturally contained in Linhu's body, and it cannot be removed no matter how refined it is.

When the blood evil is in Linhu's body, it is a special power, but this power cannot be absorbed and utilized by the human race, but will instead cause a drag.

Those with poorer character may even develop inner demons in the future due to being tortured by severe pain.

All the gifts given by fate have their prices secretly marked.

Linhu can provide people with the power to break through to the blood coagulation realm in a short period of time, but it naturally has its price.

But now for some reason, this price suddenly disappeared.

"Is it him!?"

The godfather stared at Deng Weixian, his eyes gradually becoming intense.

"Just now I felt that the cold breath in his body was growing too fast. Now it seems that it is probably because of his special physique that he has purified the blood evil in Linhu's essence and blood, and even used it for his own use!"

The more the godfather thought about it, the more likely it became, and his breathing became heavier.

what does that mean?

This means that he may have found a prodigy who can directly ignore the side effects of Linhu's essence and blood.

Moreover, perhaps using Deng Weixian's special skills, he could mass-produce a batch of Linhu essence and blood without any side effects.

Thinking of this, the godfather's eyes shone even more.

Although the essence and blood of the tiger can only be used to break through the blood coagulation realm, if he could master the essence and blood of the tiger without side effects, wouldn't he be able to cultivate a large number of blood coagulation realm warriors in a short period of time.

If he continues to use this method, which has no side effects, he can allow the descendants of some noble people to embark on the path of martial arts at a younger age.

This is very attractive to many people.

"Okay, okay!"

The godfather cheered happily and was pleased with Deng Weixian's screams.

"Sit down first and tell me in detail what happened when you absorbed the essence and blood of the tiger, starting from the first time."

Deng Weixian was still a little confused, but his godfather had already pulled him to sit down.

He recalled it, but he really couldn't think of anything special, so he had to describe it one by one starting from the first time he absorbed the essence and blood of the tiger.

After a long time, the godfather nodded and concluded: "In other words, except for the first sharp pain, there is only a cold feeling after that."

Deng Wei first nodded to confirm.

The godfather couldn't help but sigh, realizing that the physiques of people cannot be generalized.

Back then, he was in so much pain that Deng Wei took the first step. After the pain once, he just enjoyed it all the time.

In his opinion, the first pain was the process of Deng Weixian refining the blood evil.

From then on, the blood evil in Linhu's essence and blood completely disappeared, and naturally he only felt comfortable.

This also proved that his previous idea was correct.

As long as Deng Wei is allowed to refine the blood evil in Linhu's essence and blood first, I am afraid that others will not have to experience severe pain if they absorb it in the future, and they can even better absorb the power of the cold breath.

"Interesting, interesting..."

"First of all, my godfather guesses that because of your special physique, you can absorb the essence and blood of the tiger so easily and cultivate the cold breath in your body."

"But the exact situation still needs to be tested before we can say it."

"In this case, my father still has two jars of tiger essence and blood. I will bring them to you later. You can try them again when you practice tomorrow and see how they are different from the current jar."

Deng Weixian can only absorb a limited amount of tiger essence and blood every day, so he can only wait until tomorrow to practice before trying again.

But the godfather couldn't wait and wanted to deliver the other two jars of Linhu essence and blood tonight.

No matter whether Deng Weixian can absorb more today, he will take the initiative to try it driven by curiosity.

This is not a bad thing for the godfather, and he may be able to get more information in advance.

"My child obeys."

Deng Weixian respectfully agreed to the matter.

"Okay, you can rest peacefully now. I will put the things in your room later."

After saying that, the godfather hurriedly stood up and left, looking impatient.

Deng Wei was obedient and went back to his house to rest, with no intention of waiting for his godfather to come back.

He has one advantage, that is, he is obedient.

Since his godfather told him so, he just did it.

Li Xuan, who was hiding in the dark, was also shocked by his godfather's reaction.

Staring at his cat's claws with big eyes and small eyes, he couldn't help but move a few times.

"Blood evil? Is there such a thing?"

An hour later, the godfather left and returned. He entered Deng Weixian's room and walked out immediately.

He didn't stay here for long. After just a few breaths, he disappeared again.

It can be said that it comes and goes in a hurry.

But based on his Qinggong skills, it took him a full hour, so it was obvious that the place where Linhu's essence and blood was stored was not very close.

There was no sound in Deng Weixian's room, and his godfather's movements did not wake him up.

After Li Xuan, who was hiding in the bushes, confirmed that no one was around, the cat furtively touched Deng Weixian's window.

He listened to the steady breathing inside, and then climbed through the window without hesitation.

Deng Weixian's godfather placed the two newly brought cans of Linhu Essence and Blood on the table just like last time.

Coincidentally, the original jar was also there.

It seems that Deng Wei first thought about hiding the essence and blood of Linhu together when he got up tomorrow morning.

Three clay pots stood side by side, and Li Xuan couldn't wait to climb onto the table.

"Babys, I'm coming!"

Li Xuan hugged the three pots in his arms and rubbed them with his round cat head.

I used to have just one can and it was so good, but now I have three cans and it's even better.

He couldn't wait to open all their covers and saw half a can of light blue liquid and two full cans of dark blue liquid.


Li Xuan licked his mouth greedily and pounced on him like a man possessed.

"Tonight, completely crazy!"

I updated an extra chapter yesterday, and now I feel dizzy, my whole body aches, and my fingers are twitching.

Bai Miao needs everyone's follow-up reading and various votes to be good.


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