Our family is in decline

Chapter 433 New Enemies in the Beast Cave

"Waaaah!" Boudica let out a manic roar while holding the ax gun in her hand. The blood splashing on her body added a bit of madness, because there was no enemy in front of her who could stand up for her to pour out. furious.

"Calm down, take a deep breath, and learn to control your rage and draw strength from it, instead of being controlled by your emotions and becoming a slave to your strength."

Lance was calm as usual and said something to Boudicca, while the [Wolf Fang] in his hand was still dripping with blood.

Following his gaze, I saw Boudica holding an ax and gun and breathing heavily. Even a mask could not block the obvious movement. Looking at the bloodshot eyeballs, you knew that the excitement had not completely faded away.

On the ground are the corpses of fallen pigmen. Although the degree of deformity may vary, the modified appearance looks like a familiar face.

It was obvious that a battle that took place in the cave had just ended.

This happened because he was wearing two extraordinary pieces of equipment, [Legendary Bracers] and [Frenzy Pendant].

In the past, they were equipped separately, but this is the first time to wear two pieces at the same time. The speed has been significantly improved, and the improvement in strength is even more terrifying!

But it was at this time that her emotions began to become very unstable and she could easily lose control.

When encountering an enemy, he immediately becomes excited. Sometimes he goes crazy and cannot control himself at all.

Now Lance understands why the game is limited to equipping only two extraordinary accessories.

Because the extraordinary power above will not only bring powerful increases, but also affect the user.

Boudicca is not a supernatural person, so he cannot feel the spiritual turmoil brought by extraordinary power, so the pressure caused by environmental stimulation will deepen.

The spirit will be more fragile and more likely to break down.

But as she went down, her control got better and better, and she was able to control herself.

Boudicca fought against himself and slowly separated his consciousness from the battle. Lance also raised his hand to sacrifice the corpses of the pigs to replenish his spiritual energy, and then turned back to introduce to the other two people.

"We have explored this place before, and we cleaned up the pigs at that time. Unexpectedly, they were replenished in just a few days. The number did not decrease, but increased."

Because Lance came in unparalleled because of the rush, I have to say that this extraordinary weapon with its own armor-piercing and sharp characteristics is so easy to use that no pig can hold it, and it cuts through melons and vegetables with one knife at a time.

It originally took several days of exploration to get here, but now it only takes one day to get here, most of which was spent on the road.

The people I encountered on the road were all old faces like the Pig Slaughterer, the Pig Hookhand, the Pig Drummer, and the Pig Cripple.

Alhazred and Amanda didn't even participate in the battle much along the way, or it could be said that they really had no fighting ability in this state.

The reason is also very simple, that is the pressure brought by the environment of the den.

The team we formed before were all robbers and bounty hunters who lived at the bottom, and the environment they were exposed to was not hygienic, so they were naturally resistant to this dirty environment.

But Amanda and Alhazred are both extraordinary people, and they have backgrounds, and they would not be exposed to this kind of environment.

You can tell from the fact that Tamara's carriage was filled with all kinds of messy clutter, but Amanda's interior was filled with exquisitely decorated rooms.

After being exposed to the environment of the beast cave, the two of them had a deeper understanding than before listening to Lance's description.

It was a true interpretation of filth and filth. What was even more terrifying was the odor mixed together. Taking a breath was like a bolt of lightning striking the soul!

Even if I had prepared a scented mask, it was almost overwhelming. Walking and breathing in it was equivalent to being attacked.

Not to mention that in a dark environment, it was hard to tell what weird thing they would step on next, which would increase their psychological pressure.

The good news is that with the help of masks, I managed to survive the most difficult beginning. Now I don’t have such a big reaction. I have adapted to it more or less, just like Lance and Boudica who have been through it once.

"The front is the sacrificial pillar I mentioned before. There used to be a pig knight guarding it, but I have killed it, so I don't know if there will be new enemies."

Lance raised the torch in one hand and walked forward, his steps steady and without the slightest hint of worry.

His strength has been greatly improved compared to the last time, not to mention that he has also changed to extraordinary weapons, so he is not afraid even if he encounters a pig knight again.

