Our family is in decline

Chapter 312 Intelligence

"The enemy's formation is in chaos, follow me and charge!"

Lance swung his saber and beheaded an enemy, then galloped forward.

And the armored knights behind him also started running after him.

This is not running around, but forming a charging formation.

Lance took the lead and beheaded another blind man, and then led the cavalry to kill the gangster's team.

When the cavalry stopped, there was almost no enemy left standing on the battlefield. Either they were not completely dead and howling in agony, or they were trampled to pulp by the horses' hooves.

"Damn it, where was that arrogance when you massacred the village? Why are you so vulnerable!"

Lance controlled the horse to stop and looked coldly at the corpses on the ground. The spear in his hand, which was almost soaked in blood, was still bleeding.

The horse came to the leader of this group of gangsters. He could see that he had been slashed on the shoulder with a knife, and many bones had been broken by the horse. He was already dead.

But the panic on his face did not fade at all, he was frightened.

I'm afraid he didn't expect that he just killed a few ordinary people and would be chased by the established cavalry. As for this?

Lance had been to that village, and no one from more than twenty families was spared, and they were all massacred by this group of bandits.

These guys even occupied the village for a period of time, and the traces show that the villagers suffered indescribable torture during that time, especially the women, who lived longer and suffered more severe torture.

If someone hadn't escaped, Lance wouldn't know what was going on here.

If they can't find it, there's nothing they can do about it, but if they run into it, they can only blame their own bad luck.

Lance had no intention of giving them any chance against these guys.

They must die! Not negotiable.

The only pity is that they died too happily, that is, Lance is just a lone army without follow-up troops, so there is no need for prisoners, otherwise the sanatorium lounge will be indispensable.

But similar things happen not only here, but throughout the empire, and there is not much that Lance can do.

"Damn, this kind of scum is really cheap." Dismounted from his horse and picked up a man who was not completely dead. He stabbed him with a few swords and killed him completely. He was still saying, "They should be killed." Drain the blood little by little."

"I think these little shrimps are too weak." Boudicca rode a horse with a halberd on his shoulders.

Don't think that Boudica, who was born in a barbarian tribe, can't ride a horse. On the contrary, the tribe also had pack animals when they were in the mountains, and learning to ride a horse is very easy for someone like her who has strong body control.

Lance's expansion of the cavalry regiment was not blind. In fact, he had already made preparations, and the personnel included were all those who had been previously screened to have the talent to become cavalry.

In the past, they were limited by the horses and could only take turns to ride horses for training, but now they are equipped with horse equipment and trained hard by Leonard for three days, and they already have a certain combat effectiveness.

But in the end it must be tested in actual combat. The purpose of pulling it out this time is to test the training results in actual combat. It is obvious that these ragtag groups are the best whetstones.

During the continuous fighting, the actual combat capabilities of the entire cavalry regiment have made great progress. Just now, whether it is attacking or pursuing, various formations can be used flexibly.

Disma and Boudica are still struggling with these gangsters, but Lance is thinking about more things. In the past few days, he has basically relied on the mobility of the cavalry to wipe out several large gangs. At least this old road can be calm for a while. time.

But let alone people, even the horses were a little unable to withstand the continuous fighting. Fortunately, several horse bandit gangs were defeated on the road and some horses were seized to enhance their mobility. Otherwise, the cavalry would be dragged to the move by the captured materials. Can't even move.

Lance knew it was time to go back, at least to rest for a while.

"Clean the battlefield, take a rest and prepare to go home."

Lance's order was passed on, and a smile could not help but appear on the tired faces of the soldiers when they thought of going home.

Soon the cavalry cleared the battlefield, and only the large blood stains on the ground that had penetrated into the soil and yet had not dried showed the battle just now.


At this time, the discussion inside the carriage about Hamlet and the lord did not subside.

"What impact do you think this lord will have on the situation in the empire?"

