Our family is in decline

Chapter 293 Support

However, this situation is actually good news for Lance, because there is more room for maneuver, so he will not be unable to untie the trap.

So he came up with a solution that even Tamara found incredible.

"Is it possible for you to return to the organization?"

"Ah!" Tamara didn't follow Lance's thinking at all, her face was full of shock.

"Actually, think about it for yourself. The relationship between you and the Omen Seeker is not irreconcilable. First of all, between you..."

Lance analyzed the situation with her.

His idea is very simple. Tamara left the Omen Seeker before she left the army, so she was half-full.

Her current situation obviously cannot meet Lance's requirements. To be effective, she must become a real astrologer, and she must also get the remaining sacred object.

The only way to achieve these two conditions is to let her return to the Omen Seeker and continue to study with her teacher.

She did miss some time, but with her talent she might not be able to catch up, and she could even get a seat as an elder.

Yes, Lance was going to support her.

As an intelligence organization, the Omen Seekers can rely on their power if they have their own people in it.

Not to mention that Lance has always coveted this space ritual of the Roma people.

Even if the worst-case scenario is that Tamara is out of his control, it is still a bit of a favor for him to help her rise to the top, and it will be easier to communicate with her in the future. .

It's just that Lance didn't say it clearly, but kept emphasizing that it was to save her.

But Tamara didn't think so. This was equivalent to asking her to go back and admit her mistake. If she had really been willing to give in, she wouldn't have run out in the first place.

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

Of course, Lance could feel her strong resistance, and after thinking for a moment, he understood, and blurted out nonsense.

"You don't need to admit your mistake, I'll go talk to them."

Tamara looked at Lance with some surprise. She had said before that she actually still had a good impression of the organization. If she could save her face, she would be able to accept her return.

Seeing her wavering, Lance immediately encouraged her again.

"Just think about it, as long as you can go back, you can overwhelm Amanda again. This would be more satisfying than killing her."

Everyone has obsessions, and it is obvious that Tamara's obsession is Amanda, who was originally suppressed by herself, but now suppresses her in turn.

After hearing this, he didn't hesitate any more and nodded towards Lance.

"Okay, I agree."

As long as she thought about what Amanda would look like when the time came, she felt inexplicably happy.

But she knew it was not that simple, "Amanda will never let me go back, and the faction behind her will not let me go back either."

"Faction?" Lance asked with interest after hearing this, "Can you tell me about it?"

"Inside the Omen Seeker..."

As Tamara told Lance, he also understood the internal political structure of the Omen Seeker organization. In fact, the Elders Council is responsible for deciding organizational matters, and the following departments are responsible for handling affairs.

These department leaders are actually candidates for elders. In order to enter the Presbyterian Church, these people are divided into several factions and want to nominate their own people.

To put it simply, they are fighting for power and profit just like the gangsters. This situation exists even in the Omen Seekers organization, which is composed entirely of Roma people.

Anyway, Lance felt bored by this. Human beings had the same tricks that came and went, and there was nothing new at all.

"My teacher and Amanda's teacher are also among the candidates. They belong to different factions. Just like I suppressed Amanda, my teacher also suppressed her teacher in the presbytery, but..." Ta Mara revealed the reason why her relationship with Amanda was so bad, "Her teacher was also responsible for my being forced to run away."

Lance also understood why she was so hostile to Amanda. It turned out that they were hostile factions from the beginning.

The turmoil between them may be more troublesome than you think.

But this is good news for Lance, because the existence of factions means that the Omen Seeker is not monolithic, which gives him the opportunity to borrow strength.

"Can you contact your teacher?"

"No, this requires special ritual props. I escaped back then and had no preparation at all. But Amanda must have them, but she definitely won't be able to lend them to me."

There was no contact information, which made Lance a little powerless. He was silent for a moment before talking about another thing.

"Amanda's opinion is not important. The real difficulty is that in the final analysis, you still fled the organization because you took the sacred objects.

This kind of thing is difficult for any organization to accept. If you want to go back, you must have an excuse and a bargaining chip that the organization cannot refuse. "

"Then what should we do?" Tamara also understood such a simple truth, but she couldn't think of a way, so she could only place her hope on Lance.

Maybe she didn't even realize that she had developed a dependence on this man.

Lance was not in a hurry to speak, but fell into thinking, and his fingers unconsciously tapped rhythmically.

What leverage does Tamara have now?

Except for the holy objects, there seems to be nothing else, otherwise he wouldn't be forced to almost "sell himself" to himself.


The rhythmic tapping stopped suddenly, and Lance looked up at Tamara in front of him and blurted out.

"You really don't have any leverage now that is enough to make the organization give up its principles."

These words were very direct, and Tamara could not help but feel embarrassed when she heard that. At the same time, the newly raised hopes fell, and the whole person seemed a little depressed.

"But you still have me." Lance didn't care at all, with a gentle smile on his face. "Since I promised to help you mediate, I will definitely do my best. Leave this matter to me."

This responsible attitude inexplicably made Tamara feel a long-lost sense of security, and her tense heart relaxed with her breathing.

The two sides have generally communicated their opinions. After getting the things and the money, they just need to send someone, but Lance is not in a hurry.

"Wait for the news." Lance had no intention of staying any longer. He had to find Amanda if he wanted to solve the matter.

It was only after he took a few steps that he seemed to remember something, turned back to Tamara, took her hand, took out a gold coin and put it in her palm.

"Take it and use it first. Now you are under my protection."

It was clear that he had just taken a whole box from Tamara, but now Lance's action of sending it out was still so natural, without any embarrassment at all.

All I can say is that Lance is a man who does great things.

After putting down the gold coins, he turned around and left without any more nonsense.

