Our family is in decline

Chapter 370 Crisis brewing

Lance and the werewolf were fighting fiercely, and Greendale's attention was all focused on it. They didn't notice a pair of strange eyes watching the battle in the forest in the distance.

The distance is really too far, even beyond the limit of ordinary people's vision, but those eyes can clearly see the battle happening ahead.

This ability is obviously not ordinary people, and she is the member of the eagle group who has been tracking all the way.

Even when the wolf rushed out of the forest, she had already followed him. She witnessed the battle that took place on this land with her own eyes.

As a barbarian, she was taught that the weak would die, but a child dared to attack a wolf for the sake of another, weaker child.

And she saw those soldiers who were walking in the opposite direction, getting injured trying to save ordinary people, and still shouting inaudible words when facing the barbarians and holding on to their positions, even if they were facing people who were stronger than them. to an invincible enemy.

It's not that she has never come into contact with the soldiers of the empire. On the contrary, as a member of the eagle group, they often cooperate with those soldiers to fight.

It was only through contact that I realized how bad they were. If the previous situation were applied to Bastia soldiers, those people would be the third fastest.

Why not the fastest?

Because the fastest runners are the nobles and bureaucrats.

And the second fastest is naturally their eagle flock.

Soldiers protect the private property of nobles and never have the responsibility to protect civilians.

As for the nobles, it is impossible to protect the untouchables. The knights may sound good, but how much can they do?

As far as she knew, Bastia's soldiers were pretty good. Because the territorial treatment was good, they rarely took the initiative to burn, kill, and loot. Of course, everyone pretended not to have seen what happened behind the scenes.

So the scene that happened in Hamlet had a great impact on her. She witnessed the courage of the boy and the perseverance of the soldiers.

It was shocking, but in her opinion, all this was just the struggle of the weak, meaningless at all, especially when she saw the Wolf Warriors defeating them with just one move.

Sure enough, the only person who can kill this group of barbarians is...

But at this time Greendale stood up and entangled War Wolf. Her natural power to control plants made her, a second-generation barbarian who grew up in the empire, dumbfounded.

Another group of soldiers appeared, and a tall man stopped War Wolf.

The originally collapsed situation suddenly stabilized, and she was even a little shaken, but then the Wolf Warrior easily defeated it again, and that relaxed look made all those people's persistence seem like a joke.

At this moment, she was even more convinced that the only way to kill this group of barbarians was...

At this time, the sound of gunfire interrupted her thoughts. She looked over, but this time only one person arrived on horseback.

It’s endless, right?

She was tired of this weakling's struggle and didn't want to waste any more time until she saw a strange scene.

When that man appeared, all the injured soldiers suddenly burst out with strange vitality. Even the seriously injured ones quickly stood up and rejoined the battle.

By the time she reacted, the weapon in the man's hand was even more terrifying.

A giant sword taller than a man!

The battle that broke out between the two sides completely overturned her understanding of the power of the human body, and she could feel the strong pressure even from such a distance.

Now she is somewhat grateful that she was transferred away by the little boss, but also somewhat afraid of the arrow she shot at the ceremony.

If you face the wolf warrior... you will die...

At this moment, she clearly realized that she was just a weak person, but she had assumed the perspective of a strong person before.

Her ideas were changing, and only then did she realize how precious the resistance and persistence of the weak was.

Anyway, she had never experienced any help from her teammates, and no one would step forward to protect her.

An eagle leaving the nest will be disliked. It must fly on its own. Indifference is the main color of the eagles.

It turns out that it’s not that I hate this, but the jealousy that I long for but can’t get…

At this moment, her heart was on the side of what she considered the "weak", as if she was on the same side as them.

Especially when I saw that the arrogant warrior wolf was being suppressed and beaten, I felt a strong sense of pleasure in my heart. The strong stimulation kept flooding my brain, making me excited, and I wanted to draw my bow and shoot.

But the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse. War Wolf cut off his one eye and transformed into a werewolf. This series of changes only took a dozen seconds.

