Our family is in decline

Chapter 299 Resolution of the Presbyterian Council

"Oh~ you are the lord of that place, right?"

Sure enough, when Lance heard her words, he knew that Teacher Tamara must have communicated with the superiors just now and obtained the information collected by Amanda.

However, it was precisely because of this that the old woman was willing to truly communicate. They believed in the intelligence they collected more than the words in Lance's mouth.

But Lance didn't care, he had no intention of hiding anything.

"Yes, I am Hamlet's last heir - Lance Hamlet."

After hearing this, the old woman became slightly more formal, "Nice to meet you, Earl of Lance."

Lance didn't care about these false etiquette and asked directly.

"This matter was a big deal at the time, and you should know something about it."

"We did hear a lot of interesting things about this matter. Some said it was the emperor who took action, some said it was a foreign invasion, and some said it was pirates, but..." The old woman looked at Lance curiously and said gave the last answer, "Some people say that it was Hamlet's lord who destroyed everything."

Lance knew that no matter how cautious the ancestor was, the project was still too big, and as an intelligence dealer, he was somewhat involved in it.

Lance didn't know the previous news, but since he had taken over his ancestor's mess, he definitely couldn't be the last one, so he immediately explained it in a profound manner.

“Things back then were not that simple. In fact, there was another incident before this happened.

If you really know a little bit about Hamlet, you should know that almost all of Hamlet's nobles were wiped out in that battle.

Although the lord at that time escaped by chance, he was also controlled by a cult called the Ascension Sect..."

Lance is a professional in making up stories, but he doesn't dare to go too far in front of professionals. Instead, he uses the truth and the lie to fit the story into the story.

"The cult has controlled the lord, and their target is the seal node located underground in Hamlet. Below is a cage that seals the ancient god.

The ascension they pursue is to awaken the ancient gods and bring destruction to the world, which is the truth that Tamara spied when she held a stargazing ceremony.

However, our family still had a backup plan. Even if Hamlet destroyed them, he failed, leaving only the unfinished ritual. "

The existence of ancient gods and the truth of the world are not secrets that cannot be told to Lance.

There is only one secret for him, and that is his true identity and panel. This is something that absolutely cannot be known to anyone.

The news that directly shocked Disma back then did not have much reaction to the old woman in front of her, because the level was different and the information she was exposed to was also different.

For the old woman, this is not a very unusual thing, because the Roma people are engaged in prophecies. In the various messy prophecies in the long history, the world is either collapsing or on the way to collapse every day.

Especially cults like to tell lies about the doomsday.

But after so many years of collapse, there has never been a real collapse. Everything is stable and improving, thriving and full of vitality.

To be honest, she really didn't believe what Lance said.

"When I returned, Hamlet had been destroyed by the cult. They are still occupying it, constantly trying to destroy the seal, continue to promote rituals to awaken the ancient gods, and bring destruction to the world."

"What do you want to express?"

Faced with these words, Lance fell into silence. Before meeting the old woman, he thought that he could use his information advantage to shock the opponent and show off.

But in fact, they were indifferent at all. In front of these extraordinary organizations that had accumulated for who knows how many years, I was indeed a bit underwhelmed.

The so-called pretentiousness and slap in the face are basically impossible to happen in reality. If you are aggressive, you are aggressive. How can someone who is capable of pretending be an aggressive person?

This was originally a joke.

"That's the thing. If the cult succeeds in destroying the world, no one can escape. I don't ask you to help me. Just don't hold me back. And since you don't like Tamara anyway, why not give her to me."

Lance has finally corrected his attitude, which is called "open attitude" for short.

The old woman found it a bit funny after hearing this, "Why do you think you can ask us to do things?"

"It's not easy to be a spy. Your Omen Seeker named Amanda has been controlled by me for causing trouble. Now it's not me asking you for anything, but what you have to compensate me for."

Perhaps she was offended by Lance's attitude, and the old woman's expression became serious.

"What if I say no!"

"It's very simple. If anyone holds me back, I will do nothing for the rest of my life and just mess with them. As long as I'm alive, I won't let them live a happy life. It depends on whether I kill them faster or they live faster."

