Several maids and eunuchs in Yanqu Palace were busy going in and out. There were people waiting inside and outside the palace, making it a busy scene.

This place is much more lively than Jingyang Palace.

"Yanqu Palace?"

Li Xuan thought about it, but he had no impression of this place.

Everyone's residence in the palace has a strict hierarchy.

The residences at the palace level should not be dedicated to the most noble people in the harem.

The two eunuchs came straight to the door and walked in quickly after being informed.

Li Xuan walked around, found a tree branch with a good view, and lay down here to watch the show.

"How did things go?"

As soon as the two eunuchs entered and knelt down, a woman with her back to them asked fiercely.

Li Xuan looked at the woman outside and found that although the clothes he wore were extraordinary, they were considered "simple" in this palace.

The woman was busy dressing herself up in front of the bronze mirror, and there were two palace maids waiting beside her.

"Genius man, the servants have taken care of things."

"We have deducted most of Jingyang Palace's monthly salary, and their next life will definitely be difficult."

The two eunuchs lay on the ground and replied respectfully, not daring to go beyond the rules in the slightest.


Hearing this, the woman turned around suddenly and nodded with satisfaction.

Only then did Li Xuan see this person's appearance clearly.

He is seventeen or eighteen years old, with fair skin, good looks and tall figure.

The head is always slightly raised, making it look unattainable.

There is nothing faulty about this woman's appearance, except for the sharp lines between her eyebrows, which hides an air of unruly and arrogance.

"If things are done beautifully, I will naturally reward you."

"In this way, you can divide the money and food that have been deducted among you. After some time, when you see the results, I will ask for a reward for you two in front of the Queen."

After saying that, the woman waved her hand gently, signaling the two of them to leave.

Hearing this, the two eunuchs turned their heads slightly and looked at each other, and both noticed that the other's brows were frowning.

But then they began to say: "It is a blessing for little people to be able to share the worries of Liang Cairen. How dare they expect rewards? It's just..."

"Just what?"

Liang Cairen frowned unabashedly, and a look of displeasure immediately emerged.

"It's just that we did it in private after all. If the Ministry of Internal Affairs finds out, I'm afraid Liang Cairen will be implicated."

"Our humble bodies are nothing. But if we implicate the body of a talented person, a daughter, a daughter, and a noble body, how can we let the little people have peace of mind? I am afraid that such a crime will make it difficult for them to sleep and eat well for the rest of their lives."

The two eunuchs said it sincerely, but there were a few idiots in the palace who would believe this nonsense. It was nothing more than bargaining.

Li Xuan, who was eavesdropping outside, even sneered. He thought the other party had some background, but it turned out to be just a piece of loose sand.

But then it was Li Xuan's turn to widen his cat eyes in shock.

"That's true."

Liang Cairen nodded seriously, pinched his chin and began to think seriously.

"Could it be that he's acting? It looks like he's in a deep city..."

Before Li Xuan could continue to guess, Liang Cairen over there spoke again.

"But you don't have to worry too much. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is so busy, how can you have the time to take care of the cold palace."

"Even if something happens, who would doubt me, a talented person?"

"Don't worry, I won't be implicated, so just relax."

The more the two eunuchs listened, the more different they became. They couldn't help but raise their heads to look at Liang Cairen's expression to see if she was joking with them.

Otherwise, how could a living person say such cold words.

But looking at Liang Cairen's serious expression, the two eunuchs' confusion suddenly turned into speechlessness.

They looked at each other silently, both seeing how upset each other was.

In the end, the expressionless palace maid next to Liang Cairen couldn't bear it anymore and secretly poked her master twice with her elbow.

Liang Cairen realized it later and changed his tone.

"Of course, I never treat my own people badly."

"Since you are working for me, I will naturally protect you. When I receive the blessing of the Holy One, I will naturally treat you as my confidant and take you out of Yanqu Hall."

The people living in Yanqu Hall are talented people and Cai Nu, so it is not a good place.

Cai and Cainu belong to the 21st generation wives and the 81st imperial wives. Although they are nominally the emperor's women, before they were blessed, their status was slightly higher than that of the palace maids.

Ordinary talented people can't have eunuchs and maids to serve them. They don't have any servants of their own, so they have to do everything by themselves.

If Liang Cai hadn't come from a prominent family, he wouldn't be able to do anything in Yanqu Hall.

It's just that Liang Cairen's character is really shocking.

Just when the master and servant were embarrassed, a palace maid hurriedly came back from outside and whispered a few words into Liang Cairen's ear.

"The Queen is admiring flowers in the Imperial Garden?"

"Let's go over right now and bring the pearl jade powder I prepared!"

Liang Cairen couldn't help but beam with joy when he heard the palace maid's report. He didn't care about the two eunuchs kneeling on the ground and took the lead to go out of the palace.

Upon seeing this, the maids quickly followed, leaving only the two eunuchs at a loss.

Li Xuan hid on the branch of a tree, watching the figure hurriedly leaving below, and silently wrote down Liang Cairen's name.

After a while, the two eunuchs also walked out of Yanqu Hall, but their faces were a little ugly.

The two brothers sighed and shuffled towards the back of the palace.

Li Xuan immediately followed them and soon arrived in front of several rows of side rooms.

They each hurried into their rooms, but soon came out again, one of them carrying a bulging cloth bag.

"Let's get rid of this brown rice quickly, and then keep today's events rotten in our stomachs. That Liang Cairen is really..."


Speaking of Liang Cairen, the two eunuchs sighed together.

At this time, someone suddenly came to the yard and shouted to them: "You two, stop being lazy, the printing father-in-law is here to inspect!"

When the two eunuchs heard this, they were in a hurry. After hurriedly throwing the bag back into the room, they followed the messenger out to work.

Obviously, they were very frightened by the printing father-in-law.

And this gave Li Xuan a chance.

They left in such a hurry that they didn't even have time to close the door tightly, but kept it ajar.

When the courtyard became quiet, Li Xuan jumped down unhurriedly, and then got into their room.

He first entered the room where the cloth bags were thrown, and as soon as he entered, he saw the cloth bags on the ground.

Li Xuan stepped forward and stepped on it with his paw. Sure enough, it felt like brown rice.

"So, they have secretly withheld all the monthly records from Jingyang Palace this month."

After understanding all the causes and consequences, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It's easy to deal with a talented person and two eunuchs who don't have any support.

Li Xuan rolled his eyes, already thinking about it.

"Today I will give you a taste of retribution."

Li Xuan made a plan, dragged the bag to the door, and then walked around the room.

After a while, I even found some money with interest.

Although these are just scraps of silver, they add up to not a small amount.

Li Xuanjiu had been hanging out in this palace and was no stranger to the places where palace maids and eunuchs hid their private money.

After all, I have seen it with my own eyes several times.

Although they all know how to carry people on their backs when hiding money, they don't know how to carry cats on their backs.

Sometimes when they found Li Xuan peeking, they just waved their hands and said "Go, go".

When he got to another room, he did the same thing, and Li Xuan found more money.

He was not polite, stuffed all the money into a cloth bag, packed it up and took it away.

Li Xuan went up to the courtyard wall with the cloth bag in his mouth, and turned back to remember the location of the courtyard.

It's not even half day yet, so he has plenty of time to prepare a big surprise for these new friends today.

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