The terrifying posture of the werewolf already exudes terror that can be felt even from such a distance, and the falcon on the shoulder can't help but flutter and want to fly away.

Similarly, when the werewolf launched an attack, her heart was lifted instantly, as if she was among those soldiers, and she couldn't help but hold on to the bow.

The iron shield stretched out, and the man actually stood in front of the soldier to stop the werewolf, but this also made her breathe a sigh of relief, as if she had been saved.

But then she had doubts, why would such a strong man protect a soldier? The big people he came into contact with didn't care about this at all.

She couldn't figure it out, and for a moment she became very curious about that person.

But she had no time to care about this, as all her attention was attracted by the battle ahead.

But just when she was looking at it in rapt attention, the falcon next to her suddenly let out a "quacking" sound.

The woman turned around suddenly, the bow and arrow in her hand had already been opened and she shot an arrow.


There was a crisp sound, and the invincible arrow did not hit the target. Instead, it hit something in the air and flew out.

It wasn't until the thing pierced the trunk of a tree that it turned out to be an exquisite flying knife.

"Who?" The woman had already set up a second arrow and pointed to the side, threatening: "Come out quickly!"

"Have you been discovered~"

A slightly casual voice came out, and then a enchanting figure walked out. It was Amanda, the omen seeker who had followed Lance.

Although her horse had extraordinary pedigree, it was still a little behind, and by the time she arrived, Lance and Wolf Warrior were already fighting.

She knew that rushing into it would only delay her.

Just when she was hesitating, she habitually touched a hand of cards for divination and found that her luck was not in this direction.

Why was she the only one able to find Tamara whose whereabouts were hidden by the sacred objects?

It's this unique skill of super perception.

When she came to find him, she found this sneaky guy.

Both of their eyes fell on each other. The members of the eagle group could feel that the scantily clad woman in front of them was not easy to mess with, but they could not tell the origin.

"Why are the people from the eagle group here?" But Amanda glanced at the woman's dress, her eyes paused on the falcon for a moment and asked.

But looking at the look of surprise on her face, I knew it wasn't that simple. I thought it was just an ordinary barbarian that was missed, but I didn't expect there was an unexpected gain.

The woman couldn't help but be shocked when she heard Amanda tell her origin.

"Who are you anyway?"

"I need a gift." Amanda looked at her face hidden in the hood, and the smile on her face became wider, "I can lend it to you."

After hearing this, the members of the eagle group couldn't help but draw their bows and shoot arrows.


With a loud bang, Amanda swung the long whip in her hand and knocked the arrow away in the air. The battle between the two was about to break out!


Hamlet, suburban refugee camp.

With Lance's deliberate propaganda and the help of some people, more and more refugees came here with various purposes.

Hamlet's efficiency is indeed very high, but the regulations are here. Those refugees need to go through a series of registration procedures, etc., which will naturally cause delays, and then more and more refugees will be stagnated.

And these people don't get very good care. No one cares about them except for a bowl of gruel a day.

It was still dark, but a few people sneaked into a broken tent and gathered together in the dark corner to whisper something.

"There's news from above. Tomorrow will be our chance to hit these guys hard."

"Is it really possible? We only have this few people?"

"We can encourage these refugees to storm the towns. They are like a thin layer of ice. It only takes one stone to break them."

"As long as we succeed, we will have the opportunity to ascend, don't you think?"


Soon these people dispersed and returned to their own places. There were still people here during the day, but no one would care about it at night, so it was difficult for anyone to notice this, but some kind of news was passed around. .

Yes, Lance has relaxed the conditions to accept refugees. This move can bring in a large number of laborers in a short period of time, but it is also inevitable that some people with ulterior motives will be mixed in.

And these are obviously the believers of the Ascension Sect.

No one knows the situation in the Hamlet area better than the Ascension Sect, not even Lance, the nominal lord.

In fact, when Wolf Warrior and Alvin entered this place, they were already aware of it, because as long as there was killing, there would be them, and these outsiders were even very welcome to cause killing here.