As the saying goes, if you don't have desires, you will be strong. After Lance found that he had no need for them, he didn't need to compromise with her at all.

If I don't like it, I'll kill you, and anyone who offends me will die.

The old woman has a high position, and no one has dared to talk to her like this in how many years. She saw that he only did it for the sake of the sacred object, and now he dares to threaten her?

Just for a master to be so arrogant, does he really think that there are no Roma people?

"Hmph! You need to respect your elders enough."

The reason why I can become an elder is not through some random tricks, but through my strength!

Psychic rituals can communicate between two places and can also be used as a medium to perform occult magic.

Lance didn't understand all this nonsense, but he could clearly see the sudden burst of strong spirituality on the crystal ball, and the projection was distorted and suddenly magnified.

At the same time, a mysterious and mysterious power emerged above the phantom. It was a surge of spirituality that had never been felt before. Even if the real person was not in front of him at all, it brought pressure far beyond the pressure that the witch put on him at that time.


An idea just popped into Lance's mind, and before he could react, he was swallowed up by the surging spirituality.

But the next second, Lance was still standing there, and there was nothing strange about him.

On the contrary, the expanding projection disappeared instantly as if it had been cut off. At the same time, Lance felt a familiar strangeness. A large amount of spirituality returned to the void, and then two glass beads popped out of thin air.

Before it fell, Lance reached out and took it into his palm, playing with it carefully.

The thing is the same as the eyeball, but the weird thing is that the pupils of this thing are white, but the part called the white of the eye is indeed black.

The tone is reversed, and this thing even looks like it's still alive, with some indescribable weird feeling.

Suddenly, Lance rubbed the glass beads that looked like eyeballs and burst into inexplicable laughter.

"Hahaha! Good luck~"

In the panel, there is a piece of equipment called [Messenger]. Its function is also very simple. It is to input spirituality, and then it can communicate between two places, which is similar to video voice.

This situation has happened before, that is, the wizard tried to die and let the abyss monster explore him. The monster was backfired by the panel and died, losing two props and a lot of spiritual energy.

The situation just now also allowed Lance to spy on the long-distance communication rituals of the Roma people. They did not rely on themselves, but had some kind of existence as an intermediary.

That's why that situation happened just now. Although the spiritual feedback was not as much as last time, this [Messenger] really solved his urgent need. He finally didn't have to worry about losing control of Hamlet when he went out.


Now Lance couldn't wait for the Roma to unleash an even stronger curse on him.

Let the storm come more violently!

Lance was ecstatic on his side, but not happy on the other side.

If the old woman's attack is as fast as it is violent, then the backlash is just as fast and stronger.

A crazy spiritual storm was instantly aroused on the other side, and the spiritual agitation in the body seemed to be out of control in the next second, stepping into the evil fall that all extraordinary people feared.

Fortunately, he is a veteran and strong man who has lived for so many years. He has many means to calm his spiritual restlessness, not to mention his strong self-control ability.

"Ahem..." Gradually, the backlash was calmed down, but looking at the deeper wrinkles on the face due to the solemnity, she knew that it was far from as simple as it seemed, but only she knew the price.

But she didn't know that bigger troubles were yet to come...

At the same time, the psychic network that the Omen Seekers relied on collapsed directly, and the Omen Seekers all over the world suddenly lost contact with the headquarters.

Most of the intelligence transaction was paralyzed, which directly dealt a heavy blow to Omen Seeker's business.

Neither the inside nor the outside understood the situation, and fell into inevitable panic. Chaos continued to spread...

As if sensing the situation outside, the old woman couldn't help but feel uneasy, and quickly called the woman waiting outside to come in.

"What's going on outside?"

"Our psychic network was destroyed, and the specific reason is still under investigation..." The woman just glanced at the old woman.

After all, she also felt the spirituality that just burst out, but she didn't dare to say it directly.

The old woman still didn't understand what it meant, but she didn't care about saying anything else and immediately gave the order.

"Repair the psychic network as soon as possible, and contact Tamara. No matter what the other party says, agree first, stabilize the other party as much as possible, and then notify me."

After saying that, the old woman could only sigh in a low voice and waved her hand towards the woman.

"Oh~ I will be responsible for this matter. Let's hold a meeting of elders."

