Our family is in decline

Chapter 334 Weakness

When Lance was sure that the monster was the Pig Knight, he felt a wave of excitement in his heart. He originally thought that this was just an elite monster that would not appear in the peripheral area.

However, the appearance of the Pig Knight actually indicates that they have entered an important area of ​​the beast cave.

As an elite monster in the game, the Pig Knight is very difficult to deal with. It has high attack power, thick blood, and armor. A critical hit can poke out the lungs.

A few more times means that the player's will is being tested.

But in reality, I am afraid that no one can despise the oppression brought by that huge size. I believe that after the blow just now, no one will question the terrifying power contained in it.

Lance also realized something and couldn't help but look back slightly. As expected, he saw that the large shield in his hand had a dent.

You must know that this is a specially customized shield for him. Normally, an ordinary shield is made of wood covered with leather. A better shield is covered with one or two millimeters of iron, but the weight will be heavier and it will be difficult for ordinary people to use it.

But Lance doesn't have this problem. He has a showroom ready to use, and his strength is far beyond ordinary people.

So the shield of his big shield is made of a one-centimetre-thick iron plate with a layer of wood behind it as a buffer layer. After testing, a mark from a musket ten steps away is visible, and within five steps there is only a dent. Even if it is touched, it will shoot. It was not worn, but now it was directly poked into a hole.

If this happened to someone, I'm afraid...

Lance has felt the threat of the Pig Knight, so he must deal with it as soon as possible!

He was able to get away from the shock brought by the Pig Knight in the first second, and the next second he was thinking about how to deal with this big fat pig.

But it doesn't mean that others have the courage.

This is not to belittle Disma and the others, but they have never encountered similar monsters before.

When such a huge monster stands in front of him, his first reaction is not to fight, but to run away. This is the survival instinct engraved in his blood.

Fear is eating away at their will, but that doesn't mean they will give in.

"Damn it! I should have brought a larger-caliber gun!" Disma quickly reacted and pulled out the weapon from his waist with his backhand, staring at the monster with a cold face.

"Big pig, I'm going to chop you!" Boudica leaned forward and opened her hands, showing her growing excitement.

"Hmph~ If you pay more, I'll help you kill it." Tardif raised his hand to blow his nose, seemingly not caring about the enemy's strength.

"No." Lance put away his big shield and inserted the torch into the gap in the wall with his backhand, completely freeing himself. "I'll hold this knight back while you go kill the rest of the pigs and come back to help me."

Pig knights are dangerous, but where can a knight be at his best?

The answer is open space, because only through charging can those tons of weight be converted into a point of power.

Although the space here is a little larger than the pipe, and even the surrounding brick wall structure has been deliberately dug out and widened, there is still no possibility for the Pig Knight to run.

On the contrary, if you let a few miscellaneous fish in the surrounding area cause trouble, it will be in trouble if something goes wrong, especially the drummer.

The loss just now was caused by being caught off guard, and he is not an easy person to get along with. A guy who makes him suffer without bringing him any benefits is unlikely to end well.

The only value of the Pig Knight is to become spiritual.

Fire and light were unknown fears to the pigs, but they quickly adapted to the fire and began to attack outsiders like them.

But the pig knight who had just rushed to the front began to take small steps to retreat to distance itself. Lance knew that it was not afraid of running away, but preparing for the next charge.

You must not let it rush up again!

"Do it!" Lance rushed forward without much nonsense, and his target was undoubtedly the pig knight.

Tardif didn't understand why his employer rushed forward with bare hands. When he hesitated for a moment, Disma had already taken aim.


The fiery projectiles were fired directly into the crippled and raised head of the pig man, and he never missed!

What moved at the same time as the gunshot was Boudicca who rushed forward. She raised her halberd and struck at the drummer who was pushed up by the pig knight, roaring from her mouth.


Tardif didn't care about paying attention to his employer's affairs. His purpose was to do things when he was paid. He picked up the ax and rushed forward. He chose the hook hand of a pig man as his target.

Lance was not distracted from taking care of them because he believed that they were capable of dealing with some mobs, and the strength shown by the Pig Knight had to be taken seriously by him.

