"Can you speak human language?"

Li Xuan spread his paws and shrugged helplessly.

The two of them spoke in a confusing way, as if they were afraid that someone could understand them.

It was like a cat eavesdropping in vain.

But Li Xuan was not completely unsuccessful.

"It seems that someone in the palace is making trouble, and it is quite big, affecting the court and the public."

"The last unlucky one was the civil servant, and the next one will be the nobles."

"And the one who secretly made trouble seems to want to do it to the emperor."

"Is Zhao Feng here to ask his godfather for help tonight?"

"And what does Shang Zongguan's last sentence mean?"

"All adversities are born from profit; if you don't seek profit, where will disaster come from?"

"If you are not talking about Zhao Feng, who are you referring to?"

"Why did Zhao Feng thank Shang Zongguan in the end?"

Li Xuan felt like a mentally retarded person, holding his little head painfully, trying to stop the questions that popped up one after another.

Anyway, Zhao Feng left happily in the end.

Shang Zongguan sent him away with a classic old father's expression.

Li Xuan lay there thinking for a long time.

He could understand it at first, but he became more confused as time went on.

It was not until the lights in the room of Shang Zongguan went out that Li Xuan quietly left the Ministry of Internal Affairs and went to Jingyang Palace.

When he got home, Princess Ankang and Yu'er had already fallen asleep.

Looking at their peaceful sleeping postures, it seemed that what happened today did not leave a bad impression on them.

Especially Yu'er, who was still happy when she fell asleep, with a smile on her lips, and I don't know what she was happy about.

Li Xuan rubbed his head against them and said good night to them silently in his heart.

When he arrived in the kitchen, he saw the meal that Yu'er had left for him, and he couldn't wait to eat it up.

While filling his stomach, Li Xuan thought about the conversation he had just overheard.

"I still know too little and my experience is too short."

Seeing a leopard through a tube, you can't see much; sitting in a well and looking at the sky, you don't have a wide range of knowledge.

He clearly heard an interesting conversation, but he could only understand it halfway.

This tortured Li Xuan's heart.

"It's better not to listen!"

He licked the bowl clean, saving Yu'er the trouble of washing the bowl.

"Forget it, let's go see Xiao Dengzi practice, and then I'll practice to relieve my worries."


The next day.

Li Xuan came to the Imperial Garden early, and sure enough, he saw Mao Ba and the other three here again.

Mao Ba was still torturing the black dragon statue, but it was obvious that it was not as desperate as it was at the beginning, and its strength dropped a lot.

But even so, Mao Ba's claws were constantly adding new wounds.

The cow and the fat orange were playing on the side, jumping on each other.

But it was always the cow who took the initiative, shaking her butt seductively, brewing and aiming for a long time, and then suddenly jumping on it, and then being pressed down by the fat orange.

After the cow struggled to break free, it went back and forth, having a lot of fun.

"They are practicing martial arts."

Li Xuan's eyes jumped and commented.

Mao Ba raised his paw and was about to continue to hit the black dragon statue hard, but suddenly he felt a huge force coming from his paw, holding him down.

Mao Ba turned his head and found that it was Li Xuan.


Mao Ba's fur instantly exploded, and he let out a snake-like roar, trying to scare Li Xuan away.

Cow and Fat Orange were startled, and after seeing the situation clearly, they immediately followed suit and shouted to help the boss.

However, although they shouted loudly, they were getting farther and farther away from Li Xuan.

Soon, the figures of the two retreated behind the black dragon statue, revealing only two heads with extremely arrogant expressions, still cursing there.

"Is this cat so real?"

Li Xuan looked at the reactions of the brothers and laughed dumbly.

He ignored the two funny guys and glanced at Mao Ba lightly.

"Meow? (Want to become stronger?)"

Mao Ba was stunned, put away the posture of intimidating the enemy, and gradually returned to his original appearance.

Confusion appeared in its eyes, and a low and hoarse voice sounded, answering Li Xuan's question with a question.

"Meow? (So, what is the price?)"

Li Xuan was stunned. He didn't expect Mao Ba to ask such a question.

He realized that he seemed to have underestimated Mao Ba's IQ.

Of course, it was mainly because the cow was so impressive that Li Xuan subconsciously classified Mao Ba and Fat Orange together.

But he didn't expect that it, as the boss, had a deep mind.

"Meow, meow. (You help me, I help you.)"

Li Xuan had no way to convey too complicated meanings to Mao Ba, and then released its claws, signaling them to follow him.

Li Xuan went first, and as for whether Mao Ba was willing to follow, it depended on their own choice.

Mao Ba looked at Li Xuan's leaving figure, and a hesitation flashed in his eyes.

But then he looked down at the cat's claws that were held down tightly before, and a more obvious desire ignited in his eyes.

Mao Ba didn't hesitate and immediately followed Li Xuan.

"Meow-- (Boss--)"

The cow and the fat orange cat called out anxiously, and the two cat heads looked at each other, but finally followed reluctantly.

"Meow! (Wait for us!)"

Li Xuan couldn't help but grin when he saw the three cats following him.

He originally just wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect it to be so successful.

Li Xuan led the way first, leading Mao Ba and the others to a eunuch's residence.

This place is similar to the courtyard where Deng Weixian lived before. Several eunuchs lived together, each with a room.

In one of the rooms, there were constant groans of pain, and there was a half-dead man lying inside.

Li Xuan was on the wall, tilting his head towards the people in the room.

"Meow meow. (Help me see if this person is dead.)"

Cat Boss tilted his head and asked in confusion: "Meow? (That's it?)"

Li Xuan nodded, and then explained: "Meow. (That's it.)"

"Meow. (Come to the place where you were just now at this time every day to report to me.)"

"Meow meow. (After death.)"

"Meow. (I'll teach you to become stronger.)"

"Meow (As for whether you can become stronger or not, it depends on you.)"

After Li Xuan repeated it several times and explained patiently, Mao Ba finally understood what he meant.

What he didn't expect was that Mao Ba agreed straightforwardly the moment he understood the meaning.

This made Li Xuan stunned.

He was already prepared to lobby.

But then he also realized that maybe in the world of cats, there is no such intrigue as humans, and everything is simpler and more straightforward.

This made Li Xuan, who had lost his patience with the explanation, calm down again.

“There is gold in the sand, and there is stone in the jade.”

“In everything, some good things are bad, and some bad things are good.”

Li Xuan didn't expect that he could feel such emotion when dealing with cats.

Seeing that Mao Ba understood what he meant, Li Xuan nodded, and then showed them the remaining eunuchs and maids.

After leading them to get to know everyone clearly, Li Xuan left coolly without any unnecessary words.

The cat bullies also assigned their own tasks.

There is no agreement between cats.

Li Xuan said this, and they believed it.

Therefore, Li Xuan was also curious about whether Mao Ba and the others could bring him a surprise.

This time, it's just a simple test.

If they can pass, Li Xuan would like to try to cultivate them.

Maybe he can play some tricks on this imperial city cat bully.

A new king of cats is rising.

Thanks to "Yu Luo Fen Feng Chen", "Seeking 12 gold medals", "Mo Sheng Yun Yi", "Shi Porridge Shi", "Netherworld Silent Moon", "I respect you as a man", "Book Friends 20190711175224668", "How can I have bad intentions", "Brother Hao 2", and "Light in the Night" are supported by monthly votes.


The king of cats is here!


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