Tamara didn't react until the figure disappeared from her eyes. She looked down at the gold coins in her hand and then let out a long breath.

With a promise, I finally got his approval.

If I hadn't done so many stupid things, would I have already received his protection?

Tamara suddenly closed her fingers and held the gold coin tightly in her hand. At this moment, she seemed to have grasped the future...

The Roma people made carriages with various ritual blessings that not only expanded the space, but also had functions such as concealing sight and sound insulation.

That is to say, even though the two of them made such a big noise inside, they didn't cause any impact outside.

Lance looked up at the Roma-style van opposite. It belonged to Amanda, but Lance had no intention of passing directly.

If he takes the initiative to find someone else, Lance will expose his needs and lose the initiative. He must be calm enough and wait until the other party comes to him first.

Lance was patient enough, because he was not the one who was eager to recover the sacred object. He didn't believe that such an important person as Amanda would be willing to drag him here.

But before that, we must be on guard against this guy playing dirty tricks on Tamara and forcing her to negotiate terms with him. Then she will be the first to expose her need to be inferior to others, and she will be the one to take the initiative.


In Amanda's carriage, after being released, she quickly got back to work and started transmitting intelligence to the headquarters.

She was arrested for seven days and lost contact with her for seven days. The organization thought something had happened to her, so it took some time to prove that she was her.

At the same time, she also contacted her immediate superior, the leader of the department in the organization that was specially designed to handle some secret tasks.

Although Amanda was outclassed in talent by Tamara, she was still far superior to ordinary people. Naturally, she was selected by a department leader to become a student.

Her status is actually middle-level within the organization. You know how young she is!

Moreover, she is also a close confidant of the leader. She does not even need to report to others when performing tasks, she only needs to be responsible to the teacher.

Enjoying the best tasks, constantly brushing up on qualifications and credits.

A palm-sized shadow was projected on the crystal ball, and a middle-aged woman with a serious expression appeared in the air.

In the ordinary world, we don't even understand the principle of radio now, but in this world with extraordinary power, we can directly make long-distance video calls with the help of some mysterious ritual.

Amanda gave a detailed report to the teacher about her experiences during this period. Tamara, who was supposed to be the focus of the mission, was only briefly mentioned at the beginning, but the focus was on Lance and this weird town.

"... It was with bare hands in a short period of time. There was no possibility of me struggling. That means he had no murderous intention and just subdued me. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to survive."

"Although you are still young, your strength is no worse than that of an average master. If you can easily control you, you are probably a champion. The champions active in the empire are basically in our data. This Appeared suddenly and behaved strangely...

After he took control of you, he just imprisoned you? Nothing else done to you? "

"No, on the contrary, he respects me very much, like a knight who abides by an ancient oath, and has been emphasizing the rules to me."

Having studied with the teacher for a long time, Amanda was naturally familiar with the teacher's habits, and could probably guess that the teacher was suspicious of her words.

In fact, that's right, because it's so outrageous that I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't experienced it myself.

Champions are not cabbages. They have received the best training from the organization and have worked hard for many years without slacking off. Only then can they reach the threshold of master.

And that man looks so young, and his strength is so exaggerated, which is completely inconsistent with common sense.

But with the facts in front of her, Amanda couldn't help but doubt it. On the contrary, she wanted to eliminate the impact of her seven-day disappearance as soon as possible and regain the teacher's trust.

The teacher's silence put great pressure on Amanda.

Fortunately, the reply came quickly.

"Your choice is correct. There is no need to offend an unknown strong man for a traitor who cannot escape."

After hearing this, Amanda's chest, which was weighed down by the huge pressure, finally relaxed a little.

Because the teacher's words were to characterize this matter, she definitely did not choose to complete the task and offend a strong man.

Although the mission was not completed, Tamara could not run away in her eyes. On the contrary, the information about Lance was very valuable.

"Then teacher, what is my task now?"

Amanda asked, simply put, the mission has now been extended to three routes.

One is to continue the execution to deal with the traitors and retrieve the sacred objects.

Then the second step is to contact Lance and learn about his identity, origins, extraordinary abilities, genre, and this place... Anyway, it is to collect all clues that can be called intelligence.

The third is to leave this strange place full of abnormalities directly.

The first two tasks are in conflict, because if you execute the traitor, you will break the rules and offend Lance.

If you want to contact Lance, you can't break the rules, so naturally you can't do anything to Tamara, the traitor.

The difficulty of the two tasks is different, and the benefits are also different.

If she kills the traitors and retrieves the relic, she can gain reputation by defeating rival factions.

However, these credits must be attributed to the teacher, but the debt of offending Lance is actually recorded on his own head, which also brings a powerful enemy to the organization.

But if you choose to contact and get information, the friendship is your own, and the relationship with a strong person can also help.

If she were asked to choose, it would definitely be the second one, because Amanda didn't want to be Lance's enemy at all, that man was really terrifying.

My neck feels a little uncomfortable just thinking about it...

"You continue to make contact. As for the traitor, just determine the location and I will arrange for someone to deal with it."

"I think it's best not to touch Tamara until we finish investigating this person. Breaking the rules he has set will cause trouble."

But Amanda remembered what she said in the cell, he would really kill someone.

Likewise, she was also a little cautious. Something happened to Tamara would definitely make it more difficult for her to contact her.

But her cautious reminder did not attract the teacher's attention.

"Why do you want to take action?" The woman had a weird smile on her face, "Traitors are sometimes more useful alive than dead."

Amanda was not stupid, and she vaguely guessed something.

As long as Tamara is alive, she will be a stain on the teacher's competitors. She can't escape anyway, so she can be used to make an issue.

But even if she guessed something, Amanda still wouldn't say anything nonsense. Being suppressed by Tamara made her know that she should be low-key and restrained.

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