And Boudica gradually calmed down by adjusting his breathing rhythm, picked up the ax gun and followed the second position.

Originally, Lance was ready to engage the enemy, but when they went up to that space, they did not encounter the pig man.

"It seems we destroyed the stone pillar last time and made them abandon this place."

Lance took a torch and circled around but didn't see the Pig Man, and now he probably guessed the reason.

The stone pillar has lost that power, and even the pig people don't worship it.

Is it God you are praying for? All he wants is strength.

Piggy is really too utilitarian and needs to be educated!

Alhazred finally saw the real thing, holding the skull candlestick in one hand and approached the stone pillar.

Amanda is also not to be outdone, but don't forget that she is also from a major. With the help of Roma channels, her eyes have also identified countless good things.

"The material is a very ordinary stone pillar, and the power on it has completely faded. As for the sacrificial ceremony..." Alhazred walked around the stone pillar, seeming a little disappointed, "There is nothing obvious about roughness and barbarism. feature."

Amanda didn't speak, but she also understood that if she really discovered something, she wouldn't say anything, and she could only come to the same conclusion.

"Don't worry, the cave is very big. The part we explored is just the outer part. No one knows what surprises are waiting for us inside."

Lance didn't care. If it was really that easy to find something, he wouldn't need to work so hard to decipher the manuscript, and would even take two people on a special trip.

Alhazred did not seem to pay attention to Lance's words, but raised the skull candlestick, closed his eyes to himself, and murmured slight words in his mouth, which were even more difficult to understand after being separated by the mask.

When he opened his eyes again, they looked a little solemn.

"The power on the stone pillar has disappeared completely, but there is a lot of evil atmosphere mixed here. This can no longer be explained by a single corruption. What happened?"

Lance was a little embarrassed when he heard what he said. It can't be said that it was a good thing done by his ancestor, right? I had to quickly change the topic.

"Go on, you'll know what comes in."

Lance didn't waste any time and took everyone straight in... As we went deeper, the situation quickly changed.

Although there are some signs of renovation outside, most of them are just simple destruction.

But now the deeper you go into the space, the larger it gets, and those passages and rooms seem to have been consciously transformed.

The passage could only accommodate one person originally, and two people seemed reluctant to do so, but now three people walking side by side would not be crowded, and the height was also higher. At least Lance felt that he had enough space to wield his weapon.

It was originally just a sewer maintenance entrance, but it was dug directly into an exaggerated hall.

The brick wall structure has been dug out, and only some haphazardly piled bricks and stones are used as supports. However, it does not seem to give people a sense of security at all. On the contrary, they are more worried that the roof has not collapsed. These piled up bricks and stones are one step ahead. Collapse.

These renovations and widenings made the originally solid sewers dangerous. Lance could not imagine why they had not collapsed?

I wonder if it won’t collapse, right?

"This place is a bit out of the sewer. What did those pigs do?"

Even Lance, who had already been here once, couldn't help but sigh when he was looking at the surrounding environment.

However, it wasn't Lance's turn to complain more, and an encounter started immediately.


Suddenly, he seemed to feel something. As soon as Lance shouted, the sharp hissing of the pig man sounded in the dark passage in the distance.

Under the illumination of the torches and fireworks, several twisted figures rushing over quickly were vaguely visible, and one of them, which was slightly taller, was obvious.

"It's the pig drummer, don't give it a chance to attack, deal with it first!"

Without waiting to meet the enemy head-on, Alhazred did not talk nonsense at all. He raised the skull candlestick with his left hand and pushed it in front of him. He made weird gestures with his right hand and muttered something at the same time.

Suddenly, the candle on the skull candlestick was ignited by an invisible force and emitted blue flames. At the same time, the skull's eyes shot out two cold rays of light, and the entire skull emitted a faint fluorescence, which was more obvious in the dark environment of the cave.

Hand of the Abyss!

With the blessing of the magical weapon, a strange power came, as if tentacles made of dark red spiritual structure stretched out directly from the void, and directly swallowed the tall and thin figure of the pig drummer.

Although the summoned spiritual tentacles dissipated in just an instant, the evil power was unbearable even for twisted flesh and blood creations, and they froze in place.