Striding forward, when he encountered the pig-man slaughterer in front of him, Lance raised his hand and grabbed it out of thin air. An exaggerated giant sword appeared in his hand. With a backhand move, the pig-man slaughterer was difficult to resist. , was directly slashed and flew out, and the exaggerated wounds on its body almost split it into two halves.

[Giant Killer] drinks blood, and it was born to deal with such large monsters.

Lance's footsteps could not be blocked by these rotten fish and shrimps, so he directly dragged his giant sword across the corpse and charged.

In just a few steps, he came closer, forcing the pig knight to retreat and had no choice but to fight against him.


Lance swung his giant sword and slashed away, while the pig knight raised his lance to resist. The moment the two collided, there was a sound of metal collision, and a series of sparks streaked across the blade, but in the end it was Lance who retreated. Looking back at the pig, The human knight remained motionless

In other words, he was at a disadvantage in the confrontation just now!

Lance felt the power delivered by the sword just now, his arms were still shaking a little, and he couldn't help but focus on the pig knight's weapon.

You must know that this kind of heavy lance is not the wooden lance with an iron head used by the cavalry formed by Lance.

The heavy lance is not even held by hand, but can be used with the gun frame stuck under the arm. It cannot be lifted by human hands with one hand.

But now the Pig Knight picks it up directly with his left hand. You can imagine how exaggerated the arm strength is.

But the Pig Knight didn't give him time to recover. He directly stepped forward with his short limbs and pointed his lance at Lance.

After being on guard, Lance was not afraid of it attacking. On the contrary, it would be difficult for him to attack if he really stood still. After all, the length of the lance was no shorter than a giant sword. If he took the initiative to approach it, he would be hit by it swinging the lance. A person can withstand it. Although he is not afraid, he will not take risks without thinking.

Facing the thrusting lance, Lang suddenly had a plan. He could not fight forcefully, but used his own strength to defend and counterattack.

Thinking of this, when faced with the thrusting lance, he did not swing the giant sword in his hand to resist. Instead, he raised the giant sword and placed it sideways on the sword body.

The core of using a shield is to relieve force. As long as you understand this, anything can be used as a shield, let alone the wide blade of a giant sword.

The Pig Knight is indeed huge and has exaggerated strength, but its weaknesses are also obvious. Its movements are not flexible enough and it is difficult to react instantly.

So as long as you seize the moment of attack, you can make a huge difference.

It's now!

The tip of the lance poked into the sword, but this time there was no charging charge, and Lance also took a stance without the exaggerated scene before.

On the contrary, the sword deflected at the moment of contact, using the smooth spine to guide the power of the lance to the side.

This time, the pig knight's spear had no focus. The huge force poured into the air along the tilted sword body, causing the huge body to tilt forward uncontrollably.

Lance would not miss this opportunity, or maybe he had been waiting for this moment.

The moment he swung away the lance, Lance used the sword as a shield. He rushed forward as if he was carrying a giant sword. The blade carried the power of his charge and slammed into the Pig Knight, who was tied with an iron chain. The various shields attached instantly erupted with a muffled sound.

If it were a normal-sized monster, it might be knocked away at this moment, but the Pig Knight's huge size brings an unparalleled weight that Lance can't easily shake.

The effects of force are mutual, and Lance instantly withstood the feedback force, and half of his body went numb.

However, Lance's collision had no intention of making a direct contribution. He wanted to give the Pig Knight a push when it was already in a state of collapse.

Sure enough, it had destroyed its center of gravity just now with a shot in the air and was guided by Lance, but this time it was even more serious. The four pig trotters hurriedly took small steps in an attempt to stabilize the huge body.

good chance!

Lance is now close to the Pig Knight. It is difficult to cause damage with too many shields tied to the front, but his goal is very clear.

Eat pig's feet today!

As long as one is destroyed, the remaining pig's trotters will definitely not be able to support the weight of the Pig Knight and will be directly paralyzed. Isn't an immovable mountain of meat a living target?

Ignoring the pain caused by the impact just now, he twisted his wrist and turned the giant sword to slash at the pig knight's lower limbs.