However, the development of things gradually became outrageous, until both of them accidentally killed many believers. Alvin even killed all the believers in a town, which also attracted the attention of the higher-ups of the Ascension Sect.

Initially, the senior management thought these were Reims' foreign aid, but after figuring out the situation, they keenly realized that this would be an excellent opportunity to attack Hamlet and reverse a series of recent losses.

Their arrangements were immediately launched.

Generally speaking, as long as you go through a few flesh and blood rituals, your brain will be damaged, and your body will become very strong, and you can't disguise it at all. Therefore, these cultists who blended in among the refugees are actually just one or two rituals away from the ones Alvin killed. of ordinary believers.

But they may only be five hundred yards away from the town, and you must know that Hamlet has no city walls. Once they rush in...


Hamlet, Northern Wilderness.

Figures swayed in the dark forest, and there was a slight noise for a moment.

"Lady Saint, it's almost dawn. When will we launch our attack?"

A strong man asked the woman beside him for instructions, and the way he bowed showed his attitude.

The saint girl he mentioned was dressed differently from other cultists. She did not wear a black iron mask. Even in a dim environment, it was difficult to hide her delicate and beautiful face and snow-white skin. The clothes on her body only covered key parts. Show off that enchanting figure.

If she weren't wearing revealing clothes, she wouldn't look like a cultist at all, more like a noble lady.

The staff in his hand is also quite strange. It is almost the same length as an arm, but it is attached to it like nerves, and flesh and blood tissue like tentacles are entangled on it, and the point where these flesh and blood meet is the closed eyeball at the top. .

And if you look closely, you can find that the hand holding the staff is missing a finger, which instantly destroys the overall image.

The cult saint did not answer when she heard this. She looked towards the outpost in the distance with strong hatred in her eyes.

Speaking of which, she and Lance also fought against each other several times.

The town that was captured by Lance was originally under her control. Compared with some other shabby camps, it was a sign of importance for the senior management to entrust her with the responsibility of that key town.

But when Lance conquered the town and slaughtered everyone, she happened to go out and miss it.

Later, she wanted to lead the team to ambush and assassinate him, but she didn't expect that even the gods' followers failed to kill him. Instead, she was caught off guard and had her finger bitten off by a white wolf, forcing her to retreat.

These two blows directly caused her to pay a heavy price, and the same hatred continued to accumulate.

In this operation, the senior leaders of the Ascension Sect knew that the power of ordinary believers could not defeat the outpost, so she stepped forward and got this opportunity to prove herself to our Lord.

"Wait a minute, we are not the only ones attacking. The entire Hamlet will be ignited by the flames of war. This time we must make them pay the price." The saint's expression became more and more fanatical, raising her hands and shouting, "For the sake of ascension!"

"For ascension." The strong man agreed and then stepped back without saying anything else.

There is no doubt about the hierarchy within the sect, and everything is for the sake of ascension.

The goal of their part was the outpost nailed into the wilderness.

The outpost was restored based on an abandoned fortress from the previous era. The reason why it appeared in this place is simple. This location is like a nail driven into the wilderness. The soldiers here can respond quickly without removing it.

Fortunately, the old guy didn't care about the military aspect at all and just abandoned the place, allowing Lance to take over without any effort.

Otherwise, he only needs to send a hundred people to maintain the defense here, and it will be difficult for Lance to go deep into the wilderness.

If he wants to attack here and pull out this nail, then Lance must be prepared to pay a huge price, but now it is the ancestor who needs to pay the price.

This was not their first attack, but their previous attempts had yielded nothing except paying the lives of some believers.

Now that newly added refugees have been sent here, there are more human resources, and with the strong promotion of Lance, the development of the wilderness has become more and more intense, and the Ascension Sect's activity space has been continuously compressed.

Now as long as we take advantage of the chaos, we can completely destroy the development of the wilderness and let this land usher in killing and chaos again.

More and more believers are gathering from the wilderness... (End of this chapter)

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