Our family is in decline

Chapter 276 The horse is gone again

The two of them quickly arrived at a nearby high slope, looking down they could probably see the entire town.

You can see that the town below is similar to most towns in the empire. It is a simple city wall with some masonry buildings inside, and outside the city wall is the most ordinary long house.

There is a small river running through it, with large fields on both sides. A branch is led into the moat dug outside the town, and is now connected only by a suspension bridge.

Not far from the edge of the town, you can see old roads that have been repaired, or old roads that have always been used.

"There are walls and moats. Although the size is not too exaggerated, is it not a problem?" Geralt is not that familiar with military operations, but he also knows that there is a big difference between siege and field warfare. This is why people want to attack the city. The damage is expected to be extensive.

But after hearing this, Lance smiled and shook his head.

"It's good to have a city wall. Otherwise, how can I have so many people chasing those guys running around? Now I only need to snatch the city gate to completely control this place. Then I will send an elite team to rush in and complete the cleanup."

Lance didn't mention how to cross the suspension bridge and seize the city gate at all, but looking at him, it seemed as if the city gate had already been captured.

After a simple scan, Lance had a rough plan.

"Let's go back and prepare to take action."

"Shouldn't we sneak in first to make sure there are no cultists? What if those people are only a small number?"

After Geralt received the mission, he always wanted to investigate the situation of the monster, but now he just took a look and launched a devastating attack. Isn't it a bit...

"It's confirmed."

Lance had no intention of stopping, and Geralt could only follow downhill.

"Any larger gathering place must be related to water, but have you ever seen an ordinary town with a moat and a city wall at the same time? This is either a military important area, or it means that this place will never be easily abandoned.

But have you noticed those fields outside the city? There should be people working on it at this time, but there is not, and many fields are abandoned. Do you think farmers will abandon their fields? Will farmers let their fields lie idle?

Moreover, the thatched roofs of some longhouses have collapsed. Let me tell you, that is a sign that no one has lived there for at least half the year, because thatched houses need to be replaced regularly to prevent them from leaking. And now that refugees are everywhere, why do you think there is no one there? live?

Also, you see that there are not many people coming in and out of the town exit. Do you think this is a sign that a normal town should have?

All circumstances indicate that this town has been completely controlled by the cultists for a long time. Both the city wall and the moat were built by them later, because this place is very critical, and even they are not willing to abandon it casually. "

Geralt didn't expect that he could see so many things with just a few glances. Sure enough, he was only suitable for finding monsters, not the battlefield.

Seeing that he was distracted, Lance couldn't help but emphasize, "Do you think there will be ordinary people in a town controlled by cultists? Have you forgotten those bones in the camp? Even if there are, they are probably still in the stomach."

Geralt also understood this truth and stopped talking nonsense.

However, Lance was not in a hurry. On the way, he simply explained to him how he broke into the Ascension Sect's ritual venue and thus formed a grudge, as well as their detailed ritual methods.

The more people there are, the more Lance has to keep the deep secret. What he needs now is to integrate into this world, so he can't do anything too outrageous. There must be a reason to interact with the Ascension Sect.

Geralt has lived for so long and knows a lot of cults, but he still feels disgusted after hearing the twisted rituals of the Ascension Sect.

Soon returning to the temporary rest camp, Lance called everyone to explain the situation. In fact, there was no strategy. This was a war of annihilation, leaving no survivors.

Three hundred people quickly captured key intersections and important buildings in the town. After sweeping them, two hundred people were divided into teams of five to clean all the buildings. The cavalry was on the periphery to clear away any enemies that might appear in the longhouses.

"Sir, I will lead the team to seize the city gate!" Disma was eager to show his power after being strengthened.

"Me too!" Boudicca raised his halberd and refused to give up the opportunity to use his chopping music.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet." Lance raised his hand and stroked the head of the wolf on the side. He roughly recalled the layout of the town in his mind, and then pulled out the branch in his hand on the ground.

“Since the Ascension Sect has made this place indestructible, it proves that there are some enemies here that ordinary soldiers cannot deal with.

