Our family is in decline

Chapter 414 The action begins

Although in fact he suppressed these cases mainly because they were too piecemeal and could not directly give those Roma people a strong impact, and at the same time they were not considered a handle.

But they will definitely be caught in the end, but this is more out of political considerations, and they want to use these as bargaining chips to help Amanda establish her authority.

But now that Amanda has given up on her own initiative, there is no longer any need, so there is no need to worry about anything.

To deal with these Roma people, we must use heavy blows!

Lance mobilized the Sheriff's fighting spirit with just a few words. They had been busy for so long and were waiting for today.

After several expansions, there are now close to a hundred police officers. Some of these people are retired from the army, and some are those who have done well in the training camp but failed to enter the army due to various reasons.

Others who are more intelligent or have strong observation skills are also recruited. There are even women here. Lance is trying to break the gender differences that are not obvious but actually exist.

And these women are not simple at all. Don't underestimate the toughness contained in these bodies that have been doing farm work since childhood, because the conditions for becoming a sheriff are the same, and Lance treats them equally and does not relax them.

The reason why Lance did this is because the Sheriff's team will have to deal with a more complex security environment in the future. If there is a female Sheriff, it will be more convenient when encountering some situations.

From these Roma and the crew of the merchant ship, we can see that with the development of Hamlet, it is impossible to hide as before. He is destined to appear in the world, and the exchanges between people will gradually become intensive.

It's obvious that Lance has been strengthening the Sheriff's team in order to maintain control after opening Hamlet.

At the same time, as the number of people increased, the structure of the police officers also fell behind, and they could not always rely on military training camps for blood transfusions. They should have their own training grounds and their own training methods.

After all, the military's job is to kill people, while the police's job is to maintain law and order.

There are also plans to transform Lance into the Sheriff, but this will have to wait until the construction of the new police station and training ground is completed.

However, it does not affect their execution of the [general cleaning] operation now, because under Lance's order, hundreds of police officers quickly completed the assembly.

Their clothes do not yet have uniforms, and even police badges are in short supply because Hamlet's productivity cannot keep up with the expansion of enrollment.

The only thing that unified them was the red scarf tied on their arms to distinguish them from ordinary people.

But this does not hinder their morale. It has been suppressed for too long, but now it is finally released because of the lord's order.

"Report! Everyone is here!"

"Hamlet's order cannot be broken." Lance waved his hand at the sheriffs with a serious face, "William, you lead the team and set off immediately!"


William held Figgus in one hand and picked up the baton in the other, showing a tough attitude.

He has put up with those Roma people for a long time, and today he is finally going to take action.

And the dog Figus also seemed to feel the attitude of his owner. He changed from his previous gentle and lively attitude, and instead took on a hunting posture.

Maybe the hunt has begun for it...

Today, there are two main places for the Roma in Hamlet, one is a temporary camp set aside for them, and the other is where stalls are set up in the central square.

Hundreds of people mobilized with great fanfare, and the large group of people moved directly towards the central square without any cover.

"You go to block the intersection at the port, you go to block the other side, you guys come with me..." William directed the Sheriff to separate two teams to block the three intersections in the square, and then led the team directly towards the rows in the middle. Go past the place where the Mu people gathered.

The locals who saw Hamlet along the way were not afraid, but looked excited.

Although the crew members were also a little curious about what was going on, they mostly stayed away from these peace officers. Their survival strategy told them that it was best not to be too curious, as it would kill people.

But the Roma people felt great pressure from these aggressive police officers, and seemed to realize that these people were coming towards them.

They were like mice trying to escape after seeing a cat. Judging from their skillful appearance, it was obvious that this was not the first time they had offended someone and then been approached.

In this way, it seems that Tamara and Amanda's previous bad personalities are probably the reason why they grew up in this environment.

But in the past, they were able to escape because the enforcement of public security in those towns was low and there was no strong control method. This situation was impossible to happen in Hamlet. The layout was already formed the moment William gave the order to take action.

Even the locals in Hamlet showed unusual solidarity. Some of them even picked up tools to help the sheriff block the streets. This is a situation that is impossible to happen elsewhere.

It can be said that due to Lance's unremitting efforts, the residents of Hamlet have not only improved their living standards, but also changed their thinking, and their moral standards have been greatly improved.

Whether it was the previous invasion of Wolf Warriors, the attack of the Ascension Sect, or now, they have the courage to stand up and are willing to take on some social responsibilities.

In fact, the fundamental reason is that if they can have enough food in Hamlet, they will want to maintain it.

If you don't even have enough to eat, who can tell you about your moral standards when you're hungry?

In this case, the Roma people were obviously panicked after they found that several intersections were blocked. The characters of these Roma people are inexplicably egotistical. They regard themselves as the center of the world, and they showed strong resistance after they could not escape. Aggression.

"Damn it! What do they want to do?"

"Do you want to take action? I'm not afraid of them!"

"Kill out!"

But Lance's attitude was tougher than theirs.

"William, please tell them that we are looking for criminals and it has nothing to do with anyone else. But who dares to resist law enforcement? If the warning fails, force can be used." After Lance finished speaking, he stretched out his hand towards Boudicca, "Boudica, you go up, who dares to resist law enforcement?" If you strike first, just hit me, as long as you don't die."

"Okay boss!" Boudica suddenly became excited. After handing the ax gun to Lance, he clenched his fist and walked towards the Roma men angrily.

William also led Figes forward and announced to the Roma people that they were arresting the criminals.

Lance doesn't want to show up yet. He needs his people to be able to control the situation. After all, he can't be there all the time.

