Our family is in decline

Chapter 459 The power of public opinion

At this time, seeing this scene again, it was difficult to feel any joy in my heart. Instead, I felt a breath of depression in my heart, and the look he looked at the woman also contained pity.

But at this moment, the eyes of the two made contact.

The woman on the other side was frantically looking for an opportunity to escape. With just a brief eye contact, she could spot Laura. The woman's intuition told her that she was also a woman, and the way she looked at her was different from those of those people.

In this environment, she had no more choice, just like a drowning person who would go crazy when seeing a straw and cry for help to Laura.

"Help me! Help me!"

Laura couldn't protect herself now and didn't want to cause trouble at all. When she noticed the woman's reaction, she immediately turned around and wanted to leave.

Seeing Laura turn around, the woman's survival instinct was aroused. She seemed to know that if she lost this opportunity, she would die. She actually struggled to stand up and rushed over there.

She wanted to grab at straws, but in a panic, she lifted Laura's hood, revealing that only half of her hairstyle was left, and the remaining half was only stubble of different lengths that had just grown.

Everyone on the scene couldn't help but laugh when they saw this scene. The two clowns were in the same frame.

It is said that hair has a special meaning to the people of the Eagle Group, and this behavior is equivalent to opening Laura's wounds.

She had suffered a lot in the past few days. She had been ridiculed just now and her mood was extremely unstable. This time it completely detonated her.

"Get away!"

A furious look appeared on Laura's face, and she subconsciously turned around and raised her hand to push the woman out.

"Ah!" the woman exclaimed. Her hands were tied and it was difficult to find her balance. This push made her lose control even more.

But no one expected that just like that, the woman would stumble backwards a few steps, and then fall down.

The back of her head hit the corner of the table and was immediately covered in blood. The woman also fell to the ground and became unresponsive.

No one expected it, because this scene happened so suddenly, and the place suddenly became quiet.

Even Laura herself was stunned, and the angry expression on her face turned into panic. She just wanted to push her away, and had no intention of hurting her at all.


But others didn't think so, especially the leader who was about to enjoy the beauty. The leader on the stage slapped the table and stood up, raised his finger and pointed at Laura and screamed in a strange voice.

"Damn bald bitch!"

Laura reacted immediately and looked at the furious leader not knowing what to do for a moment.

No! I screwed up again!

And with the leader's words, the field suddenly became lively. Anyway, women don't have a share in them. If they die, they will die, that is, to have some fun. It doesn't matter who the fun is.

The leader was furious, and someone around him wanted to show off. The two guards picked up their weapons and walked towards Laura, waiting for an order to kill the guy who had offended the leader.

This kind of thing would never happen in the tribe, but now it is the Eagle Flock, not the Eagle Claw Tribe.

"never mind!"

The leader also wanted to kill this guy who ruined his own good, but the count's move to ask the housekeeper to send Laura back finally made the leader hold back.

He was not sure if this was a trap set by the count, asking this guy to deliberately kill the woman to anger him, just to test himself.

Ever since the housekeeper sent Laura back that day, she naturally took on the identity of an earl, which made him extremely afraid.

People can die on any mission, but they cannot die here. Otherwise, if the person the Count wants to protect dies, he will pay a huge price.

It's hard to say what the leader has in mind, at least he wouldn't dare to show it in front of the earl.

Is it really just for the sake of playing with women that this big fight is going on? It feels more like putting the handle into the earl's hands and making him feel at ease with the eagles.

In order to survive, the eagles had completely offended the barbarians in the mountains and were basically tied to death in the count's car.

But the eagles' overactive attitude would also put pressure on the earl, not to mention that they did the dirty work for the earl and knew too much.

damn it! The barons under your command are not as active as you, what do you want to do?

Then they often do things like sneaking around and bullying the people, and they will only look for ordinary people and will not offend the nobles at all. It is best to make trouble, but not too much.

If you find an excuse to let the earl beat him up, and then admit his mistake, it will offset the credit of the eagles.

