Our family is in decline

Chapter 472 Bastia’s heart is known to everyone

After the fight, everyone sat down and chatted. Lance told them some interesting things that happened in Hamlet, and everyone talked and laughed together.

Mention will also be made of those soldiers who performed outstandingly in battle. Their brave, determined, fearless, inspiring, and focused human virtues shined brightly in them.

But then Lance would bring up the cruelty of war again, telling them that the upper-level structures such as feudalism, bureaucracy, and the church could not understand, but he only needed to mention the suffering suffered by ordinary people.

And they have a deep understanding of these. Some soldiers told their own stories of what happened to them, which resonated with everyone.

Suffering is not worthy of praise, and killing is not worthy of promotion.

Lance said that these are more of a kind of ideological construction, telling them what they can do, what they cannot do, and why they should do it.

The military is a violent institution, so it needs a correct ideology to lead, otherwise once it gets out of control, it will really be worse than the bandit.

An army with combat effectiveness may not necessarily have ideals, but an army with ideals will definitely have full combat effectiveness. Sometimes the will can really exceed the limit.

They are Lance's last weapon and must not be allowed to lose control.

When he came out of the training camp, the expression on Lance's face changed from the previous worry. He saw Hamlet's future in those recruits.

The wind of corruption that blew through Hamlet did not corrupt their fiery and pure hearts.

But it was still necessary to see, so Lance went to other camps to inspect.

The soldiers who were damaged in successive battles some time ago have all been replenished, and their condition has become more elite after experiencing the baptism of the battlefield.

Especially the cavalry, who had a head-to-head confrontation with Bastia's knights, had basically "died" once, and their appearance after coming back to life was obviously different from before.

A kind of temperament that is difficult to describe in words, a kind of courage that dares to charge against everything.

Lance is already sure of his next move...

Then the lord's figure appeared in the school. Compared to before, there were many more children here.

Most of these new students are refugee children who have lost their parents. This group is generally ten years old and above, because those younger than them have no way to reach Hamlet.

It can be said that they are lucky to be here, and what is even more lucky is that Lance accepted them and gave them clothes, food, shelter and even education.

They were placed directly in schools and received Hamlet's characteristic cultural transformation starting from literacy.

Lance's thinking was very simple. In just one or two years, he would be able to get a group of educated young people. Wouldn't it be more reliable to train them by himself than to use them by others outside?

Of course, this is a huge challenge to the school's affordability and management capabilities. Fortunately, among the refugees, some talents who have flowed out of the city have also been found.

Lance even granted the cleared cemetery in front of the church to the school to build a new school building and teaching building, while completely erasing any trace of the church.

It is somewhat traditional to build a school in a cemetery.

And with Lance's propaganda day after day, no one cares about this. Now the thoughts of Hamlet people are relatively progressive in the entire empire, and even the entire world.

Lance walked around the school, and then communicated with some students, especially those with extraordinary talents that he was paying attention to, and brushed up on his presence.

"Homework is so difficult~" Mary's little mouth twisted, looking a little aggrieved, but her eyes secretly glanced at her brother aside.

Lance looked at her like this and agreed, "Is it because my brother won't let you play until you finish your homework?"

"Yes, yes!" Mary's expression suddenly changed, and she nodded crazily towards Lance, completely unable to see her depression.

Lance couldn't help but laugh when he saw her like that. She learned to report it at such a young age, right?

Tom on the side was a little anxious when he saw his sister speaking ill of him to the lord, and he quickly retorted.

"You can't teach me anything, you idiot!"

"Brother is the idiot!" Mary was also anxious and turned her head away, "Humph! I won't pay attention to you."

Lance knew at a glance that his brother must have stopped teaching his sister homework, and their relationship was vulnerable to homework.

Sure enough, homework is very evil, and Lance, who is required to do homework, is even more "devil".

"Okay~" Lance stopped them gently and comforted Tom: "My sister is still young, so it's normal for her not to understand some problems. We have to be patient."

The sister on the side was a little proud when she heard this, but Lance turned his head and said something to her.

"But you still have to do your homework. Don't worry about things you don't understand..."

Lance knew Tom well. He studied hard and did not waste this rare opportunity. His performance in school was very good.

But at Mary's age, that's when dogs hate cats, so it's normal for her personality to be a little out of touch.

But you can’t let it go like this. Lance knows the consequences of overindulgence better than anyone else. He basically spent his entire life paying for his own choices...

In the principal's room, Lance learned about the school's situation during this period and couldn't help but praise it.

"Mrs. Rosa, you did a great job!"

"It's all what I should do. It's the adults who gave these children a home."

Lance didn't come here to listen to flattery, and immediately mentioned some of the problems he discovered.

"Not only students have to take exams, but teachers also have to take exams. Those who can't keep up are asked to do chores. If they don't understand, they just sit on the podium without many students. What does this mean?

And those teachers found among refugees must pay attention to their tendencies and receive training before teaching. If problems arise..."

The school was built in a hurry, and many teachers were forced to go up because of insufficient manpower. They studied at night and taught students the next morning.

This situation is very helpless, and they have also put in a lot of efforts.

But it is also true that some people cannot keep up. It is impossible to let those people occupy the manhole and not shit, let alone pick up some more professional urban scholars.

Of course, Lance is not going to deny their contribution, but rather move them away from the podium and go to other positions, as long as their treatment remains unchanged.

It is a terrible thing to occupy this position without ability but because of so-called qualifications, leaving those who are capable unable to move up.

He will monopolize the room for improvement and solidify the entire system he built.

Let’s not talk about whether Hamlet can cultivate talents. Even if there are talents, they will leave if they are not respected.

Lance knew better than anyone the reasons why Eugene came to Hamlet, which was that he was treated unfairly in Totnes.

