Li Xuan lay on the courtyard wall and watched the fire completely extinguish.

Wang Suyue's room, as well as several rooms on the left and right, were left with nothing but debris and black smoke.

"Deng Weixian is okay for now, Wang Suyue is also awake..."

Li Xuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The originally wet hair on his body had long since been baked dry, and there were still some places that were pitch black. It was unclear whether it was blackened or burnt.

He looked down at his cat's paws, and then murmured to himself:

"Am I that strong now?"

Even Li Xuan himself couldn't believe it when he thought of the half of the beam that had been knocked away by his claw earlier.

Although he was in a hurry and tried his best, it was still very unexpected.

It is really contrary to common sense to explode such power with such a small body.

But when you think about your unique talent, it all seems reasonable.

"Now I have no pressure to deal with ordinary little eunuchs. Come and kill a few of them."

Li Xuan pinched the cat's paw and thought.

"This is the matter at hand, I don't know how to end it?"

He looked at Deng Weixian, who was slumped on the ground, and couldn't help but look worried.

This fire is quite big.

I don’t know what Deng Weixian’s godfather was thinking about causing such a big fuss.

Now, I am afraid that this matter cannot be handled by Yanqudian behind closed doors.

Maybe, even the emperor will have to ask questions.

"I hope little Dengzi will be safe and sound."

Li Xuan still has some trust in Deng Weixian's godfather, and with the talent Deng Weixian has shown, he believes that his godfather will not abandon him casually.

The godfather must have a plan after making such an arrangement.

Li Xuan and Deng Weixian both believed so.

Before the matter came to a conclusion, Li Xuan was not in a hurry to leave, and just licked his hair on the wall.

"Bah, bah, bah, it all smells like paste!"

After only one lick, he gave up decisively and planned to go back to Jingyang Palace to take another bath.

At this time, several talents came hurriedly from a distance.

"Su Yue, Su Yue..."

"Are you OK?"

It turned out that Wang Suyue's little sisters got the news and rushed here.

Several little sisters came over and looked at Wang Suyue up and down, and then touched her here and there, fearing that she was missing something.

"I'm fine, I made you worry."

"Oh, don't touch it!"

The places these little hands touched were quite normal at first, but then they became more and more irregular.

"As long as it's okay, it'll be okay."

"Su Yue, you really scared us to death."

Several little sisters smiled and put their hands away.

They were having dinner just now when they suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a commotion coming from Yanqu Hall.

Too many things have happened recently, and everyone can't help but worry.

As a result, not long after, they saw Eunuch Yinfang rushing to the palace gate with a gloomy face to deal with inquiries from one group after another.

Only then did someone realize something was wrong and found black smoke coming from near their residence.

Wang Suyue felt a little unwell today, so she took leave in the afternoon and came back early to rest.

When the little sisters thought about this, they didn't care that they might be punished by the father-in-law of the printing house, and hurried here to check on Wang Suyue's condition.

As a result, along the way, the more I looked at it, the more anxious I became.

Because the location of the fire was near Wang Suyue's residence.

When they got closer, they saw that Wang Suyue's room was indeed on fire, and they almost softened with fear.

But there are also sharp-eyed people who immediately noticed Wang Suyue who was being guarded in the distance, so the previous scene happened.

Only then did they now check Wang Suyue's body with affection as sisters.


"Su Yue, Su Yue, how can I live without you——"

"How could you be so cruel and leave me alone——"


Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, inappropriate cries of mourning came from a distance.

Wang Suyue and others looked speechlessly and saw a figure that I felt pity for, kneeling in front of the ruins and crying.

Crying so professionally, who else could it be but Ke Lian.

Ke Lian just arrived here because she was a slow runner.

And because of my poor eyesight, I didn't see the sisters.

"One of you go and get her over to me."

Wang Suyue held her head against her head and said to the others.

But all the ladies were busy laughing and joking, and no one wanted to go over and bring Ke Lian over.

The palace maids still couldn't stand it, so they walked to Ke Lian and reminded:

"Ke Cai people, Ke Cai people..."

"Don't cry. Wang Cai is still there and alive and well."

Ke Lian was reminded and turned around with tears in her eyes, and sure enough she saw Wang Suyue glaring at her.

"Suyue, Suyue, it's great that you are still alive!"

Ke Lian trotted into Wang Suyue's arms, bumped her head in, and cried non-stop while holding her.

Wang Suyue was caught off guard and was knocked hard. She almost rolled her eyes and fell into coma again.

"I'm still alive now, maybe I will be alive later."

Wang Suyue said with a cry of pain.

"Oh, oh, oh, don't talk nonsense, you will be fine."

"Say bah bah bah!"

Ke Lian, who was still crying just now, now changed her mind and hit Wang Suyue's chest with her little head in excitement.

Fortunately, Wang Suyue had excellent shock-absorbing armor, otherwise she would have been knocked out.

After a while of laughter, they gradually calmed down from their shock.

Someone immediately asked: "Suyue, what happened? Why did your room suddenly catch fire?"

In response, Wang Suyue just shook her head: "I don't know, I was a little tired in the afternoon, so I took leave and came back to rest, and I fell asleep soon."

"When I woke up, I was already here and the house was still on fire."

Wang Suyue didn't know more than others, and now she was more grateful to have saved her life.

"Do you think it has anything to do with him?"

A talented person next to Wang Suyue cast his eyes vaguely on Deng Weixian in the distance.

Deng Weixian was sitting on the ground and resting, with two tall eunuchs guarding him behind him.

No matter how you look at it, you are watching him.

They all knew those two eunuchs, they were the accompanying eunuchs who were following Mr. Yinfang.

The printer's father-in-law asked them to personally watch over Deng Weixian, fearing that he would be highly suspicious.

"But I just heard someone say that he took a risk and rescued me from the fire."

"He almost didn't even get out and died inside."

After Wang Suyue woke up just now, she heard the maids around her saying this.

"Su Yue, you know people but don't know their hearts. Who knows if he started this fire just to direct and perform such a drama of a hero saving a beauty?"

"You forgot, he has been visiting you every day these days. If this little eunuch has no interest in you, no one will believe it."

The sisters' words made Wang Suyue fall silent.

Rumors that Deng Weixian had a crush on her had long spread throughout Yanqu Palace, and she was naturally aware of it.

The sister who warned her just now is called Xia Wanfeng. She grew up with Wang Suyue and had a close relationship with her.

Although Xia Wanfeng also came from a noble family, because she was a concubine and her mother was a singer, she was not valued by her family.

Her father was a well-known Confucian general in Daxing, so he had a father-like attitude and was considered a wise man among the sisters.

Xia Wanfeng was chosen as a talented person, so his appearance was naturally not inferior to the others, but his temperament was rather cold and arrogant, making it difficult for people to get close to him.

She may be like this to outsiders, but she is very enthusiastic towards her sisters. She can be regarded as a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

"Wanfeng is right. There has been some unrest in Yanqu Palace recently, and some dirty lechers and perverts have emerged."

"We have to guard against it."

All the talented people nodded in agreement.

Li Xuan had a sharp ear and listened clearly to the conversation between Wang Suyue and others. He couldn't help imitating Wang Suyue's previous actions, holding his forehead and sighing.

"Daddy, your plan doesn't work either."

"These little girls found out!"


Another day to complete the update.

So fulfilling!


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