So this is a means of self-destruction.

It also transfers the conflicts within the members to ordinary people outside, eliminating the pressure on oneself to control the eagles.

This can also be seen that the leader of the eagle group knows his position very well. If he really works hard to build the eagle group into elite soldiers, he will run the station airtight.

The one who couldn't sleep was the Count, and the next day it was time for the fully armed knights to knock on the door.

Even if they rebelled from Bastia and returned to the mountains, the barbarians would not agree. Basically, both sides would be offended and would be dead.

On the contrary, the current chaos and fun are the way to survive for these "traitors" in the mountains.

It’s just that no one cares about this woman who was kidnapped and used as a tool, and no one cares about ordinary eagles like Laura who are used as consumables.

The same ordinary people who were bullied and insulted by them were nothing more than chips to beat the eagles in front of the earl.

"Hmph! If you were not a member of the eagles, you would be dead by now. This woman will use your future mission earnings to compensate. Now take the body and get out of here."

The leader did not hide his anger, and no one knew who he would vent his anger on tonight. Anyway, Laura knew that she had somehow escaped death again.

But he had no money to begin with, and now he suddenly had a large amount of unpaid debt.

No one can tell how much a woman is worth, which means that as long as he wants, he can always take away what little mission reward he has left.

A strong despair arose in Laura's heart, and she seemed to see a gloomy future.

But can she say no?

I'm afraid that as long as he disagrees, those little bosses can't wait to kill him.

Laura had no doubt about this, because especially the guy who offered the woman, the best quality goods that he had finally prepared to please the leader were gone.

If the leader hadn't promised compensation, he might have killed her now.

The unity of the tribe was forgotten, but the bravery and fierceness remained.

Laura silently picked up the body and left in dejection amidst the laughter of everyone.

It wasn't until he walked out of the stronghold and was hit by the night wind that he suddenly woke up and couldn't help but look into the distance.

An eagle on a big tree in the distance seemed to be attracted by some movement, and couldn't help but cast its gaze towards the brightly lit eagle colony.

"Jie!" But the next second a cry broke through the silence of the night sky, and then he turned around and flew away, disappearing into the dark night.


Totnes, the person in charge who waited from day to night finally got the good news.

"The results are out, and the accuracy of the information is 80%, because Bastia has indeed captured a group of knights. The news has spread, and a barbarian tribe did appear in the empire at that time. This should not be a coincidence."

"I think many people will be interested in this news~" When she heard this, she knew that she had not waited in vain. There was an uncontrollable smile on the woman's face, as if she saw gold coins waving to her...

Soon, this piece of information about Bastia appeared on the table of all forces in Totnes.

And the reaction to this news was huge.

Because the empire is currently in civil strife, and the two forces have not yet decided the winner. If a third party is inserted, the situation may become even more chaotic, and the war will also spread to the northern provinces where the empire is relatively stable.

Also, everyone is waiting and watching. If Bastia's actions are not affected by the empire, more careerists will emerge.

By then, no one in the empire will be spared and will be devoured by the flames of war until the new king takes the throne.

No one can ignore a powerful Earl, and he is also very powerful, the Tiger of the Empire, one of the six legends of the Empire!

After they get the news, they will not completely believe it, and will also use their own channels to verify it. By then, the relevant information may have to be further spread.

Along with this information, there was also information about Hamlet repelling and capturing the Bastia Barbarian coalition.

It can only be said that Roma people really know how to do business. The information about Hamlet is another piece of information. One piece of information was sold for two times.

The woman didn't have a good impression of Hamlet. Just as Lance had guessed, she sold the information about Hamlet she got from Amanda without hesitation.

Fortunately, Amanda was on Lance's side, and the battle she told was not about Hamlet's bravery, but the commander Alvin's stupidity that led to the capture of the knights, hiding Hamlet's military strength as much as possible.

When the name [Hamlet], which had been silent for a long time, appeared again in the sight of those big shots, the previous rumors were also sent up.

