"Axuan, you are so warm."

In Jingyang Palace, Princess Ankang was spreading Li Xuan on the table, hugging him with open hands, resting her head on it, feeling his softness.

Li Xuan is like a big soft pillow, letting Princess Ankang play with it at will.

For him now, he basically couldn't feel the weight of Princess Ankang's head. He just yawned lazily and meowed casually.

After he accidentally broke through to the blood coagulation realm last night, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night. He squinted for a while when the sky was slightly brighter, and he is still sleepy now.

Today is a cloudy day, so Princess Ankang did not go to the yard to bask in the sun, but played in the house with Li Xuan.

Although sunbathing is one of Princess Ankang's few hobbies, there is nothing she can do when the weather is not good.

Princess Ankang just buried her face into Li Xuan's body over and over again, and kept rubbing against him, never getting tired of having fun.

"This silly boy."

Such a simple and unpretentious way of sucking a cat can make this girl giggle.

When it comes to the number one otaku in the Daxing Dynasty, she is the only one.

"If Ankang's health is better, she can actually play better in the yard."

Things like hide-and-seek, rubber band jumping, throwing sandbags, etc. are not much more interesting than her just doing it.

Li Xuan thought about the various games that were popular when he was a child, and really wanted to take Ankang to play with him.

"I wonder if practicing martial arts is possible?"

An idea suddenly occurred to him.

But he also understood that with Princess Ankang's physique, it might not be easy, but he had to give it a try.

Li Xuan thought of this, pushed Ankang's head away from the table, and got up.

"Oh, Ah Xuan, please let me play for a while."

Princess Ankang said coquettishly.

Li Xuan immediately stepped forward and tapped her head lightly with his cat's paw.


Then, Li Xuan pointed at himself and Princess Ankang with his cat paw.

Although this girl has a weak body, her brain is very bright.

After Li Xuan finished making such gestures, he stretched his paws forward, slowly raised his waist from bottom to top, and stretched out greatly.

This is one of the simplest moves in the Ten Tiger Forms, and it can be done while sitting, which is just right for Princess Ankang's current situation.

After Li Xuan finished a demonstration, he looked straight at Princess Ankang.

"Axuan, do you want me to stretch too?"

Princess Ankang tilted her little head and asked cutely.

Li Xuan nodded immediately.

The cat at home has become more humane for a day or two, and Princess Ankang was not surprised. She immediately imitated Li Xuan's previous actions, stretched out her two palms, and began to stretch forward.

"is that so?"

Seeing Princess Ankang imitating his own movements, Li Xuan also immediately gave instructions. While demonstrating, he corrected Princess Ankang's movements.

Princess Ankang has a good understanding and quickly mastered this simple stretching action.

Li Xuan led her, doing it slowly over and over again.

It wasn't until Princess Ankang had a slight sweat on her forehead that she was allowed to stop and rest.

Li Xuan has perfected the Ten Tiger Forms, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a master.

This technique focuses on laying a physical foundation for the warrior, so there are no moves that are too difficult.

Although practicing only one movement alone is definitely not as effective as doing a whole set.

But with Princess Ankang's current physical fitness, she can only do this step by step, first training her body to the level of an ordinary person.

"Huh, uh..."

After practicing for only about ten times, Princess Ankang's breath became a little messy and she was panting slightly.

Li Xuan had expected this, so he was not too disappointed.

It's better to practice a little bit than to just do it every day.

Although Li Xuan still doesn't know the fundamental reason why Princess Ankang's body is so weak, and he doesn't understand why the imperial doctor concluded that she will not live to be eighteen, he must try hard.

On weekdays, Princess Ankang has no other symptoms except being afraid of the cold and being in poor physical condition.

Therefore, Li Xuan guessed that maybe Princess Ankang was just born with a deficiency.

He thought that practicing martial arts might improve the situation.

After Li Xuan broke through to the blood coagulation realm, he clearly felt that his physique had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The energy and blood in his body now is like the anger of a rolling dragon in the Yangtze River, sweeping through every blood vessel, even the smallest details are not missed.

This change made his body full of strength at all times and his five senses became more sensitive.

Therefore, Li Xuan was thinking that maybe if Princess Ankang could break through to the blood coagulation state, she could extend her life.

"Axuan, I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore..."

"I don't even have the strength to move a finger, so please spare me."

Princess Ankang collapsed on the table and refused to move any more.

Li Xuan didn't think about giving her any strength as soon as he came up. He came close to her forehead and gently wiped her sweat with the back of his paw.

Li Xuan naturally understands the principle that going too far is not enough.

This is especially true in the case of Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang rested on one of her arms and couldn't help but smile when she saw Li Xuan wiping her sweat.

"I originally thought I would save some energy by not going to the Royal Garden Party, but instead I asked A Xuan to give Huo Huo."

"My life is really miserable."

Princess Ankang narrowed her eyes and enjoyed the service of wiping sweat, with a cute smile on her face.

After a while, her breathing gradually became steady, and she snored slightly.

Looking at Princess Ankang's cute sleeping appearance, Li Xuan couldn't help but rub her cheek with his head, then took a fur from the bed and covered her with it.

This fur originally belonged to Concubine Xiao, and it was said that it was a divine gift she received when she was favored.

Although spring has arrived, the room is still a bit cold. Princess Ankang will definitely catch a cold if she doesn't cover herself with this fur.

After covering Princess Ankang with fur, Li Xuan nestled on her neck, acting as a scarf to keep her warm.

After sleeping together like this for a while, Li Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.

He felt that Princess Ankang's body was slowly getting colder.

"what happened?"

Covered with fur and using him as a scarf to keep warm, logically it shouldn't be like this.

Li Xuan quickly got up, touched Princess Ankang's neck, and then touched her forehead, and found that her body had become colder in just a moment.

"Is it because I practiced just now?"

"It's over, what should we do?"

Regarding the safety of Princess Ankang, even Li Xuan couldn't help but panic.

He quickly mobilized the power of Qi and blood in his body to make his perception more sensitive, and then pressed the slightly hot cat's paw pads on Princess Ankang's forehead.

Li Xuan carefully examined Princess Ankang's body and found that the coldness in her body rose from her Dantian.

Not daring to waste a moment, Li Xuan got into the fur at once, and then stretched out his claws to press on Princess Ankang's pubic area.

A biting cold feeling came instantly, and Li Xuan almost retracted his claws.

But the next moment, he pressed against it with all his strength, trying his best to circulate the energy and blood in his body.

Li Xuan's body gradually became hot, and he found that using only his claws was too inefficient, so he curled up into a ball and pressed directly against it.

At this time, Li Xuan turned into a spherical warm baby to resist the sudden burst of cold chill in Princess Ankang's body.

During this process, he could feel the coldness invading his body as the large area of ​​his body came into contact.

Li Xuan was unfazed by this, and even sneered disdainfully in his heart.

"There is ice-cold breath in my body that was nourished by the essence and blood of Linhu."

"You still want to freeze me with just this little chill?"

"It's just a fool's errand!"

But at the next moment, Li Xuan couldn't help but stare, and his cat face was slapped.

Thanks to "Wasteland Law" for the reward support.

Thanks to "Jiwen", "23*

"Monthly ticket support.

Bang bang bang——

(It’s a slap in the face)

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