Boudica's manic roar echoed in the passage, and the slightly wider space here further relaxed her restrictions, and she charged directly forward to kill the drummer.

But at this time, there was a slight vibration in the ground, and a huge black shadow swayed out of the darkness and crashed into Boudicca.

As if aware of the danger, Boudica only had time to put the ax gun in front of him. The next second when the forces collided, Boudica was in a weak position and flew backwards and fell to the ground.

But Boudica was not an ordinary person. The attack just now did not cause any direct harm, but was more of an unprepared mistake.

But this also ignited her anger, and she rushed forward with her weapon.

The pig drummer is still there, but Boudica is not the only one in the team who deals damage.

While Alhazred cast a spell to control the pig drummer, Amanda raised her hand and threw the throwing knife.

Even in the darkness, she can identify the target with the spiritual light at the moment of casting the spell. It is conceivable that her strength is not weak at all.

The flying knife accurately inserted into the chest of the pig drummer, causing damage, but this flesh wound was not enough to kill him. On the contrary, the pain also inspired the pig drummer to go crazy. He broke free from the dizziness and opened his broken fangs. The big mouth roared.

The strong emotion was about to pour into the man's skin drum as it raised its hand, and then burst out.

At this moment, a gunshot suddenly exploded in the passage, and Lance's gun-wielding figure emerged in the instantly rising fire.

Then the next second, the pig drummer fell to the ground with his head tilted. Although there were some twists and turns, he finally controlled the game at the beginning and used damage to kill the most troublesome pressure monster.

Is there anyone who doesn't cast spells in seconds at the beginning?

But the battle situation was far from that simple. Lance was slightly distracted before he noticed that Boudicca did not deal with the enemy immediately.

You must know that with her current strength, it is only a matter of two swords to cut down the strong pig-man slaughterer.

The environment was dim and far away. Even if Lance held up a torch, it was difficult to see clearly what was under the black shadow. He had no choice but to expand his [spiritual vision] to peer into the nature of reality.

But just at this glance, I could see that a short figure, even hidden in the darkness, and a ghostly figure had already taken advantage of the commotion to rush forward.

But there are two of these monsters!

One of the obvious targets was Boudicca, who stood out from the team for some distance, while the other was rushing towards the team.

"Boudica be careful!"

Accompanying this sound was the sound of a gunshot. The bullets whizzed and then there was the sound of gold and iron clashing. The sparks that exploded instantly showed that the shot was actually blocked.

In Lance's eyes, the short figure only paused for a moment before getting up again, while the other one had already rushed forward.

The thing was so fast that even Lance couldn't be sure to shoot and stop two of them. He didn't care about so many and just raised his hand to summon his animal friends.

"Prosperous wealth!"

Wangcai, who had been wandering in the void, was summoned and directly crossed the boundary between reality and void in an extremely cool gesture.

The darkness of reality and many obstacles do not exist in Wangcai's eyes. The figure directly pulls out the shadow as it runs, like a stream of light, and the next second it reorganizes into a figure in front of the short monster. The head of a biting wolf passed by.

Others couldn't see it, but Lance could see the wolf head formed by Wangcai biting the soul of the short enemy, and it was like flesh and blood that Wangcai tore off and devoured piece by piece.

Suddenly, there were miserable screams in the environment, and at the same time, there was the monster struggling crazily in the darkness, but it was difficult to hurt Wangcai's figure.

Both Amanda and Alhazred, two inspired supernatural beings, saw this scene.

They have all seen the world, but it is precisely because of this that they understand how outrageous wealth is.

Ghosts, resentful spirits, and various evil spirits are also spiritual structures, and their attacks ignore the body and directly attack the soul.

It is not that Alhazred has never seen spirits sealed in ruins, but they are extremely unstable, have no consciousness, and only have the instinct of destruction. They usually need to rely on the anchor point of reality, or some kind of obsession.

But Wangcai is special in that it has no real anchor point, is not controlled by Lance, and has self-awareness. It is an action initiated by itself.

But the shock was only for a moment, because the short figure had already rushed into the light of the torch...

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