After searching for a long time, Zhao Feng found a volume of imperial edict from his sleeve.

He coughed dryly, cleared his throat, and then announced his decree in front of everyone.

Seeing Zhao Feng's posture, the others quickly knelt down on the ground, except Deng Weixian who was kneeling on the ground from the beginning.

"King Xuan's talents will go to the Manlu Palace to sleep tonight."

"Appreciate this."

The imperial edict was too short, and could only be called a oral message.

But the imperial edict was absolutely true, and no one dared to question it.

After Zhao Feng announced the edict, he put it together and said to Wang Suyue, who was still a little confused: "Wang Cairen still doesn't accept the edict?"

Wang Suyue woke up from a dream and knelt on the ground to thank her and receive the order.

"The talented Wang Suyue, thank you Lord for your kindness."

After Wang Suyue accepted the order, Zhao Feng personally helped her up and congratulated her: "Congratulations to Wang Suyue. She will be very successful in the future."

"Thank you, Manager Zhao."

Wang Suyue still couldn't believe the fact, and she felt light and airy all over.

Wei Chengji was the first to be unable to bear it and stepped forward and asked, "How come Wang Cairen has won the favor of the Holy One before he has completed the training at Yanqu Hall?"

He felt that his most important rights had been violated.

In the past, it was up to him to decide which talent would win this honor.

At least the preliminary list of candidates is decided by Wei Chengji, and who to choose from this list is the above matter.

This naturally includes Zhao Feng's level.

Now that Wang Suyue was arranged to sleep in advance and Wei Chengji was directly passed over, he naturally felt uncomfortable.

"Eunuch Wei, don't think too much. Your Majesty has his own motives for doing this."

"As servants, we don't need to think too much about the Holy Will, we just need to do our job well."

As Zhao Feng spoke, he glanced at Wang Suyue vaguely, and then fixed his gaze on Wei Chengji.

Although Wei Chengji was slow, he understood immediately after being given such an explicit explanation.

"It's still a follow-up to the Li Chu incident."

He sighed in his heart.

His Majesty's punishment for those people is far from over. It is not just about dismissing the leading people from office and expelling them from Beijing. The subsequent power tilt will become more and more serious.

"With the loss of Liang Zhao and the rise of Xungui, the civil servants have been unable to resist in recent times."

Thinking of Liang Zhao and his daughter, Wei Chengji said no more.

After all, he is also one of the accomplices who contributed to the current situation.

"Okay, I have something to do here. Eunuch Wei, let's go to the front hall to discuss it." Zhao Feng said.

Wei Chengji nodded, then looked at Wang Suyue, who was excited with Xia Wanfeng, and said, "Wang Cairen will go back to the house and stay for a while. I will send someone to arrange the sleeping arrangements."

"The preparation process for sleeping in is complicated, and I'm afraid I'll spend the whole day here."

"Xia Cairen, I don't need your participation in the sleeping arrangements. You should prepare for today's lessons earlier."

Wang Suyue and Xia Wanfeng were startled when they noticed Wei Chengji's sudden softening of attitude, but then immediately agreed and turned to leave.

They all understood that the sudden change of attitude of Wei Chengji, who was already full of disgust towards them, was probably related to the decree in their hands.

But no matter what, it is best to live in harmony with each other.

After all, they still have to stay in Yanqu Hall before being canonized as concubines.

If you don't deal with the printing father-in-law during this period, it will always be a headache.

Wang Suyue and Xia Wanfeng resigned and left.

Deng Weixian knelt on the ground to see off his two father-in-laws until the woodshed became completely quiet.

When he raised his head again, there was no one in front of him.

To this day he still wakes up from a dream.

When he was locked up in the woodshed, he imagined many of his own endings.

But he never expected that after just taking a nap, he would be free again.

It was even early enough that he still had time to do today's errands.

Li Xuan sent Deng Weixian back to his room. He felt relieved when he saw him changing his clothes and starting his work for the day.

