Our family is in decline

Chapter 1 Our family has fallen...

In a daze, Lin Bei seemed to have had a dream.

In the dream, he is called Lance and lives in a world similar to medieval society.

Both his parents were scholars studying ancient history, and they often wandered around various ruins around the world, while he was entrusted to the care of an old professor.

Until news of the disappearance of his parents came from afar, and Lance also grew up under the care of the old professor. Influenced by the materials left by his parents, he became an ancient scholar.

But before Lance could graduate from the academy and embark on the road to find his parents, a letter was delivered to him.

The messenger was an old man who claimed to be a butler. He had a stooped figure and a thin face. He wore a pair of shabby round-rimmed glasses. Although the clothes on his body were old, he could still vaguely see the glory of the nobility in the past.

For some reason, looking at his stiff smile gave people a terrifying feeling, like a zombie that had just crawled out of the grave.

He conveyed news to me from a family I had never heard of. My noble distant relative passed away, leaving behind a huge inheritance and a vast territory waiting for my inheritance.

Just when I was surprised that such a good thing had happened to me, the special mark on the wax seal of the letter gave me an uneasy feeling.

It was a mark with half an arc divided by five short lines. I searched through the knowledge in my memory but couldn't identify it.

Despite my discomfort, for some reason I opened the envelope, hoping to learn about my distant relative and that legacy.

Until I saw that sentence.

"Our family is in decline..."

I remembered it, I remembered it all!

In this moment I understood the terrible truth about the world. (Crown of Thorns Virtue)

"Hey! This stupid game won't let me go even in my dreams."

Lin Bei woke up suddenly as if he was having a nightmare, but what he saw was not the room he was familiar with, and the violent bumps reminded him that he was constantly moving.

Through the chandelier that exuded dim yellow light, Lin Bei could see that this was a dark wooden carriage, and there were two people sitting in front of him.

A man is wearing the full armor of a medieval knight, with a long sword leaning on his body. The cross pattern on his front indicates that this person has a church background.

Another man was wearing an old leather coat, with a scarf wrapped around his neck to cover half of his face below the eyes. He had a dagger on one side and an antique-like short-barreled flintlock gun on the other.

Very similar...

The strange dream just now and the scene before him gave Lin Bei a bad premonition. He lowered his head and looked at the clothes on his body. On the outside was a medieval-style waisted jacket with a fine linen lining on the inside and narrow pants and riding boots underneath. .

Turning to look out the window, there was only darkness. Instead, the glass mirror reflected a handsome black-haired young man with a somewhat frail temperament of a scholar.

The light hanging on the carriage was blocked by darkness for only two or three meters, but one could still vaguely see the twisted trees and haphazardly placed tombstones on the roadside.


Seeing this, Lin Bei already knew what had happened, but he still forced himself to find the letter from his body for the last comfort.

When he saw the first sentence, he could only accept the reality.

I have traveled through time myself, and I have also traveled through time into the world of the game.

Lin Bei, an ordinary person who was playing games in front of the computer one second, turned into Lance, the heir who was running on the old road the next second.

But this discovery gave him a huge panic. The unspeakable pressure was like a huge stone pressing on his chest. Even breathing made him exhausted, almost to the point of heart failure.

If he really went to accept the aristocratic inheritance, he would laugh to death. Although the Middle Ages were chaotic, inheriting the aristocratic inheritance by oneself was equivalent to jumping from ordinary people to the aristocratic class at once. By then, it would be over with ruthless exploitation. This kind of good thing could still happen again. to him!

But the problem is that the main theme of the world view in the game I traveled through is despair and darkness.

The main plot is that an ancestor who is tired of the extravagant life spies on the ancient gods underground in the old house, and then starts digging, exploring and researching, causing a lot of trouble directly or indirectly in the process.

After seeing the evil god sealed underground, the ancestor began to make plans to become a god. He left a letter and threw all the troubles to the protagonist of the game, asking him to carry out killings in the territory in the name of his family, and everyone died on this land. All creatures will provide power for the ancestor to become a god.

Players will fight against unimaginable enemies, famine, disease, and pressure that constantly erodes the mind, and finally kill the ancestor to prevent the evil god from coming to destroy the world.

Perhaps no one here knows better than him that what he inherits is not a noble territory, but a meat grinder that devours flesh and blood.

There are enemies, beasts, evil spirits, strange demons, blood descendants... all kinds of monsters and ghosts lurking here, and they also have to fight against famine, curses, plagues, and human nature.

Being abused in the game at least retains the opportunity to restart and accumulate experience and strength, but if you live in a world full of despair and doomed to destruction, it is basically a dead end.

Thinking of this, Lin Bei couldn't help but put his head in his hands and grab his thick black hair.

I want to go home~(torture)

"Ding! The service you subscribed to is now online, please check."

But the sound that he didn't know where came from made him sweep away his anxiety, and instead he showed an expression of ecstasy.

Looking at the panel in front of him, he understood that the plug-in had arrived.


Name: Lance Hamlet

Occupation: Familiar from another world

Level: Traveler

Equipment: empty


[Sacrifice]: Sacrifice the enemy to an unknown existence to obtain gifts.

[Blessing]: Consume gifts and grant enhancements


[Asylum]: Your soul is protected from erosion by unknown existences

[Ancient Bloodline]: The blood flowing in your body allows you to gain inspiration far beyond ordinary people.

[Successor]: The identity of the noble successor makes you convincing

[Talents]: Your powerful talents improve your learning efficiency.


"So my name is Lance now~"

Living in a modern era of information explosion, his ability to accept and capture information is strong enough, and he quickly accepted his current identity, and at the same time extracted some key points from the panel.

[Familiar from another world] is a profession that has never been seen in the game. From the description of the word "dependent" combined with the skill [Sacrifice], it can be seen that it involves an unknown and powerful existence, which is probably the one who traveled through time and cheated himself. The essential.

Level represents the quantification of strength. In the game, the traveler is the level 0 blank slate, above which there are apprentices, braves, elites, masters, champions, and legends.

The difference between skills and traits is that one is active and the other is passive. At the same time, traits can reflect the origin to a certain extent.

[Asylum] and [Talent] correspond to immune pressure and doubled experience respectively to a certain extent.

Another thing that corresponds to [ancient bloodline] is the particularity of the bloodline in Lance's body.

Having too much inspiration in a story set in the Cthulhu Mythos is not a good thing.

I'm afraid that this family bloodline hides some secrets, which is why the ancestors show characteristics that are different from ordinary people. With the blessing of blood brew, he can even spy on the evil god's seal buried deep underground.

But these must be put aside first. His first priority now is to find a way to survive from this world.

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