A sacred place, a dreamland, with strange rules, not to mention a strange energy.

The big guys are not easy to fool, and they can immediately feel the power displayed by Hamlet.

Of course, these news have caused some people to feel uneasy. No one is more afraid of Hamlet reappearing in the world than they are.

There are bound to be many people unable to sleep tonight in Totnes Uptown. Different forces have different concerns, but anyone who wants to take control of the chessboard of the empire cannot ignore the potential shown by Hamlet.

The church doesn't care much about the change of secular political power, because no matter who becomes the lord or the emperor, they have to be responsible for the grassroots.

Their basic base is too stable, and they are not worried about Bastia uniting with the barbarians to seize the throne, nor are they worried that the rise of Hamlet's territory will affect their rule.

Because when Hamlet was at his peak, he still had a deep influence on the church, which was the largest church of light in the north.

And Bastia now also has the power of the church, and no one can leave the church.

On the contrary, the big shot didn't care at all that the information about Hamlet's cure for leprosy caused an exaggerated shock in the Cathedral of Light in Totnes.

It's no wonder that the church is so excited about this news, because the empire has fallen into war, which has caused a lot of messy things to emerge, and the church has been busy suppressing these cult organizations.

Now it is rumored that Hamlet has conquered the terminal disease known as divine punishment and cured leprosy!

This instantly aroused the alarm of the church, because it was shaking their authority.

You dare to treat God's Punishment today, but I don't even dare to think about what you will do tomorrow.

The Inquisition is dispatched!

You'd better really be able to cure it...

Of course, this news also caused a strong reaction from the Doctors Association branch in Totnes.

Leprosy is a terminal disease that lasts for thousands of years. Countless doctors in the association have been working on it for so many years without any obvious results. Now, suddenly, there is a place that can work.

The association can't cure it, but you can. You are better than the association!

Even if they didn't believe it, the news still made the people of the association very curious. For this reason, they formed a medical team to prepare to go to Hamlet to investigate, or to verify the news.

All kinds of forces gathered here in Totnes, and as news spread from Totnes, the name Hamlet appeared frequently.

I'm afraid Lance didn't expect that these pieces of news could cause such a big reaction. This is the power of public opinion.


Bastia, home of the eagles.

In the single room, Laura looked at the woman lying on the ground and was speechless.

It wasn't that she brought the body back, but that the man was not dead. When she carried it out and wanted to throw it away, she discovered that he was still breathing and had a heartbeat.

Originally, she could just go back and pay off the inexplicable debt, or throw it away and ignore it.

It's hard to say that she was injured because she pushed him down, or that the experience during this period made her feel the same way.

Anyway, in the end she carried the man back in a daze, then took out the remaining wound medicine she used to stop the bleeding and bandaged it.

But looking at the woman who hadn't woken up yet, she was a little embarrassed.

What to do with her now?

It was impossible to stay and wait for her to recover, as I could hardly support myself.

What's more, there are only people from the Eagle Group here. This kind of imperial people are looking for death here.

Laura knew that even if she sent the woman back, it would probably not have any effect, because this was not the reason why the leader targeted her.

Saving her and sending her back is equivalent to letting her die directly, or even easier than just letting her die.


At this moment, a low groan sounded, and the sharp eyes of Laura, who was in a daze, were instantly locked on the woman. Seeing that she seemed to be waking up from a coma, her eyes softened slightly.

The woman gradually came to her senses, and the severe pain in her head was suppressed by the strong uneasiness, until she realized that there were no scary guys around, only the familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

"Did you save me? Thank you! Thank you very much!"

Laura didn’t answer her question, still with a cold face, and expelled in a cold tone: “Go quickly when you wake up.”

The woman didn't react until she heard this, but as soon as she stood up, something seemed to be involved, and the feeling she had just suppressed surged up.

A strong dizziness came over my head, and I fell back down.

Laura, who looked like that, didn’t know what to say, but at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the single room, and the sound instantly alarmed the two of them.

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