"This is unpredictable, but to be honest, in such a major event, no matter how strong an individual is, it is difficult to influence the situation. What is really important should be the identity force represented by this person. As far as I know, currently the northern empire The environment is so chaotic that he can’t even control his original territory.”

Speaking of which, the woman felt more and more strange and couldn't help expressing her doubts.

"It's very strange. Why didn't he choose to reveal his identity to the world and regain Hamlet's territory?"

It's hard to understand. After all, he is an extraordinary person and has a strong claim on this place. More importantly, he still has soldiers. Why not take back everything that belongs to him and instead waste his time in a run-down town?

If it hadn't been for the accidental intrusion of the Omen Seeker, she might not have known there was such a place in the empire.

Either he is a fool or he has greater ambitions.

He doesn't want to attract outside attention, so what is he planning?

It had to be said that the woman had guessed a little bit, but she couldn't figure out what Lance wanted.

The old woman knew a little about this issue, but she couldn't say that although the person in front of her was the person in charge of the empire area, he did not have this authority.

After all, he couldn't tell her that the lord didn't choose to regain his territory because he was fighting a cult organization and was busy saving the world.

He didn't fully believe this statement yet, let alone her.

To be honest, the Roma people don't have a strong need to save the world. They believe that there will always be someone in front of them. They just need to leave the dangerous area and wait until they are safe before coming back.

She came here just because she didn't want to offend a strong man with great potential for the Roma people. This was their survival strategy.

Short-sightedness is prevalent among the Roma people, and it can even be said to be the bad nature of this nation. Even the top leaders actually have this kind of escape idea to some extent.

But suddenly there was a problem with the pace of the carriage, which immediately attracted the attention of the two people. You must know that they encountered many robbers and robbers along the way, and this situation would be even more serious in this remote place.

"What happened ahead?"

"The convoy of a business group looks quite large. We need to wait for them to pass."

The driver quickly explained the situation, and the two of them also saw the fleet of vehicles loaded with goods that looked a little out of place.

"Anyone who dares to do this at this time is powerful. Do you know this caravan?"

"There are no flags and no obvious signs. It doesn't look like a convoy belonging to a large business group. It should be focused on small caravans nearby."

"We have now passed through and entered the northern border of the empire. Perhaps it is this kind of caravan that focuses on the surrounding areas that has more information about Hamlet, which will facilitate our subsequent actions."

"Yes!" The woman understood what the elder meant and immediately stood up to contact the convoy.

Unfortunately, the only one still taking this path now is the one that just came out of Hamlet.

Walter was a little confused when the woman came up to him. He recognized them as Roma at a glance, but his team had nothing to do with them, right?

The friendly exchange was only superficial, until the other party made insinuations about the scope of the caravan's activities, and finally brought the topic to Hamlet, a place name that instantly aroused his alertness.

Why are these Roma asking about Hamlet?

"You should also be an expert and know how important business is to us. This is how we make money."

Walter's posture clearly showed that he was wary of businessmen invading the market, and no one could tell that he was from Hamlet.

"Do you know the situation outside? We just came from outside. Maybe we can exchange information, which will be of great help to your business."

A woman is not simple at all, because she has now begun to use information that is about to expire in exchange for the resources she needs.

It can only be said that the person who can take charge of an area cannot be an idiot, and it can be solved with just one click.

This attitude of the other party only deepened Walter's curiosity. They seemed to be paying close attention to Hamlet.

In the past, he would not have any hesitation in using Hamlet's information in exchange for his own interests, because he is a businessman, and whether it harms Hamlet's interests is not important to him at all, what is important is his own interests.

But now he is a member of Hamlet, and Hamlet's interests are his own interests.

After a moment of hesitation, Walter agreed with a smile, "This is a business secret, so you have to pay more."

After a while, the exchange between the two parties ended. The woman left with the information she obtained, and Walter also turned to find Vic. He knew that this young man was placed by his side by the lord.