"Yes." The woman didn't know what happened, but she knew it was definitely a major matter, otherwise the elders' meeting would not have been held.

This presbytery meeting cannot be held casually, because each of the several elders needs to be responsible for some things, and usually only one or two will stay here.

So it is only held at certain times as per the convention.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, an emergency meeting will only be held temporarily when the survival crisis of the Roma people is endangered.

It also requires at least one elder to have the authority to open the highest decision-making meeting of the Roma people.

In addition to this and the elder's requirement to stabilize the other party at all costs, is what that man said true?

But this is not something she needs to consider. She is not an elder yet, she just needs to get things done.

The woman hurriedly stepped back and started making arrangements, but after she stepped back, the old woman suddenly raised her hand to cover her mouth subconsciously, and coughed violently the next second. When she let go, she found traces of blood on her palm.

The old woman couldn't help frowning when she saw this.

The psychic network was built by the Roma people after thousands of years of effort, and there have been problems. Although it has affected operations to varying degrees, I believe that as long as we regain contact with the headquarters, the anxiety will subside.

The other elders are not here, and the psychic network is paralyzed, but fortunately for such a large organization, there will definitely be a more stable way to communicate.

So this Presbyterian Church started with the blessing of the ceremony.

A total of five elders appeared in this illusory scene at this time. As the old woman told the story, the other four elders could not help but show different attitudes.

"Hiss~ This kid is so terrifying!"

"What a crazy guy!"

"Does the Earl of the Empire have such a figure?"

"I've never heard of this guy."


The old woman knew that the other elders were somewhat concerned about her face, but that was not the time to talk about that.

"This matter was caused by my recklessness and I take full responsibility. I will resign from the Presbyterian Church after the matter is resolved."

Her words were equivalent to taking all the responsibilities directly and resigning.

"We should first decide on the situation he raised, what happened to Tamara back then, the issue of Hamlet and the cult, what he calls the truth about the world, and whether to give the person to him."

The selection of elders is a very strict matter. Their existence is for the survival and future of the Roma people. This is also the meaning of their existence.

It is precisely because of this that the old woman will directly take responsibility. This is their mission, and they will not hesitate if the cost is themselves.

"I propose to grant his request."

"I don't agree. Do we need to succumb to the threat? It is just a small town that is struggling to survive, and it is completely different from the grandeur of Hamlet."

"The psychic network we built can accommodate the extraordinary power of many legends at the same time, but it was destroyed by him at will. Admit it, he is not a master in the data at all, but a legend, which is enough to gain our respect."

"If what he said is true, there is absolutely no need for us to offend such a young legendary strongman and provoke a powerful enemy for the Roma people. This is not a rational choice."

As they spoke, several people couldn't help but focus on the last elder.

Her face looked older, her breath was weak, and her mental state seemed very ordinary, with nothing special about her at all.

But at this time, it was obvious from the attitudes of several people that even if they were all elders, they still had different rights to speak.

"No matter what the truth is, he needs our help. We can release goodwill and seek cooperation, even if it costs some money, but Tamara's child cannot be given to him."

These words basically set the tone, and the focus of several people's attention shifted to Tamara.

"Yes, that person can like Tamara. It can be seen that this child's talent is very special."

"If what he said is true, then Tamara's prophetic ability will be very important and must be in our hands."

"Have you forgotten that Tamara is a fugitive? We have hunted her for so many years and made her suffer a lot. Will she really be with us even if she comes back?"

Sure enough, this sentence directly caused the meeting to fall into a brief silence.

Fortunately, the old woman knew about the situation in advance and expressed her stance immediately.

"I think Tamara is credible."

Her words also attracted the attention of other elders, who then explained the situation of Tamara's warning at that time.

"She reminded her in front of that person at that time, obviously towards us. In any case, she is one of us Roma people, not those imperial people. She will understand if she is nice to her when she comes back in the future. "


"I agree to accept Tamara." The old woman was the first to express her stance.

"Agree." The other two followed suit.

The last elder who had been expressing his objection hesitated for a while and did not agree.

"I abstain, but we must be prepared to deal with her betrayal of us."

"The resolution is passed, the next topic..."

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