If there is anything bad about the giant sword, it is definitely that it is difficult to use and has a slow attack speed.

When Lance was ready to take action, it was only this time that finally allowed the Pig Knight to react.

He directly raised his hand and inserted the lance on the ground as a support to stabilize his body. At the same time, he waved his distorted right hand and slammed it towards Lance in front of him.

Backhand smash!

The Pig Knight was indeed an elite monster, and his reaction was too fast. Seeing the modified steel-embedded arm swing towards him, Lance felt a sense of crisis.

If he were hit, his head would probably be blown off.

He had no choice but to give up the attack and raised his giant sword in front of him.


There was a dull sound of metal collision. Under the exaggerated force, Lance took a few steps back with the giant sword before he stabilized his figure.

But the exaggerated power was not removed at all, almost all of it was endured.

No matter how strong Lance's physique was, he couldn't help but feel his internal organs rolling when he encountered such a heavy blow. His whole body was tense due to excessive exertion, veins appeared on his neck, and his face turned red.

"Cough-cough!" Lance opened his mouth and exhaled, his flushed face quickly fading, and he suddenly looked a little pale.

The constant coughing made him feel that there was a fishy-sweet smell in his throat. This taste...

Lance didn't spit it out. Instead, he gritted his teeth and swallowed it. He pulled off the mask that had expired long ago with his backhand. The next second, he bared his teeth with a ferocious expression, and you could see the blood between his teeth.

The essence and blood of your parents cannot be discarded!

For Lance, he suffered some internal injuries but recovered in an instant. He was just waiting for him to adjust his condition, and the Pig Knight was even faster than him. He had just taken the opportunity to withdraw from the field to widen the distance between the two.

At this time, Lance also calmed down. After looking at the pig knight, he directly retracted the giant sword and stared at it with empty hands.

Lance realized that he had made a mistake. In the past, he had used brute force to fight against and even kill evil fallen wizards, but now he could not find any benefit from the Pig Knight, but suffered continuous losses.

The reason is very simple, that is, it is customary to think that [Giant Killer] should be used to deal with big guys. After all, this is the reason why this sword was built in the first place.

But in fact, the use of the giant sword in this environment is subject to many constraints, and this kind of inertial thinking has restrained him.

And now Lance takes back [Giant Killer] just to liberate himself.

But the Pig Knight can't control so much, it only knows that it's time to charge.

The pig advances suddenly!

The pig knight raised his lance and charged towards Lance. It didn't run very fast, but its constantly trembling fat made it like a speeding locomotive, which was impossible to stop.

That was what happened just now. He was caught off guard and was knocked straight out.

Lance let out a long breath, but this time he didn't want to resist. He raised his hand, and the next second a musket appeared in his hand.

The trigger was pulled with almost no aim. Fire and gunfire suddenly appeared, and the projectiles spewed out of the muzzle.

Just for a moment, the running pig knight raised his head and saw the pig's head with a helmet in the middle of the projectile.

The soft lead bullet deformed at the moment of contact and did not penetrate, but the power of the gunpowder was like a heavy punch hitting the helmet hard, and all the power was transformed into violent shocks.

Just for a moment, the pig's brain was like paste. The body was still running, but the brain lost control of the body.

Lance remembered that the pigman's brain was not very good, and he was the monster that was more susceptible to [stun] among the many elite monsters.

Facing the rushing Pig, Lance twisted around like an elegant matador, but as he passed by, he took out his ax and struck the Pig Knight's trotters with an axe.

As expected, the pig knight's body modified by his ancestor was very strong, and the severe pain instantly dispelled the dizziness and came back to consciousness.

The severe pain caused it to lose its mind and go into a rage, waving its arms to kill the little guy.

But Lance would not be defeated by the same move. He dodged as if in anticipation, and seemed to have no intention of taking the opportunity to attack in a hurry.

Lance focused his attention on the bleeding pig's foot. How could he not be injured by the axe? Instead, it was quite serious. The right rear foot was almost severed.

Without the support of one pig's foot, the Pig Knight is just as Lance guessed. The remaining three are simply unable to support it, and the whole thing looks shaky.

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