As for the reason, he would not ask, nor did he want to ask.

Walter quickly explained the situation, and Vic couldn't help but frown when he heard it, but he was still calm and did not rashly accuse Walter of betrayal in exchanging information.

But if he didn't say it, Walter himself would have to explain.

"What I'm talking about is some very ordinary business information. The purpose of these people must be Hamlet. Now the town is open to accept refugees. It's impossible to hide this basic information. It's better to change it to something useful. Now there is chaos outside. As a group, we need intelligence to judge the situation outside and seek development."

While explaining, Walter took out a pen and paper and quickly copied the information just exchanged, and Vic also came back from thinking.

"Boss, why do you think they are interested in Hamlet?"

"It should be related to the two Roma people around the lord." Walter actually had a guess, because he heard from his daughter that the two women were pestering the lord.

But he didn't know more things, and he wouldn't ask about them. He should leave these matters to the lord.

"Take it!" Walter handed the letter to Vic, then pulled out the map and pointed to the area, "I will hold them back for a while to buy you time. The lord should still be suppressing bandits in this area now. I will give you two horses. , you find someone to send the information, the sooner the better, it must be before these Roma arrive at Hamlet."

Vic took the information and glanced at it, then turned around and went out to make arrangements without any hesitation.

Soon someone and two horses left the convoy at the end of the convoy. At the same time, there was a small commotion within the convoy. It seemed that a carriage broke down.

These minor problems are not surprising among the fleet, but it also takes a lot of time to repair and then put them into service.

The Roma people were not aware of any problems. They were analyzing the intelligence they had obtained.

To be honest, there is almost no difference between these and what Amanda reported originally, but it is enough to prove that Hamlet is not an ordinary town at all, but a powerful "heart".

Soon the carriage moved forward again, and the rolling wheels pushed the Roma people unknown where.

Vic didn't even let anyone else come, but chose to run alone with two horses.

It would have been very dangerous for him to act like this before, because there were countless robbers and bandits entrenched on the road.

But now there are no gangsters on the road except some refugees, let alone stopping him.

This is all because the lord brought the cavalry to kill all those guys not long ago.

I have to say that when he saw the cavalry charging and sweeping away the rubbish with ease, his heart surged. He wished he could grab his saber and be among them, following the lord in the charge.

He knew that if he proposed to quit the mission and become a soldier lord again, he would most likely accept it, and would even advise himself not to feel pressure.

But after calming down, he understood that now Hamlet does not lack a cavalry, but Hamlet lacks a pair of eyes and a pair of ears.

The lord told himself a lot at that time. It turns out that the world is so big, the empire is just a part of it, and Hamlet is a place that cannot be smaller.

It was a big shock to me at that time. He had been working for the farmer in Hamlet since he was a child, and the furthest he could go.

Originally, like his father, he would be trapped here for the rest of his life, and he would not even be qualified to become a serf when the bandits arrived.

But the arrival of the lord changed everything, and he became a warrior to protect Hamlet.

In the future, he will also contribute his own strength to Hamlet, but from the light to the dark.

Vic strengthened his belief that the lord needed him and Hamlet needed him.

When Lance determined the route to suppress the bandits, he discussed it with Walter in order to ensure that the subsequent actions of the convoy would not be affected by the bandits.

Therefore, Walter can estimate Lance's current position based on the general situation, but this position is also within a range. If you are unlucky, you will miss it.

But Vic was still a little lucky, and happened to meet Lance leading the team to go back.

Then the news was reported to the lord through him, as well as Walter's letter.

"Do you think they are hostile?"

"I don't know, but I can't talk about hostility, because they didn't show too much eagerness, and Walter said that there was only one car, which is different from the Roma people's habit of traveling in convoys." Vic quickly Realizing the real meaning of the lord's words, he subconsciously asked.

"Your Excellency, you think the information they gave you is false? Just to confuse us?"

Pay off the debt (4/5).

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