Your mission is to deal with these guys. I don't want any casualties among my soldiers. They are all my precious people. "


Disma and others also understand that taking on such an important responsibility requires courage, and their loyalty is unshakable.

"The same goes for you, I don't want you to get hurt."

Lance's words greatly calmed the restless people. The lord valued them, which gave them a great sense of belonging.

"Next, I will explain everyone's tasks in detail..."

Lance began to assign tasks.

“When the time comes, Paracelsus will lead a medical team to build a medical camp based on the city gate and be responsible for treating the wounded.

The warehouse is in the area near the city gate. Disma, Barristan and Boudicca led a team to capture the warehouse and several other important locations.

After taking it, William led the team to pull up the net and was responsible for searching and exterminating the remaining cultists, making sure that no one was left behind.

After occupying the warehouse, you formed a quick reaction team to coordinate the troops' frontal attacks and take charge of situations that ordinary soldiers cannot deal with.

Junia and I will seize the central church as soon as possible to attract the enemy to cover your actions. "

"I will also join the fight." Geralt couldn't help but speak after hearing the deployment. His work ethic was very good. It was so easy to get these forty gold coins. He felt a little guilty for not doing some work.

"Well, you join us and go to church." Naturally, Lance would not refuse. Now is the time when we are short of manpower, let alone a high-end combat force.

It's just that we can't arrange for him to sweep the streets. If he really wants to see ordinary cultists being slaughtered, he probably won't be able to bear it, so we should let him go to dangerous places to find Ascension cultists to fight hard.

It is safer to keep these outsiders by your side, not because you don't trust them, but because you are cautious.

After the arrangements were made, Lance finally spoke.

"Remember to be careful of the Ascended Witch's sorcery. Don't hold on when you encounter someone you can't defeat. Retreat or retreat to me. Make arrangements immediately and don't delay the army's actions."

His tactics need to be laid out to the captains of each team, telling them their respective battle lines and the tasks they are responsible for. Only when the rules are followed and fought in an orderly manner can there be no chaos.

The army repaired for a moment, and then moved again after the order was given.

At this time, Lance went directly to Disma, took out the [Banshee Hand Axe] and handed it over.

"Take this, it will be very useful in facing those cultists who can be injured quickly, but you have to remember that the power attached to these extraordinary equipment will affect you, so be careful."

Although the hand ax produced by the panel does not have restless spirituality, he still wants to instill in everyone the concept of the price of extraordinary power.

Disma took the hand ax and looked at the green ax blade and felt a surge of power. This was definitely more than the ability to cause corrosive damage.

However, the warning from the lord made him calm down quickly. People control power, not power.

Soon the troops approached, and Lance rode out alone.

"I will seize the city gate alone. When I enter the city gate, the cavalry will quickly follow. Then each team will march quickly to seize the town according to the plan."

Lance didn't continue to talk nonsense and went straight up, one person and one horse running towards the cult town.

Disma couldn't help but glance at Barristan. Both of them had a little worry in their eyes. They didn't know whether the lord's condition had recovered from the secret ceremony.

"Are we really just watching like this?" Junia didn't quite understand the relationship between these people and the lord, but she knew that it was extremely dangerous to go alone, because no matter how powerful the transcendent was, he would be exhausted. At that time, it was not uncommon for someone to be killed once they were under siege.

"You!" Disma was about to say something, but Barristan on the side persuaded him.

"Execute military orders, your Excellency has your own arrangements."

Tension was spreading in the rear. Whether the lord could seize the city gate was related to the series of attacks behind them.

But Lance himself was quite leisurely. He rode his horse and walked neither fast nor slowly. His eyes kept scanning the surrounding thatched houses, and he vaguely felt the voyeuristic gaze hidden among them.

Now I am more sure of my guess, there is definitely something wrong here.

But before he could cross the suspension bridge, Lance saw the guys at the city gate moving, and at the same time the suspension bridge slowly rose.


At this time, Lance didn't care about anything else and just kicked the horse's belly to speed up.