Thinking about it, this seems to be the first time Deng Weixian did not practice kung fu at night.

"Well, he didn't practice in the woodshed last night, right?"

Li Xuan left just to see that he was fine and did not stay overnight.

But it’s really hard to say about Deng’s character.

He then went to the front hall to have a look with a lucky mentality.

As a result, after taking a look from a distance, Li Xuan called out bad luck.

These big eunuchs all seem to have something wrong with them. Even cats have to be guarded against.

The tightness of the defense was even more exaggerated than when Zhao Bugao came last time.


Li Xuan cursed and left, too lazy to stay in Yanqu Hall any longer.

But on the way back, I always felt a little emotional when I thought that Wang Suyue was going to bed tonight.

"Damn it, the Dog Emperor really deserves to die!"

But even if Li Xuan had any objections, Wang Suyue still completed her bedtime service that night and officially received the emperor's favor.

From then on, he became one of the extraordinary talents in Yanqu Palace.

Talented people who have been favored no longer need to attend large classes with other talented people, but have dedicated people come to their homes for one-on-one instruction.

Moreover, all corresponding conditions of food, clothing, housing and transportation will be upgraded, and you can also choose your own personal attendants.

In this aspect, Wei Chengji did not treat Wang Suyue badly and even gave her the best conditions.

Wang Suyue lived in the largest villa in Yanqu Palace, and she was allowed to choose her attendants without any restrictions.

All kinds of preferential treatment are as if there has never been any conflict between them.

Wang Suyue is also a good person, so naturally she will not become arrogant after being favored.

Faced with Wei Chengji's first kindness, she was grateful and reciprocated.

With the efforts of the two, the relationship between Wang Suyue and Wei Chengji was not only repaired, but even deeper than before.

That's how it is in this palace, there are no permanent enemies.

As long as the interests are consistent, everyone can be friends.

Li Xuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he looked at Wang Suyue, whose face was gradually turning red.

A few days ago, she was just an inexperienced girl.

But now he has begun to show his nobility, and his temperament has begun to look calm and graceful.

Otherwise speaking, the most nourishing thing is glory and wealth.

Wang Suyue is now more beautiful and charming, and even her mind seems to be broader and admirable.

Her sisters also followed the chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven, and their lives in Yanqu Hall were much better.

And their relationship was really good. Li Xuan didn't find any of Wang Suyue's sisters who were secretly jealous.

Such feelings are truly enviable.

But then, when Wang Suyue chose her personal attendant, Li Xuan was a little surprised.

She chose five maids and one eunuch as her personal attendants.

Judging from the selection, she probably thought of choosing only palace maids at first, but later changed her mind.

The only eunuch who could make Li Xuan care was naturally Deng Weixian.

But thinking about Deng Weixian's previous rescue of Wang Suyue from the fire, it is not difficult to understand.

Moreover, Wang Suyue later took risks for Deng to be the first, and did not hesitate to offend the father-in-law Yinfang and ask for mercy.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a life-long friendship.

If trained well, Wang Suyue might be able to get a loyal servant in the palace.

This was also Xia Wanfeng's suggestion to her.

Xia Wanfeng didn't care much about Deng Weixian's life or death at that time, but it was different now.

Deng Weixian is a very favorable choice for Wang Suyue.

But except for a few people, everyone doesn’t know.

All the "right choices" they made were actually calculated by others.

Li Xuan was even more sad about this.

"Compared to simple and direct force, isn't this a more terrifying force?"

But things are fickle, and even in the most sophisticated calculations, there will always be errors.

Among the six personal attendants selected by Wang Suyue, not only Deng Weixian but also Liang Chuchu was included.

I'm afraid even Deng Weixian's godfather didn't expect this.

Li Xuan looked at the six servants selected by Wang Suyue, lying on the wall and couldn't help shouting:

"Interesting woman."

Thanks to "Piaomiao Traveler 119" for your monthly ticket support.

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