If you have the ability, go up, if you don't, go down. This is Hamlet's truth.

Lance had to lay the foundation well, but he couldn't break the rules.

Of course, we still recognize their contribution, and we must also admit that experience is important in some cases.

What Lance was referring to was more about job transfers and giving up positions. As for the salary, it would not be reduced if no mistakes were made.

It can be expected that some of those people will be dissatisfied, but since he is not dead yet, it is not their turn to be dissatisfied.

If you are unhappy, you can have a fight with the lord.

Lance would like it even more if he did something secretly, and his pension would be revealed to you.

Because there is no need to pay the salary to maintain face, and another amount of money is saved.

Lance is not a good person. He suppresses feudalism and theocracy because he engages in imperial capitalism.

Regarding his crazy centralization of power, unlimited military expansion, exploitation of labor, brutal suppression of all opponents, and the things he did secretly to control the situation, he was the first to take the stage if Hamlet really wanted to shoot war criminals, and everyone else had to wait a little bit. .

But the abstraction is that what the hell he has done is still the most advanced in the empire.

It really corresponds to that sentence - in what age are we still engaged in feudalism? Please do some capitalism.

Lance was discussing the construction and development of the school with the principal, but there was a shout from here.


The appearance of a person interrupted the conversation between the two of them. He seemed to be in a hurry and came over to whisper a few words.

Lance couldn't help but frown when he heard this, but he did not leave in a hurry, but raised his hand towards Mrs. Rosa and waved it slightly.

"It's not a big deal, but I have to deal with it."

After saying that, he stood up and left in a hurry.

Principal Rosa also realized that something had happened, because the people who came to report just now were soldiers, and they would be so confidential when the army was involved.

It's only been almost a month since the last cultist attack, and now there's another problem?

She couldn't help but look worried about this, but there wasn't much she could do except manage the school well and trust the lord.

She didn't have the slightest doubt about this, because he was Lance.

Lance appeared in the command room of the army camp. Before that, Leonard, Patton and Disma were discussing one thing.

But they all stopped after Lance walked in quickly.

"grown ups!"

Lance raised his hand to stop everyone's greetings, "Tell me about the current situation."

"Report sir! Our soldiers who went out for reconnaissance discovered that a group of no less than a thousand people appeared west of Hamlet. If they stop tonight, they are expected to arrive in the town tomorrow."

Leonard took the words and said something similar to what the soldier reported just now, but he still added why the lord needed to be alerted about this matter.

"Refugees of this size have exceeded the normal scope. It is impossible to maintain such a large team without the restraint of strength. Moreover, we also found a convoy of a hundred people among these refugees."

Everyone has seen the world and has been among the refugees, so they naturally understand the meaning behind Leonard's words.

Because refugees usually lack a strong leader, each has their own purpose, which means they are uncontrollable. When there is no unified voice internally, the more people there are, the easier it is to fall into chaos.

It wouldn't be strange if you had a team of more than ten or twenty people, and it would be very strange if there were more than a hundred people on the way to escape, unless there were some heroes in the team.

Large-scale refugees such as thousands or ten thousand people are usually driven out by the rebels in the city. Only simultaneous escapes can be of this scale, and their characteristics are short-term and short-distance.

Because soon these huge teams will continue to split due to the above reasons.

Leonard and the others reported to the lord not the refugees, but the situation behind the refugees.

Now thousands of refugees have appeared near Hamlet. Based on the two conditions of short time and short distance, we know that something must have happened nearby in the past few days.

"Sure enough, something happened..."

Lance was not surprised to hear that. Alhazred mentioned last night that something big must have happened, otherwise the corruption would not deepen.

Although Wangcai was sure that there was nothing going on around Hamlet, Lance still sent out the reconnaissance early this morning. No matter what happened, he had to be prepared.

But now we have indeed received a strange situation.

But Lance was not anxious about this, because it was useless to be anxious. If the refugees came here in large numbers, it would have already happened.

"The specific location?" Lance looked back at the Hamlet map hanging in the command room. It was continuously developed and mapped by them, and in some cases it also represented the scope of control.

"I led a reconnaissance team to discover this place this morning." Dis immediately raised his hand and pointed to a location. "These people are not on the road. If it weren't for their huge team, they would not have been discovered."

Disma has been traveling all over the country for many years, and his strength was born to be a reconnaissance. After the number of horses increased, Lance took some elites from the cavalry to form scouts, and the instructor was Disma.

The reconnaissance ordered by Lance this morning was led by Disma, and he soon brought back the news.

"What do you think happened to make them come to our place?"

"These people are definitely not refugees from Owen in many aspects. Let's not talk about why they didn't leave the road alone. If they want to go up, they have to go around in a circle. Do refugees have this kind of energy?"

The reconnaissance target ordered by the lord today was originally Ovendo, but Disma made his own judgment first.

He had walked this section of the road to Ovendo City many times, and knew that unless the refugees were willing to go around in a circle and abandon the old road with better road conditions, they would not be in this position.

"That's right, these people are not from Ovendo City at all, but Bastia."

Disma's statement was agreed by Lance, and then he found the map seized from Alvin, unfolded it, and ran his fingers through it.

“This is the route where the Knights of Bastia first entered Hamlet, and this is where the refugees are now. Although there is a slight distance between the two, we can see that they came from this way.

The reason why they took this route is also very simple. These places are all relatively large towns in Hamlet's territory. They happen to be near this route, and the trails between towns can also be used by motorcades. These guys are very interested in Hamlet. The route is clearer than the rest of us. "

Lance said with a slightly subtle expression, because this map was better than the map they drew in terms of scope and detail.

This shows that Bastia’s heart is known to everyone.

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