Others originally thought that a conflict would break out, but when William and the Sheriff shouted a few times to explain the reason, they actually backed down.

This made Boudica a little dissatisfied. In her opinion, these people were intimidated too quickly. They had shouted so loudly just now, but after a while of gearing up, no one resisted, and no one even gave her a chance to take action. No.

It's not surprising to see this in Reims. He can say that he clearly understands the characteristics of the Roma people.

Now the Sheriff's numbers and equipment are obviously stronger than theirs, but they are just a little bit stronger. Naturally, they will be honest, because they know that resisting will not end well.

But this does not mean that they are convinced. On the contrary, they are like a wild wolf with its head lowered, ready to raise its head and open its mouth to bite someone at any time.

With so many people, the review of the Roma people was quickly completed, and a few of the guys who had committed crimes were found among them.

William also followed Lance's instructions and released other Roma who had not committed any crime on the spot.

When the Roma people saw this scene, the situation became more complicated. To be honest, they did not expect that they would let themselves go so easily. They thought more that these guys wanted to blackmail them. From their Make some money on yourself.

They have encountered many similar situations. The city defense troops or police often ask for money from them and imprison them if they don't give it.

But I didn't expect that they only arrested a few people, and they also told the reasons for arresting them on the spot, such as petty theft and fraud.

As for the captured Roma, no matter how much they denied or begged for mercy, it was of no use and they were taken away directly.

And Boudica also walked back angrily, looking a little aggrieved and complaining to Lance.

"These black bean sprouts are more cowardly than mice, and I haven't even done anything yet!"

"Do you think this is over? The action has just begun, when you fight." Lance didn't take it seriously, and then told William the next move.

"Search for those Roma people in the whole town and arrest everyone on the list."

"Sir, we should attack their camp now. Otherwise, things may not be that simple after these people go back to remind them." William's observation was still very keen. He found that the Roma who were let go immediately Go back to the camp.

After tipping off the information, the security team's actions may be frustrated. You must know that there are more than 300 Roma gathering there.

"I just want to drive them all back to the gathering place. I want everyone to know that we are taking action against the Roma people. Anyone who dares to break Hamlet's law and break the rules will bear the price."

Lance was eager to make things worse.

As for the Roma troubles?

Do you really think he doesn't exist? Do you think Hamlet's army is fake?

William didn't have much objection, so he turned around and took action. Teams dispersed instantly to find trouble for the Roma people.

They have absolute initiative in the town, because there are spies everywhere, and the local residents are also very tired of these Roma people. When they see the Sheriff taking action, they will applaud and cheer, and then secretly tell the Sheriff and others Report the time.

"They're there."

"Run away from here."

"Hide here."

Catch what should be caught and release what should be released. The order of the entire Hamlet Town did not have any problems due to the general cleaning operation. On the contrary, it went on smoothly.

Of course, after being divided into small groups, the deterrent effect on the Roma people was not enough. Some guys tried to escape and resist, but Lance didn't waste any words and let Boudicca go directly.

Boudicca was as agile as a leopard in the jungle. He could easily catch up with the Roma who ran away and then punch him a few times.

When someone wants to use a knife, he doesn't have any trouble. He goes up to grab the knife and punches him a few more times.

No one she targeted could escape. Boudica found some relief in this pursuit, which was as easy as a game, and she even let out an excited roar at times.

"Boss, I caught another one!" Boudicca dragged a dead dog-like Roma back with one hand and threw it to the sheriffs.

"Very good~" Lance smiled casually and encouraged him with approval.

There is no need for him to take action now. Not all Roma are members of the organization's training. They may be aggressive to a certain extent, but most of them are still ordinary people who are hooligans.

But then there was some trouble. There were at least five extraordinary people gathered in the camp, as well as many Roma guards who had received real training.

Due to the home field advantage, the Roma people in the town were directly cleared once, and everything was checked and checked.

Finally, the Sheriff gathered together again and headed towards the camp on the outskirts.

Most of them had accumulated confidence in the Roma people in the previous actions and did not feel much pressure on the actions they would wait for.

Because of the suppression by Lance, they did not take coercive measures against the Roma before, which would put them at a disadvantage when facing the provocation of the Roma.

But the police cannot show weakness to criminals, they must rebuild their confidence, which is why Lance insists on making a scene first.

Take those loose Roma men to tiptoe, sharpen their knives, and re-establish the majesty of the Sheriff.

Otherwise, these people would have had psychological problems in the past when they encountered resistance from the Roma people.

But looking at them now, there is basically no such pressure.

Even Boudica's excitement was easily contagious to others, and William's unwavering leadership was enough to serve as a leader.

When they approached the camp, they found that the Roma who had been let go had gathered back.

Usually there are differences between their teams, but now they are all united together, and their resistance posture is also obvious.

Lance could still vaguely feel the aura of extraordinary power, which was why he also came over.

But in fact, several leaders of the Roma people gathered together at this time to discuss the unexpected situation. It was obvious that they couldn't figure it out.

After all, Hamlet was quite peaceful to them before. No one expected that such a thing would happen suddenly, so his attitude was more of confusion and of course anger.

"Those lunatics! What do they want?"

“Don’t they know that we Roma are friends of their lords?”

“Is this how they treat their guests?”

"That's enough! You really don't know why?" The chattering words of several women gathered together caused dissatisfaction among one of them.

The woman on top of the throne was the one from Totnes who had a conflict with Amanda before.

At this time, a look of displeasure could be seen clearly on her face.

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