Fortunately, he was alone and greatly confused the guards before. He was only a hundred meters away from the suspension bridge. He accelerated and jumped on his horse... He didn't reach it at all. He only crossed half of his body and directly hit the pulled up suspension bridge. .

The horse was directly broken at the waist by his own impact, and Lance could even hear the horse's wail and the sound of fractures.

The powerful inertia threw Lance away before he could react. He landed on the sloping bridge and slid down. All he could hear was the neighing of horses and the sound of falling into the water.

"My horse!" Lance couldn't bear to roar. The previous war horse triggered the wizard's trap and died suddenly, but this one had only been replaced two days ago.

But it was too late to save him, and he sank directly, leaving only a trace of blood floating.

At this moment, Lance turned his head, with a look like a wolf's gaze.

Turning over and rushing towards the city gate, they saw that Lance alone did not close the door immediately, but wanted to stop this crazy guy.


"Stop him quickly."

"Is he crazy?"

But soon they will understand what kind of person they have met...

The rising suspension bridge blocked the view, but the few people observing from behind reacted immediately.

"My lord is in, brothers, follow me and charge!" An impatient Disma rushed forward and took the lead.

As he shouted, all the cavalrymen charged forward. Geralt hesitated a little and drove Carrot to follow.

"Let's go." Barristan entered the state instantly. War has never been unfamiliar to him.

The army that received the order also officially set off, marching from the dense forest towards the town.

Disma rushed a little too fast and even broke away from the cavalry. His sharp eyes were locked on the gate, and he didn't know what the lord's current situation was.

The appearance of the army obviously completely alarmed the cultists, and some people wearing ordinary clothes but with anything but ordinary postures rushed out of the houses on both sides.

"Stop him quickly!"

"The Saint will guide us to ascend!"

"Don't be afraid, ascension is just around the corner!"

They were strong and strong, with crazy expressions and extremely aggressive. They were holding various farm tools in their hands, such as hoes, pitchforks, and long-handled flails.

Geralt noticed the crazy posture of those people, and actually tried to intercept the heavily armed cavalry with his body.

Geralt couldn't help but feel uneasy when he saw the pitchfork.

But Disma and the others are not ordinary people. One of them is an old thief, and the rest who can become cavalry are also elites.

You may not be able to hit even if you stand still on land. Playing with a gun on a bumpy horse basically relies on metaphysics, but Disma raised his hand and knocked down a crazy believer with one shot. His body even took a few steps before falling. Look at that The wound turned out to be a direct headshot.

In the hands of the cavalry are not the knight's spears, but sabers that reveal a cold light. The long-term and rigorous training has achieved remarkable results, and every charge can bring a piece of blood.

The cavalry is powerful in battle, not to mention that those guys were broken through before they could close together.

Under the protection of the armor, no one on the cavalry was injured, but the cultists left several corpses behind.

Geralt was originally ready to show off his skills, but was immediately restrained.

But when they rushed up, the raised suspension bridge did not fall down. There was no follow-up road, which made Disma a little anxious. If something happened to the Lord...

But at this moment, the suspension bridge paused, then slowly fell, and finally the blocked vision reappeared.

Geralt looked up and saw that the city gate was wide open. There were all kinds of broken limbs and broken arms scattered on the ground. Only one person was left standing. The winch that required three or five people to move seemed to be playing with it casually in his hands. Toys are average.

"Enemy!" a cavalryman shouted, and the cultists who had just broken through gathered around him.

Disma wanted to protect the lord, but it would take time until the bridge was lowered, and he had to hold on.

"The cavalry captain takes command. You run up and cut the enemy. Use the advantage of the cavalry to kill the enemy as much as possible. I will guard the bridge..." Disma glanced at Geralt and said, "You can do whatever you want."


Leonard is proficient in horse warfare and cavalry tactics. These few carefully selected cavalrymen are all trained according to the backbone and will be used to expand the army in the future.

"Cavalry company attacks!" The captain took over and ran immediately, the bloody saber in his hand exuding bloodlust.

"Hamlet will win!" the cavalry shouted in unison, their morale was high, and they charged directly towards the believers.

Thanks to [20181009145324497] for the 500 reward.

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